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OT: Guns Save Lives -- Again!

مرّة مشاهدة واحدة
التخطي إلى أول رسالة غير مقروءة

Rich Grise on Google groups

غير مقروءة،
12‏/02‏/2010، 4:25:30 م12‏/2‏/2010
From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley...@nationalgunrights.org>

I thought you would enjoy this story out of Atlanta, Georgia. If you
do, please forward it to your friends.
College student shoots home invader, saves 10 lives

Yet another reason to keep a gun in the house . . .

Several months ago, in the notoriously dangerous neighborhood of
College Park in Atlanta, Georgia, two armed criminals broke into a
house party of students.

After confiscating the group's valuables, the invaders split the men
and women up into different rooms.

Witnesses say the perpetrators then counted their rounds and discussed
if they had "enough" ammunition.

The students believe the gunmen were going to rape and murder the
entire group of students, who were celebrating a birthday at the end
of the semester.

However, one male student, whose identity is being protected by police
and local media, retrieved a handgun from his backpack and fired at
the thug who was detaining the men.

(That is: One smart student had prepared for a night in College Park,

The criminal fled the apartment under the threat of injury and never

The student, continuing on into the girls' room, found the other thug,
23-year-old Calvin Lavant, preparing to rape his first victim.

The student exchanged gunfire with Lavant, lethally wounding him in
the process. Lavant fled through a window and died in front of his
apartment, only one building away.

One of the female students was injured during the exchange, but
doctors expect a full and complete recovery.

So what's the point

A student saved the girls from rape, and saved the whole group of 10
people (including himself) from murder . . . and he did it with a

This is a perfect example of how ludicrous "big city gun laws" are.
What if this had happened in New York, Chicago, or any of the other
big cities that criminalize their citizens' self defense?

Yes, we would be reading an entirely different story -- one so
horrendous that we would shudder at the very words.

Either this whole group of friends would have been raped and murdered
by these two sorry excuses for human beings . . . or the hero of this
story would be facing prison time for firearm possession and murder.

Thankfully, however, Atlanta hasn't outlawed self-defense yet. And
since someone had a gun and was willing to use it, innocent life was

Congratulations to the unnamed hero of this story. You saved your
friends' lives.

In Liberty,
Dudley Brown
Executive Director
National Association for Gun Rights


To help the National Association for Gun Rights grow, please forward
this to a friend.

To view this email as a web page, please click this link: view online.

Help fight gun control. Donate to the National Association for Gun

Paul Hovnanian P.E.

غير مقروءة،
12‏/02‏/2010، 6:04:52 م12‏/2‏/2010
Rich Grise on Google groups wrote:

> So what's the point

The gun control faction just lost a voter.

Paul Hovnanian mailto:Pa...@Hovnanian.com
Don't get even -- get odd! :��

Doug Miller

غير مقروءة،
12‏/02‏/2010، 7:00:27 م12‏/2‏/2010
In article <4B75DE94...@Hovnanian.com>, "Paul Hovnanian P.E." <Pa...@Hovnanian.com> wrote:
>Rich Grise on Google groups wrote:
>> So what's the point
>The gun control faction just lost a voter.
Felons can't vote anyway...


غير مقروءة،
12‏/02‏/2010، 7:05:40 م12‏/2‏/2010
On 12 Feb., 22:25, Rich Grise on Google groups
<richardgr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley.Br...@nationalgunrights.org>

that is about as relevant to anything as if a organization called
"guys agains seltbelts"
said you shouldn't wear seatbelts because in they have a story about
some guy who
survived a crash because he didn't.

I'm sure the risk of something going really bad is much worse with
guys bringing guns
to a party getting drunk and killing someone is much much higher than
the remote
chance that one of them will be the hero that saves the day, given the
utterly remote
risk that it is just that one party in trillion that some decides to
break into and kill all.


T.Alan Kraus

غير مقروءة،
12‏/02‏/2010، 7:09:32 م12‏/2‏/2010
you are an idiot

Dirk Bruere at NeoPax

غير مقروءة،
12‏/02‏/2010، 7:18:43 م12‏/2‏/2010

Stupidity is the most lethal factor.


http://www.transcendence.me.uk/ - Transcendence UK
http://www.theconsensus.org/ - A UK political party
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/onetribe - Occult Talk Show

Paul Hovnanian P.E.

غير مقروءة،
12‏/02‏/2010، 6:41:40 م12‏/2‏/2010

If they get away with it, they're not felons.

Paul Hovnanian mailto:Pa...@Hovnanian.com

Keep your gnosis out of my business!

Paul Hovnanian P.E.

غير مقروءة،
12‏/02‏/2010، 6:50:48 م12‏/2‏/2010
"lang...@fonz.dk" wrote:

> I'm sure the risk of something going really bad is much worse with
> guys bringing guns
> to a party getting drunk and killing someone is much much higher than
> the remote
> chance that one of them will be the hero that saves the day, given the
> utterly remote
> risk that it is just that one party in trillion that some decides to
> break into and kill all.

The statistics are something like 10 to 15K gun fatalities per year vs
somewhere over a million incidents of guns being used to thwart crimes
(not necessarily shooting somone).

Yes, guns are dangerous. Ideally, we would be better off with training
progams. But since these are often the first step in plans for gun
confiscation, there's no legitimate way to make them mandatory. So,
thanks to the gun grabbers, we've got to live with the situation as is.

Paul Hovnanian mailto:Pa...@Hovnanian.com

Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.


غير مقروءة،
12‏/02‏/2010، 8:21:23 م12‏/2‏/2010
And I'm sure that if I saw you getting mugged I'd keep my (permitted to
carry concealed) weapon in the holster . Until the perp was finished , then
I'd take care of him .
Last time I called the cops , three hours later two showed up on my front
porch with drawn weapons . Tried to say that they were responding to a DV
call - but didn't ask to see my wife . The call was about a drug deal in my
driveway , I suspect they were dirty , and sent to take me out .

"When seconds count , the cops are only minutes away." I don't call anymore
If you don't see the .45 on my hip , it's because the .38 is in my pocket .

Royston Vasey

غير مقروءة،
12‏/02‏/2010، 10:04:11 م12‏/2‏/2010

"Rich Grise on Google groups" <richar...@yahoo.com> wrote in message

> From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley...@nationalgunrights.org>
> I thought you would enjoy this story out of Atlanta, Georgia. If you
> do, please forward it to your friends.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> College student shoots home invader, saves 10 lives
> Yet another reason to keep a gun in the house . . .


> Help fight gun control. Donate to the National Association for Gun
> Rights!

Looks like they helped out here as well:



غير مقروءة،
12‏/02‏/2010، 11:21:11 م12‏/2‏/2010
Rich Grise on Google groups wrote:
> From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley...@nationalgunrights.org>
> I thought you would enjoy this story out of Atlanta, Georgia. If you
> do, please forward it to your friends.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

3 dead, 3 hurt in Alabama campus shooting
Woman faculty member denied tenure at University of Alabama's Huntsville
campus, kills three biology professors and injures three other employees
at the school Friday.
It's the second shooting in a week on an area campus. Last Friday, a
14-year-old student was killed in a middle school hallway in nearby
Madison, allegedly by a fellow student.

But, gee Rich, if the lady hadn't lost her temper this Friday, she might
have been able to thwart a crime somewhere next Friday. And that middle
school kid, he definitely could have thwarted a crime somwehere last
Thursday if he was in the right place at the right time, but he wasn't,
so he killed a student on Friday instead.


غير مقروءة،
12‏/02‏/2010، 11:38:19 م12‏/2‏/2010
On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 00:00:27 GMT, spam...@milmac.com (Doug Miller)

You're an idiot. Some states try that horseshit, but the fact is that
only incarcerated felons or felons still on parole have less than full
citizenship rights and the ONLY "right" they lose after that is the
ability to legally own, carry, or use a firearm, and even *that*
disability can be expunged.

Bungalow Bill

غير مقروءة،
12‏/02‏/2010، 11:44:54 م12‏/2‏/2010

You must not watch much news over there, or are too illiterate to know
what is going on.

14 teenagers were slaughtered just a couple weeks ago. They have
already caught one of the shooters.

So we are already up to 2 parties, and there haven't even been a
billion parties yet in the world, much less a trillion.

Pretty much means that you are an idiot. A statistical dingledorf.

Bungalow Bill

غير مقروءة،
12‏/02‏/2010، 11:46:37 م12‏/2‏/2010
On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 16:09:32 -0800, "T.Alan Kraus" <soun...@sonic.net>

Cool. Brow beaten by his own countryman! Good job.


غير مقروءة،
12‏/02‏/2010، 11:47:28 م12‏/2‏/2010
On Feb 12, 3:25 pm, Rich Grise on Google groups
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­-

> To help the National Association for Gun Rights grow, please forward
> this to a friend.
> To view this email as a web page, please click this link: view online.
> Help fight gun control. Donate to the National Association for Gun
> Rights!

Why don't you tell the truth lying NRA winger?

There are too many guns in too many hands of people who should not
have them.

Psych testing for gun ownership is coming.


Prof. in custody in fatal shooting on Ala. campus
By KRISTIN M. HALL, Associated Press Writer Kristin M. Hall,
Associated Press Writer
2 mins ago

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – Authorities say a woman opened fire during a
faculty meeting at the University of Alabama's Huntsville campus,
killing three biology professors and injuring three other school

University spokesman Ray Garner said the shooter was caught outside
the building without incident, and no students were harmed in the
shooting Friday.

Several students identified the woman who was being taken into custody
as Amy Bishop, an instructor and researcher at the university. She was
taken Friday night in handcuffs from a police precinct to the county
jail and could be heard saying, "It didn't happen. There's no way ....
they are still alive."

Local media also named the biology professor as the suspected shooter,
though Garner said he could not identify her.

Police said no charges had been filed and they were interviewing the
woman suspect and a man identified as "a person of interest."

Garner said the three killed were Gopi K. Podila, the chairman of the
Department of Biological Sciences, and two other faculty members,
Maria Ragland Davis and Adriel Johnson.

Two others are in critical condition, and a third who was wounded was
upgraded to fair condition. The injured were identified as department
members Luis Cruz-Vera and Joseph Leahy and staffer Stephanie
Monticello. Their specific conditions were not released.

Sammie Lee Davis said his wife, Maria Ragland Davis, was a researcher
who had tenure at the university.

In a brief phone interview, he said he was told his wife was at a
meeting to discuss the tenure status of another faculty member who got
angry and started shooting.

He said his wife had mentioned the shooter before, describing the
woman as "not being able to deal with reality" and "not as good as she
thought she was."

Nick Lawton, the son of a biology professor at the school, said his
father was not among the victims, but he did not know much more.

Lawton, 25, was exercising when a friend phoned him to tell him about
the shooting. He called his father, Robert Lawton, and found out that
he was not hurt, then he let rest of his family know.

"All I know is that my father is OK," Nick Lawton told The Associated

Sophomore Erin Johnson told The Huntsville Times a biology faculty
meeting was under way when she heard screams coming from a conference

University police secured the building and students were cleared from
it. There was still a heavy police presence on campus Friday night,
with police tape cordoning off the main entrance to the university.

The Huntsville campus has about 7,500 students in northern Alabama,
not far from the Tennessee line. The university is known for its
scientific and engineering programs and often works closely with NASA.

The space agency has a research center on the school's campus, where
many scientists and engineers from NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center
perform Earth and space science research and development.

The university posted a message on its Web site Friday afternoon
telling students the campus was closed Friday night and all students
were encouraged to go home. Counselors were available to speak with

It's the second shooting in a week on an area campus. Last Friday, a
14-year-old student was killed in a middle school hallway in nearby
Madison, allegedly by a fellow student.

"This town is unaccustomed to shootings and multiple deaths," Garner


Associated Press Writers Phillip Rawls and Desiree Hunter in
Montgomery, Ala., and Jacob Jordan and Daniel Yee in Atlanta
contributed to this report.

Son of a Sea Cook

غير مقروءة،
12‏/02‏/2010، 11:50:34 م12‏/2‏/2010
On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 00:18:43 +0000, Dirk Bruere at NeoPax
<dirk....@gmail.com> wrote:

>Stupidity is the most lethal factor.


Especially when you post a link to a site that requires registration.
Pretty fuckin' stupid. You're a true computer dingledorf. Shot yerself
right in the head with that one.

You so smart? Go GRAB the video and put it on a hosting site that does
NOT require a sign up. Or post it up in abse. or abm (alt.binaries.misc)


غير مقروءة،
12‏/02‏/2010، 11:51:46 م12‏/2‏/2010
On Feb 12, 3:25 pm, Rich Grise on Google groups
<richardgr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley.Br...@nationalgunrights.org>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­-

> To help the National Association for Gun Rights grow, please forward
> this to a friend.
> To view this email as a web page, please click this link: view online.
> Help fight gun control. Donate to the National Association for Gun
> Rights!

Why would any sane individual "enjoy" a story about someone being

You just told us more about you than you wanted us to know.

Do you beat your wife too?


Dirk Bruere at NeoPax

غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 10:58:37 ص13‏/2‏/2010
Son of a Sea Cook wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 00:18:43 +0000, Dirk Bruere at NeoPax
> <dirk....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Stupidity is the most lethal factor.
> snip
> Especially when you post a link to a site that requires registration.
> Pretty fuckin' stupid. You're a true computer dingledorf. Shot yerself
> right in the head with that one.

Doesn't need any registration AFAIK.
I have never registered.

John Ferrell

غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 11:31:11 ص13‏/2‏/2010

And the only way to put an end to these events is to have more armed
citizens committed to self defense so that the perps can be put down
immediatly without any hope of any other outcome.

John Ferrell W8CCW


غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 11:41:05 ص13‏/2‏/2010
On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 15:58:37 +0000, Dirk Bruere at NeoPax
<dirk....@gmail.com> wrote:

>Son of a Sea Cook wrote:
>> On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 00:18:43 +0000, Dirk Bruere at NeoPax
>> <dirk....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Stupidity is the most lethal factor.
>> snip
>> Especially when you post a link to a site that requires registration.
>> Pretty fuckin' stupid. You're a true computer dingledorf. Shot yerself
>> right in the head with that one.
>Doesn't need any registration AFAIK.
>I have never registered.

What do you expect from AlwaysWrong?

Son of a Sea Cook

غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 11:50:19 ص13‏/2‏/2010
On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 15:58:37 +0000, Dirk Bruere at NeoPax
<dirk....@gmail.com> wrote:

>Son of a Sea Cook wrote:
>> On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 00:18:43 +0000, Dirk Bruere at NeoPax
>> <dirk....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Stupidity is the most lethal factor.
>> snip
>> Especially when you post a link to a site that requires registration.
>> Pretty fuckin' stupid. You're a true computer dingledorf. Shot yerself
>> right in the head with that one.
>Doesn't need any registration AFAIK.
>I have never registered.

That you are aware of.

It brings up a sign in sheet before you can get to the actual video you
posted (tried to post) a link to.


غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 11:51:34 ص13‏/2‏/2010

Carrying on an Alabama campus (UAH) is illegal. Seems the perp, as
usual, didn't much care about the law but it did mean that the
victims couldn't defend themselves.

Dirk Bruere at NeoPax

غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 12:39:30 م13‏/2‏/2010
Son of a Sea Cook wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 15:58:37 +0000, Dirk Bruere at NeoPax
> <dirk....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Son of a Sea Cook wrote:
>>> On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 00:18:43 +0000, Dirk Bruere at NeoPax
>>> <dirk....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Stupidity is the most lethal factor.
>>> snip
>>> Especially when you post a link to a site that requires registration.
>>> Pretty fuckin' stupid. You're a true computer dingledorf. Shot yerself
>>> right in the head with that one.
>> Doesn't need any registration AFAIK.
>> I have never registered.
> That you are aware of.
> It brings up a sign in sheet before you can get to the actual video you
> posted (tried to post) a link to.

Well, follow the route I took.
Anyway, a mix of the true and the false.
Real fun bit about 28 minutes in.
And as a matter of general advice, when messing around with a tiger do
not piss it off.

Son of a Sea Cook

غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 1:18:26 م13‏/2‏/2010
On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 17:39:30 +0000, Dirk Bruere at NeoPax
<dirk....@gmail.com> wrote:

>Son of a Sea Cook wrote:
>> On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 15:58:37 +0000, Dirk Bruere at NeoPax
>> <dirk....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Son of a Sea Cook wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 00:18:43 +0000, Dirk Bruere at NeoPax
>>>> <dirk....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Stupidity is the most lethal factor.
>>>> snip
>>>> Especially when you post a link to a site that requires registration.
>>>> Pretty fuckin' stupid. You're a true computer dingledorf. Shot yerself
>>>> right in the head with that one.
>>> Doesn't need any registration AFAIK.
>>> I have never registered.
>> That you are aware of.
>> It brings up a sign in sheet before you can get to the actual video you
>> posted (tried to post) a link to.
>Well, follow the route I took.
> http://www.surfthechannel.com/link/1/1023/5111647/0.html
>Anyway, a mix of the true and the false.
>Real fun bit about 28 minutes in.
>And as a matter of general advice, when messing around with a tiger do
>not piss it off.

Yeah, sure, bub. His 15 minutes of fame shot its wad already too.

You're too old not too already be toothless.


Rich Grise on Google groups

غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 2:56:56 م13‏/2‏/2010
On Feb 12, 1:25 pm, Rich Grise on Google groups
> Congratulations to the unnamed hero of this story.  You saved your
> friends' lives.



To the Guy Who Tried to Mug Me in Downtown Savannah night before

Date: 2009-05-27, 1 :43 a.m. E.S.T.

I was the guy wearing the black Burberry jacket that you demanded that
I hand over, shortly after you pulled the knife on me and my
girlfriend, threatening our lives. You also asked for my girlfriend's
purse and earrings. I can only hope that you somehow come across this
rather important message.

First, I'd like to apologize for your embarrassment; I didn't expect
you to actually crap in your pants when I drew my pistol after you
took my jacket.. The evening was not that cold, and I was wearing the
jacket for a reason.. My girlfriend had just bought me that Kimber
Model 1911 .45 ACP pistol for my birthday, and we had picked up a
shoulder holster for it that very evening. Obviously you agree that it
is a very intimidating weapon when pointed at your head ... isn't it?!

I know it probably wasn't fun walking back to wherever you'd come
from with that brown sludge in your pants. I'm sure it was even worse
walking bare-footed since I made you leave your shoes, cell phone, and
wallet with me. [That prevented you from calling or running to your
buddies to come help mug us again].

After I called your mother or "Momma" as you had her listed in your
cell, I explained the entire episode of what you'd done. Then I went
and filled up my gas tank as well as those of four other people in the
gas station, -- on your credit card. The guy with the big motor home
took 150 gallons and was extremely grateful!

I gave your shoes to a homeless guy outside Vinnie Van Go Go's, along
with all the cash in your wallet. [That made his day!]

I then threw your wallet into the big pink "pimp mobile" that was
parked at the curb .... after I broke the windshield and side window
and keyed the entire driver's side of the car

Later, I called a bunch of phone sex numbers from your cell phone. Ma
Bell just now shut down the line, although I only used the phone for a
little over a day now, so what 's going on with that? Earlier, I
managed to get in two threatening phone calls to the DA's office and
one to the FBI, while mentioning President Obama as my possible

The FBI guy seemed really intense and we had a nice long chat (I
guess while he traced your number etc.).

;In a way, perhaps I should apologize for not killing you ... but I
feel this type of retribution is a far more appropriate punishment for
your threatened crime. I wish you well as you try to sort through some
of these rather immediate pressing issues, and can only hope that you
have the opportunity to reflect upon, and perhaps reconsider, the
career path you've chosen to pursue in life.. Remember, next time you
might not be so lucky.Have a good day!

Thoughtfully yours,





غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 3:37:43 م13‏/2‏/2010

One day's "victim" can be another day's perp. People snap.


غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 3:44:09 م13‏/2‏/2010

Well, assuming it isn't BS (which appears likely), what do you think
about this bit?

" I then threw your wallet into the big pink "pimp mobile" that was
parked at the curb .... after I broke the windshield and side window
and keyed the entire driver's side of the car"

What would you have done if you saw him trashing your car?

Rich Grise on Google groups

غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 4:11:42 م13‏/2‏/2010
On Feb 13, 12:44 pm, Beryl <fo...@road.net> wrote:
> Rich Grise on Google groups wrote:
> > On Feb 12, 1:25 pm, Rich Grise on Google groups
> >> From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley.Br...@nationalgunrights.org>
> >> Congratulations to the unnamed hero of this story.  You saved your
> >> friends' lives.
> > To the Guy Who Tried to Mug Me in Downtown  Savannah  night before
> > last.
> > Date: 2009-05-27, 1 :43 a.m.  E.S.T.
> > I was the guy wearing the black Burberry jacket that you demanded that
> > I hand over, shortly after you pulled the knife on me and my
> > girlfriend, threatening our lives. You also asked for my girlfriend's
> > purse and earrings. I can only hope that you somehow come across this
> > rather important message.
> > Thoughtfully yours,
> > Alex
> > ------------------------

> Well, assuming it isn't BS (which appears likely), what do you think
> about this bit?
> " I then threw your wallet into the big pink "pimp mobile" that was
> parked at the curb .... after I broke the windshield and side window
> and keyed the entire driver's side of the car"

I think Alex went a little overboard and unnecessarily escalated a
crime which
should have been nipped in the bud.

> What would you have done if you saw him trashing your car?

I'd have tried to stop him, of course, but who drives a big pink
pimpmobile anyway?

Admittedly, the story is a little over the top, and Alex went
overboard on his
response, but it does make a point that an armed citizen deterred a
crime -
it's shameful that he went on a crime spree of his own, I agree, but
doesn't alter the fact that private gun ownership _does_ deter crime.
In fact,
if the owner of the big pink pimpmobile had caught Alex in the act, he
have shot Alex's kneecaps off.

Be careful what you ask for! ;-)


Richard Heathfield

غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 4:14:48 م13‏/2‏/2010
Rich Grise on Google groups wrote:
> On Feb 13, 12:44 pm, Beryl <fo...@road.net> wrote:


>> " I then threw your wallet into the big pink "pimp mobile" that was
>> parked at the curb .... after I broke the windshield and side window
>> and keyed the entire driver's side of the car"


>> What would you have done if you saw him trashing your car?
> I'd have tried to stop him, of course, but who drives a big pink
> pimpmobile anyway?

A big pink pimp?


Richard Heathfield <http://www.cpax.org.uk>
Email: -http://www. +rjh@
"Usenet is a strange place" - dmr 29 July 1999
Sig line vacant - apply within


غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 4:46:18 م13‏/2‏/2010

It is better than a story about 10 being killed.

>You just told us more about you than you wanted us to know.

And you have told us that you'd rather there be 10 or so corpses
laying on the ground that one attacker killed.

>Do you beat your wife too?

But you'd rather she and her children die than use a gun to save
herself or her children.

Jim Thompson

غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 5:29:32 م13‏/2‏/2010
On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 16:46:18 -0500, jf...@ix.netcom.com wrote:

>On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 20:51:46 -0800 (PST), Too_Many_Tools
><too_man...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>On Feb 12, 3:25�pm, Rich Grise on Google groups
>><richardgr...@yahoo.com> wrote:


>>Why would any sane individual "enjoy" a story about someone being
> It is better than a story about 10 being killed.
>>You just told us more about you than you wanted us to know.
>And you have told us that you'd rather there be 10 or so corpses
>laying on the ground that one attacker killed.
>>Do you beat your wife too?
> But you'd rather she and her children die than use a gun to save
>herself or her children.

Learn how to kill-file ALL googlegroup posters (preceded by a
white-list of those as you deem appropriate).

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, CTO | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona 85048 Skype: Contacts Only | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.


غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 5:49:08 م13‏/2‏/2010
On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 15:29:32 -0700, Jim Thompson
<To-Email-Use-Th...@My-Web-Site.com> wrote:

>On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 16:46:18 -0500, jf...@ix.netcom.com wrote:
>>On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 20:51:46 -0800 (PST), Too_Many_Tools
>><too_man...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>On Feb 12, 3:25�pm, Rich Grise on Google groups
>>><richardgr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>Why would any sane individual "enjoy" a story about someone being
>> It is better than a story about 10 being killed.
>>>You just told us more about you than you wanted us to know.
>>And you have told us that you'd rather there be 10 or so corpses
>>laying on the ground that one attacker killed.
>>>Do you beat your wife too?
>> But you'd rather she and her children die than use a gun to save
>>herself or her children.
>Learn how to kill-file ALL googlegroup posters (preceded by a
>white-list of those as you deem appropriate).
> ...Jim Thompson

Learn how to fuck off when you think about telling people what to do.
Here or anywhere else, dumbfuck.

Jim Chandler

غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 6:55:54 م13‏/2‏/2010

You are a typical liberal idiot, TMT. Your name should be changed to
"I dropped too many tools on my head". Psych testing is only good for
the moment it is done. It will not tell you ANYTHING about the future
actions of the one tested. Only a moronic liberal (that's you) would
believe that testing will do any good.



غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 7:44:23 م13‏/2‏/2010

That doesn't change the fact that the others were not permitted to
defend themselves against the crazy.

BTW, it's not the first time she's killed someone. She killed her
brother twenty-something years ago. Taxyourtwoshits didn't charge
her. Surprise, surprise.


غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 7:46:57 م13‏/2‏/2010

Not that you'd *ever* do anything of the kind, AlwaysWrong. You
really are a dim bulb, DimBulb.


غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 10:08:02 م13‏/2‏/2010
> John Ferrell W8CCW- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

So you are saying that children should be armed to protect themselves
from their crazy gunnut parents?

What firearm do you recommend for a two year old?



غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 10:09:00 م13‏/2‏/2010
On Feb 13, 10:51 am, krw <k...@att.bizzzzzzzzzzz> wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 20:21:11 -0800, Beryl <fo...@road.net> wrote:
> >Rich Grise on Google groups wrote:
> >> From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley.Br...@nationalgunrights.org>

> >> I thought you would enjoy this story out of Atlanta, Georgia.  If you
> >> do, please forward it to your friends.
> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >3 dead, 3 hurt in Alabama campus shooting
> ><http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2010-02-12-alabama-university-sho...>

> >Woman faculty member denied tenure at University of Alabama's Huntsville
> >campus, kills three biology professors and injures three other employees
> >at the school Friday.
> >It's the second shooting in a week on an area campus. Last Friday, a
> >14-year-old student was killed in a middle school hallway in nearby
> >Madison, allegedly by a fellow student.
> >But, gee Rich, if the lady hadn't lost her temper this Friday, she might
> >have been able to thwart a crime somewhere next Friday. And that middle
> >school kid, he definitely could have thwarted a crime somwehere last
> >Thursday if he was in the right place at the right time, but he wasn't,
> >so he killed a student on Friday instead.
> Carrying on an Alabama campus (UAH) is illegal.  Seems the perp, as
> usual,  didn't much care about the law but it did mean that the
> victims couldn't defend themselves.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

If the prep had been prevented from getting a gun these people would
still be alive.



غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 10:10:41 م13‏/2‏/2010
On Feb 13, 1:56 pm, Rich Grise on Google groups

LOL...it is a joke...a poor one.



غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 10:12:03 م13‏/2‏/2010
> Jim- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Psych testing would tell us that you should not own guns.

Good enough for me and the rest of America.



غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 10:39:26 م13‏/2‏/2010

A Ruger .22 automatic. It has a nice, long barrel so the kid
can't reach the trigger if she points it at her head.


Martin H. Eastburn

غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 10:53:13 م13‏/2‏/2010
THe other thing I heard she was very highly regarded in her field.
The or one of the top level in the country.

What makes me think there was something sour in the faculty.
Maybe an ego, likely was not social enough for them or religious...
I don't think we will ever know as those who caused the situation
are either dead or keeping their mouth shut.



غير مقروءة،
13‏/02‏/2010، 11:32:09 م13‏/2‏/2010
Rich Grise on Google groups wrote:

> I think Alex went a little overboard and unnecessarily escalated a
> crime which should have been nipped in the bud.

Well, Alex sure taught him a lesson. Leaves me wondering how the
unsuccessful knife wielding robber is going to approach his next victim.

E Z Peaces

غير مقروءة،
14‏/02‏/2010، 12:44:23 ص14‏/2‏/2010
Rich Grise on Google groups wrote:

> College student shoots home invader, saves 10 lives

The Atlanta Journal didn't mention college students. It's a vague term
that could mean there were one or two at the gathering who had dropped
out or taken a couple of courses. The Iranians who held Americans
hostage at the embassy called themselves students.

The nearest campus, Atlanta Technical College, is six miles away.

> Yet another reason to keep a gun in the house . . .
> Several months ago, in the notoriously dangerous neighborhood of
> College Park in Atlanta, Georgia, two armed criminals broke into a
> house party of students.

College Park is a city, named more than a century ago, when there was a
college there.

They "burst in" through the patio door about 2:54 AM on a Sunday
morning. If it was closed, "burst in" presumably meant sliding it open.
With ten people in the apartment on a May night, it may have been open.

Calvin Lavant, the man who was killed, was of college age and lived in
an apartment in the same complex. It's private real estate and doesn't
look like a slum. Did he really intend to rob and murder a large group
next door to his home? Or did somebody at the party invite him by cell

He died a few steps from the apartment after saying, "Someone help me.
Call the police. Somebody call the police." Wouldn't a fleeing felon
have asked instead for an ambulance?

> After confiscating the group's valuables, the invaders split the men
> and women up into different rooms.
> Witnesses say the perpetrators then counted their rounds and discussed
> if they had "enough" ammunition.

No witness spoke to the newspaper. Only one, the tenant, spoke to the
TV reporter. The reporter kept saying "apparently," not what the
witness had actually seen.

However, the witness said that after Lavant took the women into the
bedroom, the intruders "started counting bullets." "The other guy asked
how many (bullets) he had. He said he had enough."

So the put on masks and take wallets and cell phones, but the don't know
if they have ten bullets between them? And the idea of shooting
everybody occurs only as an afterthought? When the other guy simply
says he has enough, is he the only one armed?

If the tenant witnessed it, Lavant must have left the women alone to
discuss ammunition with his friend. Did he make the women promise not
to escape through the ground-floor window that he allegedly jumped
through a minute later?

> The students believe the gunmen were going to rape and murder the
> entire group of students, who were celebrating a birthday at the end
> of the semester.

I see. One of the intruders likes ladies, and the other finds gentlemen
sexier. They split the group up so they won't rape the wrong sex.
Armed or not, how does the only rapist in the room make all the other
adults behave as they await their turn?

> However, one male student, whose identity is being protected by police
> and local media, retrieved a handgun from his backpack and fired at
> the thug who was detaining the men.

Why have a backpack at a birthday party at 3 AM? In GA, you have to
have a license to carry a gun in a backpack, and it has to be in a
holster. If he carried a concealed weapon for safety, wouldn't it be on
his body?

With an armed robber watching, would he really be able to go to his back
pack, remove the holster, take the gun from the holster, and fire (but
miss)? And the intruder doesn't fire back?

> (That is: One smart student had prepared for a night in College Park,
> Atlanta.)
> The criminal fled the apartment under the threat of injury and never
> returned.
> The student, continuing on into the girls' room, found the other thug,
> 23-year-old Calvin Lavant, preparing to rape his first victim.
> The student exchanged gunfire with Lavant, lethally wounding him in
> the process. Lavant fled through a window and died in front of his
> apartment, only one building away.

The TV reporter quoted the tenant a little differently. "Apparently the
guy was getting ready to rape his girlfriend. So he told the girls to
get down and he started shooting. The guy jumped out of the window."

What does "preparing" mean? If his pants were around his ankles, he
couldn't have jumped out the window and run away. After hearing shots,
wouldn't he have shot the boyfriend as soon as he opened the door? If
he had been armed and masked, wouldn't a weapon and mask have been found?

> One of the female students was injured during the exchange, but
> doctors expect a full and complete recovery.

The TV report said she was shot several times. Of all the women at the
party, the shooter's girlfriend is the one Lavant allegedly prepares to
rape. She and the others waited patiently when he went out do count
bullets? Then the guy who thought he was her boyfriend shot them both.

A couple of days later, the Cordele newspaper said Cordele police had
picked up somebody suspected of being the other intruder. That was nine
months ago. If there have been no follow-up reports of such a
sensational story, I'd say the suspect was released and attorneys for
the so-called college students want sleeping dogs to lie.

How about... By 3 AM, a party guest is pretty drunk because his
girlfriend is leaving him. Thanks to lax gun control, he has a brought
a gun in a backpack. The new boy lives next door. The drunk phones
and invites the couple over. He shoots them both. Nobody knew he had a
gun, and nobody dares squeal, so they settle on a masked-terrorist theme.

Michael A. Terrell

غير مقروءة،
14‏/02‏/2010، 5:16:18 ص14‏/2‏/2010

According to several news stories it isn't the first time she killed
someone. She was a suspect when her brother was killed, but the entire
file about her and that crime are missing.

BTW, i'm surprised she didn't get tenure. She's violent & insane,
after all.

Greed is the root of all eBay.


غير مقروءة،
14‏/02‏/2010، 9:39:34 ص14‏/2‏/2010

Preps are not allowed to have guns?


غير مقروءة،
14‏/02‏/2010، 10:46:16 ص14‏/2‏/2010

The blunderbuss is a good choice. A young person has a bit of a hard
time aiming accurately.



غير مقروءة،
14‏/02‏/2010، 10:55:01 ص14‏/2‏/2010
On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 21:53:13 -0600, "Martin H. Eastburn"
<lion...@consolidated.net> wrote:

>THe other thing I heard she was very highly regarded in her field.
>The or one of the top level in the country.
>What makes me think there was something sour in the faculty.
>Maybe an ego, likely was not social enough for them or religious...
>I don't think we will ever know as those who caused the situation
>are either dead or keeping their mouth shut.

Are you a Muslim terrorist apologist, too? We all know you're a
stupid top poster.


غير مقروءة،
14‏/02‏/2010، 10:56:06 ص14‏/2‏/2010

Well, it was at UAH. She would have been a shoe-in at Harvard.


غير مقروءة،
14‏/02‏/2010، 10:57:48 ص14‏/2‏/2010
On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 19:09:00 -0800 (PST), Too_Many_Tools
<too_man...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Too Stupid doesn't realize that it's impossible to prevent anyone from
getting guns. No surprise, Too Stupid never hides his absolute zero


غير مقروءة،
14‏/02‏/2010، 11:00:06 ص14‏/2‏/2010

You're just too stupid for words, TooStupid.

>Good enough for me and the rest of America.

You speak for "the rest of America"? I don't think so, TooStupid.


غير مقروءة،
14‏/02‏/2010، 11:01:31 ص14‏/2‏/2010
On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 19:10:41 -0800 (PST), Too_Many_Tools
<too_man...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Ask your mother about poor jokes, TooStupid.

Burled Frau

غير مقروءة،
14‏/02‏/2010، 11:30:22 ص14‏/2‏/2010

"Too_Many_Tools" <too_man...@yahoo.com> wrote in message

Your two mommies didn't think it was a joke when he was calling them on the

Michael A. Terrell

غير مقروءة،
14‏/02‏/2010، 1:37:50 م14‏/2‏/2010

Too_Many_Tools wrote:
> On Feb 12, 3:25 pm, Rich Grise on Google groups

> <richardgr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley.Br...@nationalgunrights.org>
> >
> > Congratulations to the unnamed hero of this story. You saved your
> > friends' lives.
> >
> > In Liberty,
> > Dudley Brown
> > Executive Director
> > National Association for Gun Rights
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------�-
> >
> > To help the National Association for Gun Rights grow, please forward
> > this to a friend.
> >
> > To view this email as a web page, please click this link: view online.
> >
> > Help fight gun control. Donate to the National Association for Gun
> > Rights!
> Why would any sane individual "enjoy" a story about someone being
> killed?
> You just told us more about you than you wanted us to know.
> Do you beat your wife too?

So, you're uset that you can't own a gun, or find a wife?

You just told us more about you than you wanted us to know.

تم حذف الرسالة.


غير مقروءة،
14‏/02‏/2010، 3:17:38 م14‏/2‏/2010
E Z Peaces wrote:

> He died a few steps from the apartment after saying, "Someone help me.
> Call the police. Somebody call the police." Wouldn't a fleeing felon
> have asked instead for an ambulance?

Asking for the police makes no sense at all. You brought up a lot of
good points.

E Z Peaces

غير مقروءة،
14‏/02‏/2010، 7:05:44 م14‏/2‏/2010

Youtube has the TV interview with the tenant. It looks as if the
reporter confronted him on the sidewalk. It's hot enough that the
reporter wears a tie with no coat, yet the tenant keeps his face
somewhat concealed under a hood. Between the hood and the horn-rimmed
glasses, I might not recognize him if I saw him again.

Each time he speaks, he gazes down so all you see of his eyes are the
lids. He speaks in a couple of quick sentences at a time, as if
rehearsed. Each time he speaks, he turns his head back and forth as if
saying "no." Isn't that considered a telltale sign of lying?

"Apparently his intent was to rape and murder us all." I heard it from
the horses mouth. He's not telling us what he saw but the scenario he
wants us to imagine.

The reporter asks if he knew the suspect lived next door. The tenant
tips up his head and, with lots of inflection, asks, "WHAT????" The
reporter repeats the news. The tenant gazes down again and says, "Oh man!"

The reporter says the tenant then told him the gunmen told him they had
been watching him "and now he knows how."

The tenant completely loses credibility here. When a next-door neighbor
is shot at a party, won't police look for a connection to somebody
there? Won't they tell the tenant the dead man lived next door? This
tenant even told police the masked men told him they had been watching
him. Are we to believe the police didn't tell him he lived next door?

The reporter said Lavant died of wounds to his face and arm. Did he
really climb out a window wounded that way?

The tenant wouldn't have planned a murder in his apartment, but a host
may aid in a cover-up to avoid being implicated in another crime. Are
date-rape drugs still popular among college guys? A birthday party
would be a way to get the victims to the apartment and to have them come
with guys they might not otherwise date.

By 3 AM, perhaps the only ones there were unconscious victims, perps
waiting to take them home, and the host. If they told police there were
ten, they may have said there were friends of friends, whose last names
they didn't know, who left after the shooting.

One thing the perps want to do is go through the girls' purses, and
that's why the cops find the girls on beds and their open purses in the
living room. One or two of the perps want to use the occasion to kill a
girlfriend and her secret boyfriend, who has moved in next door. So
they text him with her phone. When he appears, one shoots him in the
face and arm at the patio door, and he flees without the obstacle of
climbing out a window. The shooter or a friend shoots the unconscious
girlfriend and breaks the window. In their mind, they have executed a
couple guilty of adultery, as Moses and rap stars commanded.

The tenant has to go along with the coverup because using those drugs is
a felony. The parents of the perps call their lawyers. The coverup is
easy because everybody loves the idea of shooting a young black male


غير مقروءة،
14‏/02‏/2010، 11:26:56 م14‏/2‏/2010
Jim Chandler wrote:

> Psych testing is only good for the moment it is done. It will not
> tell you ANYTHING about the future actions of the one tested.

Psych testing for gun ownership could have made all the difference to
three dead biology professors. The moment when Amy Bishop shot her
brother came back, 24 years in the future, to the University of
Alabama's Huntsville campus.

And now I see more stories about her.
Amy Bishop at time of 1993 mail bomb investigation
Accused shooter linked to Harvard bomb plot
Alleged University Shooter Was Suspect in Harvard Professor Bomb Attempt


غير مقروءة،
14‏/02‏/2010، 11:35:25 م14‏/2‏/2010
Rich Grise on Google groups wrote:
> From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley...@nationalgunrights.org>
> I thought you would enjoy this story out of Atlanta, Georgia. If you
> do, please forward it to your friends.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Something's wrong with the story, Dudley.
I enjoyed the analysis by E Z Peaces.

> ...

> Congratulations to the unnamed hero of this story. You saved your
> friends' lives.

Dudley, it's sort of looking now like this could have been a
premeditated murder. Committed by your unnamed hero.

> In Liberty,
> Dudley Brown
> Executive Director
> National Association for Gun Rights

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


غير مقروءة،
14‏/02‏/2010، 11:40:55 م14‏/2‏/2010
Most people who "go postal" and murder their colleagues, are not
previously described as obviosly deranged. Psychological screening,
constrained by a multitude of complicated legal issues, would never be
able to identify such people. It is a legal and practical
impossibility promoted by gun haters.


Michael A. Terrell

غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 4:33:06 ص15‏/2‏/2010

South America, maybe?

Michael A. Terrell

غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 4:34:47 ص15‏/2‏/2010

krw wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 14:49:08 -0800, Bart!
> <B@rt_The_Sheriff_Is_A_Nig***!.org> wrote:
> >On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 15:29:32 -0700, Jim Thompson
> ><To-Email-Use-Th...@My-Web-Site.com> wrote:
> >
> >>On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 16:46:18 -0500, jf...@ix.netcom.com wrote:

> >>
> >>>On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 20:51:46 -0800 (PST), Too_Many_Tools
> >>><too_man...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>On Feb 12, 3:25 pm, Rich Grise on Google groups
> >>>><richardgr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >>[snip]

> >>>>
> >>>>Why would any sane individual "enjoy" a story about someone being
> >>>>killed?
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> It is better than a story about 10 being killed.

> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>You just told us more about you than you wanted us to know.
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>And you have told us that you'd rather there be 10 or so corpses
> >>>laying on the ground that one attacker killed.

> >>>
> >>>>Do you beat your wife too?
> >>>>
> >>>>TMT
> >>>
> >>> But you'd rather she and her children die than use a gun to save
> >>>herself or her children.
> >>
> >>Learn how to kill-file ALL googlegroup posters (preceded by a
> >>white-list of those as you deem appropriate).
> >>
> >> ...Jim Thompson
> >
> > Learn how to fuck off when you think about telling people what to do.
> >Here or anywhere else, dumbfuck.
> Not that you'd *ever* do anything of the kind, AlwaysWrong. You
> really are a dim bulb, DimBulb.

He's not man enough to pick up a gun. that's why he used to shovel
horse shit out of barns.

John Husvar

غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 8:54:44 ص15‏/2‏/2010
In article <rLOdnc1zsLs1UeXW...@posted.toastnet>,
Beryl <fo...@road.net> wrote:

"Linked to," "suspect," etc. etc. might have suggested she was a
dangerous person. Or it might merely suggest she had acquaintance with
some less than savory people. Her brother's death was treated as an

Accidents happen and/or murders get treated as accidents sometimes.

Now exactly what psychological test would have predicted she might shoot
colleagues in what was apparently a tenure dispute?

Someone may have dropped the proverbial ball with regard to her violent
proclivities, but it's far too late now for any second guessing.

Oh, and the gun in neither case, the professor or the partygoer, did one
damned thing: People did something _using_ a gun, a gun neither you, I
nor any other entity could have prevented them having if either was
determined to have one.

Sorry, freedom is dangerous and expensive. Life is like that, guns or

Archimedes' Lever

غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 8:55:00 ص15‏/2‏/2010

Stop by and find out whether you eat horseshit or lead, asswipe.


غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 10:47:30 ص15‏/2‏/2010
In article <A6adne3EwejFtevW...@posted.toastnet>,
fo...@road.net says...

> Rich Grise on Google groups wrote:
> > From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley...@nationalgunrights.org>
> >
> > I thought you would enjoy this story out of Atlanta, Georgia. If you
> > do, please forward it to your friends.
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 3 dead, 3 hurt in Alabama campus shooting
> <http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2010-02-12-alabama-university-shooting_N.htm>
> Woman faculty member denied tenure at University of Alabama's Huntsville
> campus, kills three biology professors and injures three other employees
> at the school Friday.
> It's the second shooting in a week on an area campus. Last Friday, a
> 14-year-old student was killed in a middle school hallway in nearby
> Madison, allegedly by a fellow student.
> But, gee Rich, if the lady hadn't lost her temper this Friday, she might
> have been able to thwart a crime somewhere next Friday. And that middle
> school kid, he definitely could have thwarted a crime somwehere last
> Thursday if he was in the right place at the right time, but he wasn't,
> so he killed a student on Friday instead.

"To ban guns because criminals use them is to tell the innocent and
law-abiding that their rights and liberties depend not on their own
conduct, but on the conduct of the guilty and the lawless, and that the
law will permit them to have only such rights and liberties as the
lawless will allow... For society does not control crime, ever, by
forcing the law-abiding to accommodate themselves to the expected
behavior of criminals. Society controls crime by forcing the criminals
to accommodate themselves to the expected behavior of the law-abiding."
---------- Jeff Snyder

Michael A. Terrell

غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 12:09:35 م15‏/2‏/2010

Too_Many_Tools wrote:

> On Feb 13, 10:51 am, krw <k...@att.bizzzzzzzzzzz> wrote:
> > On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 20:21:11 -0800, Beryl <fo...@road.net> wrote:
> > >Rich Grise on Google groups wrote:
> > >> From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley.Br...@nationalgunrights.org>

> >
> > >> I thought you would enjoy this story out of Atlanta, Georgia. If you
> > >> do, please forward it to your friends.
> > >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > >3 dead, 3 hurt in Alabama campus shooting
> > ><http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2010-02-12-alabama-university-sho...>

> > >Woman faculty member denied tenure at University of Alabama's Huntsville
> > >campus, kills three biology professors and injures three other employees
> > >at the school Friday.
> > >It's the second shooting in a week on an area campus. Last Friday, a
> > >14-year-old student was killed in a middle school hallway in nearby
> > >Madison, allegedly by a fellow student.
> >
> > >But, gee Rich, if the lady hadn't lost her temper this Friday, she might
> > >have been able to thwart a crime somewhere next Friday. And that middle
> > >school kid, he definitely could have thwarted a crime somwehere last
> > >Thursday if he was in the right place at the right time, but he wasn't,
> > >so he killed a student on Friday instead.
> >
> > Carrying on an Alabama campus (UAH) is illegal. Seems the perp, as
> > usual, didn't much care about the law but it did mean that the
> > victims couldn't defend themselves.- Hide quoted text -

> >
> > - Show quoted text -
> If the prep had been prevented from getting a gun these people would
> still be alive.


Michael A. Terrell

غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 12:10:26 م15‏/2‏/2010

T_M_T is Dimbulb's twin sister, after all.

Michael A. Terrell

غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 12:12:08 م15‏/2‏/2010

Too_Many_Tools wrote:
> Psych testing would tell us that you should not own guns.
> Good enough for me and the rest of America.

Psych testing would tell us that you are too stupid to ever post
anything that makes sense.


غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 3:33:33 م15‏/2‏/2010
John Husvar wrote:

> Oh, and the gun in neither case, the professor or the partygoer, did one
> damned thing:

Not all by itself. A gun is only a tool, of course.

> People did something _using_ a gun,

Right. To do a particular job, you often need a particular tool.

> a gun neither you, I nor any other entity could have prevented them having if either was determined to have one.

Agreed. We need to do better.


غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 3:34:38 م15‏/2‏/2010
On Feb 13, 5:55 pm, Jim Chandler <n4...@gte.net> wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 20:47:28 -0800 (PST), Too_Many_Tools
> <too_many_to...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >On Feb 12, 3:25 pm, Rich Grise on Google groups

> ><richardgr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >> From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley.Br...@nationalgunrights.org>
> >> I thought you would enjoy this story out of Atlanta, Georgia.  If you
> >> do, please forward it to your friends.
> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >It's the second shooting in a week on an area campus. Last Friday, a
> >14-year-old student was killed in a middle school hallway in nearby
> >Madison, allegedly by a fellow student.
> >"This town is unaccustomed to shootings and multiple deaths," Garner
> >said.
> >___
> >Associated Press Writers Phillip Rawls and Desiree Hunter in
> >Montgomery, Ala., and Jacob Jordan and Daniel Yee in Atlanta
> >contributed to this report.
> You are a typical liberal idiot, TMT.  Your name should be changed to
> "I dropped too many tools on my head".  Psych testing is only good for

> the moment it is done.  It will not tell you ANYTHING about the future
> actions of the one tested.  Only a moronic liberal (that's you) would
> believe that testing will do any good.
> Jim- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

LOL...and which one of us is ranting and foaming at their conservative

Psych testing would likely prevented you from owning a gun...and your
family and neighbors would be safer because of it.



غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 3:35:40 م15‏/2‏/2010
On Feb 13, 6:44 pm, krw <k...@att.bizzzzzzzzzzz> wrote:

> On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 12:37:43 -0800, Beryl <fo...@road.net> wrote:
> >krw wrote:
> >> On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 20:21:11 -0800, Beryl <fo...@road.net> wrote:
> >>> Rich Grise on Google groups wrote:
> >>>> From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley.Br...@nationalgunrights.org>
> >>>> I thought you would enjoy this story out of Atlanta, Georgia.  If you
> >>>> do, please forward it to your friends.
> >>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>> 3 dead, 3 hurt in Alabama campus shooting
> >>> <http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2010-02-12-alabama-university-sho...>
> >>> Woman faculty member denied tenure at University of Alabama's Huntsville
> >>> campus, kills three biology professors and injures three other employees
> >>> at the school Friday.
> >>> It's the second shooting in a week on an area campus. Last Friday, a
> >>> 14-year-old student was killed in a middle school hallway in nearby
> >>> Madison, allegedly by a fellow student.
> >>> But, gee Rich, if the lady hadn't lost her temper this Friday, she might
> >>> have been able to thwart a crime somewhere next Friday. And that middle
> >>> school kid, he definitely could have thwarted a crime somwehere last
> >>> Thursday if he was in the right place at the right time, but he wasn't,
> >>> so he killed a student on Friday instead.
> >> Carrying on an Alabama campus (UAH) is illegal.  Seems the perp, as
> >> usual,  didn't much care about the law but it did mean that the
> >> victims couldn't defend themselves.
> >One day's "victim" can be another day's perp. People snap.
> That doesn't change the fact that the others were not permitted to
> defend themselves against the crazy.
> BTW, it's not the first time she's killed someone.  She killed her
> brother twenty-something years ago.  Taxyourtwoshits didn't charge
> her.  Surprise, surprise.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

It also causes society to ask the question..."How did this crazy
conservative get a gun?"



غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 3:36:50 م15‏/2‏/2010
On Feb 13, 9:39 pm, Mensanator <mensana...@aol.com> wrote:
> On Feb 13, 9:08 pm, Too_Many_Tools <too_many_to...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > On Feb 13, 10:31 am, John Ferrell <jferrel...@triad.rr.com> wrote:
> > > On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 20:47:28 -0800 (PST), Too_Many_Tools
> > > <too_many_to...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > >On Feb 12, 3:25 pm, Rich Grise on Google groups

> > > ><richardgr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > >> From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley.Br...@nationalgunrights.org>
> > > >> I thought you would enjoy this story out of Atlanta, Georgia.  If you
> > > >> do, please forward it to your friends.
> > > >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > >It's the second shooting in a week on an area campus. Last Friday, a
> > > >14-year-old student was killed in a middle school hallway in nearby
> > > >Madison, allegedly by a fellow student.
> > > >"This town is unaccustomed to shootings and multiple deaths," Garner
> > > >said.
> > > >___
> > > >Associated Press Writers Phillip Rawls and Desiree Hunter in
> > > >Montgomery, Ala., and Jacob Jordan and Daniel Yee in Atlanta
> > > >contributed to this report.
> > > And the only way to put an end to these events is to have more armed
> > > citizens committed to self defense so that the perps can be put down
> > > immediatly without any hope of any other outcome.
> > > John Ferrell W8CCW- Hide quoted text -

> > > - Show quoted text -
> > So you are saying that children should be armed to protect themselves
> > from their crazy gunnut parents?
> > What firearm do you recommend for a two year old?
> A Ruger .22 automatic. It has a nice, long barrel so the kid
> can't reach the trigger if she points it at her head.
> > TMT- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I disagree...too heavy.

And the parents would see the gun pointed at them before the kid had
the chance to pull the trigger.



غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 3:38:28 م15‏/2‏/2010
On Feb 13, 9:53 pm, "Martin H. Eastburn" <lionsl...@consolidated.net>

> THe other thing I heard she was very highly regarded in her field.
> The or one of the top level in the country.
> What makes me think there was something sour in the faculty.
> Maybe an ego, likely was not social enough for them or religious...
> I don't think we will ever know as those who caused the situation
> are either dead or keeping their mouth shut.
> Martin

> krw wrote:
> > On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 12:37:43 -0800, Beryl <fo...@road.net> wrote:
> >> krw wrote:
> >>> On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 20:21:11 -0800, Beryl <fo...@road.net> wrote:
> >>>> Rich Grise on Google groups wrote:
> >>>>> From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley.Br...@nationalgunrights.org>
> >>>>> I thought you would enjoy this story out of Atlanta, Georgia.  If you
> >>>>> do, please forward it to your friends.
> >>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>> 3 dead, 3 hurt in Alabama campus shooting
> >>>> <http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2010-02-12-alabama-university-sho...>
> >>>> Woman faculty member denied tenure at University of Alabama's Huntsville
> >>>> campus, kills three biology professors and injures three other employees
> >>>> at the school Friday.
> >>>> It's the second shooting in a week on an area campus. Last Friday, a
> >>>> 14-year-old student was killed in a middle school hallway in nearby
> >>>> Madison, allegedly by a fellow student.
> >>>> But, gee Rich, if the lady hadn't lost her temper this Friday, she might
> >>>> have been able to thwart a crime somewhere next Friday. And that middle
> >>>> school kid, he definitely could have thwarted a crime somwehere last
> >>>> Thursday if he was in the right place at the right time, but he wasn't,
> >>>> so he killed a student on Friday instead.
> >>> Carrying on an Alabama campus (UAH) is illegal.  Seems the perp, as
> >>> usual,  didn't much care about the law but it did mean that the
> >>> victims couldn't defend themselves.
> >> One day's "victim" can be another day's perp. People snap.
> > That doesn't change the fact that the others were not permitted to
> > defend themselves against the crazy.
> > BTW, it's not the first time she's killed someone.  She killed her
> > brother twenty-something years ago.  Taxyourtwoshits didn't charge
> > her.  Surprise, surprise.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Got a link to this?

I have been hearing that she was marginal.

I have know some very smart crazy people...who would shoot you as much
as look at you.




غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 3:38:58 م15‏/2‏/2010
On Feb 13, 10:32 pm, Beryl <fo...@road.net> wrote:
> Rich Grise on Google groups wrote:
>   ...
> > I think Alex went a little overboard and unnecessarily escalated a
> > crime which should have been nipped in the bud.
> Well, Alex sure taught him a lesson. Leaves me wondering how the
> unsuccessful knife wielding robber is going to approach his next victim.

Again...it is fake.



غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 3:40:58 م15‏/2‏/2010
On Feb 14, 4:16 am, "Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terr...@earthlink.net>
> Beryl wrote:
> > krw wrote:

> > > On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 20:21:11 -0800, Beryl <fo...@road.net> wrote:
> > >> Rich Grise on Google groups wrote:
> > >>> From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley.Br...@nationalgunrights.org>
> > >>> I thought you would enjoy this story out of Atlanta, Georgia.  If you
> > >>> do, please forward it to your friends.
> > >>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >> 3 dead, 3 hurt in Alabama campus shooting
> > >> <http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2010-02-12-alabama-university-sho...>
> > >> Woman faculty member denied tenure at University of Alabama's Huntsville
> > >> campus, kills three biology professors and injures three other employees
> > >> at the school Friday.
> > >> It's the second shooting in a week on an area campus. Last Friday, a
> > >> 14-year-old student was killed in a middle school hallway in nearby
> > >> Madison, allegedly by a fellow student.
> > >> But, gee Rich, if the lady hadn't lost her temper this Friday, she might
> > >> have been able to thwart a crime somewhere next Friday. And that middle
> > >> school kid, he definitely could have thwarted a crime somwehere last
> > >> Thursday if he was in the right place at the right time, but he wasn't,
> > >> so he killed a student on Friday instead.
> > > Carrying on an Alabama campus (UAH) is illegal.  Seems the perp, as
> > > usual,  didn't much care about the law but it did mean that the
> > > victims couldn't defend themselves.
> > One day's "victim" can be another day's perp. People snap.
>    According to several news stories it isn't the first time she killed
> someone. She was a suspect when her brother was killed, but the entire
> file about her and that crime are missing.
>    BTW, i'm surprised she didn't get tenure. She's violent & insane,
> after all.
> --
> Greed is the root of all eBay.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

And yet you don't find it surprising that being violent and insane she
was able to own a gun.



غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 3:42:41 م15‏/2‏/2010
On Feb 14, 9:46 am, MooseFET <kensm...@rahul.net> wrote:

> On Feb 13, 7:08 pm, Too_Many_Tools <too_many_to...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > On Feb 13, 10:31 am, John Ferrell <jferrel...@triad.rr.com> wrote:
> > > On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 20:47:28 -0800 (PST), Too_Many_Tools
> > > <too_many_to...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > >On Feb 12, 3:25 pm, Rich Grise on Google groups

> > > ><richardgr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > >> From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley.Br...@nationalgunrights.org>
> > > >> I thought you would enjoy this story out of Atlanta, Georgia.  If you
> > > >> do, please forward it to your friends.
> > > >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > >It's the second shooting in a week on an area campus. Last Friday, a
> > > >14-year-old student was killed in a middle school hallway in nearby
> > > >Madison, allegedly by a fellow student.
> > > >"This town is unaccustomed to shootings and multiple deaths," Garner
> > > >said.
> > > >___
> > > >Associated Press Writers Phillip Rawls and Desiree Hunter in
> > > >Montgomery, Ala., and Jacob Jordan and Daniel Yee in Atlanta
> > > >contributed to this report.
> > > And the only way to put an end to these events is to have more armed
> > > citizens committed to self defense so that the perps can be put down
> > > immediatly without any hope of any other outcome.
> > > John Ferrell W8CCW- Hide quoted text -

> > > - Show quoted text -
> > So you are saying that children should be armed to protect themselves
> > from their crazy gunnut parents?
> > What firearm do you recommend for a two year old?
> The blunderbuss is a good choice.  A young person has a bit of a hard
> time aiming accurately.
> > TMT- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Again I disagree.

The young have limited strength.

And the parents would need to help them prep the firearm before they
are shot.



غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 3:43:32 م15‏/2‏/2010
On Feb 14, 9:57 am, krw <k...@att.bizzzzzzzzzzz> wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 19:09:00 -0800 (PST), Too_Many_Tools
> <too_many_to...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> >On Feb 13, 10:51 am, krw <k...@att.bizzzzzzzzzzz> wrote:
> >> On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 20:21:11 -0800, Beryl <fo...@road.net> wrote:
> >> >Rich Grise on Google groups wrote:
> >> >> From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley.Br...@nationalgunrights.org>
> >> >> I thought you would enjoy this story out of Atlanta, Georgia.  If you
> >> >> do, please forward it to your friends.
> >> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> >3 dead, 3 hurt in Alabama campus shooting
> >> ><http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2010-02-12-alabama-university-sho...>
> >> >Woman faculty member denied tenure at University of Alabama's Huntsville
> >> >campus, kills three biology professors and injures three other employees
> >> >at the school Friday.
> >> >It's the second shooting in a week on an area campus. Last Friday, a
> >> >14-year-old student was killed in a middle school hallway in nearby
> >> >Madison, allegedly by a fellow student.
> >> >But, gee Rich, if the lady hadn't lost her temper this Friday, she might
> >> >have been able to thwart a crime somewhere next Friday. And that middle
> >> >school kid, he definitely could have thwarted a crime somwehere last
> >> >Thursday if he was in the right place at the right time, but he wasn't,
> >> >so he killed a student on Friday instead.
> >> Carrying on an Alabama campus (UAH) is illegal.  Seems the perp, as
> >> usual,  didn't much care about the law but it did mean that the
> >> victims couldn't defend themselves.- Hide quoted text -

> >> - Show quoted text -
> >If the prep had been prevented from getting a gun these people would
> >still be alive.
> Too Stupid doesn't realize that it's impossible to prevent anyone from
> getting guns.  No surprise, Too Stupid never hides his absolute zero
> IQ.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

LOL...another one who fears psych testing.

It is coming...kiss your guns goodbye.



غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 3:44:35 م15‏/2‏/2010
On Feb 14, 10:00 am, krw <k...@att.bizzzzzzzzzzz> wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 19:12:03 -0800 (PST), Too_Many_Tools
> <too_many_to...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >On Feb 13, 5:55 pm, Jim Chandler <n4...@gte.net> wrote:
> >> On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 20:47:28 -0800 (PST), Too_Many_Tools
> >> <too_many_to...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >> >On Feb 12, 3:25 pm, Rich Grise on Google groups

> >> ><richardgr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >> >> From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley.Br...@nationalgunrights.org>
> >> >> I thought you would enjoy this story out of Atlanta, Georgia.  If you
> >> >> do, please forward it to your friends.
> >> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> >It's the second shooting in a week on an area campus. Last Friday, a
> >> >14-year-old student was killed in a middle school hallway in nearby
> >> >Madison, allegedly by a fellow student.
> >> >"This town is unaccustomed to shootings and multiple deaths," Garner
> >> >said.
> >> >___
> >> >Associated Press Writers Phillip Rawls and Desiree Hunter in
> >> >Montgomery, Ala., and Jacob Jordan and Daniel Yee in Atlanta
> >> >contributed to this report.
> >> You are a typical liberal idiot, TMT.  Your name should be changed to
> >> "I dropped too many tools on my head".  Psych testing is only good for
> >> the moment it is done.  It will not tell you ANYTHING about the future
> >> actions of the one tested.  Only a moronic liberal (that's you) would
> >> believe that testing will do any good.
> >> Jim- Hide quoted text -

> >> - Show quoted text -
> >Psych testing would tell us that you should not own guns.
> You're just too stupid for words, TooStupid.
> >Good enough for me and the rest of America.
> You speak for "the rest of America"?  I don't think so, TooStupid.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Only for the limited vocabulary that you have because of your trailer
parc hume skhooling.


غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 3:55:27 م15‏/2‏/2010
On Feb 14, 10:40 pm, Ignoramus16496 <ignoramus16...@NOSPAM.

I would disagrre Ig.

Psych testing could be a part of the process of buying a gun.

You take a drivers test and must meet certain medical requirements.

If you are a pilot, you take a test and must pass a physical.

Getting and passing a psych test could be part of the process.

FWIW...I love guns and have a significant number of them.

To me they are just one more specialized tool.

The continued misuse of guns by those who should not have them in the
first place places the rights of responsible gun owners in jepordy.


life imitates life

غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 4:19:05 م15‏/2‏/2010
On Mon, 15 Feb 2010 12:42:41 -0800 (PST), Too_Many_Tools
<too_man...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>Again I disagree.
>The young have limited strength.
>And the parents would need to help them prep the firearm before they
>are shot.

Shot Prep School?


غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 4:22:45 م15‏/2‏/2010

Psych testing doesn't prevent the police from misusing guns on
occasion what makes you think it would do any better on civilians?

Jim Thompson

غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 4:44:24 م15‏/2‏/2010
On Mon, 15 Feb 2010 16:22:45 -0500, jf...@ix.netcom.com wrote:

>On Mon, 15 Feb 2010 12:55:27 -0800 (PST), Too_Many_Tools
><too_man...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>On Feb 14, 10:40�pm, Ignoramus16496 <ignoramus16...@NOSPAM.
>>16496.invalid> wrote:
>>> Most people who "go postal" and murder their colleagues, are not
>>> previously described as obviosly deranged. Psychological screening,
>>> constrained by a multitude of complicated legal issues, would never be
>>> able to identify such people. It is a legal and practical
>>> impossibility promoted by gun haters.
>>> i
>>I would disagrre Ig.
>>Psych testing could be a part of the process of buying a gun.
>>You take a drivers test and must meet certain medical requirements.
>>If you are a pilot, you take a test and must pass a physical.
>>Getting and passing a psych test could be part of the process.

Yep. No watermelons should be allowed to own a gun, they'll shoot
their own eye out ;-)

>>FWIW...I love guns and have a significant number of them.
>>To me they are just one more specialized tool.
>>The continued misuse of guns by those who should not have them in the
>>first place places the rights of responsible gun owners in jepordy.
>Psych testing doesn't prevent the police from misusing guns on
>occasion what makes you think it would do any better on civilians?

Shoot a liberal... make my day ;-)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, CTO | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona 85048 Skype: Contacts Only | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

The Green Police are like watermelons...
GREEN on the outside, RED on the inside.
Test them as done in "Day of the Jackal"


غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 5:34:01 م15‏/2‏/2010
On Feb 14, 10:01 am, krw <k...@att.bizzzzzzzzzzz> wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 19:10:41 -0800 (PST), Too_Many_Tools
> <too_many_to...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >On Feb 13, 1:56 pm, Rich Grise on Google groups
> ><richardgr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >> On Feb 12, 1:25 pm, Rich Grise on Google groups

> >> <richardgr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >> > From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley.Br...@nationalgunrights.org>
> >> > Congratulations to the unnamed hero of this story.  You saved your
> >> > friends' lives.
> >> More:
> >> To the Guy Who Tried to Mug Me in Downtown  Savannah  night before
> >> last.
> >> Date: 2009-05-27, 1 :43 a.m.  E.S.T.
> >> I was the guy wearing the black Burberry jacket that you demanded that
> >> I hand over, shortly after you pulled the knife on me and my
> >> girlfriend, threatening our lives. You also asked for my girlfriend's
> >> purse and earrings. I can only hope that you somehow come across this
> >> rather important message.
> >>  First, I'd like to apologize for your embarrassment; I didn't expect
> >> you to actually crap in your pants when I drew my pistol after you
> >> took my jacket.. The evening was not that cold, and I was wearing the
> >> jacket for a reason.. My girlfriend had just bought me that Kimber
> >> Model 1911 .45 ACP pistol for my birthday, and we had picked up a
> >> shoulder holster for it that very evening. Obviously you agree that it
> >> is a very intimidating weapon when pointed at your head ... isn't it?!
> >>  I know it probably wasn't fun walking back to wherever you'd come
> >> from with that brown sludge in your pants. I'm sure it was even worse
> >> walking bare-footed since I made you leave your shoes, cell phone, and
> >> wallet with me. [That prevented you from calling or running to your
> >> buddies to come help mug us again].
> >>  After I called your mother or "Momma" as you had her listed in your
> >> cell, I explained the entire episode of what you'd done. Then I went
> >> and filled up my gas tank as well as those of four other people in the
> >> gas station, -- on your credit card. The guy with the big motor home
> >> took 150 gallons and was extremely grateful!
> >>  I gave your shoes to a homeless guy outside Vinnie Van Go Go's, along
> >> with all the cash in your wallet. [That made his day!]
> >>  I then threw your wallet into the big pink "pimp mobile" that was
> >> parked at the curb .... after I broke the windshield and side window
> >> and keyed the entire driver's side of the car
> >>  Later, I called a bunch of phone sex numbers from your cell phone. Ma
> >> Bell just now shut down the line, although I only used the phone for a
> >> little over a day now, so what 's going on with that? Earlier, I
> >> managed to get in two threatening phone calls to the DA's office and
> >> one to the FBI, while mentioning President Obama as my possible
> >> target.
> >>  The FBI guy seemed really intense and we had a nice long chat (I
> >> guess while he traced your number etc.).
> >>   ;In a way, perhaps I should apologize for not killing you ... but I
> >> feel this type of retribution is a far more appropriate punishment for
> >> your threatened crime. I wish you well as you try to sort through some
> >> of these rather immediate pressing issues, and can only hope that you
> >> have the opportunity to reflect upon, and perhaps reconsider, the
> >> career path you've chosen to pursue in life.. Remember, next time you
> >> might not be so lucky.Have a good day!
> >> Thoughtfully yours,
> >> Alex
> >> ------------------------
> >> Cheers!
> >> Rich
> >LOL...it is a joke...a poor one.
> Ask your mother about poor jokes, TooStupid.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

LOL...have you seen your Kenyan birth certificate yet...just wondering
what species your father was?



غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 5:34:09 م15‏/2‏/2010
On Feb 14, 12:37 pm, "Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terr...@earthlink.net>
> Too_Many_Tools wrote:
> > On Feb 12, 3:25 pm, Rich Grise on Google groups

> > <richardgr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley.Br...@nationalgunrights.org>
> > > Congratulations to the unnamed hero of this story.  You saved your
> > > friends' lives.
> > > In Liberty,
> > > Dudley Brown
> > > Executive Director
> > > National Association for Gun Rights
> > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­­-
> > > To help the National Association for Gun Rights grow, please forward
> > > this to a friend.
> > > To view this email as a web page, please click this link: view online.
> > > Help fight gun control. Donate to the National Association for Gun
> > > Rights!
> > Why would any sane individual "enjoy" a story about someone being
> > killed?
> > You just told us more about you than you wanted us to know.
> > Do you beat your wife too?
>    So, you're uset that you can't own a gun, or find a wife?

>    You just told us more about you than you wanted us to know.
> --
> Greed is the root of all eBay.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Mikey...you really need to quit drinking and posting on the Usenet at
the same time.

When you sober up, repost so we know what lame insult you are trying
to post.


E Z Peaces

غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 6:10:15 م15‏/2‏/2010
Beryl wrote:
> Rich Grise on Google groups wrote:
>> From: "Dudley Brown" <Dudley...@nationalgunrights.org>
>> I thought you would enjoy this story out of Atlanta, Georgia. If you
>> do, please forward it to your friends.
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Something's wrong with the story, Dudley.
> I enjoyed the analysis by E Z Peaces.

I'd read that date-rape drugs were popular but didn't know much about
them. Now I see. They are not intended to cause loss of consciousness
but to make a person unable to resist and cause amnesia.

There are three common ones. Rohypnol is so popular it has 19
nicknames. It was outlawed in America, but a perp can tell a Mexican
pharmacist he has trouble sleeping.

GHB has 20 nicknames. It's prescribed for narcolepsy. It can be made
in a home lab, which produces a risky product.

Ketamine is sold as an anesthetic. Sometimes it's stolen from
veterinarians for use as a date-rape drug.

When college guys use these drugs at a small gathering, more than one
may take advantage of a victim. They may engage in other abuse, such as
writing on her face. If she is later told it was consensual, she will
have no memory otherwise.

If the girl who was shot was still at a birthday party at 2:54 AM, I
wonder if she had been drugged and passed out. As time went by, the
gentlemen may have feared that she would die without medical treatment.
But if they took her to a hospital, it would be found that she had been
drugged and violated. Her date and the host could be facing years in

If the gentlemen had been drinking, shooting her and blaming a masked
rapist may have seemed like a good way to stay out of prison. After
all, if she'd been brought there as a sex toy, she was not dear to their

The tenant may have chosen Lavant (his neighbor) for the scapegoat
because he was new in town. That would make it easy for local people to
believe he was a masked, armed hoodlum even if no mask or weapon was found.

Any guys who had participated in or witnessed the rape of drugged women
that night would go along with the story to stay out of trouble. If any
women present had been drugged, they wouldn't remember if the story was

Burled Frau

غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 7:33:15 م15‏/2‏/2010

"Too_Many_Tools" <too_man...@yahoo.com> wrote in message

> It also causes society to ask the question..."How did this crazy
> conservative get a gun?"

Turns out she was an avid 0bama supporter, always talking about him to the
point that she was off-putting to her colleagues. It's no wonder they
disliked her enough to vote against her tenure.

Burled Frau

غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 7:39:42 م15‏/2‏/2010

"Too_Many_Tools" <too_man...@yahoo.com> wrote in message


That's probably why she got one the lib way, illegally. The cops say she had
no permit. Leave it to libs to steal guns and then point them in the wrong

Burled Frau

غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 7:46:40 م15‏/2‏/2010

"Too_Many_Tools" <too_man...@yahoo.com> wrote in message


LOL, which one? TMT has Too_Many_Mommies!

Burled Frau

غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 7:49:25 م15‏/2‏/2010

"Too_Many_Tools" <too_man...@yahoo.com> wrote in message


Hey Idiot, she was a lib, she didn't buy the gun like normal people do.
Chances are good that she already had some history that would prevent her
from making a legal purchase. She got her gun the lib way, and
unfortunately, had it pointed backwards in typical lib fashion.

John Fields

غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 8:15:46 م15‏/2‏/2010
On Mon, 15 Feb 2010 18:33:15 -0600, "Burled Frau" <ach...@jawol.jah>

>"Too_Many_Tools" <too_man...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> It also causes society to ask the question..."How did this crazy
>> conservative get a gun?"
>> TMT
>Turns out she was an avid 0bama supporter, always talking about him to the
>point that she was off-putting to her colleagues.

And you know that, how???

Were you there?

>It's no wonder they disliked her enough to vote against her tenure.

And you know that, how???

Were you there?



غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 8:17:49 م15‏/2‏/2010
On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 16:04:52 -0700, "Paul Hovnanian P.E." <Pa...@Hovnanian.com> wrote:

>Rich Grise on Google groups wrote:

>> So what's the point

>The gun control faction just lost a voter.

After the ten it lost in the reported "event".


غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 8:18:41 م15‏/2‏/2010
On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 00:00:27 GMT, spam...@milmac.com (Doug Miller) wrote:

>In article <4B75DE94...@Hovnanian.com>, "Paul Hovnanian P.E." <Pa...@Hovnanian.com> wrote:
>>Rich Grise on Google groups wrote:
>>> So what's the point
>>The gun control faction just lost a voter.

>Felons can't vote anyway...

Well they are not supposed to, but it happens a lot.

Archimedes' Lever

غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 8:25:50 م15‏/2‏/2010
On Mon, 15 Feb 2010 17:18:41 -0800, "JosephKK"<quiett...@yahoo.com>

You're both idiots.

Burled Frau

غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 8:36:37 م15‏/2‏/2010

"John Fields" <jfi...@austininstruments.com> wrote in message

I didn't have to be there, I read it in the lib rags.

"A family source said Bishop, a mother of four children - the youngest a
third-grade boy - was a far-left political extremist who was "obsessed" with
President Obama to the point of being off-putting."


Burled Frau

غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 8:37:20 م15‏/2‏/2010


غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 8:45:35 م15‏/2‏/2010
On Sun, 14 Feb 2010 00:44:23 -0500, E Z Peaces <ca...@invalid.invalid> wrote:

>Rich Grise on Google groups wrote:

>> College student shoots home invader, saves 10 lives

>The Atlanta Journal didn't mention college students. It's a vague term
>that could mean there were one or two at the gathering who had dropped
>out or taken a couple of courses. The Iranians who held Americans
>hostage at the embassy called themselves students.
>The nearest campus, Atlanta Technical College, is six miles away.

>> Yet another reason to keep a gun in the house . . .
>> Several months ago, in the notoriously dangerous neighborhood of
>> College Park in Atlanta, Georgia, two armed criminals broke into a
>> house party of students.

>College Park is a city, named more than a century ago, when there was a
>college there.
>They "burst in" through the patio door about 2:54 AM on a Sunday
>morning. If it was closed, "burst in" presumably meant sliding it open.
> With ten people in the apartment on a May night, it may have been open.
>Calvin Lavant, the man who was killed, was of college age and lived in
>an apartment in the same complex. It's private real estate and doesn't
>look like a slum. Did he really intend to rob and murder a large group
>next door to his home? Or did somebody at the party invite him by cell
>He died a few steps from the apartment after saying, "Someone help me.
>Call the police. Somebody call the police." Wouldn't a fleeing felon
>have asked instead for an ambulance?

>> After confiscating the group's valuables, the invaders split the men
>> and women up into different rooms.
>> Witnesses say the perpetrators then counted their rounds and discussed
>> if they had "enough" ammunition.

>No witness spoke to the newspaper. Only one, the tenant, spoke to the
>TV reporter. The reporter kept saying "apparently," not what the
>witness had actually seen.
>However, the witness said that after Lavant took the women into the
>bedroom, the intruders "started counting bullets." "The other guy asked
>how many (bullets) he had. He said he had enough."
>So the put on masks and take wallets and cell phones, but the don't know
>if they have ten bullets between them? And the idea of shooting
>everybody occurs only as an afterthought? When the other guy simply
>says he has enough, is he the only one armed?
>If the tenant witnessed it, Lavant must have left the women alone to
>discuss ammunition with his friend. Did he make the women promise not
>to escape through the ground-floor window that he allegedly jumped
>through a minute later?

>> The students believe the gunmen were going to rape and murder the
>> entire group of students, who were celebrating a birthday at the end
>> of the semester.

>I see. One of the intruders likes ladies, and the other finds gentlemen
>sexier. They split the group up so they won't rape the wrong sex.
>Armed or not, how does the only rapist in the room make all the other
>adults behave as they await their turn?

>> However, one male student, whose identity is being protected by police
>> and local media, retrieved a handgun from his backpack and fired at
>> the thug who was detaining the men.

>Why have a backpack at a birthday party at 3 AM? In GA, you have to
>have a license to carry a gun in a backpack, and it has to be in a
>holster. If he carried a concealed weapon for safety, wouldn't it be on
>his body?
>With an armed robber watching, would he really be able to go to his back
>pack, remove the holster, take the gun from the holster, and fire (but
>miss)? And the intruder doesn't fire back?

>> (That is: One smart student had prepared for a night in College Park,
>> Atlanta.)
>> The criminal fled the apartment under the threat of injury and never
>> returned.
>> The student, continuing on into the girls' room, found the other thug,
>> 23-year-old Calvin Lavant, preparing to rape his first victim.
>> The student exchanged gunfire with Lavant, lethally wounding him in
>> the process. Lavant fled through a window and died in front of his
>> apartment, only one building away.

>The TV reporter quoted the tenant a little differently. "Apparently the
>guy was getting ready to rape his girlfriend. So he told the girls to
>get down and he started shooting. The guy jumped out of the window."
>What does "preparing" mean? If his pants were around his ankles, he
>couldn't have jumped out the window and run away. After hearing shots,
>wouldn't he have shot the boyfriend as soon as he opened the door? If
>he had been armed and masked, wouldn't a weapon and mask have been found?

>> One of the female students was injured during the exchange, but
>> doctors expect a full and complete recovery.

>The TV report said she was shot several times. Of all the women at the
>party, the shooter's girlfriend is the one Lavant allegedly prepares to
>rape. She and the others waited patiently when he went out do count
>bullets? Then the guy who thought he was her boyfriend shot them both.
>A couple of days later, the Cordele newspaper said Cordele police had
>picked up somebody suspected of being the other intruder. That was nine
>months ago. If there have been no follow-up reports of such a
>sensational story, I'd say the suspect was released and attorneys for
>the so-called college students want sleeping dogs to lie.
>How about... By 3 AM, a party guest is pretty drunk because his
>girlfriend is leaving him. Thanks to lax gun control, he has a brought
>a gun in a backpack. The new boy lives next door. The drunk phones
>and invites the couple over. He shoots them both. Nobody knew he had a
>gun, and nobody dares squeal, so they settle on a masked-terrorist theme.

You paint an incredibly Byzantine story by comparison to the report.
Occams razor.


غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 9:31:02 م15‏/2‏/2010

And it's already got "Best Of" votes by now.
Next time a Mongol's vandalized Harley will be added to Alex's performance.


غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 11:29:39 م15‏/2‏/2010
Ignoramus16496 wrote:
> Most people who "go postal" and murder their colleagues, are not
> previously described as obviosly deranged. Psychological screening,
> constrained by a multitude of complicated legal issues, would never be
> able to identify such people. It is a legal and practical
> impossibility promoted by gun haters.
> i

Psychological screening has identified a class of people who shouldn't
be trusted with guns. You won't like what was found.

Easily Startled People May Be More Politically Conservative

Right-wingers more startled by sudden noises and spiders than liberals,
study finds

The physiology of personal politics


غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 11:42:48 م15‏/2‏/2010
On 2010-02-16, Beryl <fo...@road.net> wrote:
> Ignoramus16496 wrote:
>> Most people who "go postal" and murder their colleagues, are not
>> previously described as obviosly deranged. Psychological screening,
>> constrained by a multitude of complicated legal issues, would never be
>> able to identify such people. It is a legal and practical
>> impossibility promoted by gun haters.
>> i
> Psychological screening has identified a class of people who shouldn't
> be trusted with guns. You won't like what was found.

Why easily startled people should not be trusted with guns?

You seem to be making giant leaps of logic, probably trying to pull my

The referenced "study" involved 46 people, hardly enough to come to
any conclusions.


E Z Peaces

غير مقروءة،
15‏/02‏/2010، 11:45:10 م15‏/2‏/2010

A guest shot the next-door neighbor, who had no gun or mask and died
repeatedly asking somebody to call the police. Occam's razor says he
was murdered. Occam's razor says the shooter and his associates had
reason to lie.

The report came from a few questions to a single witness who partially
concealed his face with a hood and glasses on a hot day, looked down and
shook his head "no" when he spoke, and said as little as possible.

He said apparently one intruder intended to rape the men in one room
while the other raped the women in the other room.

He said the women were left alone in the ground-floor bedroom while the
gunmen got together to count bullets and discuss the possibility of a

He said after a guest opened a backpack and removed a gun, the gunman
who was watching him fled without firing a shot.

He said the murder victim climbed through a window after being mortally
wounded in the face and hand.

The day after the murder, the name and address of the victim appeared in
the newspaper. Four days after the murder, the witness expressed shock
when the reporter told him.

Maybe you can figure out how the report could be true, but it's too
Byzantine for me.

Burled Frau

غير مقروءة،
16‏/02‏/2010، 12:03:21 ص16‏/2‏/2010

"Beryl" <fo...@road.net> wrote in message

Libs are too busy twittering their facebooks on their Iphones to notice any
spiders, or anything else going on around them at Starbuck's.

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