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Re: Bureau of Lying Sadistics

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The Trucker

3 gru 2007, 18:48:523.12.2007
On Mon, 03 Dec 2007 12:05:39 -0800, The Trucker wrote:

> The Bureau of Lying Sadistics (BLS) is the government wing of the Cato
> Institute. It is run by Republicans and Bush apologists and duly
> blessed and supported by people like lysander who are products of the
> "Chicago School" of neoconomics. Their cesspool of quackery has its
> origins in the "Austrian School" mainly Rothbard and Hayeck and in the
> "Marginalists" such as Marshall. All of these hoodwinking charlatans share
> a common theme in that they refuse the realities of labor theories of cost
> and assume that natural resources are legitimate properties for their
> privatization game playing. They all participate in the lie for the sake
> of maintaining aristocratic privilege under the guise of "capitalism". It
> is anywhere and everywhere founded on the same lie concerning the economic
> "sameness" of natural resources and capital. And it is well concealed
> behind ridiculous rejections of Adam Smith's labor theory of cost. As a
> matter of fact, it is the rejection of the "labor theory of cost" that
> allows this claim of sameness of "capital" and "land". The trick was to
> use Marx as a strawman and it has succeeded admirably until the last few
> years.
> This rig needs a lot of work, but the first part is solid enough for
> exposure:

"I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers
of society but the people themselves; and
if we think them not enlightened enough to
exercise their control with a wholesome
discretion, the remedy is not to take it from
them, but to inform their discretion by
education." - Thomas Jefferson

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