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Galactic Radiation Belt

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Len Bucuvalas

не прочитано,
8 июн. 1992 г., 19:15:1608.06.1992
I'm a technical writer so please pardon my own lack of knowledge. BUT, I am also
a skeptic in the truest sense of the word. A person was arguing with me a while
back telling me that there was a *photon radiation belt* that cuts through
our galaxy in a North to South direction; ie: in from one flat side of the
ellipse and out through the other.

I told him I thought he was crazy but figured I'd put the question out to those
who can give me an educated answer rather than a superstituous one. He
further claims that this belt is approximately 2,000 Earth years wide and that
the planet spends 2,000 years in it and 10,000 years out of it. He went on to
claim that this also correlates with the Ice Ages.

Would one of you guys please Email me the truth on this???? I'd appreciate it.


Markus Buchhorn

не прочитано,
12 июн. 1992 г., 00:07:2812.06.1992
In article <> l...@STRATUS.SWDC.STRATUS.COM (Len Bucuvalas) writes:
>A person was arguing with me a while
>back telling me that there was a *photon radiation belt* that cuts through
>our galaxy in a North to South direction; ie: in from one flat side of the
>ellipse and out through the other.
>I told him I thought he was crazy but figured I'd put the question out to those
>who can give me an educated answer rather than a superstituous one. He
>further claims that this belt is approximately 2,000 Earth years wide and that
>the planet spends 2,000 years in it and 10,000 years out of it. He went on to
>claim that this also correlates with the Ice Ages.
>Would one of you guys please Email me the truth on this???? I'd appreciate it.

This is getting really bizarre - until this morning I'd never heard of this,
since then I have seen at least four different references to this.

In summary: There is a pseudo-science-wannabee article floating around,
in part published in a magazine called Nexus. The basic premise ? well,
if I understand them right (and it's hard), the solar system orbits the
Pleiades, with a period of about 24000 years. Through this system there
is a photon-belt, with a width of about 1/12 of this orbit. The Solar system
spends 10000 years out of this belt, 2000 years in it, 10000 years out of
it, 2000 years in it. The photon belt is a region of light, so we are now
in a period of darkness. Inside the belt there is perpetual light.
It also leads to things like time-travel, UFO appearances and travel/motion
into the 5th dimension. I'm having trouble typing this with a straight face,
we spent at least an hour giggling over the article this morning :-)

If you're really keen I can probably get the copy (posted on our noticeboard
for general amusement) typed up, but it would be painful...... :-)

How far has this thing spread ?????



Bob Martino

не прочитано,
13 июн. 1992 г., 13:35:0513.06.1992
In article <> mar...@makara.mso.anu.ed (Markus Buchhorn) writes:
>In article <> l...@STRATUS.SWDC.STRA

TUS.COM (Len Bucuvalas) writes:
>>A person was arguing with me a while
>>back telling me that there was a *photon radiation belt* that cuts through
>>our galaxy in a North to South direction; ie: in from one flat side of the
>>ellipse and out through the other.
>>I told him I thought he was crazy but figured I'd put the question out to tho
>>who can give me an educated answer rather than a superstituous one. He
>>further claims that this belt is approximately 2,000 Earth years wide and tha
>>the planet spends 2,000 years in it and 10,000 years out of it. He went on to
>>claim that this also correlates with the Ice Ages.
>>Would one of you guys please Email me the truth on this???? I'd appreciate it
>This is getting really bizarre - until this morning I'd never heard of this,
>since then I have seen at least four different references to this.
>In summary: There is a pseudo-science-wannabee article floating around,
>in part published in a magazine called Nexus. The basic premise ? well,
>if I understand them right (and it's hard), the solar system orbits the
>Pleiades, with a period of about 24000 years. Through this system there
>is a photon-belt, with a width of about 1/12 of this orbit. The Solar system
>spends 10000 years out of this belt, 2000 years in it, 10000 years out of
>it, 2000 years in it. The photon belt is a region of light, so we are now
>in a period of darkness. Inside the belt there is perpetual light.
>It also leads to things like time-travel, UFO appearances and travel/motion
>into the 5th dimension. I'm having trouble typing this with a straight face,
>we spent at least an hour giggling over the article this morning :-)
>If you're really keen I can probably get the copy (posted on our noticeboard
>for general amusement) typed up, but it would be painful...... :-)
>How far has this thing spread ?????
> Markus


I've simply **GOT** to see this!!

Can you post it to the net? Please? I'm sure many other folks
here would love to see it too. Such a hysterical thing is rare indeed!

! That Bob Martino Guy ! "I think, therefore I am." !
! ! -Descartes !
! ! "I am that I am." !
! God INVENTED science. So there. ! -God !
! ^^^^^^^^ ! "I yam what I yam." !
! ! -Popeye !

Markus Buchhorn

не прочитано,
15 июн. 1992 г., 01:28:0215.06.1992
> (Bob Martino) writes:

>> (Markus Buchhorn) writes:
>>>(Len Bucuvalas) writes:
>>>A person was arguing with me a while
>>>back telling me that there was a *photon radiation belt* that cuts through
>>>our galaxy in a North to South direction; ie: in from one flat side of the
>>>ellipse and out through the other.
>>This is getting really bizarre - until this morning I'd never heard of this,
>>since then I have seen at least four different references to this.

>>If you're really keen I can probably get the copy (posted on our noticeboard
>>for general amusement) typed up, but it would be painful...... :-)
> I've simply **GOT** to see this!!
> Can you post it to the net? Please? I'm sure many other folks
>here would love to see it too. Such a hysterical thing is rare indeed!

Oh well, a fan has spoken :-)

This was mailed to the Observatory, no explanatory letter with it.
It just happened that someone had seen the same diagram in "Nexus".
It starts slowly but gets better/worse.
Disclaimer (:-) ): The Observatory does not necessarily support the
views expressed in the following document.
The following is typed verbatim without permission of the letter
sender, a South Australian gentleman whose name/letter I can't
get now. I've kept the typography, grammar and spelling as much as possible.

Electromagnetic Null Zone

An electromagnetic null zone is an energy vacuum where there is
an absence of electromagnetic fields.
Our solar system is about to enter a cosmic cloud known as a
Photon belt or Manasic ring as part of a 24,000 year cycle of events
which has occurred on a regular basis ever since the creation.
Earths solar system is part of a much larger solar system known as the
PLEIADES which revolves around a central sun ALCIONE.
Referring to the diagram of the Pleiades system you will see that
the width of the Photon band represents 2,000 years of time in Earths
solar system.
It is expected that the null zone influence will be of about 120
hours or 4 to 5 days duration.
These signs will indicate its approach:-
1. Strange light and less light.
2. Gradual darkening.
3. Animals hibernating.
4. A humming sound which will increase in intensity.
5. Appearance of U.F.O.s.
We are now in what is known as a space/time overlap with increasing
cosmic bombardment of the polar regions, causing melting of the polar
ice caps, releasing built up torque, which is manifesting as volcanic
and earthquake action along the Earths crust faultlines.

[Now follows a diagram which ASCII makes impossible to represent.
Picture a standard solar system diagram, 7 orbits around a central
star, each orbit containing one object, all about the same size. From
the centre, the 'stars' are labelled 'Alcione','Marope','Atlas',
'Maya','Electra','Teygeta','Coeleno', and 'Our Solar System'. The
spelling of these is as given here. I haven't checked if any of
these are real Pleiadic members, although 'Alcyone','Maia' and
'Merope' sound familiar.
Around this Solar system representing the Pleiades is a shadowy
torus at right angles to the plane of the orbits. It's labelled
'Photon Belt' and its width is sketched as 2000 light years. Either
side of the belt it says '10000 years darkness (night and day)'
Underneath the whole thing in big letters is 'The Pleiades'. I'll let
you work out how fast our SS has to be moving to orbit the Pleiades
in 24,000 years :-) -Markus]

What is Space/Time overlap?

A Space/Time overlap is when "Electromagnetic-Magnetohydrodynamic"
changes begin to take place prior to enetring the null zone to move a
"Life zone of gravitational compression" into a larger graviton spectrum.
Teleshift light fields modulate our consciousness time zone, enabling
our mind to adapt to the new frequency of light on the 5th dimensional
The final process of the Space/Time overlap is the complete interfacing
of the two evolutionary structures (3rd/4th dimension to 5th dimension).
When we enter the Photon belt there are two possible scenarios:-
1. If the sun enters first there will be immediate darkness, which
will last about 120 hrs and then continuous light.
2. If the Earth enters first the sky will appear to be on fire, but
this is cold light and there will be no heat.
The interaction between the solar radiation and the photon belt
will make the sky look as if it is full of falling stars as all the
molecules become excited, atomic structures change and things will
become luminescent.


The night and day we take for granted will be no more for the
next 2,000 years.
Upon entering the lip of the null zone the whole solar system will
be moved into a different location in the galaxy, that has two Suns.
The Ascencion of our planet and inhabitants will take place during
the period of the null zone when all start to vibrate on the correct
harmonic of the fifth dimension.

From the Keys of Enoch:- Key 113.
20. Upon entering the lip of the electromagnetic null zone; the whole
solar system will be picked up and reseeded in a different vibratory
dimension in the galaxy.
21. The solar system will be projected off the lip of the null into
a different system of harmonics which will require 5th dimensional bodies.
This event is tabled in the Christian Bible as the opening of the
6th. seal. Refer to Book of REVELATION, Chapter 6, verses 12, 13 and 14.
There will be :- No Sun, Moon or Stars
No Electricity
Batteries will not work
Cars will not run
After a day or so, no water toilets or gas.
Electric power generation systems on this planet utilise Earths
magnetic grid to function; no grid = no electric power for 4 days.
Make sure you have adequate food and water for at least a week and
some alternative means of lighting and cooking.
Many people will be in a state of panic, so stay indoors, avoid travel.
So now you have the "Whats happening and Why"
The next question is "WHEN"
Indications are that the date will be the 25th of July 1992.
There is no way of proving this date until it actually happens; so
no guarantees can be given.
Their is nothing to fear as public utilities will operate normally
after the null zone period is completed.


Im Love and Light and the Law of ONE.

Ok, so there it is. Make of it what you will. I still suspect it started
as a joke and snowballed.



не прочитано,
15 июн. 1992 г., 08:24:3115.06.1992
It is hard to believe that people actually try to pass off
fantasy as science with references to religious concepts as
proof. Things like this hurt the image and credibility of

Maybe, this guy can come up with an idea how to cleanup the
national debt or possibly even a functional government.

J. Johnson

не прочитано,
15 июн. 1992 г., 08:44:1215.06.1992
>> Im Love and Light and the Law of ONE.

>Ok, so there it is. Make of it what you will. I still suspect it started
>as a joke and snowballed.

Ever read alt.alien.visitors? Don't! But seriously folks, after reading
some of the stuff over there, I wouldn't doubt this was originally
written in earnest...

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