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Defining 'Destructive Coward' (Definition) {HRI 20050610-V2.1.2} - (Version 2.1.2 on 2 Aug 2005)

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Aug 2, 2005, 7:26:55 AM8/2/05
Defining 'Destructive Coward' (Definition)

10 June 2005
{HRI 20050610-V2.1.2}

(Version 2.1.2
on 2 Aug 2005)


A Destructive Coward "solves" his or her problems with a Criminal

by destroying you. *(1)


A Destructive Coward's "solution" is, to not oppose a Criminal Mind,

which in reality amounts to choosing the side of a Criminal Mind,
and to be friends with a Criminal Mind,

because in real life, that IS

'not opposing the Criminal Mind:'

The Criminal Mind DEMANDS openly or by manipulation, that
you take the viewpoint that he or she wants you to have,
about others, about himself or herself, about yourself
also; and so,

'not opposing a Criminal Mind,' means that you HAVE to give
up your own viewpoint,

and part of that - "in order to remain 'friends'"
with a Criminal Mind - is even the demand, which is
of course not spoken, but projected at you with
mental force, that

you ALSO give up your awareness of the fact THAT you have
given up your own viewpoint.


This 'not opposing a Criminal Mind' is how a dictator
is kept in power,

such as currently the Criminal Mind Hu Jintao who
still successfully, as accepted 'head of state,'
pretends to represent the people of China,

like 'Chairman' Mao Ze Dong, also a Criminal
Mind, "representing the Chinese people of the
mainland," did some time before him.

The people of China are not Criminal Minds

- except for the general one percent of any
population as is the case anywhere on Earth -

so the Criminal Mind Hu Jintao can never be
representative of, let alone be representing the
people of China, except by pretending to do so, as
long as Destructive Cowards accept and support his

He is kept in power, much like Saddam Hussein
was too, by heads of state of other countries,
who agree to talk with him and to do business
deals with him, "because he says he is the
'head of state',"

because he says he owns and can buy or
sell everything that the state owns or
can command,

which is based solely on him saying
that he does, and based on others
not opposing it or unable to oppose

and it is based on other heads of state - in
particular on the extremely Criminal heads of
state, say Castro (Cuba), Mugabe (Zimbabwe),
Kim Jong Il (North Korea), etc. - wanting to
have another Criminal Mind and head of state,
Hu Jintao, as their 'business partner,'

instead of other heads of state REFUSING to
talk to Hu Jintao

- which they must refuse on the basis of
the First International Law, because
he, Hu Jintao is a Criminal Mind and
therefore not allowed to govern a
people or state or country.


Instead, heads of other states must talk with those
who actually DO represent the people - in this case
with those who actually DO represent the people of

the organizational, social, economic and
geographical unit of people in mainland China.

It is simple business ethics, but then on an
International level,

you do not make contracts and business
deals with a Criminal Mind, also not
with Bill Gates, who is a Criminal Mind
as well.

You never ever make deals or agreements
with Criminal Minds

- as they are simply the same in nature
and intention as those who are called
terrorists (and would be called so, if
they openly - and not only secretly -
commit acts of murder or of terror and
subversion and domination).


When you make deals and partnerships with a Criminal
Mind, then everything suddenly changes.

Winston Churchill made deals with then USA
president Roosevelt, a Criminal Mind, and
suddenly, in the eyes and words and actions of
Britain's head of state, after 'having to be
friends with Franklin Roosevelt,'

then in Winston Churchill's eyes it
became so, that

the highly ethical, highly caring
and highly capable leader and
freedom fighter for the French
people, (it became so, that he,)

Charles de Gaulle - from being a valued
and admired and true friend and ally
against the true enemies, "changed
suddenly" - in the eyes of Churchill,
that is.

Suddenly Churchill found that this most
courageous and valuable Frenchman was

"evil, must be discredited, restrained or
even imprisoned, and be kept away from
all information pertaining to his


When Charles de Gaulle succeeded anyway, due to
his ethics and his honesty and his care towards
the French people,

this French statesman still lacked the
understanding available now - for your
use - about Criminal Minds and about
Destructive Cowards,

and so Charles de Gaulle did NOT
expose Winston Churchill being an
alcoholic and a Destructive Coward

- which exposure would have
greatly benefited the
British population - *(2)

NOR did he expose the vicious, the
truly malicious Criminal Mind
Franklin 'FDR' Roosevelt

- which exposure would have
greatly benefited the
American people -

so instead, Charles de Gaulle proceeded
in France to practice and to preach "a
healthy distrust" of the American and of
the British nation.

Which then led to for instance
the current French head of state,
Jacques Chirac, not being
recognized as a Criminal Mind,

"when he preaches NOW views 'opposed
to the CURRENT British and American
heads of state' - Blair and Bush
who are the very opposite of their
1940 world-war-time counterparts -

the current heads of state
of Britain and America who
very rightly demanded and
brought about the removal

of the Criminal Mind Saddam
Hussein from terrorizing
the people of Iraq, and
people in general, while he
was doing 'business' with the
Criminal heads of state of
France (Chirac), Germany
(Schroeder), Russia (Putin)
and of China (Hu Jintao) for
instance, and while fomenting
criminality and terrorism
in all other parts of the

as a head of state with many
billions and billions to
spend from selling Iraqi oil.

And it lead to America's Bush and
Britain's Blair having a difficult
time, as far as being appreciated
and internationally supported,

Destructive Cowards WHO RULED THE


So what happens in real life, for instance when you have a Destructive
Coward as a friend:

Suddenly, all the facts that before were true and that really did
happen, are "gone."

"Things that really happened - friendship, love and care that was
given and received - suddenly do not exist anymore, as if they
never existed."

And on the other hand, Evil or malice that was inflicted on you
and on the Destructive Coward BY the Criminal Mind,

suddenly also "does not exist anymore," or

suddenly "did not really happen at all 'like that'."

Suddenly, "the Criminal Mind is not evil."


And the consequence of that is also happening then, in real life,
which is, that NOW

suddenly, "YOU are evil"

- according to your erstwhile friend, whether it is a head of
state, a business partner, or if it concerns a spouse or
family member or a friend or colleague.


The Destructive Coward will then proceed with "seeing" everything you
do and did "in a different light,"

suddenly all your helpful actions and your constructive words
are "re-evaluated" *(3)

as "having been motivated by an intention to be 'evil',"

because now the viewpoint of the Destructive Coward is

- and HAS TO BE in order for him or her to 'be
"friends" with the Criminal Mind,' who is demanding
the viewpoint -

that "You are evil."


The Destructive Coward suddenly "has forgotten" all the friendship and
love, that there was naturally before,

before the Destructive Coward was pressured spiritually or also
physically by the Criminal Mind

into "having no other choice" than to be "friends" with the
Criminal Mind, or

into "choosing as the 'best choice' now" to be "friends"
with the Criminal Mind.


A Destructive Coward "solves" his or her problems with a Criminal
Mind, by destroying you.


A Destructive Coward's "solution" is, to not oppose a Criminal Mind,
to not fight a Criminal Mind

which in reality amounts to choosing the side of a Criminal Mind,
to be friends with a Criminal Mind, and

which is the "solution" of the Destructive Coward "to avert the
evil of a Criminal Mind away from him or her."


In other words, in order to feel the illusions of "not being attacked"
by a Criminal Mind, or the illusion of "being spared"

(or what amounts to the same thing, when that illusion is
changed further into feeling it as the illusion of
"receiving vital help" from a Criminal Mind, that "no one
else will give")

a Destructive Coward will destroy his or her own friends, in
various ways - and even murder them if he or she has to do so 'to
spare his or her own life.'


And so, Destructive Cowards act LIKE Criminal Minds

as long as they refuse to oppose Criminal Mind(s). *(3)

And they act like a Criminal Mind

at THOSE TIMES that they refuse to oppose a Criminal Mind,
and they act like a Criminal Mind

on THOSE SUBJECTS AND ACTIVITIES that are connected to a
Criminal Mind, in which the Destructive Coward wants

"to earn the friendship" and thus "to avoid the wrath" of the
Criminal Mind on him or her.

The Destructive Coward pleases the Criminal Mind

(in our current example, pleasing the Criminal Mind
Hu Jintao)

by hiding the state of mind of the Criminal Mind.


But that condition of "imminent wrath" is NOT AT ALL
averted or remedied by "being 'friends'" with the Criminal
Mind, there IS NO "avoiding the wrath or anger of a
Criminal Mind" as any history book can tell you with
complete proof:

Hu Jintao will continue to create and support strife
and Criminality,

and he will increase and try to use the Chinese army
to support Criminal Minds and to keep CRIMINAL MINDS
in place, preferably as heads of other states,

by supporting these economically and with arms,
and "defending" Criminal heads of state, by
means of threats and subversive actions against
non-dictatorial, normal countries and free

Criminal Minds are in a CONSTANT state of wrath and of
contempt for anyone,

ESPECIALLY for the Destructive Cowards of course.

It is possible, however, to ACTUALLY gain their
respect, which I have described and defined elsewhere
for you. *(15)


If required, the Destructive Coward (including many a journalist *(14)
of course) will say, write or even "testify" that

"the Criminal Mind is a nice and caring person,"

and not enough with that, the Destructive Coward will indeed - if he
or she feels the need to - also testify to anyone who will hear it,
that "you are an evil person:"

Their "solution" to the Criminal Mind's mental pressure requires
of a Destructive Coward, that he or she has to

"prove that 'you are evil'."


Most typically, you know Destructive Cowards as those who carry out
destructive orders - including orders to destroy you or your life or
your friends. *(9)

The condition of the soul of a Destructive Coward is however
wholly different from that of a Criminal Mind. *(4)

The Destructive Coward merely relays and amplifies the evil of a
Criminal Mind, and

the Destructive Coward wants to be blinded to the fact, that

that in itself ALREADY is the action of himself or herself
being destroyed by the Criminal Mind, but

they have been given the illusion and feeling, by the Criminal
Mind, that

"they are NOT destroyed 'thanks to their doing what the
Criminal Mind wants'."

And that is really how a Destructive Coward "defines"
"Ethics," by the way:

"Being ethical, is 'doing as you are told to do,
and everyone should do as he or she is told to
do' - then 'everything is fine'."

In a very twisted way, the Criminal Mind even is considered
"to save the life" of the Destructive Coward,

by telling the Destructive Coward what to do in order
to "spare his or her life or possessions."


And indeed, the Destructive Coward will try to also get
'the lives of others "saved from destruction," and their
possessions "saved from being taken away or destroyed",'

by convincing also others to do that what the Criminal
Mind says, because "it is the best thing to do, or the
'most survival' for everyone, in the circumstances."


How insane can you be made by a Criminal Mind? Very.

Very insane indeed.

This you know well from Germany's past, and it is
currently going on in dictatorships such as North
Korea and Cuba, etc., not to mention some African
countries, and to some extent in Russia too because
of Putin.

All are "great friends" of the Criminal Mind
who currently attempts to destroy the Chinese,
and as many other peoples as he can,

while pretending to "care" for material
well-being of the Chinese

- which he of course does not
really do either, because he is
a Criminal Mind - but

while OTHER PEOPLE are working very hard
to improve at least the material
conditions in China,

much like you know it from
pre-war Germany that hosted
the Olympic Games in 1936,

he makes it appear as if it is he, named
Hu Jintao, who cares for at least
material things,

which is a pretense required for him in
order to enforce his authority on the
other individuals of the Chinese
government and of the Chinese military,

some of whom, you see rightly, are
Destructive Cowards.

And that is basically the task of
diplomacy, to find out correctly,
who are the Destructive Cowards in
that government, and who else are,
apart from Hu Jintao, Criminal


The Destructive Coward likes to feel *(5) the illusion, that

"he is not attacked by the Criminal Mind."

I can however tell you, that it is a thousand times more damaging
to you,

if you agree to kill or destroy your best friend or the one
you love most,

that that is MUCH more damaging to your soul, than to oppose
- and then maybe being tortured and killed by - a Criminal Mind.


As I told you already elsewhere:


You must never, never execute the intentions of a
Criminal Mind,

also not when you are having to follow his or her
orders, even then

you must never follow THE INTENTIONS of a Criminal

because the intentions of a Criminal Mind are
always and only to destroy you and as many
others as he or she can, and to damage as much
as he or she can.

Right now, you can for instance see, how Saddam
Hussein of Iraq keeps those of his family
members whom he did not murder, his daughters
for instance, very insane, he keeps them being
very Destructive Cowards.

And you can see, how former pop star Michael
Jackson and his lawyer keep each other more and
more insane, more and more destroyed

- should you have an even remotely
correct definition of insanity, and of
destruction. *(16)(11)


It is not impossible to stop acting like a Destructive Coward if you
are acting like one, and

all the "reasons" for not giving it up, are wholly irrational,

no matter how forcefully those "reasons" are projected by
the Criminal Mind, and

no matter how bloodily enforced these are, by other
Destructive Cowards, who - by definition - execute
Criminal orders,

which is very, very comparable to giving in to
terrorist demands.


And if you are not a Destructive Coward, then you can disagree firmly
and constantly with those who are and who want to be Destructive

They carry out the wishes of Criminal Minds in return for "being
loved" (being Admired), in return for "being protected," and

most of all, in return for being made unaware of reality by the
Criminal Mind:

It is of course normal to be aware of what you know to be
true, and of what you see and feel to be true and existing
about others and also about yourself.

Those who WANT to have a distorted, perverted awareness of people
and of themselves, and of life itself too,

are most desirous therefore, that a Criminal Mind keeps
their thoughts and their feelings and their perceptions
controlled and distorted and partially blocked. *(17))

And any Criminal Mind is most eager to oblige, to
carry out such wishes and desires, because he or she
does need Destructive Cowards to amplify and enforce
his or her malice,

which you most easily see in Criminal groups,
in subversive groups or in terrorist groups:

Criminal groups consist of one or several
Criminal Minds at the top, surrounded by
Destructive Cowards,

and in the case of subversive groups - as
they work by deception - you will find,
that some of its members are unwillingly
deceived, and these function then to
present a credible and caring facade for
the subversive, Criminal group.


Obtained from looking exactly at Destructive Cowards, the above is the
part I wrote now for Version 2.0 of this Human Rights Issue.

Below follow motives of and observations about Destructive Cowards
that are taken from earlier Human Rights Issues about understanding
and thus defining Destructive Cowards more and more.

You can see those as details or parts of understanding, that did lead
up to the precise understanding, that is now given above.


Destructive Cowards want to be Admired by a Criminal Mind,

in order that this Criminal Mind makes him or her
"feel good," feel Admired, feel "loved," which some
people want to feel

so that they then indeed do NOT feel, do NOT sense and are
NOT aware of REALITY,

of what really HAS happened, and of what really IS
happening, of what really IS going on all the time

- that is, usually well-camouflaged behind the
social mask of the Criminal Mind, the Extreme
Ugliness and the Nauseating Evil or malice of
a Criminal Mind,

the continuous, biting, cutting contempt for
life and for people, which you only feel if
you really look -

which it is indeed extremely unpleasant to be aware
of, and

which you then rather are NOT aware of, and which you then
rather do NOT feel, and prefer NOT anymore to have any
alive knowledge about

- especially not, of course, when you are
living together with a Criminal Mind.


Again, truth is an absolute thing, and the only means
by which people can deny what exists, is, to PRETEND
(or to accept the pretense, that) reality "is
different than it is."

That is, by the way, the whole basis and
origin of Hinduism and Buddhism, and of
the New Age cults, that are all based on

To deny

- in whatever clever words and by
whatever clever techniques of
blotting out or altering
perception of life itself, to
deny and disconnect from -

the reality of what and who DOES exist,
of what DID happen, of truth,

and to define "truth" as anything
else, but never as that what really
did happen and who caused it. *(6)


So Destructive Cowards rather accept the pretense and the
lies of the Criminal Mind "as true,"

and in case they are really devoted to some
dictator, in the political sense or in the
spiritual sense a dictator,

which two fields are not far apart as
these both use these methods for gaining
obedience and Admiration,

you can find out the procedure by which they
have come to Admire the Criminal Mind,

you can trace back how they came to accept his
lies. *(7)(8)


Destructive Cowards rather, OF COURSE, accept the feelings
of "Love" (of Admiration), that the Criminal Mind provides
to them, as if those feelings are the Criminal Mind's
"genuine feelings." *(3)


Destructive Cowards simply carry out the wishes of
Criminal Minds,

in return for "being loved" (being Admired),
and for "being protected,"

for being made unaware of reality, (and thus
they are mind-controlled) by a Criminal Mind.


Destructive Cowards rather accept the feelings of very Ugly
"love" (that is, Admiration given as "love") and

Destructive Cowards rather accept pretense "as true" and
"as genuine,"

(what is made to feel "beautiful" and "true' but
which is even MORE Ugly and MORE repulsive

BECAUSE it is pretended, and intended to hide,
to make completely unseen, the most vicious and
the most abhorrent motives),

Destructive Cowards rather accept lies that seemingly are
"pleasant" and "caring," as "truth" and as "sincerity,"

Destructive Cowards rather act upon THOSE,

IN ORDER TO GET ADMIRATION, in order to "feel

IN ORDER to rather feel and act as if the
Criminal Mind "is a good and nice and loving,
or at least a well-meaning person," *(3)

RATHER than to be honest and decent to you and to others,

rather than to act on truth, rather than to act

on what they do know (what a Destructive Coward does
know) very well to be true about you or about others,

on what they know very well that you or others did
for them. *(10)

They prefer then to "feel as true," that what they do know
very well to be complete and malicious lies about you and
about others (and lies about themselves too of course),
from Criminal Minds,

and despite that knowledge, they NEVERTHELESS act upon
the lies

- which you experience (and describe, correctly) as
their being very mean to you or to others.

And while they are so destroying themselves,

exactly as the Criminal Mind wants it,

they are destroying your life too,

but they may feel it - highly irrationally indeed -
as if they are "protecting their own feelings from
being hurt:"

Your being there, makes them experience or feel
again what is true

- and so they want to feel that AS IF "you are
destroying them by your presence," as if "you
are evil," as if "you are hindering them from
'being happy' and as if "you are hindering
them from 'having "their own" emotions'," or

they may spout similar lies at you or at
others about you, and

they may act like a wild animal would - with
that difference from animals only, that they
also talk -

to justify their betrayal, to maintain
their desire to be a Destructive Coward,
and to experience the "joy" of being

Destructive Cowards, of

intentionally being mean and ugly "to protect
their 'own' feelings."


All that suddenly ends, when they decide to
not be a Destructive Coward anymore

(for as long as it lasts

- which is depending also on the force of
mental pressure exerted by Criminal
Minds on them, and

on their own desire to face and oppose
ALL Criminal Minds

it is no use, of course, when
someone is and wants to remain
fully dominated by even just one
Criminal Mind:

Wanting to be dominated is wanting
to be dominated, regardless of who
does the domination.). *(3)

Their preference, their choice, makes them think and feel
and act as Criminals, as Destructive Cowards,

whenever they desire to 'NOT FEEL Extreme Ugliness
and Hate,'

which however are - you may like to know -
continuously generated and projected ALL THE
TIME, by ALL Criminal Minds, from behind their
masks, *(10)

whether you see and feel that or not.

You feel it almost constantly on and in
your body, though,

accompanied by the lie - convincingly
projected with it - that "it is caused by
your body," or "caused by yourself," or
"by the weather" or by "something you did
eat," of course...


People become Destructive Cowards - some even become drug
addicts - BECAUSE they want to 'NOT FEEL' Criminal Minds.

And of course, a Criminal Mind demands that of people
too, that "one desires to 'NOT FEEL' a Criminal Mind"

that you prefer - or are compelled by a Criminal
Mind to 'have as "your own" desire' - the desire to
not experience reality and even not to know reality,
and that, instead of that,

you must "enjoy" 'the feeling of BEING ADMIRED:'

Admired for being a blind and spineless,
immoral and un-knowing idiot - Admired

by a Criminal Mind or by the group of a
Criminal Mind, or also by a number of Criminal

And wanting and accepting Admiration from a Criminal Mind,
inevitably includes accepting and feeling ALL their lies as
"true." *(12) Really...

These are (the) major factors, by which Evil is perpetuated
despite your efforts to detect and identify and curb it.

Understanding evil, is of course the first step towards remedying
it, and that step has since ever been most intelligently and
very actively and continuously blocked,

and that 'first Understanding' has now been restored by me,
with the Human Rights Issues.

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless
as the sand on the seashore.'

1 Kings 4:29

See further:

' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' ' {HRI 20040422-V2.4}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.4 on 21 July 2005)

'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Vital
Truth' {HRI 20020819-V2.2.3}
(19 August 2002 - Version 2.2.3 on 12 May 2005)

'The Feeling "When God Has Left You..."
- Introduction to 'What is Hell' ' {HRI 20031124-V3.2}
(24 November 2003 - Version 3.2 on 16 May 2005)
(check for later version)


(1) 'A Poem of Love and Adventure'
(17 July 2004 - Version 2.4 on 12 Jan 2005)

(2) 'It Is An Act Of Friendship And Support, And
It Returns Sanity And Peace,
To Expose A Criminal Mind
Who Is Or Was A Head Of State' {HRI 20041111-V1.3}
(11 Nov 2004 - Version 1.3 on 12 Nov 2004)

(3) 'Definition Of Schizophrenic' (25 Nov 2002)

(4) 'Example of a Criminal Mind - Tom Cruise is "friends" with
'Scientology'-owner David Miscavige' {HRI 20040920-V2.4}
(20 September 2004 - Version 2.4 on 27 July 2005)
(in full:)
(or download from:)

(5) 'You Prefer To Feel The Pleasant, Caring MASK Of Criminal Minds'
(27 July 2005 - Quoted from {HRI 20040920-V2.4} )

(6) 'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty'
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}
(7 Mar 2003 - Version 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

(7) 'Explaining The Scale Of Sanity' {HRI 20040619-V3.4}
(19 June 2004) (Version 3.4 on 2 Sept 2004)

(8) 'The "Become Perfect"-Mind-Control of Hinduism, Buddhism and
New-Age Cults' {HRI 20050514-V3.1}
(14 May 2005 - Version 3.1 on 14 June 2005)

(9) 'If Pilate Had Provided King Solomon's Justice...'
{HRI 20041102-V1.3}
(2 November 2004 - Version 1.3 on 2 Apr 2005)

(10) 'Only 'Zero Tolerance For Criminal Minds' Can Tolerate Them'
{HRI 20040205-V3.0-beta-1-p1}
(Preview 1 of Version 3.0 PART ONE, on 26 Oct 2004)

(11) 'Defining Love And Hate - A Law Of Life'
(29 July 2002 - Version 2.0i on 7 January 2003)

(12) 'Major Cause Of Insanity or Suffering: Seeking Understanding,
Friendship or Guidance From Criminal Minds' (25 April 2004)

(13) 'Conquering War - Admiral Canaris Exposing The High Crimes of
American President Franklin D. Roosevelt against Mankind and
against the American People' {HRI 20041115-V1.1}
(15 November 2004 - Version 1.1 on 18 Nov 2004)
(A Prequel or Introduction To 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their
Intentional Omission Of Truth' {HRI 20020819})

(14) 'Journalist Current Ethics And Intelligence
- Refusal To Recognize And Expose Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20041230-V2.4} (30 Dec 2004 - Version 2.4 on 26 June 2005)

(15) ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' ' {HRI 20040422-V2.4}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.4 on 21 July 2005)

(16) 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor' {HRI 20030205}
(5 Feb 2003)

(17) 'The Feeling "When God Has Left You..."
- Introduction to 'What is Hell' ' {HRI 20031124-V3.2}
(24 November 2003 - Version 3.2 on 16 May 2005)
(check for later version)

Issue Note:

Versions prior to 2.0 were not published.


Copyright 2005 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at
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- replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)

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Aug 2, 2005, 10:38:12 AM8/2/05
CyberDroog wrote:

> On 2 Aug 2005 00:26:55 -0700, "Koos Nolst Trenite"

> <> wrote:
>>Defining 'Destructive Coward' (Definition)
>> 10 June 2005
>> {HRI 20050610-V2.1.2}
>> (Version 2.1.2
>> on 2 Aug 2005)
>>A Destructive Coward "solves" his or her problems with a Criminal
>> by destroying you. *(1)

> More NeoTech psychosis... but what's with the bizarre text formatting?
Cut and paste?

Steve Hayes

Aug 3, 2005, 4:37:31 AM8/3/05
On 2 Aug 2005 00:26:55 -0700, "Koos Nolst Trenite"
<> wrote:

>A Destructive Coward "solves" his or her problems with a Criminal
> Mind,

And your point is?

Steve Hayes from Tshwane, South Africa
E-mail - see web page, or parse: shayes at dunelm full stop org full stop uk

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