(JP) Kagran, Beornan, Rawlings & D'ciq - War Drums (( Tags - Alpeh, Pritzker, Vetri & Evans))

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প্রথম অপঠিত মেসেজটিতে চলে আসুন


পড়া হয়নি,
১৪ জানু, ২০১২, ৬:৫০:৫২ PM১৪/১/১২
প্রাপক UFOP: StarBase 118 - USS Avandar
((CIC, Camp area))

:: Beornan had just been sent out to inform the Commanding Officer
that he was needed at the CIC tent. He waited to find out what was
going on. Fuliar was manning one of the turrets and was calling in
what could potentially be a major problem. ::

:: Kagran walked over to the CIC Tent with Beornan. As they walked
over Kagran decided to ask how things were going with him. ::

Kagran: Beornan how are things with you?

Beornan: Not bad thanks sir, considering the situation.

Kagran: Situation?

Beornan: Yes the crash, the planet...

:: They were interrupted by Kagran’s Comm Badge.::

Fuliar: =/\= Sir, there’s a heavy mist rolling in and the sensors have
gone dark. =/\=

Kagran: =/\= Ok, I will send Beornan out. Was there anything on the
sensors before the outage? =/\=

Fuliar: =/\= I’m not sure. This mist is pretty hard to cut through
even with my helmets thermals and night vision overlays. =/\=

Kagran: =/\= Switch on infra-red tracking =/\=

Fuliar: =/\= Aye Sir. =/\=

Kagran: =/\= Fuliar can you see anything? =/\=

Fuliar: =/\= Holyyy Crappp =/\=

Kagran: =/\= What do you see Private? =/\=

Fuliar: =/\= Natives moving around- lots of them! =/\=

Kagran: =/\= How many we looking at? 10 20?

Fuliar: =/\= 100’s They stopped about 600 yards from the Marine
Turrets and aren’t advancing. They are just standing there. =/\=

:: Kagran could sense the unease in her voice. ::

Kagran: =/\= I am on my way =/\= oO Strange we never seen numbers of
that size. Oo Beornan, Suggestions?

:: Beornan stepped forward to answer.::

Oumriel: It could be a fault in the early warning systems throwing up
false data. We’ve only seen small groups roaming up near there. A
fault could make it look like there is more activity than is really

Kagran: Oumriel get out there and find out I will be with you in a
few. =/\= Kagran to Alpeh =/\=

Oumriel: Yes Sir! ::Saluting and leaving the tent sharply.::

Alpeh: =/\= Response =/\=

Kagran: =/\= Can you grab the Buggy and all the Marines you can find
and head to the turret line near the Valley. We might have incoming...

Alpeh: =/\= Response =/\=

((OOC: When you get to the Buggy can you simm that somebody has
dismantled the weapon. ))

:: Beornan took off at a run with Griffon following him. ::

Rawlings: ::Running alongside him.:: Where have you been Scruffy? Have
not seen you in a few weeks.

Oumriel: ::Frowning and serious:: Salvaging. Repairs... Digging.
Working hard.

Rawlings: ::Looking at him with a puzzled expression.:: I have
something to say, look I’m sorry about what happened. What did D’ciq

Oumriel: ::Frown deepening to a scowl:: You were there! Half the camp
heard her!

Rawlings: Yeah and I feel like crap about it. So sue me. I’m sorry ok,
what else do you want me to frakkin say????

Oumriel: I’ll tell you what I want you to say! Absolutely nothing.
Shut your mouth or go back to camp. I have work to do. I don’t need
you in my face.

Rawlings: We have a job to do, let’s get it done. ::Angry with

Oumriel: Do you think there really is a horde of natives up there?

Rawlings: ::Looking around while running.:: Yes, remember that we’re
on their turf. They have the advantage. We are on the defense. oO If I
go down, I’m going take a bunch of them with me.Oo

Oumriel: Well, you better hope it *is* just a fault because bloodshed
is something I prefer to avoid when I can.

Rawlings: I have to be realistic, I sure as hell don’t want to croak
on this rock. You know we can kick some ass.

Oumriel: oO Bloodthirsty mongrel. Just like those terrorists were. Oo
Train for the worst, hope for the best.

Rawlings: Always do, mess with the best, die like the rest. ::Holding
the rifle at port arms while on the run.::

:: Beornan increased his running pace, partly to get to his job more
quickly and partly to get some distance from Griffon. ::

::Griffon was really upset by the situation and wanted to make amends.
He felt that he betrayed his friend, but at the time he did know what
to do or for that matter feel. He just ran a little behind Beornan at
this point. Taking care of his job is what mattered right now.::

:: Kagran started to get his tactical gear back on once he had done
this grabbed his weapon turning to Pritzker and the other Marines that
were in the tent. ::

Kagran: Get suited and armed and head out to the Turret line. Pritzker
I want you to round up any marines off duty and get them ready just in

Pritzker: Response

Kagran: I don’t want to disturb the Captain and Commander till i
confirm their intent.

Pritzker: Response

:: Kagran left the tent and started to run to the forward command
post. ::

Kagran: =/\= Kagran to Evans =/\=

Evans: =/\= Response =/\=

Kagran: How many marines have you got on the cliff with you?

Evans: =/\= Response =/\=

Kagran: =/\= Can you see a large number of the Natives from there?

Evans: =/\= response =/\=

Kagran: =/\= Get in a good position in case they attack. Kagran Out. =/

:: Kagran reached the front line he met Rawlings standing near the
sensors display.::

Kagran: Where is Beornan?

Rawlings: He is at the early warning system sir.

Kagran: It seems the sensors are right, Evans can see a larger pack
than normal. Get the marines that are here ready to repel the group
should they attack. =/\= D’ciq get suited and armed we have trouble. =/

D’ciq: ::Tapping her comm badge.:: =/\=Understood. =/\= ::Closing the
channel, grabbing her Bat’leth, placing it in the harness on her back.
Taking her side arm out of her holster, checking the sights on the
weapon, placing it back in the holster. She grabbed her rifle and
walked out of the tent heading to the number one turret.::

:: Kagran headed to where Beornan was working ::

Kagran: :: Shouting Loudly :: Lt Beornan

Beornan: Yes Sir?

Kagran: Your sensors are fine we have company. Got a weapon?

Beornan: Yes sir, I have my rifle, sidearm and combat knife as

Kagran: Good lets get back to the forward command post.

Beornan: Yes sir, I just have to finish putting this back together.
I’ll be right behind you sir.

Kagran: Be careful marine

:: Kagran had not long left the scene and Beornan was getting up to
join the others when he was struck by something. Fortunately he was
protected by his tactical gear and looked around to see what it had
been. He found the arrow that had struck him, picked it up and ran off
to inform the others. ::

:: Kagran head back over to the forward command post where he met
Rawlings and a few other marines. He could hear the buggy getting
started up in the distance. ::

Kagran: =/\= Captain We have incoming about 200 natives unknown intent

Vetri : =/\= Response =/\=

Kagran: =/\= Rodger Sir. I will inform the crew via the intercom =/\=

Kagran: :: Picking up the primitive intercom that Beornan had made
that linked to loud-speakers around the camp. :: All hands we have a
large number of possible hostiles nearing the outer perimeter. Take
cover, all security and armed officers to the turret line. :: Pressing
the alarm button, a loud alert nose come over the speakers around the

:: No sooner then he had finished speaking they could hear what
sounded like 100’s of drum heading towards them. ::

Kagran: Switch the thermal vision infer-red spectrum. Watch for


1st Lt Kagran
USS Avandar
Chief Marine Officer
5th Marine Regiment


(PNPC) 2nd Lt Beornan
Marine Combat Engineer
USS Avandar


(PNPC) 2nd Lt Rawlings
Marine Weapons Specialist
USS Avandar


(PNPC) Capt. Askade Meghan D’ciq
Marine Operations Officer
USS Avandar

Elizabeth Rahuba

পড়া হয়নি,
১৪ জানু, ২০১২, ১১:৫৯:৪৯ PM১৪/১/১২
প্রাপক sb118-...@googlegroups.com
((CIC, Camp area))
Pritzker: Yes, SIR! ::scrambles to suit up, then starts rounding up Marines:: Alright Marines! Let's get ready! NOW!!! Got NO time to waste! We need to be ready for anything!

Kagran: I don’t want to disturb the Captain and Commander till I confirm their intent.

Pritzker: Understood, sir! ::continues suiting up, grabbing the rest of his gear::

:: Kagran left the tent and started to run to the forward command post. ::

Kagran: =/\= Kagran to Evans =/\=

Evans: =/\= Response =/\=

Kagran: How many marines have you got on the cliff with you?

Evans: =/\= Response =/\=

Kagran: =/\= Can you see a large number of the Natives from there?

Evans: =/\= response =/\=

Kagran: =/\= Get in a good position in case they attack. Kagran Out. =/\=

:: Kagran reached the front line he met Rawlings standing near the sensor's display.::

Kagran: Where is Beornan?

Rawlings: He is at the early warning system sir.

Kagran: It seems the sensors are right, Evans can see a larger pack than normal. Get the marines that are here ready to repel the group should they attack. =/\= D’ciq get suited and armed we have trouble. =/\=

D’ciq: ::Tapping her comm badge.:: =/\=Understood. =/\= ::Closing the channel, grabbing her Bat’leth, placing it in the harness on her back. Taking her side arm out of her holster, checking the sights on the weapon, placing it back in the holster. She grabbed her rifle and walked out of the tent heading to the number one turret.::

:: Kagran headed to where Beornan was working ::

Kagran: :: Shouting Loudly :: Lieutenant Beornan!

Beornan: Yes Sir?

Kagran: Your sensors are fine we have company. Got a weapon?

Beornan: Yes sir, I have my rifle, sidearm and combat knife as standard.

Kagran: Good let's get back to the forward command post.

Beornan: Yes sir, I just have to finish putting this back together. I’ll be right behind you sir.

Kagran: Be careful marine

:: Kagran had not long left the scene and Beornan was getting up to join the others when he was struck by something. Fortunately he was protected by his tactical gear and looked around to see what it had been. He found the arrow that had struck him, picked it up and ran off to inform the others. ::

:: Kagran head back over to the forward command post where he met Rawlings and a few other marines. He could hear the buggy getting started up in the distance. ::

Kagran: =/\= Captain We have incoming about 200 natives unknown intent =/\=

Vetri : =/\= Response =/\=

Kagran: =/\= Rodger Sir. I will inform the crew via the intercom =/\=

Kagran: :: Picking up the primitive intercom that Beornan had made that linked to loud-speakers around the camp. :: All hands we have a large number of possible hostiles nearing the outer perimeter. Take cover, all security and armed officers to the turret line. :: Pressing the alarm button, a loud alert noise come over the speakers around the

:: No sooner then he had finished speaking they could hear what sounded like 100’s of drum heading towards them. ::

Kagran: Switch the thermal vision infer-red spectrum. Watch for targets.


PNPC MSgt James J. Pritzker
Marine CoS
USS Avandar

As simmed by:

Lieutenant Rebecca Gilaars
Security Officer
USS Avandar

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