1st Lt Kagran - Diplomacy Klingon Style

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11. 1. 2012. 11:56:4111.1.12.
– UFOP: StarBase 118 - USS Avandar
:: Kagran had just finished his rounds of the marines and security
officers that where on the perimeter night guard duty, he headed over
to the group sat down by the camp fire, taking off his side arm and
rifle and placing it down. Next he removed his Marine Armour and set
it down, joined the group, Umas was in full swing. ::

T’Lea: Using the shuttle’s power to operate essential medical
equipment is not a selfish act. It has saved lives.

Umas: And I suppose those damn Marine turrets have saved lives too? Do
you know how much energy they’ve wasted shooting at the trees? Siphon
the reserves from the marines and other areas to get the shuttle
launched. What about the power core on board the ship? It never
breached, it still works, can we start it up and charge the shuttle to

Tali: ?

Mancuso: ?

T’Lea: I would prefer not to risk total annihilation by resurrecting
the warp core. And depleting the rest of our energy reserves into a
single idea that has little chance of success is unwise. Even if we
take power from other areas and properly apply it to the shuttle, it
would still not be enough to make the six day journey back to the
wormhole, *and* it would leave the rest of us at a needless

Tan: ?

S’Acul: ?

Anyone: ?

Umas: We’re going to run out of energy very soon anyway, why not use
what’s left to actively get ourselves rescued. And I disagree; we have
enough power for it to work, you’re just afraid to use it!

:: Kagran watched Umas as he stood and directed his next statement to
the Captain. T’Lea also stood to protect
the woman behind her – not that Umas was threatening Vetri in the
least bit...::

Umas: Listen, that shuttle is our last ticket off this planet. Even if
we don’t make it to the wormhole we stand a better chance of rescue if
we can get a team off this planet and bring back help.

T’Lea: Our survey of this sector revealed it to be uninhabited with
zero through-traffic. You will be left adrift in space and die when
your power fails.

Umas: And dying here without even trying is better, how?

::Sitting thinking, Kagran noticed that when Umas spoke he’d leaned
toward T’Lea in a challenging

Umas: ::addressing the group:: Worst case scenario is I die on the
shuttle, someone finds my message, and they come back to rescue
you. ::sneering at T’Lea:: And by the way, if your science is so
accurate why didn’t we detect life on this planet from orbit, huh?
Tell me that?

oO If he even thinks about taking that shuttle I will kill him where
he stands. Oo

Umas: ::looking at the Captain before he scanned the group:: Further
misuse of time and resources will strand us here permanently. Now, I
don’t know about the rest of you but I have a family back home – I
have a son who’s depending on me to make it off this planet, and I do
not intend to let him down. That shuttle is our only way out. It’s our
last chance to get rescued and I say we take it

T’Lea: And what do you propose we do about the injured that are still
dependent on our remaining power to heal their wounds and even stay
alive? ::to the doctors:: How many are there?


O’Hanlon: ?

Anyone: ?

Umas: Casualties, for the greater good. They’ll be dead when the power
is depleted in a couple of days, why kill *our* chance at a rescue
too? ::to T’Lea, and then the Captain:: Or maybe you don’t want to
leave. After all, you have nothing to go back to, right? Your family
is right here, alive and well, but what about the rest of us? I lost
my wife and child on this frakking planet, I’m not going to wait
around and die here too!

oO One more thing like that and!!!! Oo

T’Lea: ::stepping toward him:: I can assure you that dying here is not
what we are waiting for. ::lifting her eyes to the group as a whole::
When we missed our last check-in a search vessel would have
been dispatched to our last known location. It is only a matter of
time before they find our distress signal.

Umas: Time? It’s been three weeks! THREE weeks! If they were going to
find us they would have done so by now. Our distress signal isn’t
strong enough, and we all know it.

T’Lea: Which is why I propose that we move the main deflector dish up
to a higher point, and work on strengthening the signal. We may be
able to use the unique EM charged frequency in the ionosphere as an
amplifier, essentially turning the entire planet into one large radio
broadcast emission. Patrols have been scouting the mountain range for
an ideal location…

Kagran: There is a few good locations for it to be placed but it’s
getting it there that would be the hard part… I guess you are too much
of a Coward to even try before flying off on a fools mission.

Security: ?

Intel Officer: ?

Umas: Wait a minute, you’re talking about supercharging the ionosphere
with the pulse frequency we’ve been using? It will fry all the systems
on a rescue ship if one comes into range.

:: Kagran noticed that Umas had heard him but gave no reply like he
only wanted to pick at T’lea. ::

oO He better watch himself. Oo

T’Lea: We will broadcast a warning to remain a safe distance away.
When contact is made we will shut it down.

Umas: How much of our remaining power is that going to constantly suck

T’Lea: None, once we convert to solar.

Umas: Alright. ::nodding:: If you’re going to be frakking around with
the entire ionosphere what are the risks? What if the pulse alters
this *unique* electromagnetic frequency up there – that could leave a
resonating field of the pulse frequency, right? We won’t be able to
get out? Rescue can’t get in?

Blackwood: T'Lea while your plan has some merit there is a reasonable
chance your plan could cause a Polar Cap Absorbtion event. The
increased ionisation in the D layer of the ionosphere would completely
absorb the signal you are trying to broadcast, eliminating the whole
point. If we can't reasonably and "safely" do both... I'd send the

T’Lea: Highly improbable. The circumstances needed for that to happen
are astronomical.

Umas: But there’s a *chance* it could happen. ::wagging his head:: I
say we fire up the ship’s core, and charge the shuttle.

T’Lea: Your plan is flawed, Mr. Umas. Not only will it put your life
at risk, but it jeopardizes the rest of our lives as well.

Umas: And your plan might just condemn us here forever!

T’Lea: Yours will most certainly kill us all. Not everyone here is as
eager to throw away their lives as you are, Mr. Umas.

Umas: ::getting in her face:: Bitch.

:: At this point Kagran jumped to his feet. With the look of somebody
ready to kill he started to move towards his combat knife, when a hand
tapped him on the shoulder. He turned seeing Beornan standing there,
the marine told him he was needed in the C&C tent. Turning Kagran
grabbed his stuff and headed over to the Tent. ::
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