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Vimala Sarma

2012年5月23日 22:45:312012/5/23
收件人 sams...@googlegroups.com
Please see site in following e-mail below.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Himanshu Pota <himans...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, May 23, 2012 at 9:56 AM
Subject: Learning Tools
To: McComas Taylor <McComas...@anu.edu.au>
Cc: rahul vedi <rahul...@hotmail.com>, Jennifer Cover <jennife...@ursys.com.au>, Vimala Sarma <vsa...@bigpond.com>, Ananth Rao <Anant...@anu.edu.au>, Sadananda Das <spokens...@googlemail.com>, Girish Nath Jha <giri...@gmail.com>


I am sure you are aware of these tools but in case you missed it, the way I had missed it, please advertise widely this site:  http://tdil-dc.in/san/skt_gen/generators.html 

What an extraordinary effort! Writing in Sanskrit just became so easy.


Himanshu Pota

Hnbhat B.R.

2012年5月23日 23:25:402012/5/23
收件人 sams...@googlegroups.com
Hahah ahahaa ahahhaaa 

I remember a verse of Bhartrihari who was given a fruit by a sage and which he gave to his wife

यां चिन्तयामि सततं मयि सा विरक्ता, साप्यन्यमिच्छति जनं स जनोऽन्यसक्तः। 
अस्मत्कृते च परितुष्यति काचिदन्या, धिक् तां च तं च मदनं च इमां च मां च॥  
 - भर्तृहरि

Hope the episode woven around this verse is a popular legend tied with the life of Bhartrihari. It may be in the Bhojaprabandha or so. The same thing happened here.  Amba Kulkarni had already gifted this link to another group long ago  in which I was also member:

Here you can see the details of it. Now it was introduced in this site also by the Professor:

in the above thread. I had given the link to Himamshu Pota in his blog site to help him, which in turn reached me also the originating place - round and round. 

 'History repeats itself because nobody listens' or 'History repeats itself because the world doesn't learn." A mostly oft quoted line.

Dr. Hari Narayana Bhat B.R. M.A., Ph.D.,
Research Scholar,
Ecole française d'Extrême-OrientCentre de Pondichéry
16 & 19, Rue Dumas
Pondichéry - 605 001

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