About Sphinx in Sage

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Jan 24, 2011, 7:13:13 AM1/24/11
to sage-support
Dear guys,
Could you help me figure out how I can complie the Sage tutorial
Sphinx version (located in $SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage-main/doc/en/
using my own Sphinx (ver 1.0.7) rather than the older version (1.0.4)
included in Sage.
Another question is that how can I upgrade Sphnix (included in Sage)
to the latest version (1.0.7)?
I don't know much about Sage, so I'll be very grateful if you can help
me by showing clearly the answer.
Thank you guys so much.
Sorry if this email disturb you.
Many thanks again.

Harald Schilly

Jan 24, 2011, 5:44:55 PM1/24/11
to sage-s...@googlegroups.com
for the record:

$ sage -sh
$ easy_install -U sphinx


Jan 25, 2011, 2:10:28 AM1/25/11
to sage-s...@googlegroups.com
What about the first question?

Could you help me figure out how I can complie the Sage tutorial
 Sphinx version (located in $SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage-main/doc/en/tutorial)
using my own Sphinx (ver 1.0.7) rather than the older version  (1.0.4)
included in Sage.
What files do I need to complie without using Sphinx included in Sage?
And can someone give an ansswer for the case if I want to complie only some small part of the Sage reference.
Many thanks,

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Best wishes for you,

Hoàng Anh Đức

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