Thanks to ppurka, we are finally very close to having easily usable
log-scale plots. We would like to take two votes (if anyone cares) on
commands for log plots and semilog plots. See
for background and examples.
Where it happens (vote for one):
[ ] Only in special commands like loglog_plot and the like, and not in
usual commands like plot_*. That is, one could not take a plot and
then later decide whether or not to show it with a different scale.
On the plus side, it would be obvious that one couldn't add two plots
with different scales.
[ ] In all (or most) plot commands, but then have the plot scale in
different axes be handled by keywords/parameters called "scale" and
"base" for plot_* but handled in the .show() and .save() methods
[ ] Some combination of the above (probably having a few commands like
loglog_plot and semilog_plot and loglog_list_plot which automatically
would put in the correct show parameters).
What actual function names to have (vote for as many as you like):
[ ] loglog_plot
[ ] semilog_plot(logaxis='x/y')
[ ] semilogx_plot/semilogy_plot
[ ] loglog_list_plot
[ ] semilog_list_plot(logaxis='x/y')
[ ] semilogx_list_plot/semilogy_list_plot