4.6.2 build on Ubuntu 11.04 alpha 3 fails on crypt.so

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Jan Groenewald

Mar 30, 2011, 2:36:23 AM3/30/11
to sage-...@googlegroups.com

Ubuntu 11.04 is still alpha 3, but in the meantime I've had to install
it for graphics/wireless/sound driver reasons.

jan@mamadou-laptop:/usr/local/src/sage-4.6.2$ lsb_release -d
Description: Ubuntu Natty (development branch)
jan@mamadou-laptop:/usr/local/src/sage-4.6.2$ uname -a
Linux mamadou-laptop 2.6.38-5-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 22 16:10:15 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
jan@mamadou-laptop:/usr/local/src/sage-4.6.2$ python --version
Python 2.7.1+
jan@mamadou-laptop:/usr/local/src/sage-4.6.2$ gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.5.2-7ubuntu1) 4.5.2
Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO

Sage mostly builds, but

jan@mamadou-laptop:/usr/local/src/sage-4.6.2$ grep enaming install.log
*** WARNING: renaming "crypt" since importing it failed: build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/crypt.so: undefined symbol: crypt
*** WARNING: renaming "nis" since importing it failed: build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/nis.so: undefined symbol: yp_get_default_domain
*** WARNING: renaming "crypt" since importing it failed: build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/crypt.so: undefined symbol: crypt
*** WARNING: renaming "nis" since importing it failed: build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/nis.so: undefined symbol: yp_get_default_domain
*** WARNING: renaming "crypt" since importing it failed: build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/crypt.so: undefined symbol: crypt
*** WARNING: renaming "nis" since importing it failed: build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/nis.so: undefined symbol: yp_get_default_domain
jan@mamadou-laptop:/usr/local/src/sage-4.6.2$ ldd /usr/local/src/sage-4.6.2/local/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload/crypt_failed.so
linux-vdso.so.1 => (0x00007fffb07e9000)
libpython2.6.so.1.0 => not found
libpthread.so.0 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 (0x00007f909e29a000)
libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007f909def4000)
/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007f909e6d4000)
jan@mamadou-laptop:/usr/local/src/sage-4.6.2$ sage
| Sage Version 4.6.2, Release Date: 2011-02-25 |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information. |
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)

/usr/local/src/sage-4.6.2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/IPython/ipmaker.pyc in force_import(modname)
64 reload(sys.modules[modname])
65 else:
---> 66 __import__(modname)

/usr/local/src/sage-4.6.2/local/bin/ipy_profile_sage.py in <module>()
5 preparser(True)
----> 7 import sage.all_cmdline
8 sage.all_cmdline._init_cmdline(globals())

/usr/local/src/sage-4.6.2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/all_cmdline.py in <module>()
12 try:
---> 14 from sage.all import *
15 from sage.calculus.predefined import x
16 preparser(on=True)

/usr/local/src/sage-4.6.2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/all.py in <module>()
97 from sage.calculus.all import *
---> 99 from sage.server.all import *
100 import sage.tests.all as tests

/usr/local/src/sage-4.6.2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/server/all.py in <module>()
----> 2 #from server1.all import *

3 from notebook.all import *
4 from wiki.all import *
5 from trac.all import *

/usr/local/src/sage-4.6.2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/server/notebook/all.py in <module>()
21 # Import the new separated Sage notebook.

---> 22 from sagenb.notebook.all import *

/usr/local/src/sage-4.6.2/devel/sagenb/sagenb/notebook/all.py in <module>()
14 from sage_email import email
---> 16 from notebook_object import notebook, inotebook
18 from interact import interact, input_box, slider, range_slider, selector, checkbox, input_grid, text_control, color_selector

/usr/local/src/sage-4.6.2/devel/sagenb/sagenb/notebook/notebook_object.py in <module>()
15 import time, os, shutil, signal, tempfile
---> 17 import notebook as _notebook
19 import run_notebook

/usr/local/src/sage-4.6.2/devel/sagenb/sagenb/notebook/notebook.pyc in <module>()
44 import server_conf # server configuration
45 import user_conf # user configuration
---> 46 import user # users
47 from template import template, prettify_time_ago

/usr/local/src/sage-4.6.2/devel/sagenb/sagenb/notebook/user.py in <module>()
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*

2 import copy
----> 3 import crypt
4 import cPickle
5 import os

ImportError: No module named crypt
Error importing ipy_profile_sage - perhaps you should run %upgrade?
WARNING: Loading of ipy_profile_sage failed.


The install.log is here:

I will update in a few days when Ubuntu 11.04 beta 1 is out.

/V\ Jan Groenewald
/( )\ www.aims.ac.za


Apr 16, 2011, 3:50:51 AM4/16/11
to sage-devel

From an early alpha,

1. during build
> *** WARNING: renaming "crypt" since importing it failed: build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/crypt.so: undefined symbol: crypt

2. starting sage
> jan@mamadou-laptop:/usr/local/src/sage-4.6.2$ sage
> ImportError: No module named crypt

This problem continues on Ubuntu natty 11.04 beta 2, which is two
before release.



Apr 16, 2011, 3:51:05 AM4/16/11
to sage-devel

From an early alpha,

1. during build
> *** WARNING: renaming "crypt" since importing it failed: build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/crypt.so: undefined symbol: crypt

2. starting sage
> jan@mamadou-laptop:/usr/local/src/sage-4.6.2$ sage
> ImportError: No module named crypt

David Kirkby

Apr 17, 2011, 3:27:55 AM4/17/11
to sage-...@googlegroups.com
On 16 April 2011 08:50, pipedream <jan.gro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> From an early alpha,
> 1. during build
>> *** WARNING: renaming "crypt" since importing it failed: build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/crypt.so: undefined symbol: crypt

Can you look spkg/logs/python-2.6.4.p9 and see if you can find a
section like this:

Failed to find the necessary bits to build these modules:
_bsddb bsddb185 gdbm
linuxaudiodev ossaudiodev
To find the necessary bits, look in setup.py in detect_modules() for
the module's name.

Failed to build these modules:
_curses _curses_panel _tkinter

Let us know what you have.

In the python package we do have code which checks for certain that
the "math" and "hashlib" modules are built. It might be wise if we
extend that list, if this module is presenting problems.

It should not matter if there's a system version of python which is
different, as only the Sage version should be used. But not I use the
word "should" in both case!


Jan Groenewald

Apr 17, 2011, 4:23:11 AM4/17/11
to sage-...@googlegroups.com

On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 08:27:55AM +0100, David Kirkby wrote:
> >> *** WARNING: renaming "crypt" since importing it failed: build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/crypt.so: undefined symbol: crypt
> Can you look spkg/logs/python-2.6.4.p9 and see if you can find a
> section like this:
> Failed to find the necessary bits to build these modules:

> Failed to build these modules:

> Let us know what you have.

Failed to find the necessary bits to build these modules:
_bsddb _hashlib _ssl
_tkinter bsddb185 dbm
dl gdbm imageop

To find the necessary bits, look in setup.py in detect_modules() for the module's name.

Failed to build these modules:

crypt nis

Full logs at http://users.aims.ac.za/~jan/sage/install.log-sage4.6.2-ubuntu11.04-amd64-beta2.bz2

David Kirkby

Apr 17, 2011, 4:42:32 AM4/17/11
to sage-...@googlegroups.com
On 17 April 2011 09:23, Jan Groenewald <j...@aims.ac.za> wrote:
> Hi
> On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 08:27:55AM +0100, David Kirkby wrote:
>> >> *** WARNING: renaming "crypt" since importing it failed: build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/crypt.so: undefined symbol: crypt
>> Can you look spkg/logs/python-2.6.4.p9 and see if you can find a
>> section like this:
>> Failed to find the necessary bits to build these modules:
>> Failed to build these modules:
>> Let us know what you have.
>   Failed to find the necessary bits to build these modules:
>   _bsddb             _hashlib           _ssl
>   _tkinter           bsddb185           dbm
>   dl                 gdbm               imageop
>   sunaudiodev
>   To find the necessary bits, look in setup.py in detect_modules() for the module's name.
>   Failed to build these modules:
>   crypt              nis

OK, its clear Python failed to build the crypt module. I assume this
means it found the bits to build it, but was unable to.

The output of install.log is pretty useless if someone does parallel
builds of packages as the order of entries is essentially random.
I've not checked your log, but can you provide one of just the python
log in spkg/logs. That should show the problem, without downloading a
huge file filled with unnecessary things.

It would also be helpful if you could download Python 2.6.4 from the
python web site and see if that builds this module. Also try for the
latest of the 2.x series.

If the problem persists when you try to build the latest Python 2.x,
then it might be worth reporting this to the python bug tracker, after
first checking to see if someone else has reported it.

This could be something specific to Sage- we have made numerous
patches to Python 2.6.4, but it could be a more general problem. Try
googling to see if others have problems with the "crypt" module on
your release of the operating system.

> Regards,
> Jan


Jan Groenewald

Apr 17, 2011, 5:28:05 AM4/17/11
to sage-...@googlegroups.com
Hi Dave

On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 09:42:32AM +0100, David Kirkby wrote:
> OK, its clear Python failed to build the crypt module. I assume this
> means it found the bits to build it, but was unable to.
> > Full logs at http://users.aims.ac.za/~jan/sage/install.log-sage4.6.2-ubuntu11.04-amd64-beta2.bz2
> The output of install.log is pretty useless if someone does parallel
> builds of packages as the order of entries is essentially random.
> I've not checked your log, but can you provide one of just the python
> log in spkg/logs. That should show the problem, without downloading a
> huge file filled with unnecessary things.

OK. I didn't realise parallel builds did that.
http://users.aims.ac.za/~jan/sage/python-2.6.4.p9.log [444K]

> It would also be helpful if you could download Python 2.6.4 from the
> python web site and see if that builds this module. Also try for the
> latest of the 2.x series.
> If the problem persists when you try to build the latest Python 2.x,
> then it might be worth reporting this to the python bug tracker, after
> first checking to see if someone else has reported it.

I will do this after the ubuntu 11.04 distribution is actually released
(30 April). I am interested in sage building on that.

Python bug tracker is not loading for me now. Google cached page is only loading
in text version. Original page I have not seen yet from google search for
"python bug tracker crypt.so failed to build" is at:

> This could be something specific to Sage- we have made numerous
> patches to Python 2.6.4, but it could be a more general problem. Try
> googling to see if others have problems with the "crypt" module on
> your release of the operating system.

I did, I only found several year old problems, most notably on gentoo
in 2005 due to a USE FLAG including hardened, building cvs, system python
2.3.4: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=91130

Dr. David Kirkby

Apr 17, 2011, 6:23:20 AM4/17/11
to sage-...@googlegroups.com
On 04/17/11 10:28 AM, Jan Groenewald wrote:
> Hi Dave
> On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 09:42:32AM +0100, David Kirkby wrote:
>> OK, its clear Python failed to build the crypt module. I assume this
>> means it found the bits to build it, but was unable to.
>>> Full logs at http://users.aims.ac.za/~jan/sage/install.log-sage4.6.2-ubuntu11.04-amd64-beta2.bz2
>> The output of install.log is pretty useless if someone does parallel
>> builds of packages as the order of entries is essentially random.
>> I've not checked your log, but can you provide one of just the python
>> log in spkg/logs. That should show the problem, without downloading a
>> huge file filled with unnecessary things.
> OK. I didn't realise parallel builds did that.
> http://users.aims.ac.za/~jan/sage/python-2.6.4.p9.log [444K]

They do. But even for serial builds, install.log is rarely necessary when the
problem is clearly in one package.

>> It would also be helpful if you could download Python 2.6.4 from the
>> python web site and see if that builds this module. Also try for the
>> latest of the 2.x series.
>> If the problem persists when you try to build the latest Python 2.x,
>> then it might be worth reporting this to the python bug tracker, after
>> first checking to see if someone else has reported it.
> I will do this after the ubuntu 11.04 distribution is actually released
> (30 April). I am interested in sage building on that.

Though it would help if you could track this down before the release. If the
latest Python 2.x will not build, then the Ubuntu developers should know about
that before they release Ubuntu. They will care less about the older version in

> Python bug tracker is not loading for me now. Google cached page is only loading
> in text version. Original page I have not seen yet from google search for
> "python bug tracker crypt.so failed to build" is at:
> http://bugs.python.org/issue9762

Try again. It is working for me and has a patch.

>> This could be something specific to Sage- we have made numerous
>> patches to Python 2.6.4, but it could be a more general problem. Try
>> googling to see if others have problems with the "crypt" module on
>> your release of the operating system.
> I did, I only found several year old problems, most notably on gentoo
> in 2005 due to a USE FLAG including hardened, building cvs, system python
> 2.3.4: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=91130
> Regards,
> Jan

I don't have much clue to be honest. This is a Python build issue, which could
be due to a Sage patch, a broken (alpha) system or a Python bug. I think you
will need to resolve this issue with the python support team. But it really
needs testing the latest 2.x release of Python, otherwise I can't see the Python
developers being that intersted.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?


Jan Groenewald

Apr 17, 2011, 10:03:34 AM4/17/11
to sage-...@googlegroups.com

On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 11:23:20AM +0100, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> >>It would also be helpful if you could download Python 2.6.4 from the
> >>python web site and see if that builds this module. Also try for the
> >>latest of the 2.x series.
> >>
> >>If the problem persists when you try to build the latest Python 2.x,
> >>then it might be worth reporting this to the python bug tracker, after
> >>first checking to see if someone else has reported it.
> >
> >I will do this after the ubuntu 11.04 distribution is actually released
> >(30 April). I am interested in sage building on that.
> Though it would help if you could track this down before the
> release. If the latest Python 2.x will not build, then the Ubuntu
> developers should know about that before they release Ubuntu. They
> will care less about the older version in Sage.
> >Python bug tracker is not loading for me now. Google cached page is only loading
> >in text version. Original page I have not seen yet from google search for
> >"python bug tracker crypt.so failed to build" is at:
> >http://bugs.python.org/issue9762

I added a note on that bug, which is for python 3.2, and marked as fixed
released via a setup.py patch, but the build I do is as the README says,
./configure, make.

> Try again. It is working for me and has a patch.

I have tried building http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.6.4/Python-2.6.4.tar.bz2
(i.e. not the Ubuntu version, but the upstream version) on Ubuntu 11.04 beta 2 amd64.
It failed with the same:

Failed to find the necessary bits to build these modules:

_bsddb _hashlib _sqlite3

_ssl _tkinter bsddb185
dbm dl gdbm

imageop sunaudiodev zlib

To find the necessary bits, look in setup.py in detect_modules() for the module's name.

Failed to build these modules:
crypt nis

I built with ./configure, make, as in the README, not with python setup.py build,
and that patch is for setup.py so does not make any difference.

python setup.py build fails with numerous missing items, and include python2.7.1+
(the default python version on Ubuntu) statements.

There is also a packaged version of python2.6.6 in this release, so I assume
the Ubuntu patched version builds. The upstream version same problem.

The latest Python 2.x is 2.7.1. Also the Ubuntu patched version must build.
The upstream does not.

So apt-get source python2.6 gets the ubuntu source for 2.6.6, and produces
the file python2.6_2.6.6-6ubuntu7.diff.gz [260K] which I can't post now
as my server room air conditioning failed 4 times in an hour and I'm shutting
down now, probably until some time Monday. It does mention crypt.

0 jan@muizenberg:/var/autofs/misc/home/jan$zgrep crypt python2.6_2.6.6-6ubuntu7.diff.gz
+<LI><A HREF="#4.81">4.81. &quot;import crypt&quot; fails</A>
+This linker error occurs on Solaris if you attempt to build an extension module which incorporates position-dependent (non-PIC) code. A common source of problems is that a static library (.a file), such as libreadline.a or libcrypto.a is linked with the extension module. The error specifically occurs when using gcc as the compiler, but /usr/ccs/bin/ld as the linker.
+1. Rebuild the libraries (libreadline, libcrypto) with -fPIC (-KPIC if using the system compiler). This is recommended; all object files in a shared library should be position-independent.
+<H2><A NAME="4.81">4.81. &quot;import crypt&quot; fails</A></H2>
+Starting with Python 1.5, the crypt module is disabled by default.
+front of the line starting with '#crypt'). Then rebuild.
+You may also have to add the string '-lcrypt' to that same line.
+typing but use arbitrary or cryptic syntax or keywords,
++#_hashlib _hashopenssl.c -lssl -lcrypto
+-# -L$(SSL)/lib -lssl -lcrypto
++#_ssl _ssl.c -lssl -lcrypto
+ # The crypt module is now disabled by default because it breaks builds
+ # on many systems (where -lcrypt is needed), e.g. Linux (I believe).
++#_hashlib _hashopenssl.c -lssl -lcrypto

Jan Groenewald

Apr 17, 2011, 10:12:25 AM4/17/11
to sage-...@googlegroups.com

Reply from bugs.python.org attached.
I guess sage-python should get the same patch?

This is not related to PEP 3149 failures. Ubuntu 11.04 introduced multiarch
directories for the underlying shared libraries used to link to the Python
extension modules. Unpatched, Python's setup.py does not add the necessary
multiarch directories to the search paths, so some extensions won't build.

Ubuntu 11.04's Python packages have been patched to add the correct search
paths. Upstream Python 2.7, 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 have also been patched to
include the correct search paths, but fixed versions have not been released
upstream yet. Python 2.6 won't be patched.

See issue 11715 for details.

Though 2.7.1 upstream also failed for me... and I still don't
get how the setup.py fixes configure make installs -- I thought
that was only used for python setup.py build...

But here is http://bugs.python.org/issue11715
http://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/bd0f73a9538e (for python 2.7)

And Ubuntu 2.6 patches:

Dan Drake

Apr 17, 2011, 7:58:44 PM4/17/11
to sage-...@googlegroups.com
On Sun, 17 Apr 2011 at 08:27AM +0100, David Kirkby wrote:

> Can you look spkg/logs/python-2.6.4.p9 and see if you can find a
> section like this:
> Failed to find the necessary bits to build these modules:
> _bsddb bsddb185 gdbm
> linuxaudiodev ossaudiodev
> To find the necessary bits, look in setup.py in detect_modules() for
> the module's name.

FWIW, I reported this issue and linked to some build logs:


I found the place where it tried to build the crypt module, but no error
message was given -- it just reported that it failed.


--- Dan Drake
----- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake


Jan Groenewald

Apr 18, 2011, 6:21:43 AM4/18/11
to sage-...@googlegroups.com

python2.6_2.6.6-6ubuntu7.diff.gz says somewhere in it:

+<H2><A NAME="4.81">4.81. &quot;import crypt&quot; fails</A></H2>


+Starting with Python 1.5, the crypt module is disabled by default.

+In order to enable it, you must go into the Python source tree and
+edit the file Modules/Setup to enable it (remove a '#' sign in

+front of the line starting with '#crypt'). Then rebuild.
+You may also have to add the string '-lcrypt' to that same line.

If I untar /usr/local/src/sage-4.6.2/spkg/standard/python-2.6.4.p9.spkg,
and patch as below, re-tar it, and sage -f python-2.6.4.p9.spkg,
the crypt import error is gone, and sage works fine. (I didn't get it
to apply by just dropping Setup.dist and Setup.dist.patch in patches/ ,
so I patched the file manually and rebuilt.)

--- ../src/Modules/Setup.dist 2011-04-18 11:45:30.152401392 +0200
+++ Setup.dist 2011-04-18 11:27:11.540790019 +0200
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
# First, look at Setup.config; configure may have set this for you.

-#crypt cryptmodule.c -lcrypt # crypt(3); needs -lcrypt on some systems
+crypt cryptmodule.c -lcrypt # crypt(3); needs -lcrypt on some systems

# Some more UNIX dependent modules -- off by default, since these

Is this a patch that can go into sage, or will it break other distributions?


Apr 19, 2011, 4:32:41 AM4/19/11
to sage-devel
Sorry, that patch is not right. I believe the original was
#crypt cryptmodule.c #-lcrypt # crypt(3); needs -lcrypt on some
I had already removed the second # when I made that patch.



Apr 19, 2011, 4:32:53 AM4/19/11
to sage-devel
Sorry, that patch is not right. I believe the original was
#crypt cryptmodule.c #-lcrypt # crypt(3); needs -lcrypt on some
I had already removed the second # when I made that patch.


On Apr 18, 12:21 pm, Jan Groenewald <j...@aims.ac.za> wrote:


Apr 23, 2011, 11:43:03 AM4/23/11
to sage-devel
This is now http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11243
Testing and reviewing welcome.


Apr 24, 2011, 9:26:50 AM4/24/11
to sage-devel
We expect below spkg to be in sage 4.7.1. In the meantime, if you run
Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty)
and stable sage 4.6.2, you can replace SAGE_ROOT/spkg/standard/
with this:


On Apr 23, 5:43 pm, pipedream <jan.groenew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is nowhttp://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11243
> Testing and reviewing welcome.


May 12, 2011, 12:28:38 PM5/12/11
to sage-devel

On 24 Kwi, 15:26, pipedream <jan.groenew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We expect below spkg to be in sage 4.7.1. In the meantime, if you runUbuntu11.04(Natty)
> and stable sage 4.6.2, you can replace SAGE_ROOT/spkg/standard/
> python-2.6.4.p9.spkg
> with this:
> http://users.aims.ac.za/~jan/python-2.6.4.p10.spkg

I did that and it helped.

However, I then installed the flask notebook (as on http://code.google.com/r/rkirov-flask/
) and I get the error again:"

in <module>()
14 from sage_email import email
---> 16 from notebook_object import notebook, inotebook
18 from interact import interact, input_box, slider, range_slider,
selector, checkbox, input_grid, text_control, color_selector

notebook_object.py in <module>()
15 import time, os, shutil, signal, tempfile
---> 17 import notebook as _notebook
19 import run_notebook

notebook.pyc in <module>()
44 import server_conf # server configuration
45 import user_conf # user configuration
---> 46 import user # users
47 from template import template, prettify_time_ago

in <module>()
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*

2 import copy
----> 3 import crypt
4 import cPickle
5 import os

ImportError: No module named crypt

Jan Groenewald

May 13, 2011, 5:59:58 AM5/13/11
to sage-...@googlegroups.com

On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 09:28:38AM -0700, Lilavati wrote:
> On 24 Kwi, 15:26, pipedream <jan.groenew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > We expect below spkg to be in sage 4.7.1. In the meantime, if you runUbuntu11.04(Natty)
> > and stable sage 4.6.2, you can replace SAGE_ROOT/spkg/standard/
> > python-2.6.4.p9.spkg
> > with this:
> >
> > http://users.aims.ac.za/~jan/python-2.6.4.p10.spkg

> However, I then installed the flask notebook (as on http://code.google.com/r/rkirov-flask/

> ) and I get the error again:"

> ImportError: No module named crypt

The last command there is sage -br, and it perhaps rebuilt the p9 spkg?

Try just do again

sage -f http://users.aims.ac.za/~jan/python-2.6.4.p10.spkg

(I don't know flask, but I don't think this will affect it)


May 13, 2011, 11:42:00 AM5/13/11
to sage-devel
On 13 Maj, 11:59, Jan Groenewald <j...@aims.ac.za> wrote:

> The last command there is sage -br, and it perhaps rebuilt the p9 spkg?
> Try just do again
>   sage -f http://users.aims.ac.za/~jan/python-2.6.4.p10.spkg

It helped! Thanks. :)

I don't really get how, since I had removed the p9 spkg from spkg/
standard, but what matters is that it works. :)


May 15, 2011, 6:31:40 AM5/15/11
to sage-devel
I had (what appeared to me to be) same/similar problems with UBUNTU
I had NOT attempted to install flask.
The "sage -fhttp://users.aims.ac.za/~jan/python-2.6.4.p10.spkg"
appeared to resolve that,
but I had to re-build docs to get the help and the tutorial up.
I run the plot3d examples as a check that the Firefox java plugin
icetea is working,
it was not, so I had to install that via Synaptic package manager,

The first example merely paints the light blue rectangular background,
displays "jsMath" in the bottom right hand corner and "starting
in the bottom left hand corner.
As I remember things JMOL is the display applet, but that doesn't
show its title.
BTW, the 2D plot examples in the same tutorial all work.

Any ideas ?

On May 13, 5:59 am, Jan Groenewald <j...@aims.ac.za> wrote:
> Hi
> On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 09:28:38AM -0700, Lilavati wrote:
> > On 24 Kwi, 15:26, pipedream <jan.groenew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > We expect below spkg to be in sage 4.7.1. In the meantime, if you runUbuntu11.04(Natty)
> > > and stable sage 4.6.2, you can replace SAGE_ROOT/spkg/standard/
> > > python-2.6.4.p9.spkg
> > > with this:
> > >http://users.aims.ac.za/~jan/python-2.6.4.p10.spkg
> > However, I then installed the flask notebook (as onhttp://code.google.com/r/rkirov-flask/
> > ) and I get the error again:"
> > ImportError: No module named crypt
> The last command there is sage -br, and it perhaps rebuilt the p9 spkg?
> Try just do again
>   sage -fhttp://users.aims.ac.za/~jan/python-2.6.4.p10.spkg
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