sage installation

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Ralf Hemmecke

Jul 8, 2009, 6:31:46 PM7/8/09
I've just downloaded
and typed as described in

| Sage Version 4.0.2, Release Date: 2009-06-18 |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information. |

WARNING! This Sage install was built on a machine that supports
instructions that are not available on this computer. Sage will
likely fail with ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION errors! The following processor
flags were on the build machine but are not on this computer:

pni ssse3

Email for help.
To remove this warning and make Sage start, just delete


Does that simply mean that I have to get the complete sources and
rebuild sage from sources? Probably not, because then someone would have
written it in that message.

Does removing sage-flags.txt actually mean that later sage will run
without ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION errors on my computer?


William Stein

Jul 8, 2009, 7:36:10 PM7/8/09

You should rebuilt ATLAS and MPIR on your computer from source. This
is much quicker than buildilng all Sage.

./sage -f mpir-1.2.p4
./sage -f atlas-3.8.3.p3

make sure each step succeeds. If they do then you can safely remove
that file and Sage should work fine for you.


Ralf Hemmecke

Jul 9, 2009, 5:40:50 AM7/9/09
William, thanks for this hint.

But I still have a little comment.

I've just started

> ./sage -f mpir-1.2.p4

and actually I really was wondering how this can work if I only have the
binary version of sage. But as a surprise to me the log said... (see

1) That command should be shown together with the warning message of the
compiler flags. So that I can go on without having to ask on a mailing
list. (I believe that at google you first have to create an account to
post a message -- looks like an unnecessary burden.)

2) On the download page I would have expected to see posted a few
differences of the binary and the source distribution of sage.
The design with 'sage -f' and your hint of how I can recompile is great,
but without asking I would certainly have downloaded the complete source
distribution and recompiled from scratch. That's certainly a waste
bandwidth and time.
So I would suggest to add a few lines to the download pages and
explaining to people for which purposes they would need the source
distribution and when a binary distribution is certainly enough even for

As for 2) maybe I haven't looked carefully enough and this information
is actually there, but consider me as a person who just wants to try our
sage and maybe later add a few things to sage myself. I have the choice
between a source and a binary distribution. And I would certainly choose
the source one, since I would think that the binary distribution doesn't
let me change Sage (or at least the parts I am interested in). The
source distribution is certainly not wrong, but maybe I get more than I
actually need and waste bandwidth and compilation time.
Do you see the dilemma?

So it should be made clear that sage happily connects to a server at
compile time and downloads missing sources on demand. I consider that a
feature. Make it more visible.


=========== first few lines of log of ./sage -f mpir-1.2.p4 ====
Force installing mpir-1.2.p4
Calling sage-spkg on mpir-1.2.p4
You must set the SAGE_ROOT environment variable or
run this script from the SAGE_ROOT or
SAGE_ROOT/local/bin/ directory.
Linux woodpecker 2.6.28-13-generic #45-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 30 19:49:51
UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
Deleting directories from past builds of previous/current versions of
Extracting package
-rw------- 1 hemmecke hemmecke 107 2009-06-19 19:41
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
Finished extraction
sage: After decompressing the directory mpir-1.2.p4 does not exist
This means that the corresponding .spkg needs to be downloaded
again. -->
[ ] -->

Ralf Hemmecke

Jul 9, 2009, 6:00:04 AM7/9/09
I seem to be out of luck. But maybe I did something wrong.

Here my steps.

I downloaded and extracted

cd sage-4.0.2-linux-Debian_GNU_Linux_5.0_lenny-i686-Linux
./sage -combinat install
./sage # fails becaus of binaries being not for my computer
# I recompiled...

> ./sage -f mpir-1.2.p4
> ./sage -f atlas-3.8.3.p3

# ... and started sage (see below...)

Now, maybe I have to reinstall sage-combinat or is the error I got not
connected to sage-combinat?

But ...
/devel>ls -l
total 16
drwx------ 4 hemmecke hemmecke 4096 2009-07-09 00:35 .
drwx------ 8 hemmecke hemmecke 4096 2009-07-09 11:24 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 hemmecke hemmecke 13 2009-07-09 00:35 sage -> sage-combinat
drwx------ 7 hemmecke hemmecke 4096 2009-07-09 00:35 sage-combinat
drwx------ 7 hemmecke hemmecke 4096 2009-06-19 16:33 sage-main

So I probably should not simply remove the sage-combinat directory.
And where did the mpir and atlas stuff go? Would I have to recompile
them after 'sage -b main'?

Any hint is appreciated.




| Sage Version 4.0.2, Release Date: 2009-06-18 |

| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information. |



ImportError Traceback (most recent call

in force_import(modname)
64 reload(sys.modules[modname])

65 else:

---> 66 __import__(modname)



in <module>()
5 preparser(True)


----> 7 import sage.all_cmdline

8 sage.all_cmdline._init_cmdline(globals())


in <module>()
12 try:


---> 14 from sage.all import *

15 from sage.calculus.predefined import x

16 preparser(on=True)

in <module>()

99 from sage.server.all import *

--> 100 import sage.tests.all as tests


102 try:

in <module>()
2 """

3 from sage.modular.modsym.tests import Test as modsym

----> 4 from sage.tests.arxiv_0812_2725 import *



in <module>()


---> 40 from sage.combinat.set_partition import SetPartitions as

42 def CompleteMatchings(n):

in <module>()

67 from sage.sets.set import Set, EnumeratedSet, is_Set,
---> 68 import sage.combinat.partition as partition

69 import sage.rings.integer

70 import __builtin__

in <module>()
237 from cartesian_product import CartesianProduct

238 from integer_list import IntegerListsLex

--> 239 from sage.combinat.root_system.weyl_group import WeylGroup


241 def Partition(l=None, exp=None, core_and_quotient=None):

in <module>()
----> 2 # Makes sage.combinat.root_system? equivalent to
3 from root_system import __doc__
5 # currently needed to activate the backward compatibility
6 import type_A

in <module>()
43 from sage.rings.all import ZZ, QQ
44 from sage.misc.all import cached_method
---> 45 from root_space import RootSpace
46 from weight_space import WeightSpace

in <module>()
---> 11 from sage.combinat.free_module import CombinatorialFreeModule,
12 from root_lattice_realization import RootLatticeRealization,
13 from sage.misc.cachefunc import ClearCacheOnPickle

in <module>()
30 from sage.combinat.combinat import CombinatorialClass
31 from sage.combinat.cartesian_product import CartesianProduct
---> 32 from sage.categories.all import Sets, Rings, ModulesWithBasis,
TensorialCategory, Morphism
33 from import Map
34 from sage.misc.cachefunc import cached_function, cached_method

ImportError: cannot import name TensorialCategory
Error importing ipy_profile_sage - perhaps you should run %upgrade?
WARNING: Loading of ipy_profile_sage failed.


Message has been deleted

Minh Nguyen

Jul 9, 2009, 6:29:48 AM7/9/09
Hi Ralf,

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Ralf Hemmecke<> wrote:
> William, thanks for this hint.
> But I still have a little comment.
> I've just started
> > ./sage -f mpir-1.2.p4
> and actually I really was wondering how this can work if I only have the
> binary version of sage. But as a surprise to me the log said... (see
> below)...
> 1) That command should be shown together with the warning message of the
> compiler flags. So that I can go on without having to ask on a mailing
> list. (I believe that at google you first have to create an account to
> post a message -- looks like an unnecessary burden.)
> 2) On the download page I would have expected to see posted a few
> differences of the binary and the source distribution of sage.
> The design with 'sage -f' and your hint of how I can recompile is great,
> but without asking I would certainly have downloaded the complete source
> distribution and recompiled from scratch. That's certainly a waste
> bandwidth and time.
> So I would suggest to add a few lines to the download pages and
> explaining to people for which purposes they would need the source
> distribution and when a binary distribution is certainly enough even for
> development.

Thank you for this. Yes, you're right. Both the binary and source
distributions can be used for development. The complete Sage source is
contained in any binary distribution of Sage. So in a sense, that's a
bit weird, because one would think that a binary is an executable blob
without source code. I appreciate that you've raised this point, as it
helps Harald Schilly (the primary Sage webmaster) and myself in making
the Sage website (and the download pages) more usable.

> As for 2) maybe I haven't looked carefully enough and this information
> is actually there, but consider me as a person who just wants to try our
> sage and maybe later add a few things to sage myself. I have the choice
> between a source and a binary distribution. And I would certainly choose
> the source one, since I would think that the binary distribution doesn't
> let me change Sage (or at least the parts I am interested in). The
> source distribution is certainly not wrong, but maybe I get more than I
> actually need and waste bandwidth and compilation time.
> Do you see the dilemma?

Yes, I can see that. Anyway, you are encouraged to use a mirror
closest to you for downloading. The Sage download pages recently went
through a redesign. The new design now clearly (I hope it should be
clear; please tell me if it's not so) highlights various Sage mirrors
for downloading. This is to encourage people to download from a Sage
mirror closest to them. Before the redesign of the download pages, the
master mirror was one of the main server from which people downloaded
Sage (binary and source), which made the server itself slow. After the
redesign, we saw a decrease in traffic on the master server. So that's
a good indication that people have been using the various mirrors
around the world.

> So it should be made clear that sage happily connects to a server at
> compile time and downloads missing sources on demand. I consider that a
> feature. Make it more visible.

Thank you for your constructive criticism. Looks like Harald and
myself need to consider how to make that more visible...

Minh Van Nguyen

Robert Bradshaw

Jul 9, 2009, 7:04:51 AM7/9/09
I'd try

sage -b main
sage -ba

Ralf Hemmecke

Jul 9, 2009, 7:33:01 AM7/9/09
> The complete Sage source is contained in any binary distribution of Sage.

I would argue that this statement is wrong unless you defind what
'complete sage source' actually means.

(1) It means all the python and cython code including the makefiles and
possibly a few scripts.

(2) It means (1) plus all the source code of the packages that get
included by default in sage, i.e. maxima, singular, gpm, mpir, atlas, etc.

I'm somewhat sure that 'complete sage source' only means that under (1),
i.e. basically that what is in the HG repository that comes with every
Sage distribution. But where is that written?

Speaking in pictures. Sage is "sold" as the car (which refers to (2))
and not only the bolts and clue and a few gadgets (which refers to (1))
that are needed to make the car from the parts (i.e.

Thinking of this, a person must get confused with the term 'complete
sage source'. No?

Thanks for considering this issue in the future.


Minh Nguyen

Jul 9, 2009, 7:39:10 AM7/9/09
Hi Ralf,

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 9:33 PM, Ralf Hemmecke<> wrote:
>> The complete Sage source is contained in any binary distribution of Sage.
> I would argue that this statement is wrong unless you defind what
> 'complete sage source' actually means.

I think I was using the wrong phrase. What I meant was "the complete
Mercurial revision history". This allows people to make patches for
Sage even though they have a binary distro.

Ralf Hemmecke

Jul 9, 2009, 7:59:16 AM7/9/09
> Anyway, you are encouraged to use a mirror closest to you for downloading.

But this is not my problem. Of course I used the Berlin mirror.

The problem is the destinction between source and binary distributions
and what they are good for.


Ralf Hemmecke

Jul 9, 2009, 9:23:35 AM7/9/09
> sage -b main
> sage -ba

Thank you for that. That seemed to work and sage starts without throwing
any error message at me?

I then removed devel/sage-combinat and again did.

./sage -combinat install

Compilation seemed to be ok, but after that, running './sage' results
in...(see below)

Hmmm, sage-combinat doesn't like me. I give up.






65 else:

---> 66 __import__(modname)




----> 7 import sage.all_cmdline

8 sage.all_cmdline._init_cmdline(globals())



16 preparser(on=True)


102 try:



in <module>()


---> 40 from sage.combinat.set_partition import SetPartitions as

42 def CompleteMatchings(n):

in <module>()

67 from sage.sets.set import Set, EnumeratedSet, is_Set,
---> 68 import sage.combinat.partition as partition

69 import sage.rings.integer

70 import __builtin__


in <module>()
237 from cartesian_product import CartesianProduct

238 from integer_list import IntegerListsLex

--> 239 from sage.combinat.root_system.weyl_group import WeylGroup


241 def Partition(l=None, exp=None, core_and_quotient=None):

in <module>()
----> 2 # Makes sage.combinat.root_system? equivalent to
3 from root_system import __doc__
5 # currently needed to activate the backward compatibility
6 import type_A

in <module>()
43 from sage.rings.all import ZZ, QQ
44 from sage.misc.all import cached_method
---> 45 from root_space import RootSpace
46 from weight_space import WeightSpace


in <module>()

Jul 10, 2009, 3:52:38 AM7/10/09
On 2009-Jul-09 00:31:46 +0200, Ralf Hemmecke <> wrote:
>likely fail with ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION errors! The following processor
>flags were on the build machine but are not on this computer:
>pni ssse3

I've seen this test report not report processor flags correctly
(though I'm not sure this is Sage's fault). Have you checke that your
CPU really doesn't have these capabilities?

>Does removing sage-flags.txt actually mean that later sage will run
>without ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION errors on my computer?

No. It just means that it won't check to see if those flags exist.

Peter Jeremy

Ralf Hemmecke

Jul 10, 2009, 4:55:03 AM7/10/09
On 07/10/2009 09:52 AM, wrote:
> On 2009-Jul-09 00:31:46 +0200, Ralf Hemmecke <> wrote:
>> likely fail with ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION errors! The following processor
>> flags were on the build machine but are not on this computer:
>> pni ssse3
> I've seen this test report not report processor flags correctly
> (though I'm not sure this is Sage's fault). Have you checke that your
> CPU really doesn't have these capabilities?

Uhh. And how should I check this?


I've already opened my computer and looked around for the CPU. I've
found it. But I could not find any flags waving in the air produced by
the fan. Should I look somewhere else? But it should be near the CPU, I

Not even "cat /proc/cpuinfo" shows me what you asked for...

Minh Nguyen

Jul 10, 2009, 5:04:18 AM7/10/09

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 8:31 AM, Ralf Hemmecke<> wrote:
> I've just downloaded
> and typed as described in
>  >./sage
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Sage Version 4.0.2, Release Date: 2009-06-18                       |
> | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> **********************************************************************
> WARNING!  This Sage install was built on a machine that supports
> instructions that are not available on this computer.  Sage will
> likely fail with ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION errors! The following processor
> flags were on the build machine but are not on this computer:
> pni ssse3

Here's a post related to that "pni ssse3" issue:

Dr. David Kirkby

Jul 10, 2009, 5:31:49 AM7/10/09
I don't know if this command is specific to Solaris, but it reports the
instructions a CPU supports

On my machine at home.

$ isainfo -x
sparcv9: asi_blk_init vis2 vis
sparc: asi_blk_init vis2 vis v8plus div32 mul32

Peter Jeremy

Jul 10, 2009, 5:56:19 AM7/10/09
On 2009-Jul-10 10:55:03 +0200, Ralf Hemmecke <> wrote:
>Not even "cat /proc/cpuinfo" shows me what you asked for...

It should on Linux - on a convenient Xeon box, I see:
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr dca sse4_1 lahf_lm

If you're using some other OS, you might need a different incantation.

Peter Jeremy

Minh Nguyen

Jul 10, 2009, 6:00:59 AM7/10/09
Hi Ralf,

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Ralf Hemmecke<> wrote:


> 2) On the download page I would have expected to see posted a few
> differences of the binary and the source distribution of sage.
> The design with 'sage -f' and your hint of how I can recompile is great,
> but without asking I would certainly have downloaded the complete source
> distribution and recompiled from scratch. That's certainly a waste
> bandwidth and time.
> So I would suggest to add a few lines to the download pages and
> explaining to people for which purposes they would need the source
> distribution and when a binary distribution is certainly enough even for
> development.
> As for 2) maybe I haven't looked carefully enough and this information
> is actually there, but consider me as a person who just wants to try our
> sage and maybe later add a few things to sage myself. I have the choice
> between a source and a binary distribution. And I would certainly choose
> the source one, since I would think that the binary distribution doesn't
> let me change Sage (or at least the parts I am interested in). The
> source distribution is certainly not wrong, but maybe I get more than I
> actually need and waste bandwidth and compilation time.
> Do you see the dilemma?

The Sage wiki now has a guide on downloading Sage. See

That page will be linked to from all download pages, even those
download pages from mirrors around the world.

Ralf Hemmecke

Jul 10, 2009, 2:07:05 PM7/10/09
Hi Minh


Much better.

Excuse me if I now still have some comments.

"When your computer boots, it probably displays a startup screen that
indicates the name of your operating system."

I think that when you only distinguish between Windows/Linux/MacOSX,
then people who don't yet know which operating system they are on,
should not be allowed to use Sage. ;-)

This sentence is probably OK for Windows. No idea about MacOSX. But when
I look at my (Linux) system while it boots, then I see soooooo many
messages that I wouldn't be able to figure out the relevant text.

My conclusion is that this sentence is redundant. And it also somehow
suggests to reboot the computer... What a waste of time.

My suggestion. Remove it.

More subtle is the distinction between 32- and 64-bit. Wouldn't it be
better to give a little instruction for each OS of how to figure out
whether I'll have to choose the 32- or 64-bit version. Maybe you could
provide a short script on the webpage that figures out the CPU type if
the user is unsure.

Could you make SPKG into a link to a *condensed* description of what an
SPKG is. What I'd expect here is just that an SPKG is a bzip2 file of
the relevant package data that follows certain conventions so that it
justifies the new extension .spkg instead of .bz2.

Thank you for making it easier for newcomers.


Minh Nguyen

Jul 10, 2009, 3:06:26 PM7/10/09
Hi Ralf,

On Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 4:07 AM, Ralf Hemmecke<> wrote:
> Hi Minh
> Much better.
> Excuse me if I now still have some comments.
> 1.
> "When your computer boots, it probably displays a startup screen that
> indicates the name of your operating system."
> I think that when you only distinguish between Windows/Linux/MacOSX,
> then people who don't yet know which operating system they are on,
> should not be allowed to use Sage. ;-)
> This sentence is probably OK for Windows. No idea about MacOSX. But when
> I look at my (Linux) system while it boots, then I see soooooo many
> messages that I wouldn't be able to figure out the relevant text.
> My conclusion is that this sentence is redundant. And it also somehow
> suggests to reboot the computer... What a waste of time.
> My suggestion. Remove it.


> 2.
> More subtle is the distinction between 32- and 64-bit. Wouldn't it be
> better to give a little instruction for each OS of how to figure out
> whether I'll have to choose the 32- or 64-bit version.

Done. See the updated guide at

> Maybe you could
> provide a short script on the webpage that figures out the CPU type if
> the user is unsure.

I've discussed this with Harald Schilly, the primary Sage webmaster.
At the moment, we don't have time to write such a script. But we
welcome input from interested people.

The download guide in its present state needs to be further fleshed
out with more information. Having released it early, we (Harald and I)
thought it would encourage people to improve it.

> 3.
> Could you make SPKG into a link to a *condensed* description of what an
> SPKG is. What I'd expect here is just that an SPKG is a bzip2 file of
> the relevant package data that follows certain conventions so that it
> justifies the new extension .spkg instead of .bz2.



Jul 10, 2009, 4:37:36 PM7/10/09
to sage-devel
Hi Ralf,

On 9 Jul., 12:00, Ralf Hemmecke <> wrote:
> I seem to be out of luck. But maybe I did something wrong.
> Here my steps.
> I downloaded and extracted
> sage-4.0.2-linux-Debian_GNU_Linux_5.0_lenny-i686-Linux.tar.gz.
> cd sage-4.0.2-linux-Debian_GNU_Linux_5.0_lenny-i686-Linux
> ./sage -combinat install

why do you do "./sage -combinat install" at this stage instead of
simply typing "make"?

> ./sage # fails becaus of binaries being not for my computer
> # I recompiled...> ./sage -f mpir-1.2.p4
> > ./sage -f atlas-3.8.3.p3
> # ... and started sage (see below...)
> Now, maybe I have to reinstall sage-combinat or is the error I got not
> connected to sage-combinat?
> But ...
> /devel>ls -l
> total 16
> drwx------ 4 hemmecke hemmecke 4096 2009-07-09 00:35 .
> drwx------ 8 hemmecke hemmecke 4096 2009-07-09 11:24 ..
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 hemmecke hemmecke 13 2009-07-09 00:35 sage -> sage-combinat
> drwx------ 7 hemmecke hemmecke 4096 2009-07-09 00:35 sage-combinat
> drwx------ 7 hemmecke hemmecke 4096 2009-06-19 16:33 sage-main

Usually, in the directory "devel", the link "sage" (yes, it is a link)
points to "sage-main". Asking again, do you really want to step into
the currently experimental and quite evolving "combinat" stuff??

Maybe you just should have typed "make" (see above).

(But if you are interested in the combinat stuff, there is rumour of a
special "combinat" sage-4.1 version, see:

> So I probably should not simply remove the sage-combinat directory.
> And where did the mpir and atlas stuff go? Would I have to recompile
> them after 'sage -b main'?

The stuff further needed was installed as libraries under "local/
lib/", or as headers under "local/include" --- after that, any
intermediate object files (that had been generated under "spkg/
build/") were deleted. Look in "spkg/build" during compilation time,
or use e.g. "./sage -f -s atlas-3.8.3.p3" instead of "./sage -f
atlas-3.8.3.p3" (i.e. with an additional "-s") to prevent the deletion
of the intermediate files there.

> Any hint is appreciated.

You were right, the Sage binaries do not contain e.g. the atlas
sources. But scripts do download them if needed, as you could do
successfully (and as you noticed, I guess).


> Ralf

Ralf Hemmecke

Jul 10, 2009, 4:57:48 PM7/10/09

> The download guide in its present state needs to be further fleshed
> out with more information. Having released it early, we (Harald and I)
> thought it would encourage people to improve it.

I didn't dare to improve your version but rather thought that such a
page should not be too overloaded.

What do people think about this page?

Well, I should probably not use "Guide" in the URL. The page is too
short to count as a guide. Better suggestions?


Ralf Hemmecke

Jul 10, 2009, 5:07:17 PM7/10/09
Hi GSW, -- don't you have a real name?

On 07/10/2009 10:37 PM, gsw wrote:
> Hi Ralf,
> On 9 Jul., 12:00, Ralf Hemmecke <> wrote:
>> I seem to be out of luck. But maybe I did something wrong.
>> Here my steps.
>> I downloaded and extracted
>> sage-4.0.2-linux-Debian_GNU_Linux_5.0_lenny-i686-Linux.tar.gz.
>> cd sage-4.0.2-linux-Debian_GNU_Linux_5.0_lenny-i686-Linux
>> ./sage -combinat install

> why do you do "./sage -combinat install" at this stage instead of
> simply typing "make"?

Because you cannot expect me to type "make". Remember, I've downloaded a
*binary* distribution. I only type "./configure && make" for a source

I would even go that far that I refuse to read extra documentation for a
binary version. After I've extracted it, I expect it to work.

> Usually, in the directory "devel", the link "sage" (yes, it is a link)
> points to "sage-main". Asking again, do you really want to step into
> the currently experimental and quite evolving "combinat" stuff??

No, of course not ;-). But I am one of organizers of the *-combinat
workshop, so I better learn how to get that stuff installed.


Minh Nguyen

Jul 11, 2009, 1:00:26 AM7/11/09
Hi Ralf,

On Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 6:57 AM, Ralf Hemmecke<> wrote:
>> The download guide in its present state needs to be further fleshed
>> out with more information. Having released it early, we (Harald and I)
>> thought it would encourage people to improve it.
> I didn't dare to improve your version but rather thought that such a
> page should not be too overloaded.
> What do people think about this page?

Good catch! I think this can be a short guide or something like a
quick-start guide. I've made a link to that guide on the download page

In your short guide, I added a link to the longer guide so people can
get more detailed information on downloading and installing Sage. I've
also put the said link on all mirror download pages. At the moment,
only the mirror download pages on the master mirror have that link:

But in a couple of hours, mirrors around the world should be in sync
with the master mirror.

Thank you very much for helping out with the documentation work. As
you know, there are many ways in which one can contribute to making
Sage better for beginners as well as advanced users.

> Well, I should probably not use "Guide" in the URL. The page is too
> short to count as a guide. Better suggestions?

I call it a short guide. It's a quick-fix slim guide with a link to a
fatter, more verbose guide :-)


Jul 11, 2009, 2:30:25 AM7/11/09
to sage-devel
Hi Ralf,

from the tone of your message, it seems to me, that I somehow must
have "stepped onto your toes" --- sorry, that was not at all my
intention! And I couldn't imagine that someone would be offended by me
signing my messages with my nickname --- sorry again. I'll use my real
name from now on.


Ralf Hemmecke

Jul 11, 2009, 5:53:13 AM7/11/09
> from the tone of your message, it seems to me, that I somehow must
> have "stepped onto your toes" --- sorry, that was not at all my
> intention! And I couldn't imagine that someone would be offended by me
> signing my messages with my nickname --- sorry again. I'll use my real
> name from now on.

No need to feel sorry. I did not look at your google address. Then I
would have known.

Anyway, it takes a lot more to offend me. Not writing out your name is
not something I really care about. I just didn't know what I should
write in the "Hallo ...". And I think it makes a better community if
people know each other by their real name.


Minh Nguyen

Jul 11, 2009, 6:00:31 AM7/11/09
Hi Ralf,

On Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 7:53 PM, Ralf Hemmecke<> wrote:


> Anyway, it takes a lot more to offend me. Not writing out your name is
> not something I really care about. I just didn't know what I should
> write in the "Hallo ...". And I think it makes a better community if
> people know each other by their real name.

I'm just glad that Georg now uses gsw or Georg. Before, he used this:


Maybe he still does :-)


Jul 11, 2009, 6:51:24 AM7/11/09
to sage-devel
Yep, you're right.
I saw, that one of the last patches, that went into the official
Sage-4.1 release, was that one:

#6478: Nicolas M. Thiéry: Make sage -combinat work without
touching .hgrc [Reviewed by Dan Drake]

Maybe it was this very problem that you ran into, and reported above.
Anyway, good luck for the *-combinat workshop!


> Ralf
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