Sage 5.8 released

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Jeroen Demeyer

Mar 18, 2013, 4:05:20 PM3/18/13
Sage 5.8 was released on 15 March 2013. It is available in
source and binary form from:


Sage ( is developed by volunteers and combines
over 90 open source packages. For instructions about installing Sage, see


The following page lists the platforms on which Sage should work:


If you have any questions and/or problems, please report them to any of
these Google groups:

* sage-support:
* sage-devel:

You can also drop by in #sagemath on freenode or post your questions

The following 76 people contributed to this release. Of those, 10 made
their first contribution to Sage:

- Alejandro Morales [first contribution]
- Alexander Dreyer
- Aly Deines
- Andrew Mathas
- André Apitzsch
- Anne Schilling
- Ben Hutz
- Ben Salisbury [first contribution]
- Benjamin Jones
- Chris Berg
- Christian Nassau
- Christian Stump
- Dan Orr [first contribution]
- Darij Grinberg
- David Coudert
- David Harvey
- David Joyner
- David Loeffler
- David Roe
- Dmitrii Pasechnik
- Emily Gunawan [first contribution]
- Eric Rowland [first contribution]
- Florent Hivert
- Francis Clarke
- Franco Saliola
- François Bissey
- Frithjof Schulze
- Frédéric Chapoton
- Gregg Musiker
- Ivan Andrus
- Jason Bandlow
- Javier López Peña
- Jean-Pierre Flori
- Jeroen Demeyer
- John Palmieri
- John Perry
- Julian Rueth
- Kannappan Sampath
- Karl-Dieter Crisman
- Kevin Halasz
- Kwankyu Lee
- Leif Leonhardy
- Lucas David-Roesler [first contribution]
- Luis Felipe Tabera Alonso
- Mario Pernici
- Mark Shimozono
- Martin Albrecht
- Michael Orlitzky
- Michelle Manes [first contribution]
- Miguel Marco
- Mike Hansen
- Mike Zabrocki
- Mitesh Patel
- Nathann Cohen
- Nicholas Kirchner [first contribution]
- Nicolas M. Thiéry
- Niles Johnson
- Nils Bruin
- Paul Zimmermann
- Paul-Olivier Dehaye
- Punarbasu Purkayastha
- R. Andrew Ohana
- Robert Miller
- Salvatore Stella [first contribution]
- Samuel Lelièvre
- Sara Billey [first contribution]
- Simon King
- Simon Spicer
- Stepan Starosta
- Sébastien Labbé
- Timo Kluck
- Travis Scrimshaw
- Vincent Delecroix
- Volker Braun
- Wai Yan Pong
- William Stein

* Release manager: Jeroen Demeyer.

* We closed 144 tickets in this release. For details, see

Closed tickets:

#2694: Hecke algebra basis not implemented [Reviewed by Travis Scrimshaw]
#3426: bessel_K function is broken [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman,
Benjamin Jones]
#4230: implement arbitrary precision Bessel Y function [Reviewed by
Karl-Dieter Crisman, Benjamin Jones]
#12349: linbox fails to builds in sage-5.0_beta1 [Reviewed by François
#13603: .DS_Store garbage in rpy2-2.0.8.p0 [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman]
#14074: saving fill in eps doesn't work right for some reason [Reviewed
by Punarbasu Purkayastha]
#4294: sage -t under %pdb [Reviewed by David Roe]
#7493: Implement sage -t --time [Reviewed by Jeroen Demeyer]
#9224: Unify sage-test and sage-ptest [Reviewed by David Roe]
#9449: The summary printed after running doctests is inaccurate.
[Reviewed by Jeroen Demeyer]
#10760: Improve coverage test for gsl/interpolation.pyx [Reviewed by
Kannappan Sampath]
#12024: 90% doctest coverage thrust metaticket [Reviewed by Travis
#13383: Fix missing documentation of sage/rings/real_lazy in
doc/en/reference/rings_numerical.rst [Reviewed by Volker Braun]
#13652: Error in pari when dealing with algebraic numbers [Reviewed by
Jeroen Demeyer]
#14113: affine root system ambient lattice issue [Reviewed by Nicolas M.
#12357: Make groupoids garbage collectable [Reviewed by Simon King,
Jean-Pierre Flori]
#13904: Better deletion of items of TripleDict [Reviewed by Simon King,
Jean-Pierre Flori]
#11525: file name conflict in SageTeX using sage.tex [Reviewed by Ivan
Andrus, Karl-Dieter Crisman]
#12253: SVD segfaults on complex matrices [Reviewed by Luis Felipe
Tabera Alonso]
#12686: Add sage.rings.finite_rings to the reference manual [Reviewed by
Travis Scrimshaw]
#9194: Expose and extend the thematic tutorial on symmetric functions
[Reviewed by Jason Bandlow, Anne Schilling, Mike Zabrocki, Nicolas M.
#13296: unicode default encoding is not utf-8 in command line [Reviewed
by John Palmieri]
#13991: Mitigate speed regressions in symmetric function related code
due to #12313 [Reviewed by Simon King]
#14201: During upgrade to sage 5.7 ppl is using gmpxx headers from the
system [Reviewed by Wai Yan Pong, Volker Braun]

Merged in sage-5.8.beta0:

#6495: Mitesh Patel, John Palmieri, Florent Hivert: Build the reference
manual incrementally [Reviewed by Volker Braun, Florent Hivert]
#9235: Simon King: Doctest coverage for sage.categories.homset [Reviewed
by Niles Johnson, Travis Scrimshaw]
#10834: Mario Pernici: faster creation of an ETuple from a list or tuple
[Reviewed by Travis Scrimshaw]
#11026: Ivan Andrus: Add double clicking of sws files for Mac app
[Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman, Nicholas Kirchner, John Palmieri]
#12774: Mark Shimozono: various enhancements for Coxeter and Weyl groups
[Reviewed by Christian Stump, Anne Schilling]
#13079: Frédéric Chapoton, Franco Saliola: Use a ranked poset's rank
function to determine heights for plotting [Reviewed by Christian Stump]
#13369: Christian Stump, Gregg Musiker: Implementation of the class
ClusterSeed [Reviewed by Salvatore Stella]
#13370: Simon King: Do not cache the result of is_Field externally
[Reviewed by Nils Bruin]
#13440: Emily Gunawan: Adding reverse_edge() function to DiGraph
[Reviewed by Gregg Musiker, Nathann Cohen]
#13732: John Perry: Fix alpha in disk() graphics object so that we can
save PDF's [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman]
#13787: Nathann Cohen: Bug in GenericGraph.line_graph() when the
vertices cannot be compared [Reviewed by Frédéric Chapoton]
#13801: Vincent Delecroix: Fix facade set category initialisation
[Reviewed by Travis Scrimshaw]
#13856: Christian Nassau: Add a top_class method to the Steenrod algebra
[Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#13960: Dmitrii Pasechnik: nef.x segfaults on Cygwin [Reviewed by
Jean-Pierre Flori]
#14033: Jean-Pierre Flori: Let Singular link to termcap on Cygwin
[Reviewed by Dmitrii Pasechnik]
#14038: Volker Braun, Jean-Pierre Flori: Let libgap build a shared
library on Cygwin [Reviewed by Jean-Pierre Flori, Dmitrii Pasechnik]
#14065: Travis Scrimshaw: Element overrides python behavior of cmp
[Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
#14070: Jeroen Demeyer: Problems with get_test_shell() [Reviewed by
David Roe]
#14075: Karl-Dieter Crisman: remove annoying printing of primes in
conway polynomials spkg [Reviewed by François Bissey, R. Andrew Ohana]
#14080: Jeroen Demeyer: Simplify cdefs.pxi using Cython's libc module
[Reviewed by David Roe]
#14084: Simon King: Wrong domain of the fraction field construction
functor [Reviewed by Julian Rueth]
#14089: Anne Schilling: Speed improvements in affine crystals and fix of
optional doctest failure [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiery, Travis Scrimshaw]
#14096: Jean-Pierre Flori: Let GSL build a shared library on Cygwin
[Reviewed by Dmitrii Pasechnik]
#14115: Frédéric Chapoton: missing log attribute for power series
[Reviewed by Travis Scrimshaw]
#14129: John Palmieri: Incorrect notebook typesetting due to '\texttt'
[Reviewed by Luis Felipe Tabera Alonso]

Merged in sage-5.8.beta1:

#5978: Travis Scrimshaw: Can't construct the quotient of an univariate
polynomial ring by its zero ideal [Reviewed by Luis Felipe Tabera Alonso]
#10556: Ivan Andrus: Add button to Mac App to add sage executable to
PATH [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman, John Palmieri]
#11490: Simon King: Add a thematic tutorial on coercion and categories
[Reviewed by Vincent Delecroix, Travis Scrimshaw, Dmitrii Pasechnik]
#11696: Leif Leonhardy, Jean-Pierre Flori: The libpng12 spkg should also
create symbolic links from `libpng.*` for its libraries [Reviewed by
Dmitrii Pasechnik]
#12175: Frithjof Schulze: Missing *args and **kwds in
SL2Z.random_element() [Reviewed by Frédéric Chapoton]
#12912: Mike Hansen: Interface to Fokko Ducloux's Coxeter 3 [Reviewed by
Anne Schilling, Nicolas M. Thiéry, Jean-Pierre Flori]
#13254: John Palmieri: compute fundamental groups of simplicial
complexes [Reviewed by Miguel Marco]
#13367: Kevin Halasz: Add Holomorph method for Permutation Groups
[Reviewed by Frédéric Chapoton, Benjamin Jones]
#13600: Julian Rueth: pAdicZZpXCAElement can not be initialized from
fraction field element [Reviewed by David Roe]
#13618: Travis Scrimshaw: Doctest coverage for rings [Reviewed by
Kannappan Sampath, Volker Braun]
#13688: Travis Scrimshaw: FiniteEnumeratedSets cardinality override
[Reviewed by Andrew Mathas]
#13839: Jean-Pierre Flori: Let lrcalc build as a shared library on
Cygwin. [Reviewed by Dmitrii Pasechnik]
#13894: Michael Orlitzky, Jean-Pierre Flori: Fix ArithmeticError: 0^0 in
rings/finite_rings/integer_mod.pyx [Reviewed by Travis Scrimshaw]
#14011: Florent Hivert: Add various new sphinx roles [Reviewed by
Frédéric Chapoton]
#14041: Christian Nassau: Give the SteenrodAlgebra a proper basis object
[Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#14098: Francois Bissey, David Harvey: zn_poly-0.9.p9 fails at least one
its tests on power7 [Reviewed by Paul Zimmermann, Jeroen Demeyer]
#14108: Robert Miller: bug in is_isomorphic with multiple edges
[Reviewed by Paul Zimmermann]
#14118: Jean-Pierre Flori: Compiling universal_cyclotomic_field_c.pyx
fails on Cygwin [Reviewed by Dmitrii Pasechnik]
#14122: Nathann Cohen: Tournament and directed path constructors
[Reviewed by David Coudert]
#14128: Nathann Cohen: Very bad mistakes in linear_arboricity [Reviewed
by David Coudert]
#14138: Nathann Cohen: some cleanup in sage.combinat.combinat [Reviewed
by Punarbasu Purkayastha, Nicolas M. Thiéry]
#14139: Frédéric Chapoton, Travis Scrimshaw: doc of [Reviewed
by Frédéric Chapoton]
#14148: John Palmieri: Print location of output from documentation
building [Reviewed by Anne Schilling]
#14157: Travis Scrimshaw: Latex output for barred letters [Reviewed by
Anne Schilling]
#14160: Mike Zabrocki: Fix bug with the antipode in
NonCommutativeSymmetricFunctions [Reviewed by Franco Saliola]
#14162: Franco Saliola: fix parent coefficients for elements of NCSF /
QSym [Reviewed by Mike Zabrocki]
#14163: Mike Zabrocki, Franco Saliola: add counit method to QSym
[Reviewed by Franco Saliola, Mike Zabrocki]

Merged in sage-5.8.beta2:

#7886: Javier López Peña: Implement conjugacy classes [Reviewed by David
Joyner, Travis Scrimshaw]
#8920: Vincent Delecroix, Stepan Starosta: Factor code between words's
alphabets and sets/enumerated sets/ordered sets [Reviewed by Travis
#11593: Kwankyu Lee: `quo_rem` for divisor of leading unit coefficient
[Reviewed by Frédéric Chapoton]
#12313: Simon King, Jean-Pierre Flori: Fix yet another memory leak
caused by caching of coercion data [Reviewed by Simon King, Jean-Pierre
Flori, John Perry, Nils Bruin]
#13054: Jeroen Demeyer: PARI polred() bug [Reviewed by David Roe]
#13387: Nils Bruin: Improve MonoDict and TripleDict data structures
[Reviewed by Simon King]
#13539: Julian Rueth: Add inverse_of_unit() for padics [Reviewed by
David Roe]
#13780: Kannappan Sampath: Typo in the docstring for
echelon_coordinate_vector in FreeModules Documentation [Reviewed by
Julian Rueth]
#13786: Michael Orlitzky: Fix remaining instances of ArithmeticError:
0^0 is undefined [Reviewed by Travis Scrimshaw]
#13895: Michael Orlitzky: Fix ArithmeticError: 0^0 in
rings/polynomial/polynomial_modn_dense_ntl.pyx [Reviewed by Travis
#13897: Michael Orlitzky: Fix ArithmeticError: 0^0 in
rings/finite_rings/element_givaro.pyx [Reviewed by Travis Scrimshaw]
#13941: Michael Orlitzky: Fix ArithmeticError: 0^0 in
rings/padics/padic_capped_absolute_element.pyx [Reviewed by Travis
#14000: Nathann Cohen: Speedup in GenericGraph.relabel() and two new
options [Reviewed by Anne Schilling]
#14040: Volker Braun: Configurable "tall list" output style [Reviewed by
Travis Scrimshaw]
#14063: Travis Scrimshaw: Remove CombinatorialClass from Compositions
[Reviewed by Vincent Delecroix]
#14085: Nicolas M. Thiéry: Ambient spaces for dual and affine root
systems [Reviewed by Dan Orr, Anne Schilling]
#14100: Simon King: Make raising attribute errors faster [Reviewed by
Volker Braun]
#14105: Alejandro Morales, Eric Rowland: all_graph_colorings should have
an option to use integer colors. [Reviewed by Chris Berg, Nathann Cohen]
#14120: Travis Scrimshaw: Add constant_coefficient method for Laurent
polynomials [Reviewed by Kannappan Sampath]
#14142: Travis Scrimshaw: Making mutable copies of simplicial complexes
[Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#14150: Jeroen Demeyer: Fix wait() in @parallel [Reviewed by David Roe]
#14156: John Palmieri: New docbuilder always rebuilds everything
[Reviewed by Volker Braun]
#14158: Jeroen Demeyer: _is_Field() ignores exceptions [Reviewed by
David Roe]
#14166: John Palmieri: Use "tar", not "cp -pr", to copy files in
spkg-install [Reviewed by Jeroen Demeyer]
#14173: Nathann Cohen: Stopgap warning in Graph.modular_decomposition
[Reviewed by Luis Felipe Tabera Alonso]
#14174: Nicolas M. Thiéry: Remove coxeter matrix implementation for type
H (the generic implementation is just as good) [Reviewed by Anne Schilling]
#14176: Nicolas M. Thiéry: Use standard Python operators for
intersection of polyhedrons and membership testing [Reviewed by Volker
#14177: Nicolas M. Thiéry: More uniform handling of color_by_labels for
graph plot, plot3d, graphviz, and reference fix [Reviewed by Nathann Cohen]
#14182: Jeroen Demeyer: Fix whitespace in coercion_and_categories.rst
[Reviewed by Simon King]
#14185: Nathann Cohen: Stopgap warning in Poset.relabel [Reviewed by
Luis Felipe Tabera Alonso]

Merged in sage-5.8.beta3:

#6567: David Roe: function to test whether or not some integer is a
primitive root modulo n [Reviewed by Julian Rueth, Simon Spicer]
#12109: David Roe: Function for faster evaluation of cyclotomic
polynomials [Reviewed by André Apitzsch, Simon Spicer]
#12116: David Roe: perfect_power for integers [Reviewed by David
Loeffler, Aly Deines, Simon Spicer]
#12543: Vincent Delecroix: improve import_statements [Reviewed by
Nicolas M. Thiéry]
#13102: Nathann Cohen: PermutationGroup.all_blocks from GAP [Reviewed by
Benjamin Jones]
#13130: Ben Hutz: Ring support for projective space points and morphisms
[Reviewed by Michelle Manes]
#13605: Travis Scrimshaw: Partition options and cleanup partitions
documentation [Reviewed by Andrew Mathas, Nicolas M. Thiéry]
#13767: Timo Kluck: upgrade boost to version 1.52.0 [Reviewed by Volker
Braun, François Bissey, Alexander Dreyer]
#13798: Frédéric Chapoton: q-Bernoulli numbers of Carlitz [Reviewed by
Francis Clarke]
#13994: Christian Stump: Implementation of EL labellings of posets
[Reviewed by Frédéric Chapoton]
#14082: Jeroen Demeyer: PARI stack overflow crashes Sage [Reviewed by
David Roe]
#14090: Franco Saliola, Florent Hivert, Nicolas M. Thiéry, et al.:
Thematic tutorials: using the notebook, programming python,
comprehensions [Reviewed by Samuel Lelièvre, Sébastien Labbé,
Karl-Dieter Crisman, Darij Grinberg]
#14111: Sara Billey: Tutorial for quasisymmetric functions (QSYM)
[Reviewed by Travis Scrimshaw]
#14130: Lucas David-Roesler, Ben Salisbury: Implement Crystals of
Generalized Young Walls [Reviewed by Travis Scrimshaw, Anne Schilling]
#14155: David Roe: gcd for IntegerMod [Reviewed by Simon Spicer]
#14168: Jeroen Demeyer: Fix race condition rebuilding MPIR,... with GCC
spkg [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman, Leif Leonhardy]
#14180: Martin Albrecht: SatSolver.clauses [Reviewed by Nathann Cohen]
#14184: Jeroen Demeyer: Fix # optional tags [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter
#14188: John Palmieri, Volker Braun: IPython 0.13: merge user
configuration with Sage configuration [Reviewed by Volker Braun, William
Stein, John Palmieri]
#14193: David Roe: Converting polynomial quotient ring elements to pari
yields plain polynomials [Reviewed by Simon Spicer]
#14195: Nathann Cohen: Bad error management in the CPLEX interface
[Reviewed by David Coudert]
#14198: Martin Albrecht: update cryptominisat to most recent upstream
release [Reviewed by Nathann Cohen]
#14200: Travis Scrimshaw: Add shortcut to add multiple variables with
different names [Reviewed by Sara Billey]
#14216: Frédéric Chapoton: clean-up of parts of combinat [Reviewed by
Nathann Cohen]
#14227: R. Andrew Ohana: Cython includes assume rigid directory
structure [Reviewed by Jeroen Demeyer]

Merged in sage-5.8.beta4:

#11410: Paul-Olivier Dehaye: 01 sequence or east-north sequence for
partitions [Reviewed by Frédéric Chapoton, Nathann Cohen, Travis Scrimshaw]
#14054: Simon King: Cythoned UniqueRepresentation [Reviewed by Travis
#14189: Simon Spicer: Extend modular degree and congruence modulus of
elliptic curves over QQ to arbitrary level. [Reviewed by Aly Deines]
#14199: John Palmieri: Docbuilder changes sagetex.rst [Reviewed by
Jeroen Demeyer]
#14204: Jeroen Demeyer: Building unchanged documentation takes very long
[Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#14225: Simon King: Remove redundant classcall_private from partitions
[Reviewed by Travis Scrimshaw]
#14228: Travis Scrimshaw: Caching of data needed for computations in
k_dual [Reviewed by Simon King]
#14230: Travis Scrimshaw: Update developer conventions page for
multiline equations [Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#14233: Frédéric Chapoton: small cleanup of sage/homology [Reviewed by
John Palmieri]
#14236: Jeroen Demeyer: Use "tar", not "cp -pPRL", to copy files in
sage-bdist [Reviewed by John Palmieri]

Merged in sage-5.8.rc0:

#14121: Chris Berg: Fixing bug in shuffle product [Reviewed by Franco
Saliola, Frédéric Chapoton, Nathann Cohen]
#14245: John Palmieri: Cloning doesn't properly copy the _static doc
directory [Reviewed by Florent Hivert]
#14254: Jeroen Demeyer: OverflowErrors in TripleDictEraser [Reviewed by
Simon King]
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