FW: Lokpal Vs Judge & public prosecutors appointment.

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R, Sarangarajan

Aug 25, 2011, 1:18:31 PM8/25/11
to sadgo...@googlegroups.com, N, Thiyagarajan, Sridevi, N, Subbiah Achari, Arumugam, Jakkampudi, Sneha, N, Eswarareddy


From: R, Sarangarajan
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 6:46 PM
To: 'kiranbe...@gmail.com'
Subject: Lokpal Vs Judge & public prosecutors appointment.


Respected Kiran Bedi madem


Nobody who is promoted as public prosecutor or judge, has public interest.


Only those who has put and won in at least one public interest petition in their own should be allowed to become high court and supreme court judge. In-spite of knowing law if he or she is not fighting for public interest then what makes them special to become a judge or a public prosecutor?.


If they cannot fight for their own interest or their own beloved interest in-spite of being equipped are they not waste to the society?


Best wishes


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