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Ravella Nageswara Rao

Sep 5, 2011, 1:14:38 AM9/5/11
to,,, mani chowdary, murali krishna,,,
Teachers! You must inspire your students by your example. You should combine practice with precept, like the physical instructor who demonstrates the exercises the students should perform. In the hermitages of the ancient preceptors, this was how the Gurus taught their disciples. Share with your students the teachings of great and noble souls. Education should be for elevation and not merely for obtaining degrees to earn a living. You should teach students discipline, humility and respect, and instill in them the spirit of service and the sense of fellowship. Imbue your children with confidence and courage. Unify them through love and love alone; give no room for anger, jealousy or hatred within you and teach the children the three P's: Purity, Patience, Perseverance. Armed with these three qualities, your students can protect the nation better than any army or atom bombs. When Truth and Righteousness are protected, the nation will be secure.

R. Nageswara Rao
Chennai - 600113
Ph: +91 - 9444800405

Ravella Nageswara Rao

Sep 7, 2011, 3:01:27 AM9/7/11
to, mani chowdary,,,,, rajesh ravilla,, mahesh kumar, swathi.ravella

Enormous quantities of water are evaporated from the surface of the Earth by the Sun. This then transforms into clouds, and finally return to the Earth as rain. The wonder is that, in spite of this tremendous vaporisation, the level of the ocean does not go down even by an inch. Furthermore, even though thousands of rivers pour their waters into the seas, the level of the ocean does not increase. Similarly, people who have practised the wisdom of the scriptures are never affected by praise or blame, whatever the source and quantity. Their hearts remain pure and calm.  A pure heart is the essence of all spiritual practices. - Baba

Ravella Nageswara Rao

Sep 8, 2011, 12:45:40 AM9/8/11
From the tree of the mind comes the seed of impulses (vasanas). These impulses in turn make the mind. To free the mind from the influence of the impulses one has to get rid of ignorance (ajnana). But ignorance does not exist alone; it has a fiendish offspring - the ego (ahamkara). And the ego in turn has two children - attachment and craving; both of these are closely interrelated. Attachment gives rise to feelings of ‘my’ and ‘mine’ which cause desires (or cravings); this leads to worries. Therefore to remove ego, attachment and desires have to be annihilated. And the way to achieve this is through meditation and other spiritual practices. When this is done liberation can be attained.  Reduce desire, evict the ego, eject anger, and the mind will be your slave  instead of being your master. Love is the master key which can achieve all this. - Baba

Ravella Nageswara Rao

Sep 9, 2011, 1:26:09 AM9/9/11
to,, mani chowdary,,
One can imbibe spiritual lessons only to the extent of one’s patience and intelligence. The ancient texts of India insist on the value of actual practice; they reiterate the importance of confirming the truths learnt from the scriptures by experiencing their impact personally. After mastering the texts and gaining experience by putting into practice the lessons learnt, you not only receive bliss and grace, but can also share the wisdom and the joy with others.  An ounce of practice is better than a ton of preaching. - Baba


Ravella Nageswara Rao

Sep 12, 2011, 12:41:51 AM9/12/11
Attachment makes the mind dwell on the things of the world. When the mind is free of attachment, it remains unaffected by the objective world. The mind is like a cloth and there are three different impulses which colour it: sathwic, pure impulses which make it white; rajasic, restless tendencies that turn it red, while thamasic, slothful impulses that give it a black colour. Some people find these impulses extremely difficult to control even after many years of practice. If you are disturbed by such inclinations, you must fortify yourself with faith and act to conquer them by will power. Meditation and concentration can help you overcome these impulses. Command the mind, regulate your conduct, keep your heart straight and clear  - you will get the grace of God. - Baba

 In this era of technology it is becoming increasingly difficult to lead a peaceful life; people are falling victim to various physical and mental ailments. Many people in the cities which are on the front line of civilization, have lost the delight of natural sleep. They experience only artificial sleep induced by tablets. Due to such excessive use of medication, heart and blood pressure problems are on the rise. People are becoming unhealthy wrecks who are lost in fear and anxiety. Drugs and pills are produced in millions, but the general health has not improved. In fact new varieties of illnesses have emerged and are developing fast. Only a few intelligent people have realized the efficacy of yoga and other spiritual practices. This they have confirmed through their own experience.  Spiritual progress is right living, good conduct and moral behaviour. - Baba

Remember, the one who is a slave to impulses and tendencies (vasanas) is devoid of Jnana (wisdom). In truth, such a person is a weakling. The impulses invade the heart, causing endless trouble. They remind you of the pleasures of past experiences and make you crave for them again. The desires that arise thus, make the senses and their leader, the mind, restless; having no choice, you then pursue these cravings. The impulses operate so subtly and powerfully, that all this happens in the twinkling of an eye. Just as the seed contains within itself the trunk, branches, twigs, leaves, flowers and fruits, so too, all these effects lie dormant in the vasanas. But let Me assure you - there is no cause for despair! You can regain your divine nature, that was lost by neglect, as soon as you uproot your impulses.  “Liberation: The goal of Meditation”.
You can succeed in annihilating the mind by uprooting your impulses. - Baba

Ravella Nageswara Rao

Sep 14, 2011, 3:14:57 AM9/14/11
to,,, mani chowdary

The body is the most wonderful workshop in the entire world, because it is the temple of the Lord. In this ‘spiritual factory’, impulses ought to be sublimated, impurities have to be weeded out and good tendencies nurtured. The uprooting of impulses is the goal here, though this is a very difficult task. While intoxicants enslave you only temporarily, impulses can overpower you for a whole lifetime! But they can be overcome with will-power, faith and determination. Do not give up, whatever the hardship you might face in this struggle. The very purpose of meditation is to attain freedom from these mighty and manifold impulses. Without surrender, there can be no liberation. - Baba

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