Fw: Fwd: [periyavaa] Fwd: Maha Periyava - incident - in Tamil

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Rajagopalan Panchabi

Aug 25, 2011, 4:23:58 AM8/25/11
to sadgo...@googlegroups.com
Thank you very much Dr., for giving me the assignment that is most dear to me.
There were 3 separate narrations received from doctor. Please find 1/3 as below.
From: Dr D Bharadwaj <dr.d.bh...@gmail.com>
To: Raju <prajag...@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 8:54 AM
Subject: Fwd: [periyavaa] Fwd: Maha Periyava - incident - in Tamil

My dear Raju.

Can you please translate it for Sadgoshthi and post it?
Dr. D. Bharadwaj
sarvE bhavantu sukhinaH | 
sarvE santu nirAmayAH |
sarvE bhadrAni paSyantu | 
mA kaschit duHkha bhAg bhavEt || 
An astrologer had come for Periyava’s darshan. He said ‘ Big family…….Very little income, Revenue out of practicing astrology is very less….Very difficult..’
Periyava asked ‘Oh…..Are you living in the same ancestral house, that your father was living in?’
‘No….My elder brother is living in the same. I am living in another house that is on the western side of the ancestral house’.
Periyava said ‘You do not stay there. In the ancestral house, on the eastern side there is an old cow shed no? There you put-up a hut and stay there. For generations your family has done Ambal pooja. Stay in the cow shed.’
Periyava continued, ‘……Also, another thing you should hear. You are blaming (scolding) all planets no!....In your (client’s) horoscope Guru is neechan, Sani is papi, Bhdhan is vakram….You should not mouth these words. Guru is a big planet. Dakshinamurthy swaroopam. You should say of him as neechan, Papi, Vakram etc. Sani is the son of Suriyan. He has got the title of Ishwaran. You are calling him Papi…… It is enough if you say “The planets are not in the right place. The Kala palan is not good. Etc.. When people come to you for matching of horoscopes of boys and girls, instead of bluntly saying “They don’t match”, you can say “The right period for vivaha for the girl is yet to come. The putra bakyam for the boy is in doubt.” There are many girls who are aged beynd 30, and still not married. When such horoscopes come to you, to the extent possible, you should answer them without rejecting to the extent possible.
In marriage subject, you should not give much importance to Horoscope match. Matching of Sect (Kulam), Gothram and the minds (Manas) is enough. In olden days, horoscope matching was not having so much importance.
The astrologer with full satisfaction said ‘Hereafter I will do as advised by Periyava’. He took prasadam and left.


Suma Lalitha Emani

Aug 25, 2011, 4:39:25 AM8/25/11
to sadgo...@googlegroups.com
Dear Sir,
Thanks for the translation. It is heartful to read the mail.
Regards, Suma

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Rajagopalan Panchabi

Aug 25, 2011, 5:04:34 AM8/25/11
to sadgo...@googlegroups.com
2/3 as below.
A mother came with a middle aged boy. She could not hide her emotions.(Dukham). Yes. Her son was a mentally retarded person. (Paithiam). All medicines and manthras have been tried and were of no avail. It was enough for the mother, if he does not get hysterical. Saliva was always dripping from his mouth.
Periyava was seeing him continuously and then said
‘If saliva comes in the mouth…people used to say it is Vani (Saraswathi), Do not worry. Have you heard of a medicine called ‘Brahmi Gritham’? It is available in Kerala. Then you buy one bottle of ‘Vallarai ghee’. Holding that you do one lakh times (Avrithi) Panchakshara Japam and then give it to him. Then do you know the nut of neem tree. Take two or three of them, crush it well, mix it with honey and apply it in his tongue.’
Thus told the Sakshat mother  to her child.
After two months, the boy and the son came to see Periyava. The boy did not have any of the hysteric behaviours that he exhibited previously. He was just staring every where, and there was no other disturbance or problem on account of him.
Heaving a big sigh of relief, the mother said, ‘Due to Periyava’s anugraham my son has started reading a little.’
Periyava raised his hands and blessed them.


Rajagopalan Panchabi

Aug 25, 2011, 5:24:04 AM8/25/11
to sadgo...@googlegroups.com

3 /3 as below.
Periyava was camping in Madras Sanskrit college. He was suffering from chest pain. The ayurvedic medicines he took did not reduce the pain. The Manager was worried. Hesitatingly he told Periyava ‘If you allow me, I will send word to Dr.Vaithiyanathan in Alwarpet. I somehow feel that if he comes and sees, it will be better.’
Surprisingly the request was granted.
Dr. Vaithianathan came and checked the pulse after wrapping the hand with a silk cloth. It was normal. He checked blood pressure. It was very high. ‘Periyava..BP is very high. You must take medicine immediately.’
‘OK.OK. You come back and take the tests again after half an hour.’
The tests were taken after half an hour only to find that it has become too low. Periyava with a knowing smile said..’Half an hour ago, you tested and said BP is very high. Now you are saying it is very low. What happens when BP is high and what happens when BP is low.’
Dr.Vaithiayanathan said ‘If BP is high, it will lead to hemorrhage and is danger to life. If it is low, then people will faint and fall down. That is also dangerous.
Periyava asked like a child ‘But, No such thing happened to me. Neither Hemorrage nor Fainting.’
Dr. was scratching his head ‘ That is what is surprising to me! BP just like that going up and immediately coming down cannot happen normally. I think .....Your body must be totally obeying your commands.'
This is what happens when you try to treat Lord Vaidyanatha himself…….
A mother came with a middle aged boy. She could not hide her emotions.(Dukham). Yes. Her son was a mentally retarded person. (Paithiam). All medicines and manthras have been tried and were of no avail. It was enough for the mother, if he does not get hysterical. Saliva was always dripping from his mouth.
Periyava was seeing him continuously and then said
‘If saliva comes in the mouth…people used to say it is Vani (Saraswathi), Do not worry. Have you heard of a medicine called ‘Brahmi Gritham’? It is available in Kerala. Then you buy one bottle of ‘Vallarai ghee’. Holding that you do one lakh times (Avrithi) Panchakshara Japam and then give it to him. Then do you know the nut of neem tree. Take two or three of them, crush it well, mix it with honey and apply it in his tongue.’
Thus told the Sakshat mother  to her child.
After two months, the son and the mother came to see Periyava. The boy did not have any of the hysteric behaviours that he exhibited previously. He was just staring every where, and there was no other disturbance or problem on account of him.
Heaving a big sigh of relief, the mother said, ‘Due to Periyava’s anugraham my son has started reading a little.’
Periyava raised his hands and blessed them.


Suma Lalitha Emani

Aug 25, 2011, 6:50:47 AM8/25/11
to sadgo...@googlegroups.com
Dear Sir,
Thanks for translating all 3. They are really very great.
Regards, Suma

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