Support Congressional Letters Seeking to Lift Gaza Restrictions

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Jan Miller

2009年12月14日 晚上7:19:462009/12/14
收件者:Sabeel-CO-Google group



Dear Friends:

In August, AAPER supporters across the United States met with their members of Congress to request that they sign a letter  asking President Obama to press Israel's government to end its closure of and restrictions on Gaza.  On Wednesday, four members of Congress began circulating two letters calling on their colleagues to support the same.  In short, our work continues, but you are making a difference!

Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) circulated a letter asking their colleagues to call on President Obama to "press for immediate relief for the citizens of Gaza".  While AAPER believes that the Israeli government's objectives in imposing restrictions on Gaza are other than those stated in the letter, we welcome the letter's specific request that the President "advocate for immediate improvements for Gaza" in access to clean water, food, agricultural materials, medicine and health care products, sanitation supplies, construction materials for repair and rebuilding, fuel and spare parts.  It further seeks improvement in the ability of people as well as commercial and agricultural goods to move into and out of Gaza.

Rep. James Moran (D-VA) and Rep. Bob Inglis (R-SC) also circulated a letter on Wednesday requesting that their colleagues urge Secretary of State Clinton to "advocate that the Israeli government end the ban on student travel from Gaza to the West Bank, and in its place establish an effective mechanism to evaluate and approve requests from Gaza residents to study in the West Bank in a timely manner."

In light of both letters' clear and unequivocal support for a lifting of restrictions on goods and movement into and out of Gaza, AAPER supports both letters, and urges you to contact your representative and ask that he or she sign on to both the McDermott/Ellison letter and the Moran/Inglis letter today.

Ask Your Member of Congress to Support Congressional Letters Calling on the Obama Administration to Press for a Lifting of Israeli Restrictions on Gaza!




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