Room available at RailsConf

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Gregory Seidman

May 28, 2008, 6:46:33 PM5/28/08
to Ruby on Rails list
Due to some interesting complications and the kindness of friends, I have a
room reserved at the DoubleTree (starting tomorrow night) but don't need
it. Rather than have to pay cancellation fees, I'd like to transfer it to
someone else. I'm getting in rather late tomorrow night, so it would be
better to take care of transferring today or early tomorrow.


Peter Dierx

May 29, 2008, 1:02:40 AM5/29/08
Like to have the room.

How do I contact you?

Posted via

Gregory Seidman

May 29, 2008, 11:03:54 AM5/29/08
On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 03:02:40AM +0200, Peter wrote:
> Like to have the room.
> How do I contact you?

Please email me directly (ruby-forum may hide my address to avoid spam;
please use gsslist+ror at anthropohedron dot net) and give me your full
name. I'll call the hotel and tell them that you will be providing a credit
card to hold the room, then I'll email you back with the reservation
number. You call the hotel and tell them you're taking over the reservation
from me and give them a credit card, then you email me back to let me know
it's done. That's it.

> Peter

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