Make :memoize more spec-able?

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Aug 19, 2008, 6:32:30 AM8/19/08
to Ruby on Rails: Core
Hi there,
so I ported Memoizable into my app,
but I need a way to spec that certain methods have been memoized.

Is it a bad idea to add a :memoized_methods attribute to any memoized
class / object

class Abberation
memoize :some_method

will allow me to spec;

Abberation.memoized_methods.should include(:some_method)

I'd prefer this rather than spec-ing

Abberation.instance_methods.should include("_unmemoized_some_method")

(I still don't get why it's not just an
"alias_method_chain :some_method, :memoization")


Michael Koziarski

Aug 22, 2008, 4:12:48 AM8/22/08
> class Abberation
> memoize :some_method
> end
> will allow me to spec;
> Abberation.memoized_methods.should include(:some_method)
> I'd prefer this rather than spec-ing
> Abberation.instance_methods.should include("_unmemoized_some_method")
> (I still don't get why it's not just an
> "alias_method_chain :some_method, :memoization")

Isn't that testing the *implementation* rather than the intended
effect? I think it'd be better to test the memoization by ensuring
the method doesn't calculate the value twice, rather than asserting
(shoulding?) the thing is memoized?



Aug 23, 2008, 5:37:48 AM8/23/08
to Ruby on Rails: Core
I'd suggest the opposite.

the :memoize functionality is extensively tested in ActiveSupport
more extensively than I'm going to remember to do each time I test its
use in my app.

so if I can do a basic "consequences of being memoized" test, and also
say "as far as rails is concerned, this is memoized"
then I get primary confidence that it works,
i also get secondary confidence that its "memoized", and Rails has
promised me that "memoized" works.

def something(n)
return randomly(n)
memoize :something

test "something is declared as memoized" do
assert my_model.memoized_methods.include?(:something)

test "something is memoized" do
assert_equal 1, my_model.something(7)
assert_equal 1, my_model.something(7)
assert_equal 2, my_model.something(100)

I can grab those edge cases into my tests without having to think
about them.

Michael Koziarski

Aug 23, 2008, 7:14:52 AM8/23/08
> the :memoize functionality is extensively tested in ActiveSupport
> more extensively than I'm going to remember to do each time I test its
> use in my app.

OK, you've convinced me. Send a patch and I'll look it over . I
still think that you should include the implementation test, but I can
see where you're coming from and piggy backing on the AS tests is a
good idea.



Joshua Peek

Aug 24, 2008, 1:48:11 PM8/24/08
to Ruby on Rails: Core
If you have no confidence that "memoize :foo" does its job. How can
you have confidence in Foo.memoized_methods? For all you know its
lying to you as well.

If you think you need these silly DSL assertion tests, just grep your
source for extra "confidence"."foo.rb").read.grep(/memoize :foo/)

memoization *is* an implementation detail. The helper should not be
treated any different than

def foo
@foo ||= 1 + 1

Aug 25, 2008, 4:21:51 AM8/25/08
to Ruby on Rails: Core
On Aug 24, 6:48 pm, Joshua Peek <> wrote:
> If you have no confidence that "memoize :foo" does its job. How can
> you have confidence in Foo.memoized_methods?

Umm... I do have confidence in "memoize :foo" doing its job, Josh.
Which is precisely what I'm saying.

Grep-ing through source is plainly a crap way.
Having "memoize :foo" store the fact that :foo is :memoized will;
a) allow me to spec against it
b) stop the "unmemoize_all" code having to grep through

> memoization *is* an implementation detail. The helper should not be
> treated any different than
> def foo
>   @foo ||= 1 + 1
> end

except you get extra stuff in there for free, like reloading,
and it claims to take care of arguments.
(although I worry that any function like do_something(true) will
instead just unmemoize itself)

Will get my laptop out,
see what I can do to make a patch.

Have a good bank holiday (if you're in the UK WHOOP WHOOP)

Aug 25, 2008, 5:42:40 AM8/25/08
to Ruby on Rails: Core

Joshua Peek

Aug 25, 2008, 11:14:01 AM8/25/08
to Ruby on Rails: Core
On Aug 25, 3:21 am, ""
<> wrote:
> Grep-ing through source is plainly a crap way.

j/k ;)

> Having "memoize :foo" store the fact that :foo is :memoized will;
> a) allow me to spec against it
> b) stop the "unmemoize_all" code having to grep through
> instance_methods

How does it stop unmemoize_all from looking for __memoized methods?
You've just delegated the responsibility.

> > memoization *is* an implementation detail. The helper should not be
> > treated any different than
> > def foo
> >   @foo ||= 1 + 1
> > end
> Indeed,
> except you get extra stuff in there for free, like reloading,
> and it claims to take care of arguments.
> (although I worry that any function like do_something(true) will
> instead just unmemoize itself)

So how would you test this simple memoized method? However you answer,
that is how you should test it will the memoize helper.
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