¡¡ RPyC 3.00 BETA !!

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tomer filiba

2008年6月7日 12:01:522008/6/7
收件人 rp...@googlegroups.com、Ronnie Maor、Noam Raphael、Rotem Yaari、Guy Raizman
huevos jaminados!

== code ==

== installation ==
as usual, just extract/checkout the directory to somewhere on your sys.path.

== important readme ==

== final release ==
if everything goes well, the library will be released within a couple of weeks...
a couple of last touches and some more polishing

== requests ==
* try it out and report any inconsistencies/problems you encounter. i need the feedback
to know what features are missing and what breaks backwards compatibility.

* currently only the SlaveService and VoidService are implemented, i would like
to include some other useful services, but it would require feedback from users.

* volunteers for writing demo services (i wrote the chat service and the time service,
but anything else is welcome).

* the code targets python 2.5. I will need someone to backport it to 2.4 and even 2.3
there's nothing major, it's basically replacing "with" statements with try-finally etc...
of course the backporting effort should wait until the final release.

* ronnie - please have a look at IronPython/Jython issues. i did my best to keep them
in mind, but it's not tested. please also look after threading/deadlock issues.

* noam - please have a look at the twisted integration layer (rpyc/utils/twisted).
i shiuftzurized your code a little, but haven't tested it at all


An NCO and a Gentleman
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