New release 0.40 - mostly BeanFactory enhancements.

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Jan 5, 2008, 3:29:44 AM1/5/08
to rocket-gwt
0.40 5 January 2008
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* Added a Location class which returns all the portions of the
window.location object as well as read only map values of query string

* If a bean implements BeanFactoryAware this is satisfied prior to
invoking the setting of other properties.
* Refactored bean factory generator support classes(mostly moved
templated files into their own subpackages).
* Significantly improved logging produced by BeanFactoryGenerator to
be more readable into a formatted tree structure(was previously very
* Added ability to specify aliases for beans via the alias element
which has two attributes name (the alias name) and bean(the bean that
is the target of alias).
* Added BeanNameAware interface which when implemented provides a
mechanism for a bean and its factory beans to learn of their name.
* Extracted an invoke method from JavaRpcServiceMethodInvoker which
takes the service provider, method and parameters for purposes of
from the unmarshalled incoming request.
* Added support for disposing singleton (prototypes are not supported,
holding any prototype reference would prevent garbage collection)
beans that implement DisposableBean or define a custom destroy
method with their bean tag.
* Added support for nested(anonymous) beans within constructor and
* Added support for setting null values via the null element.
* Merged bean factory, remote-json-rpc and remote-java-rpc tags into a
single rpc tag. Changed address to service-entry-point and interface
to service-interface.
* Simplified rpc element attributes from advisorBeanId to advisor,
targetBeanId to target and methodExpression to methods.
* Modified bean-factory.dtd public id to match rocket version.
* Enhanced MethodInvocation to include new properties about the proxy
target method, name, enclosing type name, parameter type names, is it
native ? and return type name.

* Added unmodifiableSet and unmodifiableMap methods in addition to
unmodifiableList to CollectionHelper

* Deprecated Dom.getAbsoluteXXX where XXX is Left or Top in favour of
the equivalent Gwt DOM methods.

* Added to MouseEvent ( and due to inheritence and all sub classes for
the click, double click, down, up, move, out, over and wheel events )
methods to retrieve the mouse coordinates relative
to the target element.

* Modified StringLiteral to accept empty Strings literals, previously
it would throw an exception.
* Updated new class components new Types, Initializer, Constructor,
Methods and Fields to create a tree like log when emitting their
source code representation.
* Reworked TemplateCodeBlock subclasses that should really extend

* Cleaned up sub modules.gwt.xml files to only include modules they
actually require.
* Deprecated ElementWrapper, ObjectWrapperImpl, ObjectWrapper,

* Fixed deferred binding rules for Comet (Remoting.gwt.xml),
previously broken rules meant that the comet client was not detecting
server connection failures in IE.

* Fixed StringComparator.COMPARATOR to be an exact and not case
insensitive comparator.
* Moved all ObjectHelper methods JavaScriptObject getter/setter
methods to JavaScript
* Moved ObjectHelper,StringHelper,HttpHelper check methods ( generally
those that start with "check" )to Checker.
* Moved ObjectHelper,StringHelper,HttpHelper test methods ( generally
those that start with "is") to Tester.
* Remainng ObjectHelper,StringHelper,HttpHelper methods have been
moved to Utilities
* Renamed IoHelper to InputOutput.
* Simplied check methods (most removed common check prefix) in
* HttpHelper.encodeForm deprecated (duplicate of Widgets.encodeForm )

* Removed tree widget as functionality has been superceeded by GWT's
own Tree widget.
* Removed SplitterItem.remove() which was just calling the parent
SplitterPanel.remove( this );
* Made HyperlinkPanel a simple panel ie it can only have one child.
* The initial menu list that opens when clicking on a widget with a
ContextMenu (actually embedded within a ContextMenu panel) now opens
at the location of the click.
* ContextMenu now fires a new MenuOpenEvent subclass called
ContextMenuOpenEvent ( a sub class of MenuOpenEvent) has been created
and includes getters to retrieve the initially clicked upon
Element/Widget and mouse position details.
* Renamed WidgetsHelper to Widgets, as well moving various form
related helper methods to Dom.
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