There's been some "conceptual drift" here that's not going to ber very
good if it persists.
This is a screen shot of a river.
I don't have to poke at anything to see the new stuff. I just scroll
through the items. My eyes do the work, not my mouse.
I love outliners, don't get me wrong, and I'm going to ask you guys to
write some outliner browsers, later -- but a river is not an outline.
The big picture goal here is to build something that works as smoothly
as Twitter, but using open formats and protocols, and not requiring it
all to live on one company's servers.
To quickly read the new stuff, we need rivers, not outlines.
And of course you can build whatever you like to browse the data, but
please don't call it a river if it's a structured list you have to
poke around in to find the new stuff.