McAllen After Hours Music Event Activism - Jan. 14

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Frank F

Jan 7, 2011, 1:47:29 AM1/7/11
to Rio Grande Valley Zeitgeist Movement
Greetings friends,

On Friday, January 14th, the day before our screenings of Zeitgeist
Moving Forward, there will be a free to the public music concert event
called After Hours at Archer Park. Thanks to the efforts of Ray Perez,
we have been allowed to set up an information table and distribute
literature and information to passers by. This, along with our Art
Walk event, will be they keys to getting interest in our screenings.
This discussion thread is dedicated to planning and sharing our ideas
regarding this event. Thanks again for all of your work and efforts in
these past months, and thank you even more for your continued pursuit
of a better world for all people.



Jan 11, 2011, 4:27:07 PM1/11/11
to Rio Grande Valley Zeitgeist Movement
I still have a few flyers and tickets left but if anyone needs b&w
copies of there own flyers please let me know...

Frank F

Jan 11, 2011, 9:11:05 PM1/11/11
to Rio Grande Valley Zeitgeist Movement
Thanks Sam, I think it would be really good if we can print some long
form literature like the VP brochure and their Flyer as well. I think
you can find it on the VP website.

Also, does anyone know what time and where exactly the concert is? I'm
getting conflicting information. The McAllen Music website says that
third Friday is at the Convention Center and not Archer park, but
doesn't say what time it starts. Do you have that information Ray?


ray perez

Jan 11, 2011, 9:29:08 PM1/11/11
sorry for the conflicting information. i don't think they have updated
the website yet, but i have attached the official flyer with the band
names, start times, sponsors and location address. :)

Frank F

Jan 14, 2011, 5:23:59 PM1/14/11
to Rio Grande Valley Zeitgeist Movement
Greetings friends,

I believe that there may be a change in schedule and/or venue due to
the inclement weather we are forecast to have this evening. Ray has
said that he will inform us of any such changes so please be aware
that our plans may change and we may shift location to a different
area and stay alert to such announcements. Thank you and I hope we
manage to have a dry and good time there!

ray perez

Jan 14, 2011, 7:13:12 PM1/14/11


MUSIC AFTERHOURS @ The Incubator 1001 South 16th St.MCALLEN, TX


THE Incubator is actually an old elementary school down there by Main
st and the expressway. it used to be the old STCC campus. Parking
and the concert location is located on the southwest side of the
campus. I have already secured the permission for the group to setup
a table and distribute information so that you guys can promote
tomorrow's screenings. Unfortunately i will not be able to attend,
but the avenue remains available to you all.

thanks guys! peace.

Zeitgeist Movement RGV

Jan 14, 2011, 9:03:08 PM1/14/11
Thanks for that update Ray. I have updated our website with the new information.

On a related note, Sam has informed me that she and her brother will not be able to attend, and wants to know if there is anyone who she can give her flyers and tickets to so they can be distributed at the concert. Please post it here or email me directly, as I suspect she does not have easy access to the web or email.

Thank you all for your help!

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Frank Flores
Coordinator, Rio Grande Valley Zeitgeist Movement

Frank F

Jan 16, 2011, 2:55:03 AM1/16/11
to Rio Grande Valley Zeitgeist Movement
Thanks to Ray for setting up this great opportunity to be at the
Afterhours concert. And thank you to Armando for providing us a table.
We were able to provide information to a few people, including one of
the performing artists and even the director of the McAllen Chamber of
Commerce provided us with his information so we can more effectively
promote our activities in the future. I hope that we can continue
attending this event in the future so that we can meet and inform even
more people as we move forward!

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