RTMFP in red5 legal?

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Oct 28, 2011, 7:15:36 AM10/28/11
to red5
Cumulus is a working c++ implementation of rtmfp server. There is also
a node.js implementation.

From the blue5 project it seems that rtmfp is based on mfp which was
released as gpl:

Does the fact that rtmfp is based on a protocol that was initially
released as gpl means that it is ok to use it in an open source
project without paying adobe?
Maybe it's ok to only use the peer introduction service and not other
advanced features like NetGroups?

The red5 faq explains that it is ok to discover and use non encrypted
protocol like RTMP but what about the encrypted rtmfp?
How people managed to find the rtmfp encryption keys?

Adobe takes wowza to court. Are the mentioned patents and issues
relevant to rtmfp as well?

Are there plans to support rtmfp in red5?
If there are, what about the legal questions?


Dominick Accattato

Nov 1, 2011, 1:26:06 PM11/1/11
to red5in...@googlegroups.com
Hello Pablo,

The Blue5 project is a separate open source project which is at the moment not active in development. At this point in time, we (Red5) do not have plans on implementing RTMFP. I can't comment on any other project and or the Adobe lawsuit. Hope this helps.
Dominick Accattato
Red5 Co-Project Manager & Engineer

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