Make that the 22/23 of October, next Saturday / Sunday !
| Martyn Williams | Internet : |
| TELE Satellit News Service GB | CI$ : 100025,1637 |
| Satellite Journal International | The views above are, of course, my own |
| From David Letterman's top 10 rejected Silvester Stallone movie lines : |
| 9 The names "Rambo" but friends call me "Bunny" |
| 6 I don't care what round it is. He hit me, it hurt, I'm quitting |
| 3 My name is Rambo Gump |
If you want to read the TELE Satellit News every week see the details at the
end of this file (it's free!)
Let's party ! Satellite festival on 21/22 October
TELE Satellit News Bureau London, Munich and TESUG
Next weekend will see the launch of TESUG TV. Anchored by Eric Wilshire and ex
Radio Luxembourg DJ Jonathan Miles, TESUG TV will produce 22 hours of
programming centred around satellite TV and broadcasting. The broadcast will
be direct from British Telecom's Goonhilly earth station in Cornwall and be
live to Europe via Eutelsat 2F1 and to North America via Intelsat 601.
Documentaries will feature the history of satellite TV from Telstar through to
the upcoming Eutelsat Hot Bird. Contributors to the show include NASA,
Arianspace, Aerspatiale and GPO Films. A special feature from Echosphere will
describe the new American DBS service that is due to start next year.
Broadcasters contributing behind the scenes documentaries include Euronews,
Eurosport, The Family Channel, Deutsche Welle TV, TV 5 Europe and NBC Super
Channel. There's a special look around the World Radio Network's computerised
headquarters in London with station chief Karl Miosaga and a trip inside the
UK's Radio Authority.
The CAI will show you how to properly install a satellite dish and on Saturday
from 1745 to 1815 direct from the Telekom Usingen uplink station, TELE
Satellit's Dr. Dish (Christian Mass) and Petra Huther (TELE-satellit
Chefredakteurin) along with Tim Narwath (TESUG Deutschland) will host a German
half hour.
The technical side of the event is impressive with outside broadcasts from
Atlanta, Washington, France, Munich and Betzdorf possibly. The viewers will
get a chance to see the technical side of the operation with a look around
BT's Goonhilly earth station and BT's Docklands teleport in London. The camera
will even take you onto a big dish and look inside the uplink !
The technical details are :
Times : 0900 - 2000 UK/CET Saturday/Sunday 21/22 October 1994
Europe : Eutelsat 2F1, 11.617 GHz, Vertical, 6.50 MHz (50us), 7.02 MHz (Wegener
North America : Intelsat 601, 3.820 GHz
Incoming feeds to TESUG TV : Intelsat 601, 11.135 GHz
Contact Details during the broadcast :
Telephone : +44-1326-221333 (BT Goonhilly)
Fax : +44-1872-325401
email : tbc
smail : PO Box 576, Orpington, Kent, BR6 9WY, United Kingdom
Distribution details of TS news in English :
CompuServe UK Forum (UKFORUM) - Windows Write / ASCII version, library 19
CompuServe European Forum (EURFORUM) - Windows Write version, library 5
CompuServe Deutschland on line (GERLINE) - Windows Write version, library 15
fax polling +49-8282-81003 - already active
fax polling +49-2163-81744 - due on-line in this week
fax polling +49-611-307307 - due on line in two weeks
NBC Super Channel - NBC Text page 171
ISDN Mailbox IDTRANS (128 kBps), User Gast, Password SAT, +49-89-45001424 newsgroup on Usenet
World Wide Web :
Fidonet SAT.028 newsgroup
Anonymous FTP to : /pub/dx/text/satellite/telesatellit
SAT NET BBS network
> The technical details are :
> Times : 0900 - 2000 UK/CET Saturday/Sunday 21/22 October 1994
^^^^^^^^ ^^
There's an inconsistency here - which is correct?
Any chance we will get to see this on this side of the Atlantic? Maybe on a Ku
Having seen a tape of the German monthly show I'd welcome a look at the new
Robert k
> Hi Martyn, great news congratulations on the upcoming launch..
> Any chance we will get to see this on this side of the Atlantic? Maybe on a Ku
> transponder?
> Having seen a tape of the German monthly show I'd welcome a look at the new
> show!
> Robert k
The TESUG TV show isn't actually anything to do with Tele Satellit except that
we play a small part for 30 minutes on Saturday. The broadcast should be
available in the US on C band on Intelsat 601. I realise this is a bit low
for most people and not ideal but can I suggest writing to them ?
Apparently the show will be every two months or so. It's not meant to be
at fixed times but semi-regular.
Stay Tuned.....