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no sound whatever I do

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King Ghidora

2004年12月18日 下午2:38:482004/12/18
I've still been trying to get this Movie Factory software to
work. No matter how I go about things I end up with no
sound in the .iso's I create. I've been trying to make this
crappy program work for three days and every option I use
doesn't work.

Anyone have an actual hint how to get this to work? I tried
the Ulead web site but it was useless. It explained nicely
how it was supposed to work. I figured that much out on my
own. The problem is that it doesn't do what it's supposed
to do.

King Ghidora

2004年12月18日 下午2:47:572004/12/18
On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 19:38:48 GMT, King Ghidora
<> wrote:

:I've still been trying to get this Movie Factory software to

You would think that doing a capture with this program and
trying to author a DVD with this program with the file you
captured would actually work. No such luck. This program
sucks about as bad as any program I've even encountered
innearly 21 years of computer experience. The interface is
blatanly misleading, the bugs are so numerous it's
astounding they could ever sell this thing, and the results
are consistently screwed up.

I'm not new to this stuff. I was a professionaly computer
consultant. I know how to make programs work. This one
will NOT work. It's the biggest piece of junk I've ever
laid eyes on.

Save your money. Don't buy this program. Don't buy
anything made by Ulead.

Big Bill

2004年12月18日 下午4:26:122004/12/18
On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 19:38:48 GMT, King Ghidora
<> wrote:

Maybe if you toild us what you're doing, instead of what you can't do.
For example, how are you getting your sound into the computer? What
are you importing with, or are you working with an AVI or MPEG file
already on your drive?
Bill Funk
Change "g" to "a"

King Ghidora

2004年12月18日 下午6:45:432004/12/18
On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 14:26:12 -0700, Big Bill
<> wrote:

:On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 19:38:48 GMT, King Ghidora

I didn't explain that because I have tried to go about this
at least 30 different ways. None of them work. I captured
video and audio in .avi format files. I can play those
files just fine and the audio works. I tried loading those
files in the editor and exporting to the DVD authoring
program. No luck. I tried converting the .avi files with
various programs including a copy of Canopus Procoder 2. I
convert to .mpg and .upd. I also tried converting to .mpg.
I also tried converting to m2p. I also converted to .m2v
and .wav files. None of these things worked.

I also captured video and audio using the capture program
with Movie Factory. I tried capturing using .avi format and
the option it listed for DVD. None of these things worked

I can create an .iso that will load with a virtual drive
program. The video will play just fine but there is never
any audio. You'd think that using the capture method in the
same program would create a type of format that would work.
But it doesn't. I can hear the audio in the edit section.
I can hear it in the preview section. I can hear it when I
am capturing the stream. I just can never get it to work in
the final product.

The only thing I haven't tried is saving directly to DVD. I
just didn't think it should be neccessary to make coasters
to prove the obvious. If it won't work with an .iso loaded
with a virtual drive program it most likely won't work
burning directly to DVD either.

I have spent probably 12 hours trying to get this silly
program to work. I'm sure I sound very tired of it all
because I am. I can read a menu. I know how it's supposed
to work. It just doesn't work.

I didn't go into detail because I could spend all night
listing all the methods I used to try and make this work.
It just won't work.

No one seems to be interested in releasing a DVD authoring
program that is intuitive. I understand that this is all
relatively new but there isn't any excuse for having such a
clunk interface. It isn't that I can't figure out crappy
programs. I just don't want to. I've done plenty of it in
my time and believe me some of the programs in the world are
way more trouble than they are worth.

I just need to find a program that makes things more clear
and actually works. I have figured out how this program is
supposed to work. But it was hardly intuitive. It was as
far from that as you can get. Some software companies think
making a program complicated makes people think it's worth
more money. They play on people's insecurities making them
think they are just too stupid to work their wonderful
program. It's a con game that I don't like to play. A
perfect example would be Corel Draw. Other programs did the
same stuff but did it much simpler. Now .Corel Draw is a
landfill program. Nobody likes it that I know. This Ulead
program is in that same boat. It sucks. It's buggy. It's
way to hard to understand. And it just plain doesn't work.
There has to be a better way. I made a career out of
finding better ways.

Big Bill

2004年12月19日 中午12:02:442004/12/19
On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 23:45:43 GMT, King Ghidora
<> wrote:

>I didn't explain that because I have tried to go about this
>at least 30 different ways. None of them work. I captured
>video and audio in .avi format files. I can play those
>files just fine and the audio works. I tried loading those
>files in the editor and exporting to the DVD authoring
>program. No luck. I tried converting the .avi files with
>various programs including a copy of Canopus Procoder 2. I
>convert to .mpg and .upd. I also tried converting to .mpg.
>I also tried converting to m2p. I also converted to .m2v
>and .wav files. None of these things worked.

<Much snipped>

Fair enough.
Since this works for others, I would think that there's something in
*your* setup that will keep the audio from working.
Have you tried shutting down all un-needed processes? End-It-All does
this well:

There's always the possibility of trying another application, of
course. :-)

Paul D. Sullivan

2004年12月19日 下午2:27:562004/12/19
Don't make an ISO - make a VIDEO_TS folder.

I swear - I have no problems at all getting this program to work.
If you have sound in the AVI, you should get sound in the VOB.

King Ghidora

2004年12月19日 晚上8:41:432004/12/19
On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 10:02:44 -0700, Big Bill
<> wrote:

:On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 23:45:43 GMT, King Ghidora

I've tried other applications. They didn't work either. I
have very few processes running because I know what problems
arise from having 30 different spyware programs running.
Clearly there is a problem somewhere. But that doesn't
obsolve Ulead from the pathetic crap they included in their
program. I'm talking stuff like telling me to convert my
video files to PAL DVD format in the edit section. There
was no such option in that section and the idea that it was
needed was just silly. I'm talking being told to choose the
DVD option if I wanted to create a DVD then later being told
that the sound format was incompatible with DVD's by the
same program that just created the file saying it was the
correct format for DVD's.

Look I spent about 25 hours trying to make this work. I was
a professional computer consultant. I am very good at
making computers work. There are very distinct bugs in the
Ulead software that I was using and that is in addition to
the obvious problem I am having making any DVD program work.
I installed the software just like I was supposed to do but
it doesn't work. If you know anything about softare you
know that a problem like this can take a huge effort to fix.
I came to this ng to get help thinking maybe someone had the
same experiece but all I seem to get is people thinking I
can't tie my shoes and count to 3.

People have such an arrogant attitude sometimes it's
pathetic. I'm not saying you did this but others here did.
They want so bad to be able to think they are smarter than
someone else that they will distort any question just to
make themselves think they are smarter than someone else.
Try reading what I actually say instead of assuming I'm some
moron who needs to be told 2 + 2 = 4.

King Ghidora

2004年12月19日 晚上8:46:322004/12/19
Don';t you think I tried that? I know other people get it
to work. Don't assume I'm some moron because it didn't work
for me. There's a bug with it. It won't work for me.
Other programs won't work either. Geeze why is it everyone
here wants to think they are so much smarter than others.
It isn't rocket sceince getting it do what it is supposed to
do. But when there is a bug it is very hard to fix. If you
think you can't make an .iso and then load it with a virtual
drive I got news for you. You are the moron.

On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 19:27:56 GMT, "Paul D. Sullivan"
<> wrote:

:Don't make an ISO - make a VIDEO_TS folder.


Big Bill

2004年12月20日 下午2:35:262004/12/20
On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 01:41:43 GMT, King Ghidora
<> wrote:

Well, I'm not trying to make you look bad at all.
I know how frustrating stuff like this can be.

My take is that there's something in your system that's doing this; it
may not be the Ulead software itself, but possibly a corrupted DLL, or
a common DLL that another app has changed during install or update, or
a problem with your sound card. It can be a real trick to track down.
I assume you're reloaded the Ulead software, and applied all current
The fact that other rendering apps do the same thing makes me wonder
if there's not a DLL or something similar that the sound card is using
that's gone farkled. Or a common DLL or codec that's corrupted.

Personally, I use Studio 9 Plus (I've used Studio since 7), and never
had the problems others have had. I'm just lucky, I guess.
I build my own systems,and I'm careful about what I put on them (I
don't download MP3s, so none of that P2P crap!), and I can usually
poinpoint when an install or update affects something else.

Anyway, I ghuess I acan't help much, except to offer the ultimate
panecea: format the drive, & start over! :-)

King Ghidora

2004年12月20日 下午4:16:122004/12/20
On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 12:35:26 -0700, Big Bill
<> wrote:

:On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 01:41:43 GMT, King Ghidora

At least you managed to get the problem Bill which is more
than most of the people around here have done. You're
exactly right that it is likely a corrupted file and
formatting is the most sure fire way of fixing it. But that
is a lot of work to fix something that may be fixed easily.
Apparently no one has had this problem and posted in usenet
at any time. I've spent hours combing through posts on the
subject to see if someone managed to fix this problem
without drastic action but no luck. That's why I posted a
question here but as usual people on usenet care more about
their egos than they do helping anyone. If you act like a
little kid and whine "mommy help me" they just love acting
superior and saying "here let me help you little baby". If
it gets past their limited understanding of things they
freak and try to treat you like you're the idiot. Usenet
sucks 99% of the time. I rarely ever post anything in a ng
because people are only here for peeing contests. I know
ten times more about computers than most of these jerks yet
they want to treat me like I'm an idiot. That sucks. Can't
follow the directions eh? Yeah right. If they think that
they didn't read what I posted. I guess that makes them the

King Ghidora

2004年12月20日 下午4:19:152004/12/20
On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 12:35:26 -0700, Big Bill
<> wrote:

:On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 01:41:43 GMT, King Ghidora

I forgot to mention that I thought the vob file contained
both the audio and video stream. I don't know how to test
to see if the audio is there except to play the DVD it

King Ghidora

2004年12月20日 下午4:36:402004/12/20
I used Media Player classic to open the .VTS_01_1.VOB. The
VTS_01_1.VOB file does contain the audio. Now how's that
for weird. Yet when I burn the same image to a DVD it won't
work. When I put the files image into an .iso it won't

On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 12:35:26 -0700, Big Bill
<> wrote:

:On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 01:41:43 GMT, King Ghidora


2004年12月21日 清晨7:21:392004/12/21
King Ghidora wrote:
> Don';t you think I tried that? I know other people get it
> to work. Don't assume I'm some moron because it didn't work
> for me. There's a bug with it. It won't work for me.
> Other programs won't work either. Geeze why is it everyone
> here wants to think they are so much smarter than others.
> It isn't rocket sceince getting it do what it is supposed to
> do. But when there is a bug it is very hard to fix. If you
> think you can't make an .iso and then load it with a virtual
> drive I got news for you. You are the moron.

Please leave this newsgroup imediately and return to whatever rock you
cralwed out from underneth.. As we are all too stupid here to help you..

Christ.. the Aragance.


Pete D

2004年12月21日 晚上10:37:532004/12/21

"Dave" <> wrote in message

Hey Dave, relax mate, this bloke hits this newsgroup from time to time under
a couple of different names. I think the last time he did he called himself
Prof Marvel. Easy enough to do a quick search on him and you will find he
comes from the same source.

Cheers and have a great Christmas or whatever.

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