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So if Rumsfeld is booted and the new plan is for MORE troops in Iraq.

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Logical Anomaly's Ego

no leída,
8 nov 2006, 1:29:238/11/06
a win it.................what does the new Dem congress do?

That seems to be the leaked test balloon.

This is McCain's position, and I think George W. Bush is going to go
arm in arm with McCain for two years and endorse him early for
President in 2008.

This is really going to be a sea change in a billion ways. Socially
Conservative Dems........fewer moderate GOPers...McCain and Hillary
going for pres in 2008........Bush in position for veto.

Then you add the Dems in control of spending, but with Blue Dog dems
mixed in.

David E. Powell

no leída,
8 nov 2006, 12:37:158/11/06

The media has put out a lot of "stay the course" columns leading up the
election. Who knows, maybe the Media will say Iraq is going better now
and emphasise positives to give Dems that cover. Ironically, the more
troops thing may not be necessary now. The Iraqi forces are more
trained up now. Or the US could get some allies back in with the Dems
pressing them.

Logical Anomaly's Ego

no leída,
8 nov 2006, 12:42:278/11/06

The key is that, before, Dems had to run against Iraq and hang it on
Bush. Now they have an interest in "fixing it" and/or getting it off
the table for 2008. They, to an extent, are on the hook for Iraq from
this point. Ironically, Bush and the Dems might have a convergence of
self interest here. No incumbent running in 2008
nationally...........and the actual makeup of the congress is NOT
liberal. Dems had to run faux conservatives/conservadems.....whatever
you want to call it.

Pelosi cannot go very far right, and she cannot just pull out of Iraq.

I don't think thats what the message was. The Dems flipped a ton of
seats, but they didn't win blowouts in the races themselves. The
message was, change the necessarily lose and pull

We'll see.

McCain and Hillary are in the catbird seats right now for 2008

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