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Watercraft World Recap

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Mar 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/14/98

Recap, based on Bruce Hampson's Info:
Looks like Polaris makes the fatest boats accross the board. If XPL
can run with 10-footers, then it's the fastest off-shore boat. Nothing is
faster off the line than Kawa, which is bigger and heavier and less hp than
XPL, so Kawa
probably is set-up for towing and tubing (and with one of the lowest
compression numbers and one of the highest RPMs and displacement, and a hull
design like XPL, Kawa STX has easy aftermarket build/speed potential). RFI
has the highest compression and lowest speed and acceleration.

YAMAHA XL1200: 56 mph (0 -30: 2.7" / 30 -50: 3.0")
6800 rpm, 130psi
KAWASAKI 1100STX: 53 mph (0 -30: 2.4" / 30 -50: 4.1")
7100 rpm, 130psi
SEA-DOO GTXL: 57 mph (0 -30: 2.9" / 30 -50: 3.2")
6850 rpm, 142psi
POLARIS SLTX: 60 mph (0 -30: 2.8" / 30 -50: 2.6")
6500 rpm, 160psi
SEA-DOO GTX RFI: 52 mph (0 -30: 3.6" / 30 -50: 6.0")
6700 rpm, 165psi
Sea-Doo XP-L: 62 mph (0 -30: 2.4" / 30 -50: 2.0")
6900 rpm, 140psi
Polaris SLX-P785: 63 mph (0 -30: 2.2" / 30 -50: 1.7")
7800 rpm, 150psi

Yamaha GP800 & Sea-Doo SPX: Not as fast enough as some of the 10-footers, so
might as well leave off)
TigerShark: (Not reviewed-- )

John Hill

Mar 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/14/98

A fair analysis Snapper, except some boats that are shipping are
significantly slower than the tested (Polaris 3 seater?) pre production and
some are slightly faster than tested with less spread from the peaks times.

I'm still having a hard time seeing the hulls on an STX1100 and an 97-98XP
as very similiar... just because of a partial category like partial
modified V hull VS. Full V. could cover over half of the fibergalls power
boats ever made. Its more of label, than a real description.

Not really much of a similiarity, when you have different striats,
different concave areas underneath, different weight distribution/engine
placement, center of gravity, different gullet, different proportions such
as where the boats are the widest and narrowest, air pockets in the stern
and Hyperpolic chines.... and different ride plates. A ton more of lift
designed in. Sorta of a big reach, not that I have not made a few from
time to time....

John Hill
snapper <> wrote in article <>...

James Hornyak

Mar 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/14/98

The Xp-L numbers look pretty good..
About 4.5 to 50!!
SLX- Pro about 4.0 to 50!!
Which is more easily Modifyable for
Subseuent increases in Performance without Race Gas?
Which can you ride in rough chop without going to a chiropractor
Sarge 707 And the envelope please!!!!!!

Larry KN4IM

Mar 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/14/98
to (James Hornyak) wrote:

Yeah, but my Pig went 0-50 in 3.5 seconds in this SAME test.

Of course, your speed may vary....Yeah, right...(;^D)

Jim Shuck

Mar 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/14/98

Sarge, as usual you are right...XP-L goes 0 to 50 in 4.4 to 4.5 seconds,
cranking 6.900 rpms, and only Polaris SLX-P785 is quicker and running an
awesome 7,800 rpms. Kawa is running 7100 rpms and takes 6.5 seconds to
hit 50, then it only has 3 mph left to go to 53. The answer then for
rough water is.............XP-L. It is extremely fast and comfortable
to ride in 2 foot chop like we had in the ocean today. It will still
run near 60 in that "victory at sea" if one can hang on. I did for
awhile today and without hand pain, leg pain, butt pain after 56
miles!!! One of my buddies riding my '97 GTX said he could see bow
going up and down into chop but my body looked flat since the seat was
absorbing the chop shock. Jumping waves (big today 4 to 7 feet) is also
nice since you can land standing and compress your body into seat. Other
rider thought it was a very soft landing as well. Wave riding is the
best, cause the XP-L turns instantly and with full power and no tail
slide, unless you are ripping off the wave tops before heading back down
the wave. I look forward to reading about some offshore racers on
XP-L's when they get them set up and out to sea. Nothin like it in the
water that I know of. Regards, Jim "Salty" Shuck

John Galbreath Jr.

Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98

John Hill wrote:
> A fair analysis Snapper, except some boats that are shipping are
> significantly slower than the tested

Wrong answer, just wait on your XP-L. I can see your silly grin from

My radared at 64.3 peak yesterday.
John Galbreath Jr.

John Hill

Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98

Now that you have broken in MY boat John, How soon can you ship it HERE!

Did not Lonski tell the dealers in September at the Sea Doo sales
conference that it had radared at 64 mph! Some SOB in this group I'm close
to posted that and skip the flames part.... this guy was Bonfired ( it's
kept me warm all winner)!


John Galbreath Jr. <> wrote in article

John Galbreath Jr.

Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98
to John Hill

Your boat???!!! Radared at 64.5 today.

Jim Ray

Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98

You are killing me here, Jim!
I just bought my XP-L today and didn't get a chance to put it in the water
It's going to sit in the garage all week before I get a chance to ride it!
Aaaargh! I'm gonna go nuts! It's going to be a looooong week. Maybe I'll
play hooky from work this week and take it out. Hey, I'm still up for a
trip to Catalina when ever you guys are. Let me know.
Ride Safe

Jim Shuck wrote in message <>...

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