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What do you do to inconsiderate boarders?

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Jack Hsu

23.01.1995, 21:30:4023.01.95

Watching some boarders last weekend *really* pisses me off. They strap
up in the middle of the path, causing many people coming off the lift
to fall when trying to avoid them. A group of boarders were smoking and
throwing the butts down the lift.

People like this really give boarders a bad name. Several skiiers refused
to ride the lift with me, and I don't blame them for it. If I were a
skiier, I would be pissed at the boarders too.

How can we stop people from strapping up in the middle of the path? They
are usually younger kids, but I don't suppose we could ban people under
18 from boarding :(.


Grasping For Control

24.01.1995, 08:51:4724.01.95
On 23 Jan 1995, Jack Hsu wrote:

> Watching some boarders last weekend *really* pisses me off. They strap
> up in the middle of the path, causing many people coming off the lift
> to fall when trying to avoid them. A group of boarders were smoking and
> throwing the butts down the lift.
> People like this really give boarders a bad name. Several skiiers refused

I am a smoker and enjoy having a cig while riding the lift up. The
problem is, what to do with the but. I used to just chuck it after
stubbin' in out on my boot. Now I consider that littering. So now I
just bring a little plastic bag with me to put my buts in and chuck it at
the end of the day. The reason these guys are probably chucking the buts
is because they don't know what else to do with them and they don't
figure that their hurting anyone. At least that's how I felt before.
Maybe you could tell them about my idea. Unless they're tottal asses I'm
sure they'll understand. Some of the under 18's actually are reasonable. :)

l Greg 'PHIL' Hamming l "Getting an inch of snow is like l
l University of New Brunswick l winning 10 cents in the lottery." l
l Computer Science l -Calvin- l
l E-mail: l-------------------------------------l
l Telephone: 455-1053 l -- Sic Transit Gloria Mundi -- l

Gen M. Kanai

24.01.1995, 17:41:5024.01.95
In article <3g1oog$> (Jack Hsu) writes:


> A group of boarders were smoking and
> throwing the butts down the lift.

> How can we stop people from strapping up in the middle of the path?
> Jack

Jack, I am completely in agreement and rage.

I HATE smokers who litter my snow with their mess! Even people who
smoke weed are cleaner about their mess (usually they stuff their
bowls/joint back in a pocket somewhere).

As an instructor, when I am wearing my jacket, I am usually without
mercy for the littering people. I demand that they clean up their
mess. When I am just freeriding, I am still indignant, but firm.

For the groms who buckle in in the middle of the run or stop in the
middle of the run, I also am firm with them and demand that they learn
to buckle in on the side of the run and also stop on the sides of the
run. This is a major aspect of my lessons when I move people from the
J-bar to the lift. Once I get my students doing it, it is natural for
them for the rest of their career.

Basically, since I am a 6'2" Asian with some bulk, I sometimes use my
prescence to firmly ask people to change their behavior, and it usually
works if I am nice at first.

For rude groms, I just pick up their 100cm boards and throw them off to
the side attached! : )

Gen Kanai

94 Rock

28.01.1995, 23:09:1128.01.95
In article <3g3vne$>,

>> How can we stop people from strapping up in the middle of the path?
>> Jack

>For the groms who buckle in in the middle of the run or stop in the
>middle of the run, I also am firm with them and demand that they learn
>to buckle in on the side of the run and also stop on the sides of the
>run. This is a major aspect of my lessons when I move people from the
>J-bar to the lift. Once I get my students doing it, it is natural for
>them for the rest of their career.
>Basically, since I am a 6'2" Asian with some bulk, I sometimes use my
>prescence to firmly ask people to change their behavior, and it usually
>works if I am nice at first.
>For rude groms, I just pick up their 100cm boards and throw them off to
>the side attached! : )

Boy You are a stud boy1!!! By the by, do you ever ask skiers to move
along? They tend to wait at the top of the lift as well. I'm 5'6" and
would like you to come to New Mexico and try your little intimidation act

Ian Jordan

29.01.1995, 20:36:5329.01.95
what about the skiiers?

last year was my first year snowboarding and on my first day a skiier cut
me off and stopped in the middle of the run. i was still learning to stop
and i bowled him over. he got pissed and was about to crack me one with a
pole (saying "i want to do this to every one of you fucking snowboard punks")
and then my 4 friends showed up. he took off and left me be, but the only
place to board without skiiers screwing with me that i've found is mt.
baker, wa. this might be a reason for some of us "new schoolers" having
such an attitude.

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