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(was: will you get narced?) maybe...maybe not

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Karen Burge

Oct 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/11/96

While doing a test in a chamber to assess the pressure at which one
will get narced seems like a great idea, it is not necessarily an
indicator of who will get narced at what depth.

Nitrogen narcosis involves many ever-changing variables that will
affect when and if it will happen. Speed of descent, temperature,
depth, physical fitness of diver only name a few.

I recently was narced at a depth that I had dived many dozens of times
with no symptoms at all. The bottom line, it is not something we can
predict. The best way to prepare for the narcs is to be aware of the
symptoms in yourself and be aware of your buddies behavior.

Just a thought from me! :)

"...pardon my appearance while I decompress"

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