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OT Has anyone watched the new video

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Mar 13, 2009, 7:41:32 AM3/13/09
Before I start, I hope this doesn't turn into another knock down
insult everyone thread because that isn't what I want.

I have heard about the new video by Alex Jones called "The Obama
Deception." And before everyone starts typing their insults, the video
isn't just a tear down on Obama, which I was somewhat surprised.

MUCH of it also centers around former president Bush, I'll tell you,
the one thing I like about Alex is all he does is gather the
information. He even tells people on his show and I think also on this
video to "not just believe him" actually take the info that he
stated and google it. When it comes to all these presidential things
and bills and laws that are signed under the cloak of darkness and no
one even really knows what their about, you can look them up yourself.
I will say this much, every time Alex has mentioned something on his
show or on his website....I always checked it out, and he hasn't
bullcrapped once.

The video is 1hr 53 minutes long but it is well worth the time for the
amount of information and knowledge and facts that can't be disputed
that you will obtain. One thing I think within twenty is
when they are talking to the former governor Jesse Ventura. Call me
crazy but I always thought and believed in the "democrats vs.
republicans"....and so did/does everyone else in here because we all
have jumped into or started threads on Bush or Obama or Dems or
Republicans. Jesse says "it is like professional wrestling" is
all is an Remember back right before the
election and a few jumped on me when I said I believed that "if voting
'truly' made a difference, the government would outlaw it." Well, I
thought I was right in saying that and I was.

It isn't about Democrats and Republicans or Bush/Clinton or even
Obama, that is what they want everyone to think. Please try to not
respond if you haven't watched it and just start bickering. I'd really
like to know what SC/Telamon/RHF/Brenda Ann/Ace/BDK even Mike if he
can be halfway decent (only if you watched it) and everyone else in
here says but you can't really respond to a post about a video if you
never watched it. Trust me when I say it isn't just a tear down on
Obama himself. The majority of us in here are Americans (I think) and
even I have been guilty of ripping on Obama and the democrats, I will
look at it all a lot different from now on. Out of all us Americans in
here I think Brenda Ann may be the smartest one for not actually
living in the states. ;-) It's going to get bad guys, really bad,
worse than anything most of us have experienced. If I didn't name your
name I apologize, I can't remember everyones off the top of my head
but I am really curious as to what you all think AFTER you watch the
video. It should make for some good OT discussion.:-) I wonder if it
can be civil and if not who is going to be the one that starts the
crap. Just go to youtube or google video and type in "Obama
Deception"...on youtube it comes in twelve parts and to me it was
easier just to watch them all together in one shot on google video.
Looking forward to the responses.


Mar 13, 2009, 10:09:15 AM3/13/09

OK, I watched the video and I have to say, "Nobody does conspiracy
explanations quite as well as does Alex Jones!" The video is a very
interesting combination of celebrity testimony, obvious facts, and
innuendo. In the end, the video is asking us to believe that Bush and
Obama are part of a conspiracy to deliberately destroy the US economy,
so that our rights can be stripped away and we can pushed into a one-
world government.

Overall, I think Jones has thought of an angle that might raise
concern for a majority of Americans. If you combine the percentages of
Americans who detest BOTH Bush and Obama, you start looking at a
pretty significant percentage of the population. The story told in the
video has just enough truth to it probably generate pangs of concern
in almost everyone watching it.

Do I buy it? Probably not. First, Jones' record with conspiracies
makes me realize that his accuracy level is not overwhelming. You
might even call his accuracy level pitiful. Secondly, I do not believe
that there is an intentional conspiracy involving both Bush and Obama.

But after watching the video, I am left with the impression that no
matter who the President turns out to be, we can expect similar
approaches to be taken. I don't think the purpose is to guide us to
one-world gov't. I do think that the sources of power in our society
(read: financial and political institutions) control interpretation of
social reality by controlling the flow of information upon which
decisions are made. I believe those interests have promoted there own
accumulation of wealth and support policies that they feel will
protect and maximize that wealth and power. To those ends, I think the
interests will seek to restrict the public's ability to disagree with
the info, I believe those interests will continue to promote free
trade and international cooperation because it makes the interests
more wealth and power. The real problem is that free trade and int'l
cooperation can be good, but if taken too far can be very bad. You
can't really say that free trade and int'l coop are Democratic or
Republican policies. Both parties support these concepts. Is it a
conspiracy? Only for those that will allow their paranoia to be
manipulated by Alex Jones.

But anyone that thinks Obama is the Messiah and will solve all our
problems is as probably deluded as Jones seems to be. Anyone in the
position of being President will be coopted by the institutional
powers that control the information on which decisions are based. Yes,
already those forces seem to be resulting in a steady move by Obama
back to the center and, perhaps, even to the right.

Still, I'm willing to give Obama more of an opportunity. We tried
eight years of Republicanism with Bush, and I think Americans have
sent a clear signal that they want to try a different approach. Obama
is unlikely to be able to make too many changes, but maybe that's
good. Reagan was a good President not because of his policies, but
because people felt they could trust him. Likewise, Obama's success
will likely not be reliant on his policy visions, but on whether
Americans can learn to trust him. That's the biggest thing that could
be done to restore economic and political confidence. Rooting for
Obama's failure is rooting for America's collapse.

Overall, interesting video, but I don't trust Alex Jones. He is
usually wrong, but that doesn't stop him. He just moves on to another

Nice enough, Suzy?


PS: I have placed in a folder the exact wording that I predict dxAss
(aka, Steve Lare) will use in his response to this post. Anyone care
to place a wager on his exact wording?


Mar 13, 2009, 11:18:05 AM3/13/09

"BCBlazysusan" <> wrote in message

> Before I start, I hope this doesn't turn into another knock down
> insult everyone thread because that isn't what I want.
> I have heard about the new video by Alex Jones called "The Obama
> Deception." And before everyone starts typing their insults, the video
> isn't just a tear down on Obama, which I was somewhat surprised.
If it's anything like "Bohemian Grove" no thanks.

Mar 13, 2009, 7:43:27 PM3/13/09
On Mar 13, 9:09 am, Mike <> wrote:
> Please try to not respond if you haven't watched it and just start bickering.

I don't watch conspiracy nonsense. I watch factual history to peer
into the future.
Don't bother replying until after you have spend 6 hours watching this
factual documentary:
as well as tonights ABC TV show
and have read a dozen economic books about the unequivical
relationship between freedom and capitalism.

Anything else you would have to say is simply good for a great laugh.


Mar 13, 2009, 9:07:52 PM3/13/09

[dufus drivel snipped]

> PS: I have placed in a folder the exact wording that I predict dxAss
> (aka, Steve Lare) will use in his response to this post. Anyone care
> to place a wager on his exact wording?

A folder? That must be where somebody hid that PhD you once lied about having.

P.S. You may now fabricate something about winning a wager!


And, as always, don't let your children attend Louisville Technical Institute.
They've hired at least one dufus who once claimed to have a PhD, and who knows,
there may be more dufi there.


Mar 13, 2009, 11:37:38 PM3/13/09
In article
Mike <> wrote:

The film is not to be released for two days yet on 3/15/09.

Where did you see it?

Ventura, California


Mar 14, 2009, 12:23:11 AM3/14/09
On Mar 13, 9:09 am, Mike <> wrote:
> to place a wager on his exact wording?- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

See Mike, I was going to respond and breakdown your post and reply to
each thing you said. But you called me suzy and then your ps thing
talking about Steve has now with no doubt whatsoever cemented in my
mind that you can't talk to you like a "normal" person. I tried.
Everyone who read this thread saw I tried. You know my name isn't
suzy, it is Gregg, but then when you saw my name for other groups you
made a big deal of it. Can't have it both ways pal. You now (in my
mind) are "excluded" from this conversation. What a trip and you are a


Mar 14, 2009, 12:33:13 AM3/14/09
On Mar 13, 10:37 pm, Telamon
<> wrote:
> In article
> <>,
> Ventura, California- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

On google video. You can watch it on youtube (like I said in my post)
but on youtube they break it up in twelve parts. It is easier just to
go to google and the video section and type it in and look for the
ENTIRE video in one shot. It is one hour and fifty three minutes long.

I don't understand the "it's a conspiracy thing." All Alex does is
search every newspaper and every means of media and put it together.
It is all public record what he talks about. Mike says the guys record
is pitiful and all I have to say to that is Alex was the only one I
knew of, that for months BEFORE 9-11 said the towers were going to be
hit, and of course they were. How can that be?

That is when I started thinking there is validity to what he says
because all of everything he says comes directly from the media and
sources that you can look up yourself, but most people are too lazy to
do it. How can someone go on their show for months and say "my sources
tell me that the towers are going to be hit" etc. etc. and then it
happens.<shaking my head> Check it out Telamon, tell me what you


Mar 14, 2009, 2:26:44 AM3/14/09

Fear of ObamaNomics© Destroyed to Valve of
100 Million American's Individual Retirement
Savings Accounts (IRAs, 401Ks & Roths)

1 - The Democrats Hate the Individual Freedom of
American's Individual Retirement Savings Accounts.
and have planned to destroy them for years.

2 - The Democrats want to force All Americans to
rely only on Social Security and become Totally
Dependent on the US Government for Support
giving the US Government {Democrats} complete
Control over Individual Americans Financial Freedom.

Until the pending Economic Collapse of the US
Treasury due to the Foreign Capital Pull-out :
Buy and Hold bankers boxes of 100CNY Chinese
Notes or open-up a Chinese Bank Account in
China Yuan {Renminbi} not US Dollars; along
with buying and holding Gold and Silver.

Within a year maybe three at most the US Dollar
will be worth 5 to 10 Cents and the Yuan will be
on Parity {equal} with the Dollar meaning a 600%
to 700% Gain in the Yuan Bank Account Holdings.
The Gold and Silver will show roughly an Equal
Gain against the US Dollar too.

The Euro will be BUST as well as the EU.

On the good side Foreign Goods and Services
will be too costly for Americans to buy with a
100 {old} US Dollar Chinese made Celphone
costing 500 {new} US Dollars at Wal*Mart.
Over the next Decade Jobs will becoming back
to America in Factories Owned and Operated
by Foreign Investors and Made-in-American
will be the good 'cheaper' Products on the Shelf.

Many most Illegal Mexican Invaders will be
going back to Mexico as living there 'poor'
will be easier than living in the USA 'poor'.

it's a 'vision' thingee ~ RHF


Mar 14, 2009, 5:01:00 AM3/14/09
>  .- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I hear you. The part that is weird/strange/funny to me is "some" of
the guests (I don't remember all their names) on Coast to
Coast.....which is pretty out there at times....but some of their
guests nail this stuff EVERY time. I'm talking back as far as five ago
this one guy literally said EXACTLY what was going on with Freddie Mac
etc..and told everyone to mark it down. Dude was right. Another guest
on the price of gold.......dude hit it on the head. Alex, though many
try to portrat him as a nutjob, I just go by the results. That guy
flat out was screaming to high heaven a year BEFORE the WTC went down
that is was going to happen, hit it on the head.

The only part I am for lack of a better word..."confused" is that some
people call these people that are guest on C2C nuts or conspiracy
theorists. I always thought the word conspiracy was a "theory that
couldn't be proven." But over the years these "nuts" are calling it
before it happens. Either they/Alex has a crystal ball or they are
getting accurate intel.

I don't understand why some people actually don't believe that there
is actually groups called the Bilderbergs/CFR/Tri-Lateral Commission.
I've talked to people about it and it's like they simply will not
believe it no matter what, like it's easier to simply say it doesn't
exist and hope nothing goes down. I really believe that this isn't a
republican/democrat thing, that is what they want you to think and
keep everyone preoccupied with that type of thinking. I believe that
the presidency is simply just a title now and like that video
said.....the last "real" president we had was Kennedy.

Steve and Brenda Ann never gave their take yet. I was curious as to
how they felt, sad to say but I think Brenda Ann is safer where she's
at. ;-) I think though it will be too late before the majority gives
these people that are in the know that are called "nuts" now the
credibility they deserve. Thanks for your response RHF....did you
watch it, what did you think about Jesse "The Body" Ventura's
statement, he cracks me up. Waiting on the Telamon man now.


Mar 14, 2009, 5:30:55 AM3/14/09

Speaking of "good laugh" I like who the "sponsors" are of the first
one. Then the second one is ABC news, you're kidding, right? I think
you're not. You will trust ABC news over a guy who said the WTC was
going down and then it did, funny I never heard ABC/CBS/NBC say it was
going to happen. Just keep sticking to the main stream media, they'll
always do you right and not lie to you. ;-)


Mar 14, 2009, 6:53:11 AM3/14/09

Bushcraftgregg wrote:

He's merely a dufus who once claimed to have a PhD.

Not to bright.


Mar 14, 2009, 8:55:50 AM3/14/09
On Mar 13, 11:37�pm, Telamon

<> wrote:
> In article
> <>,
> Ventura, California- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

It was on YouTube. In 12 pieces.


Mar 14, 2009, 8:59:42 AM3/14/09
> "teacher" Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

You are sooo thin-skinned! I responded the way you wanted and you
still don't have the guts to reply. You're pitiful, Suzy. I mean,
after a;;, what am I supposed to call you, since you don't have the
courage to use your real name?

You are truly hopeless.


Mar 14, 2009, 9:04:27 AM3/14/09
> �.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -


So Obama laid his economic vision to Congress on Tuesday and the
market went up the last four days. I think you are ignoring REALITY
when you claim that every time Obama opens his mouth the market goes

RHF, you're rooting for economic collapse.


Mar 14, 2009, 9:08:03 AM3/14/09

Hopeless? You mean hopeless like a 'tard boy dufus who lied about having a PhD?

Now that's hopeless!

Mar 14, 2009, 9:28:42 AM3/14/09
> > > Please try to not respond if you haven't watched it and just start bickering.
> > I don't watch conspiracy nonsense.  I watch factual history to peer
> > into the future.
> > Don't bother replying until after you have spend 6 hours watching this
> > factual documentary:
> >
> > as well as tonights ABC TV show
> > and have read a dozen economic books about the unequivical
> > relationship between freedom and capitalism.
> > Anything else you would have to say is simply good for a great laugh.

On Mar 14, 4:30 am, Bushcraftgregg <> wrote:


> I like who the "sponsors" are of the first one.

The Government

> Then the second one is ABC news, you're kidding, right?

Sponsors: Free Market Capitalists

> You will trust ABC news over a guy who said the WTC was

> going down and then it did.

You didn't watch the show and you beleive "He" predicted (had inside
knowledge) that the towers were going to fall? LOL

It was common knowledge by ABC, CBS, NBC, and the entire global
community that after the first time the towers were targeted that they
would attempt another try. That is the commonly known M.O. of Al
Qaeda. Yeah, your "Man" is a sage - he is your God, ahh no, your Gov
- bwaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...................

Speaking of "good laugh"

What your "Man" didn't predict was the dereliction of duty of your
impeached Clintoon who was too preoccupied with having his dick sucked
while his wife enjoyed sexual relations with his other female staff.

Message has been deleted


Mar 14, 2009, 3:28:55 PM3/14/09
In article
Bushcraftgregg <> wrote:

There was a conspiracy fostered upon me last night as I was searching
for the "Obama deception" movie. Somehow Google appended "trailer" to
"Obama deception" and so I only got results for the trailer and not the
movie. Once I noticed this alteration to my research query I then had
the movie URL.

What is the point I am trying to make above? This really happened but I
added an assumption about the "why" it happened. This is the problem
with Alex. He makes a movie that is for all intents and purposes
provides factual information about what has happened and then the "why"
is introduced unsupported by any factual information. The question
remains is does what Alex thinks is the reason for the current state of
the economy correct and that is unknown because he does not in 1 hour
and 53 minutes provide evidence of the why.

That aside I can agree with the evidence he does provide. Anyone can
search the news and find the same evidence he provided in the film.

Do I agree with the conclusions Alex makes that he does provide a
factual basis for? Of course. The 2 main parties members that fight each
other on TV and then vote the same way due to deal making is well known.
It is a major problem for us in California that just raised state tax
rates despite the economic conditions.

Is Obama turning 180 degrees on almost every campaign pledge? Yeah I
agree with that. He is doing everything now that he spoke out against
Bush for doing during the campaign on the war. The closing of Gitmo is
just a cover for what is happening where the inmates will be moved to
other foreign prisons to get even worse abuse than they have gotten in
the past. He signed a continuation of the Patriot act, pushed back the
exit date for troops in Iraq, and sent more troops to Afghanistan. It
looks like the missile defense is still proceeding in Poland, which
pisses off the Russians and he just sent warships into the south China
seas in a dispute with China. All war systems are a go and are first
choice over diplomacy. On the domestic scene he is continuing the same
bailout policy Bush started and has even expanded it.

Obama has reintroduced the worst of the Clintoon administration with
Hillary this time as secretary of state to screw things up big time. The
film poses the question "did we get fooled again.² Well yeah!

The best point the film makes in my opinion is that the Obama cabinet is
composed only of lawyers whose only working experience is in banking and
finance to the exclusion of all wealth producing industry or resource
development so the entire cabinet is totally ignorant of how industry

The downside of the film was that it was so boring I fell asleep near
the end of it and I probably missed the last 20 minutes but I suspect I
didn't miss much. I don't think I could force myself to watch it again
to see the ending.

And that's the rest of the story, good day.

Ventura, California

Billy Burpelson

Mar 15, 2009, 6:44:35 AM3/15/09
to wrote:

> What your "Man" didn't predict was the dereliction of duty of your
> impeached Clintoon who was too preoccupied with having his dick sucked
> while his wife enjoyed sexual relations with his other female staff.

Gee, sort of like "someone" in the Bush/Cheney White House enjoying
sexual relations with Gannon/Guckert, the male prostitute with the free
pass to the White House?


Mar 15, 2009, 8:42:22 AM3/15/09

Billy Burpelson wrote:

Any evidence of that, Carter? While we do know about Billy Boy!

Like GWB's alleged cocaine use? We do know that your Boy Barry ADMITTED to
cocaine use.

You may now totter off, Carter, you Marxist dufus.


Mar 15, 2009, 3:56:36 PM3/15/09
In article <n_4vl.14301$>,
Billy Burpelson <> wrote:

I thought that was you. How is business these days with the new

Ventura, California


Mar 15, 2009, 4:00:46 PM3/15/09
In article <>,
dxAce <> wrote:

Billy Boy is the male prostitute for the new administration because he
goes both ways.

Ventura, California


Mar 15, 2009, 4:03:08 PM3/15/09

Telamon wrote:

That just might be an interesting Oreo!


Mar 15, 2009, 4:56:00 PM3/15/09
On Mar 15, 3:44 am, Billy Burpelson <> wrote:

> wrote:
> > What your "Man" didn't predict was the dereliction of duty of your
> > impeached Clintoon who was too preoccupied with having his dick sucked
> > while his wife enjoyed sexual relations with his other female staff.

- Gee, sort of like "someone" in the Bush/Cheney
- White House enjoying sexual relations with
- Gannon/Guckert, the male prostitute with the
- free pass to the White House?

billy burpelson, Billy Burpelson. BILLY BURPELSEN !
So it's the old guilt-by-ass-sociation Gay Charges
concerning Bush & Cheney; republicans et al.
- - - while Gannon said nothing...
Well here are some actual 'real' allegations about
Question : Is Obama Gay ?
-aka- The ObamaSexual©
- - - Larry Sinclair Is Talking . . .
and Frankie is Talking too . . .
Document after Document Says So . . .
Fact after Fact Says So . . .
Video after Video Says So . . .
Allegation after Allegation Says So . . .
Allegation after Allegation Says It Just Might
Be So . . .
The Truth is the Truth so it just may be . . . True
Larry Sinclair Talks About The ObamaSexual©
at the National Press Club Interview
---but... Larry Sinclair Failed the Lie-Detector Test
--- Another Look Rense & Tarpley on Larry Sinclair
billy burpelson - what comes around goes around
-and- payback is a b-i-t-c-h ~ RHF


Mar 15, 2009, 8:12:18 PM3/15/09
> You are truly hopeless.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

No Mike, I'm not thin skinned, even though I think that is a
ridiculous term that makes no sense at all. You responded and laced
the entire posts with put downs, it's like you can't help it, well I
can help it and not respond anymore to you. I've said my name and used
my name since 96, you know my name is Gregg, but you still say I don't
use my name?<shaking my head> I have the feeling you don't know the
definition of "courage" or you wouldn't have used it in your sentence.

It takes someone with "courage" to use their name, is that right? You
are the hopeless one Mike and you have proven it throughout usenet for
yearsssss. <sigh> Now I will let you have the last word, so think up a
real good response now, I know you can do it, try an yank at me to get
me to respond to you but don't be too dissapointed because I
won't.<rolling my eyes>


Mar 15, 2009, 8:19:59 PM3/15/09
On Mar 14, 8:28 am, wrote:
> > > > Please try to not respond if you haven't watched it and just start bickering.
> > > I don't watch conspiracy nonsense.  I watch factual history to peer
> > > into the future.
> > > Don't bother replying until after you have spend 6 hours watching this
> > > factual documentary:
> > >
> > > as well as tonights ABC TV show
> > > and have read a dozen economic books about the unequivical
> > > relationship between freedom and capitalism.
> > > Anything else you would have to say is simply good for a great laugh.
> On Mar 14, 4:30 am, Bushcraftgregg <> wrote:
> > I like who the "sponsors" are of the first one.
> The Government
> > Then the second one is ABC news, you're kidding, right?
> Sponsors: Free Market Capitalists
> > You will trust ABC news over a guy who said the WTC was
> > going down and then it did.
> You didn't watch the show and you beleive "He" predicted (had inside
> knowledge) that the towers were going to fall?  LOL
> It was common knowledge by ABC, CBS, NBC, and the entire global
> community that after the first time the towers were targeted that they
> would attempt another try.  That is the commonly known M.O. of Al
> Qaeda.  Yeah, your "Man" is a sage - he is your God, ahh no, your Gov

I don't know what to say. You're saying the major media outlets said
that last month before it went down that it was going to happen? I
guess I'll believe you. I never heard it on any of my news stations, I
never read any warning that it was "imminent" in my newspapers like
Alex said. I guess I just missed it. {?} I know if I would have heard
it on my local news that it was imminent that the WTC were going to be
attacked I would have mentioned it, I think.

I see what you're saying, just because it was attacked once that
sooner or later it would happen again. That is a pretty loosely thrown
out "prediction." Alex..........never mind.


Mar 15, 2009, 8:30:45 PM3/15/09
On Mar 14, 11:23 am, Evan Platt <>

> On Sat, 14 Mar 2009 06:53:11 -0400, dxAce <>
> wrote:
> >He's merely a dufus who once claimed to have a PhD.
> >Not to bright.
> I'm sure you meant "too". :)
> --
> To reply via e-mail, remove The Obvious from my e-mail address.

Grammarian usually has little to contribute to a discussion and
possesses few effective weapons. To compensate, he will point out
minor errors in spelling and grammar. Because of Grammarian's obvious
weakness most Warriors ignore him.

Just couldn't help myself.:-)


Mar 15, 2009, 8:38:27 PM3/15/09
On Mar 15, 8:30 pm, Bushcraftgregg <> wrote:

> Grammarian usually has little to contribute to a discussion and
> possesses few effective weapons. To compensate, he will point out
> minor errors in spelling and grammar. Because of Grammarian's obvious
> weakness most Warriors ignore him.

I expect you to remind dxAss next time he corrects a typo. That's what
made catching Steve's typo so "special," he's ususally the one doimg

I'll make sure to save your quote, just in case you are truly a


Mar 15, 2009, 8:45:38 PM3/15/09
On Mar 14, 2:28 pm, Telamon
<> wrote:
> In article
> <>,

Great post Telamon, I appreciate your thoughts. I can tell from how
you touched on each point that you indeed watched it. I felt I learned
a lot after watching it. I also think "someone" who responded didn't
even watch it. ;-)


Mar 15, 2009, 9:00:51 PM3/15/09
On Mar 15, 3:56 pm, "~ RHF" <> wrote:
> On Mar 15, 3:44 am, Billy Burpelson <> wrote:
> > wrote:
> > > What your "Man" didn't predict was the dereliction of duty of your
> > > impeached Clintoon who was too preoccupied with having his dick sucked
> > > while his wife enjoyed sexual relations with his other female staff.
> - Gee, sort of like "someone" in the Bush/Cheney
> - White House enjoying sexual relations with
> - Gannon/Guckert, the male prostitute with the
> - free pass to the White House?
> billy burpelson, Billy Burpelson. BILLY BURPELSEN !
>  .
> So it's the old guilt-by-ass-sociation Gay Charges
> concerning Bush & Cheney; republicans et al.
> - - - while Gannon said nothing...
>  .
> Well here are some actual 'real' allegations about
> Question : Is Obama Gay ?
> -aka- The ObamaSexual©
> - - - Larry Sinclair Is Talking . . .
>  .
> and Frankie is Talking too . . .
>  .
> Document after Document Says So . . .
>  .
> Fact after Fact Says So . . .
>  .
> Video after Video Says So . . .
>  .
> Allegation after Allegation Says So . . .

>  .
> Allegation after Allegation Says It Just Might
> Be So . . .
>  .
> The Truth is the Truth so it just may be . . . True

>  .
> Larry Sinclair Talks About The ObamaSexual©
> at the National Press Club Interview
> ---but... Larry Sinclair Failed the Lie-Detector Test
> --- Another Look Rense & Tarpley on Larry Sinclair

>  .
> billy burpelson - what comes around goes around
> -and- payback is a b-i-t-c-h ~ RHF
>  .
>  .

I just noticed, someone just couldn't keep it in this to throw it over to four other newsgroups. I
wouldn't have thrown up the Obama is gay thing, but the poster did
throw out the unproven (because it's not true) Chaney/Bush thing.

It is very interesting, the people seem to be telling the truth and
providing things that would be hard to just make up. Where I would
think it is more than likely the truth is because the media "barely"
and I mean barely touched on these allegations and just completely
stopped on it.


Mar 16, 2009, 12:01:33 AM3/16/09

Michael W. Bryant, the obese dufus who once claimed to have a PhD, wrote:

> On Mar 15, 8:30 pm, Bushcraftgregg <> wrote:
> >
> > Grammarian usually has little to contribute to a discussion and
> > possesses few effective weapons. To compensate, he will point out
> > minor errors in spelling and grammar. Because of Grammarian's obvious
> > weakness most Warriors ignore him.
> >
> I expect you to remind dxAss next time he corrects a typo. That's what
> made catching Steve's typo so "special," he's ususally the one doimg
> it....

'doimg' it? Way to go PhDufus!

By the way, I've never claimed, nor lied about being perfect with the English

You, on the other hand, lied about having a PhD!



Mar 16, 2009, 3:53:17 AM3/16/09

mwb - praise be the obama,
Mwb - Praise Be The Obama.

The US Stock Market When Up Again Today
Due To His Great Leadership : Cause He stayed
in the White House and Said and Did Nothing ;;-}

- RHF, you're rooting for economic collapse.

MWB - "rooting for economic collapse"

HELL NO -but- for the first time in my life time
it's 'potential' is very real and I am saying :
GET READY ! "It Can Happen Here" ~ RHF
Chinese Offering to Buy All the Venezuela Oil
that President for Life Hugo Chavez will sell
them; including every Barrel that presently is
shipped to the USA.

It is only time until the pending Economic Collapse
of the US Treasury due to ObamaNomics© with the
Pull-Out of Foreign Capital.

Within a year maybe three at most the US Dollar

will be worth 5 to 10 Cents and the Chinese Yuan
will be on Parity {equal} with the Dollar : The Dollar
will be consider a 'soft' Currency and the Yuan the
new Hard Currency of World Business.
-note- The Gold and Silver will show roughly an
Equal Gain as the Yuan against the US Dollar too.
The Price of Oil will be 'Quoted' in Yuan's not Dollars
and the Welcome and Open For Business Signs of
Every Nation of the World will be written in Chinese.
Even the USA will be force to Sell Oil to the Chinese
to get Hard Currency to be able to Buy on the World
* A lot of Cold American Homes come Winter.
-tip- Fly the USA Flag over your All American Woodpile.
The Price of Food in the USA will Skyrocket since
most of it will be being sold on the World Market for
Hard Cash to try and prop-up the Failed US Economy.
* A lot of Hungry and Starving Americans all year long.
-tip- Tear-out the backyard Lawn and Grow a Garden.
Many/ Most Americans will find themselves working
for Foreign Financed and Own Business; and Real
Wages will be 1/3rd to 1/4th of those before the
* A lot of Americans working two and three jobs
just to heat their homes and feed their families.
-tip- Learn to have less and live on less.
The EURO's value will be Bust as well as the EU itself.
Many/Most Illegal Mexican Invaders will be going

back to Mexico as living there 'poor' will be easier
than living in the USA 'poor'.
it's a 'vision' thingee ~ RHF


Alric Knebel

Mar 16, 2009, 4:46:05 AM3/16/09

Well, a few days ago, these right-wing turds -- and I count you among
them -- were gleefully rubbing their hands together because Obama's
stimulus package had passed, and then the stock market went into
decline. I myself knew that the two events were in no way connected,
but you've got that little gaggle of dummies -- Valleley, Pookie, et al
-- who love making it Obama's fault. I saw the stock market rose for a
couple of days, and I wondered what the little gaggle would honk about
after that. Would they suddenly shut up, and in single file, goose-step
along as if nothing happened?

So, what is it? Did his policies cause the decline, but not the rise in
stock prices? You've got to make up your mind, because ya look kinda

Maybe you don't have a mind to make up, so you make up connections
between events that don't exist.

Alric Knebel


Mar 16, 2009, 12:07:38 PM3/16/09

Alric, there is plenty enough of blame to go around everywhere. My
point is I guess we're still in dire times and will be for a few more
years. It's going to take a long time before we are economically safe
as a country. For Obama to say we're making progress is kind of
disingenuous to me. We're not....that's not to say we can't sooner
than what was originally predicted. I hope Obama succeeds with his
middle of the road policies but fails in those that over tax us and
create more government in our lives....we certainly don't need any
more government in our lives. Don't always be so quick to think
conservatives want Obama to fail, I look at it as wanting his
socialist policies to fail and not those that both parties come
together for the betterment of the American people....maybe that's a
pie in the sky attitude but I have kids that are married and I
certainly want our economy to be strong for them no matter who is in

Alric Knebel

Mar 16, 2009, 3:32:52 PM3/16/09
Charlie wrote:

> Alric, there is plenty enough of blame to go around everywhere. My
> point is I guess we're still in dire times and will be for a few more
> years. It's going to take a long time before we are economically safe
> as a country. For Obama to say we're making progress is kind of
> disingenuous to me. We're not....that's not to say we can't sooner
> than what was originally predicted. I hope Obama succeeds with his
> middle of the road policies but fails in those that over tax us and
> create more government in our lives....we certainly don't need any
> more government in our lives. Don't always be so quick to think
> conservatives want Obama to fail, I look at it as wanting his
> socialist policies to fail and not those that both parties come
> together for the betterment of the American people....maybe that's a
> pie in the sky attitude but I have kids that are married and I
> certainly want our economy to be strong for them no matter who is in
> power.

Speaking of disingenuous, I think it's disingenuous to blame Obama for a
mess he was left, then blame the continuing decline of the stock market
on his policies. I just saw that the stock market rose five days in a
row. Now, I know that's all about something else, and I'm going to
watch Fox News to see how they're going to spin it to downplay the
events. I don't believe it means much, but just a few days ago, your
side -- and you definitely have a side -- were putting the tombstone on
Obama's political grave.

As for this other conservative cliches about too much government in your
life, what would Obama be doing that would put more government in your
life? Other people are already too much in your life, in that you have
insurance companies taking your money, then still further demanding a
co-pay while dictating what they will and will not cover. Plus
employers, law enforcement, and so on. It's disingenuous of you to fall
back on such a thin argument, that you object to Obama's "socialism" --
a favored right-wing trigger word (which is miraculously losing it's
powerr) -- on the grounds that it'll put too much government in your
life. How?
Alric Knebel


Mar 17, 2009, 3:18:20 AM3/17/09
> Alric Knebel- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

What I have been trying to say, it doesn't matter who is in there. The
former governor himself who got out of it (Jesse Ventura) said "it is
like professional wrestling, it is all staged, it's an act, they're
all friend who go out to dinner with each other." I think it has got
to the point that it can't be reversed. Greed and Money. The downfall
of the USA.:-(

Alric Knebel

Mar 17, 2009, 4:33:19 AM3/17/09

I'm pretty much thinking that myself. I'm hoping I'll see something
like integrity returned to the system.

Alric Knebel


Mar 17, 2009, 11:10:49 AM3/17/09

Obama is the man in office now so the buck stops with him. You sadly
are brainwashed by the leftist rhetoric that you absorb on a daily
basis. That's my opinion and I could be wrong but it's how I view
it. Many on the left embrace that ideology because of being
brainwashed that only liberals have compassion. How sad.


Mar 17, 2009, 11:11:54 AM3/17/09

Ventura was a failed governor who did not do anything worthwhile in
office. He is a hypocrite as far as I'm concerned.

Alric Knebel

Mar 17, 2009, 3:43:10 PM3/17/09

So the stock market is rising. So Obama is doing a great job? Is that
what you're saying? (Notice I didn't waste my time trying to explain it
better. I kept it very simple.)

Alric Knebel


Mar 17, 2009, 4:27:07 PM3/17/09
Charlie wrote:

>> Alric Knebel
> Obama is the man in office now so the buck stops with him. You sadly
> are brainwashed by the leftist rhetoric that you absorb on a daily
> basis. That's my opinion and I could be wrong but it's how I view
> it. Many on the left embrace that ideology because of being
> brainwashed that only liberals have compassion. How sad.

Quick, name 5 liberals.


Mar 18, 2009, 2:20:05 AM3/18/09
> office.  He is a hypocrite as far as I'm concerned.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

A failed governor because he didn't like that he had to play the game.
He didn't think it would be that bad. At least he was honest enough to
admit it and want to get out of it.

Mar 18, 2009, 7:02:35 PM3/18/09

Mar 18, 2009, 7:52:55 PM3/18/09


Mar 18, 2009, 8:42:26 PM3/18/09
In article
<>, wrote:

> A response to Alex Jonesąs łThe Obama Deception˛
> he-obama-deception/

Baloney. Maybe if he had a tete-prompter it would make more sense.

Ventura, California


Mar 19, 2009, 10:53:01 AM3/19/09

It is too soon to know if Obama is succeeding or not. Ask me in a
year. Anyone saying he's a disaster is being disingenuous. But
having said that I think he's made a few mistakes but nothing
noteworthy. As for the stock market its always been volatile. That
won't change anytime soon. Unlike you and your types and type of
thinking I'm willing to give this man time. Too bad your side had its
minds made up about Bush the minute he was elected...notice I didn't
say you did.


Mar 19, 2009, 10:54:25 AM3/19/09

Come can do better than this, can't you?


Mar 19, 2009, 11:23:30 AM3/19/09

-  I hope Obama succeeds with his middle of the road policies
- but fails in those that over tax us and create more government
- in our lives....

ObamaNations© "middle of the road policies" [MotR]
ROTFL since when did ObamaIsm© {Socialism}
be come MotR in the USA ?

- we certainly don't need any more government in
- our lives.

Now that is true.

- Don't always be so quick to think conservatives
- want Obama to fail, I look at it as wanting his socialist policies
- to fail

YEAH - "Love" President Barack 'Hussein' Obama
and Hate His ObamaIsm© {Socialism} Policies.

- and not those that both parties come together for the
- betterment of the American people....

The Democrats Pelosi and Reid do not want or need
Two Party Bi-Partisanship : They Got The Majority Power !
They MO is to Do It Their Way and Shove their Socialist
Policies and Programs Down the Republicans Throat.
Screwing the American People in the Process.

- maybe that's a pie in the sky attitude but I have kids
- that are married and I certainly want our economy to
- be strong for them no matter who is in power.

Obama-in-the-Sky-with-Democrats Wooooo !

Pray for America's Recovery from ObamaNomics©
Pray for Sane Real Bi-Partisan MotR Leardership.
Pray for All Americans and their Spiritual and
Financial Wellbeing.

gba - amen ~ RHF


Mar 19, 2009, 11:29:31 AM3/19/09

- Quick, name 5 liberals.

Clinton & Clinton, Carter, Frank, Dodd, Kennedy, Pelosi,
Reid, Biden Obama there are 10 Liberals. [Double or Nothing]


Mar 19, 2009, 4:51:23 PM3/19/09
Neither Clinton is a Liberal. Jimmy Carter wasn't either. Harry Reid
is not even close.

That being said, I said "quick" and I said it last Tuesday.


Mar 19, 2009, 9:49:10 PM3/19/09
In article
Charlie <> wrote:

It took him 3 months to figure out he needed to shut his yap. The bozo
is a slow learner.

Ventura, California

Alric Knebel

Mar 20, 2009, 2:18:44 AM3/20/09
> [ mess deleted ]

I can't believe you'd think that this is an intelligent way to organize
your thoughts. This method alone bespeaks of a scrambled mind.

Alric Knebel


Mar 20, 2009, 3:03:32 AM3/20/09
On Mar 19, 1:51 pm, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> ~RHFwrote:

> > On Mar 17, 1:27 pm, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> >> Charlie wrote:
> >>>> Alric Knebel
> >>>Obamais the man in office now so the buck stops with him.  You sadly

> >>> are brainwashed by the leftist rhetoric that you absorb on a daily
> >>> basis.  That's my opinion and I could be wrong but it's how I view
> >>> it.  Many on the left embrace that ideology because of being
> >>> brainwashed that only liberals have compassion.  How sad.
> > - Quick, name 5 liberals.
> > Clinton & Clinton, Carter, Frank, Dodd, Kennedy, Pelosi,
> > Reid, BidenObamathere are 10 Liberals. [Double or Nothing]
> >  .
- Neither Clinton is a Liberal.  
- Jimmy Carter wasn't either.
- Harry Reid is not even close.
- That being said, I said "quick" and I said it last Tuesday.

Dave a liberal, is a Liberal. is a LIBERAL ! ~ RHF

Many/Most 'average' Americans would say that

Clinton & Clinton, Carter, Frank, Dodd, Kennedy, Pelosi,

Reid, Biden and Obama are all -l-i-b-e-r-a-l-s- ~ RHF


Mar 20, 2009, 3:08:17 AM3/20/09
On Mar 19, 11:18 pm, Alric Knebel <> wrote:
> ~RHFwrote:

> > On Mar 16, 9:07 am, Charlie <> wrote:
> >> On Mar 16, 4:46 am, Alric Knebel <> wrote:
> >>> ~RHFwrote:
> >>>> On Mar 14, 6:04 am, Mike <> wrote:
> >>>>> On Mar 14, 2:26 am, "~RHF" <> wrote:
> >>>>>> On Mar 13, 4:41 am, BCBlazysusan <> wrote:
> >>>>>>> Before I start, I hope this doesn't turn into another knock down
> >>>>>>> insult everyone thread because that isn't what I want.
> >>>>>>> I have heard about the new video by Alex Jones called "TheObama
> >>>>>>> Deception." And before everyone starts typing their insults, the video
> >>>>>>> isn't just a tear down onObama, which I was somewhat surprised.

> >>>>>>> MUCH of it also centers around former president Bush, I'll tell you,
> >>>>>>> the one thing I like about Alex is all he does is gather the
> >>>>>>> information. He even tells people on his show and I think also on this
> >>>>>>> video to "not just believe him" actually take the info that he
> >>>>>>> stated and google it. When it comes to all these presidential things
> >>>>>>> and bills and laws that are signed under the cloak of darkness and no
> >>>>>>> one even really knows what their about, you can look them up yourself.
> >>>>>>> I will say this much, every time Alex has mentioned something on his
> >>>>>>> show or on his website....I always checked it out, and he hasn't
> >>>>>>> bullcrapped once.
> >>>>>>> The video is 1hr 53 minutes long but it is well worth the time for the
> >>>>>>> amount of information and knowledge and facts that can't be disputed
> >>>>>>> that you will obtain. One thing I think within twenty is
> >>>>>>> when they are talking to the former governor Jesse Ventura. Call me
> >>>>>>> crazy but I always thought and believed in the "democrats vs.
> >>>>>>> republicans"....and so did/does everyone else in here because we all
> >>>>>>> have jumped into or started threads on Bush orObamaor Dems or

> >>>>>>> Republicans. Jesse says "it is like professional wrestling" is
> >>>>>>> all is an Remember back right before the
> >>>>>>> election and a few jumped on me when I said I believed that "if voting
> >>>>>>> 'truly' made a difference, the government would outlaw it." Well, I
> >>>>>>> thought I was right in saying that and I was.
> >>>>>>> It isn't about Democrats and Republicans or Bush/Clinton or even
> >>>>>>>Obama, that is what they want everyone to think. Please try to not
> >>>>>>> respond if you haven't watched it and just start bickering. I'd really
> >>>>>>> like to know what SC/Telamon/RHF/Brenda Ann/Ace/BDK even Mike if he
> >>>>>>> can be halfway decent (only if you watched it) and everyone else in
> >>>>>>> here says but you can't really respond to a post about a video if you
> >>>>>>> never watched it. Trust me when I say it isn't just a tear down on
> >>>>>>>Obamahimself. The majority of us in here are Americans (I think) and
> >>>>>>> even I have been guilty of ripping onObamaand the democrats, I will
> >>>>> SoObamalaid his economic vision to Congress on Tuesday and the

> >>>>> market went up the last four days. I think you are ignoring REALITY
> >>>>> when you claim that every timeObamaopens his mouth the market goes

> >>>>> lower.
> >>>> mwb -praisebe theobama,
> >>>> Mwb -PraiseBe TheObama.
> >>>> The US Stock Market When Up Again Today
> >>>> Due To His Great Leadership : Cause He stayed
> >>>> in the White House and Said and Did Nothing ;;-}
> >>> Well, a few days ago, these right-wing turds -- and I count you among
> >>> them -- were gleefully rubbing their hands together becauseObama's

> >>> stimulus package had passed, and then the stock market went into
> >>> decline.  I myself knew that the two events were in no way connected,
> >>> but you've got that little gaggle of dummies -- Valleley, Pookie, et al
> >>> -- who love making itObama'sfault.  I saw the stock market rose for a

> >>> couple of days, and I wondered what the little gaggle would honk about
> >>> after that.  Would they suddenly shut up, and in single file, goose-step
> >>> along as if nothing happened?
> >>> So, what is it?  Did his policies cause the decline, but not the rise in
> >>> stock prices?  You've got to make up your mind, because ya look kinda
> >>> foolish.
> >>> Maybe you don't have a mind to make up, so you make up connections
> >>> between events that don't exist.
> >>> --
> >>> ____________________________________________________
> >>> Alric Knebel
> >> Alric, there is plenty enough of blame to go around everywhere.  My
> >> point is I guess we're still in dire times and will be for a few more
> >> years.  It's going to take a long time before we are economically safe
> >> as a country.  ForObamato say we're making progress is kind of

> >> disingenuous to me.  We're not....that's not to say we can't sooner
> >> than what was originally predicted.
> > -  I hopeObamasucceeds with his middle of the road policies

> > - but fails in those that over tax us and create more government
> > - in our lives....
>  > [ mess deleted ]
- I can't believe you'd think that this is an intelligent way to
- your thoughts.  This method alone bespeaks of a scrambled mind.
- --
- ____________________________________________________
- Alric Knebel

AK - First you would have to un-scramble your mind
to begin to understand mine. ~ RHF
1st - You can 'respect' the Office of the US Presidency
and who ever is the POTUS.

2nd - You can 'disagree' with the Politics, Policy and
Programs of the POTUS without Hating the Man or
Women Him/Herself.

Alric Knebel

Mar 20, 2009, 6:34:25 AM3/20/09
~ RHF wrote:

> AK - First you would have to un-scramble your mind
> to begin to understand mine. ~ RHF
> .
> 1st - You can 'respect' the Office of the US Presidency
> and who ever is the POTUS.
> 2nd - You can 'disagree' with the Politics, Policy and
> Programs of the POTUS without Hating the Man or
> Women Him/Herself.

Obviously, you're mentally ill, talking completely to yourself.

Alric Knebel


Mar 20, 2009, 9:33:56 AM3/20/09

Pretty much of what you say is true....unfortunately.


Mar 20, 2009, 9:35:52 AM3/20/09

Alric birthed in socialism, raised in socialism, lives in socialism
and one day will die in sad.


Mar 20, 2009, 11:33:42 AM3/20/09
On Mar 20, 3:34 am, Alric Knebel <> wrote:
- - ~ RHF wrote:
- - AK - First you would have to un-scramble your mind
- - to begin to understand mine. ~ RHF
- -  .
- - 1st - You can 'respect' the Office of the US Presidency
- - and who ever is the POTUS.
- -
- - 2nd - You can 'disagree' with the Politics, Policy and
- - Programs of the POTUS without Hating the Man or
- - Women Him/Herself.
- Obviously, you're mentally ill, talking completely to yourself.

- --
- ____________________________________________________
- Alric Knebel

AK - So your mind can not separate "The Man"
from his 'Politics' : That's Your Loss. ~ RHF

Alric Knebel

Mar 20, 2009, 4:29:51 PM3/20/09

Jabber jabber.

Alric Knebel

Alric Knebel

Mar 20, 2009, 4:32:03 PM3/20/09

And here's another one, crazy as a loon.

I can't recall you ever writing anything here that remotely consults
reality. You're silly and simplistic and just a tag-along. You're
really just too stupid to have any effect, one way or the other.

So . . .


Alric Knebel


Mar 21, 2009, 3:14:05 AM3/21/09
On Mar 20, 1:29 pm, Alric Knebel <> wrote:
> ~ RHF wrote:
> > On Mar 20, 3:34 am, Alric Knebel <> wrote:
> > - - ~ RHF wrote:
> > - - AK - First you would have to un-scramble your mind
> > - - to begin to understand mine. ~ RHF
> > - -  .
> > - - 1st - You can 'respect' the Office of the US Presidency
> > - - and who ever is the POTUS.
> > - -
> > - - 2nd - You can 'disagree' with the Politics, Policy and
> > - - Programs of the POTUS without Hating the Man or
> > - - Women Him/Herself.
> > -
> > - Obviously, you're mentally ill, talking completely to yourself.
> > - --
> > - ____________________________________________________
> > - Alric Knebel

- - AK - So your mind can not separate "The Man"
- - from his 'Politics' : That's Your Loss. ~ RHF
- Jabber jabber.

- --
- ____________________________________________________
- Alric Knebel

AK - So your mind can not separate "The Jabber"
from 'the jabber' : That's Your Problem. ~ RHF

Alric Knebel

Mar 21, 2009, 6:17:55 AM3/21/09

I don't separate crap from shit. It all smells the same.

Alric Knebel

John Barnard

Mar 22, 2009, 1:39:02 PM3/22/09

But Ronald Reagan was one hell of a socialist!



Mar 22, 2009, 2:36:02 PM3/22/09

Everywhere there's lots of piggies...

" The retirement system was looted from the first day the Social
Security surplus came into being, because the legislation itself gave
the president a free hand to spend the surplus in any way he liked. Thus
began a massive transfer of wealth from the poor and the middle class,
especially the self-employed small businessman, to the wealthy. The
self-employment tax jumped as much as 66 percent.

In 1986, Reagan slashed the top tax rate further. His
redistributionist obsession led to a perversity in the law. The
wealthiest faced a 28 percent tax rate, while those with lower incomes
faced a 33 percent rate; in addition, the bottom rate climbed from 11
percent to 15 percent. For the first time in history, the top rate fell
and the bottom rate rose simultaneously. Even unemployment compensation
was not spared. The jobless had to pay income tax on their benefits. A
year later, the man who would not spare unemployment compensation from
taxation called for a cut in the capital gains tax. Thus, Reagan was a
staunch socialist, totally committed to his cause of wealth
redistribution towards the affluent.

How much wealth transfer has occurred through Reagan's policies? At
least $3 trillion.

The Social Security hike generated over $2 trillion in surplus
between 1984 and 2007, and if it had been properly invested, say, in AAA
corporate bonds it could have earned another trillion by now. At
present, the fund is empty, because it has been used up to finance the
federal deficits resulting from frequent cuts in income tax rates. If
this is not redistribution of wealth from the poor to the rich, what
else is?

Thus, Reagan was the first Republican socialist - and a great one,
because his wealth transfer occurred on a massive scale. His
accomplishment dwarfs even FDR's, and if today the small businessman
suffers a crippling tax burden, he must thank Reagan the
redistributionist. However, FDR took pains to help the poor, while
Reagan took pains to help the wealthiest like himself.

Reagan's measures were similar to those that the Republicans
adopted during the 1920's, which were followed by the catastrophic
Depression. More recently, such policies were mimicked by President
George W. Bush and they are about to plunge the world into a depression
as well. Ironically, the Reagan-style socialism or wealth redistribution
is about to destroy monopoly capitalism, the very system that he wanted
to preserve and enrich."
-Ravi Batra comments that if Democratic President Barack Obama is a
"small" socialist, then Reagan was the "Great American Socialist."


Mar 22, 2009, 7:43:42 PM3/22/09


The real difference is Reagan Grew America {GDP Up}
through Freedom from the Burden of Over Taxation.

-while- Obama is Shrinking America {GDP Down}
through More and More Excessive Taxation.

only time and history will tell ~ RHF


Mar 23, 2009, 9:28:26 AM3/23/09
~ RHF wrote:

> Dave,
> The real difference is Reagan Grew America {GDP Up}
> through Freedom from the Burden of Over Taxation.
> -while- Obama is Shrinking America {GDP Down}
> through More and More Excessive Taxation.

Reagan did not cut taxes. He increased them. He deferred them. The
middle class pay for the tax cuts for the rich. That is Reagan's
legacy; destruction of the American middle class and thereby the
destruction of the USA. It's over.

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