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Re: Obama is a Socialist first and last then he is the other things, as they benefit him between that

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Stephen Young

21.09.2010, 13:26:5221.09.10
On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 10:48:26 -0400, Beam Me Up Scotty wrote:

> On 9/21/2010 8:34 AM, Lifsabsurd wrote:
>> The world is seriously unfair. And Darwinism stinks. But there it is.
>> And the pitiful attempts at human social engineering are currently
>> completely unable to change it. In truth, they only make it worse.
>> Futhermore, now that so few believe in the possibility of an after
>> life, there doesn't even seem to be a meaningful source of real hope
>> left for most people. Irrespective of biblical or any other type of
>> religious prophecy, a Darwinian "apocalypse" of sorts could very well
>> be coming soon. I hope I am wrong, but the whole of human culture
>> seems to be irreversibly dysfunctional.
> The great culling of humanity is inevitable.
> But like "people knowing the meteor is coming" to destroy us, we will
> create mayhem and with nothing to lose we will ignore the constraints
> that have kept us moving in the same direction of improvement.
> *Obama is a Socialist first and last* then he is the other things, as
> they benefit him between that.
> As Obama tries to rule over us he inches us closer to the Meteor moment.

There ya go with wanting to kill everybody again Sheesh!
I hope your god looses the election! Is the economic policy of the GOP
going to be hiring all the teabaggers to bury dead bodies? And I thought
your type only wanted war in the middle east. wow! I missed that one

Beam Me Up Scotty

21.09.2010, 13:58:3621.09.10

I see Obama about to kill millions via mayhem and government fighting to
survive. Government won't just collapse, it will fight to steal all you
have so that it will survive, like a drowning man will climb on top of
you and hold you under, so he can get another breath of air.

I have no God.....

I don't need a job......

I call'm as I see'm.....


22.09.2010, 09:18:4622.09.10

You do need professional help.


22.09.2010, 10:42:2022.09.10

No kidding! Only a psycho could dream up this stuff.

Chas. Chan

22.09.2010, 19:03:1622.09.10
It’s refreshing that finally the Progressive/Liberal label is being
recognized for what it is. It’s not Socialism, either. Really. Even
the Marxism label falls short. (There is no Engelsism, is there?)

A Communist by any other name is still a Communist, whether of the Big
“C” (card-carrying type) or small “c” (fellow traveler).

In 1848 the Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels co-authored Communist
Manifesto was completed and published at the request of London’s
Communist League.

If you don’t want to read the whole Manifesto, read the 10 Planks.

Educate yourself.


22.09.2010, 19:38:1422.09.10

You have spittle dribbling down your chin.

22.09.2010, 22:50:5622.09.10

I have been to Yokota.

Yakota Bookoo.

///Ahh, Mope, too much buku kilo!///
No Sang, not enough too much buku kilo///
///Mope buku kilo, Mope Mope Mope Mope Mope Mope///


22.09.2010, 23:32:5222.09.10
On Sep 22, 6:18 am, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:

- You do need professional help.

'Special Dave' -wrote-
! You do need professional help !

'Special Dave' Good Caring Advise So . . .
Why Don't You Take It ! ;;-}} ~ RHF
-ps- dave - just here to help - pal


23.09.2010, 06:03:2023.09.10

Well, yes. And no. For me the term 'socialism' is used as a broad,
encompassing, generic term that includes communism, Communism,
Marxism, many so-called 'third ways' (fascism, Nazism, democratic
socialism, liberalism, progressivism), Fabianism, and many more such
similar ideologies. I understand that some define socialism
differently, for example, as an historical step towards Marxism, and
therefore distinct from it, but one needs a word to group together
under one label all these closely related movements, because they have
so much in common. What else would one use generically?
Collectivists? Radical egalitarians? Vermin? It seems to me that
since so many related ideologies call themselves socialists we should
not reject the more general definition of socialism.


23.09.2010, 09:12:1223.09.10
Lifsabsurd wrote:

> Well, yes. And no. For me the term 'socialism' is used as a broad,
> encompassing, generic term that includes communism, Communism,
> Marxism, many so-called 'third ways' (fascism, Nazism, democratic
> socialism, liberalism, progressivism), Fabianism, and many more such
> similar ideologies. I understand that some define socialism
> differently, for example, as an historical step towards Marxism, and
> therefore distinct from it, but one needs a word to group together
> under one label all these closely related movements, because they have
> so much in common. What else would one use generically?
> Collectivists? Radical egalitarians? Vermin? It seems to me that
> since so many related ideologies call themselves socialists we should
> not reject the more general definition of socialism.

A combat unit is organized in a socialist manner, with everyone watching
everyone else's back.

Tim Crowley

23.09.2010, 08:26:2823.09.10


hint: you don't understand the very basics.

(¯`·.¸Craig Chilton¸.·´¯) <>

23.09.2010, 09:00:5823.09.10
On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 16:03:16 -0700 (PDT),
"Chas. Chan" <> wrote:

> Stop Calling Them Socialists. They’re Red-Blooded Communists


Get into a time machine and go back to Eastern Europe and/or
the USSR in the mid-'fifties. When there still were some ACTUAL
Communists worthy of any concern out and about.

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or gravely injured by childbirth. He knew his life was at grave
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Die Nachricht wurde gelöscht

Kevin Alfred Strom

23.09.2010, 10:06:2223.09.10
On 9/23/2010 9:25 AM, Bob Dobbs wrote:
> Lifsabsurd wrote:

>> Well, yes. And no. For me the term 'socialism' is used as a broad,
>> encompassing, generic term that includes communism, Communism,
>> Marxism, many so-called 'third ways' (fascism, Nazism, democratic
>> socialism, liberalism, progressivism), Fabianism, and many more such
>> similar ideologies. I understand that some define socialism
>> differently, for example, as an historical step towards Marxism, and
>> therefore distinct from it, but one needs a word to group together
>> under one label all these closely related movements, because they have
>> so much in common. What else would one use generically?
>> Collectivists? Radical egalitarians? Vermin? It seems to me that
>> since so many related ideologies call themselves socialists we should
>> not reject the more general definition of socialism.
> It seems that the selfish greedy capitalist hoarders need a simplistic term for
> those more egalitarian earthlings whom espouse ideology antithetical to their
> agenda, regardless of any intricacies it contains.

I'm a generous and giving person.

I don't mind communing with people I want to commune with, like
maybe Taylor Swift. But I'm picky. I don't like it when someone else
picks the ones I _must_ share with. That's tyranny.

Voluntary socialism is all right. No one should stop you from
setting up a commune and making it socialist as all get out. And, I
think, no one _is_ stopping you. From Oneida to the intentional
communities that even now dot the Ozarks and the Appalachians, it's
an American tradition.

But some people, styling themselves "socialist" or some other
label-of-the-moment, want to get their hands on the property of
people who never agreed to share it, in order to get votes or
satisfy their longing to bring low their betters, all with the
threat of policemen and courts and jail if you refuse to "comply." I
don't approve.

And it's often the super-rich (Ford Foundation, Soros, Zionist media
billionaires, et cetera) who are behind these forcible-socialism
schemes -- they craft them, so they know they'll be exempt. And they
do have an agenda: to rule you. Hell, to _own_ you. So naturally
they'd like to confiscate the wealth of their up-and-coming
competitors and throw a few bread-crumbs to the underclass to buy
their votes. Be honest: Isn't that how it really works?

Far better to end the creation of money out of thin air by the
banking system (the oligarch's main means of theft), and make
limited liability artificial persons ("corporations") illegal. It
would also help tremendously to 1) have an intelligence and
knowledge test for voting, and 2) to reverse the current disastrous
dysgenic trend in birthrates, so that those with the best genes have
more children than those with the worst. Neither socialism nor
capitalism nor any "ism" works well with a Third World gene pool.

With all good wishes,

Kevin Alfred Strom.


23.09.2010, 10:39:3923.09.10
> hint: you don't understand the very basics.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Then why don't you explain them to us?


23.09.2010, 12:44:3423.09.10
Kevin Alfred Strom wrote:

> I don't mind communing with people I want to commune with, like maybe
> Taylor Swift. But I'm picky. I don't like it when someone else picks the
> ones I _must_ share with. That's tyranny.

Taylor Swift is a bitch and a racist.

Beam Me Up Scotty

23.09.2010, 12:13:3423.09.10

I actually researched the Fabian Socialists and was one of(if NOT the
first) to bring this to the NewsGroups connecting Obama to Fabian
Socialists and later I found a Video of Obama calling himself a
Progressive(that video has since been scrubbed from the internet).

The difference is minor and one cult was from Europe while the other an
American adaptation of the other.... They are both just the idea that
the change to Socialism can be a peaceful "evolution" rather than a
violent "Revolution"......

Coincidentally we are in what looks like a *COUP* where we are being
pushed into Socialism by the progressives that have a hidden agenda for
what they are doing, all the while trying to deceive the public of the
real goals.

Were it that Progressives were up front about their goals, I would have
little to worry about since most people aren't so stupid as to sign on
with the Socialist Kooks and their utopian quest..... but the fact that
there's a goal that's being shielded by obfuscation and lies makes the
Progressives more dangerous than the Communists that pronounce their
ideological goals and will use a gun to exact those goals.

The communist deserves a certain amount of respect as someone with
Character..... but the Fabians/Progressives we face now will befriend
you and lull you into a passive state of mind, then sink their knife
deep in your back as you sleep.

Beam Me Up Scotty

23.09.2010, 12:16:1923.09.10


23.09.2010, 12:48:0723.09.10
On Sep 23, 9:13 am, Beam Me Up Scotty <Then-Destroy-> wrote:

> The communist deserves a certain amount of respect as someone with
> Character.....  but the Fabians/Progressives we face now will befriend
> you and lull you into a passive state of mind, then sink their knife

> deep in your back as you sleep.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

In your case, it couldn't happen to a nicer guy... ;-)

Peter Franks

23.09.2010, 13:08:1223.09.10

The problem w/ defining socialism (or communism) is that its ugliness is
apparent when purely and concisely defined. A socialist will never
define communism, instead they come up w/ all sorts of pretty ways to
polish that turd.

I've studied it somewhat, and distilled what seems to be the essence:

Socialism: benevolence through compulsion

Communism: production through compulsion

Totalitarianism: compulsion in all things

Note that there is no mention of ownership, who or what controls,
majority/minority, etc. All of those are canards and irrelevant to the
core -- and that core is compulsion.

I've challenged many to posit alternative definitions or to refute mine.
The responses (few have actually be substantive) have been defective,
or upon closer examination (i.e. decomposition) justify my definitions.

Beam Me Up Scotty

23.09.2010, 13:09:1323.09.10

I'm a bit shy at first but people warm up to me after a while.


23.09.2010, 14:13:5623.09.10
Peter Franks wrote:

> Note that there is no mention of ownership, who or what controls,
> majority/minority, etc.

Jefferson changed "...pursuit of property" to "..pursuit of happiness".
Was he a communist?


23.09.2010, 13:41:3523.09.10
On Sep 23, 11:13 am, Beam Me Up Scotty <Then-Destroy-

I think they are all *very closely related*, and all deserve to be
called socialists. For me they are all peas in the same pod. The
most important thing to me is that they all have essentially the same
*goals*, they all get you to the same place, whether they involve a
nationalist (Nazism) or internationalist (Marxism) bent, a
revolutionary (Marxism and its various subtypes) or evolutionary
(Fabianism) mechanism of achieving the goals, whether they *claim* to
incorporate capitalism (various third ways claim to), or use state
corporatism (fascism, which is just another form of third way in my
opinion), whether they do or do not involve militarism or imperialism,
etc. -- all forms of socialism have more similarities than
differences. All forms involve a paradoxical form of radical
egalitarianism as a primary goal, some form of belief in collectivism
in contrast to individualism, some form of wealth equalization for the
masses, a hatred of *true* free-market capitalism, an antipathy
towards the concept of private property, radical ideas of what
constitute "rights," and, above all, as a practical matter, the
imposition of some form of leadership by the "elite" (even in so-
called democratic socialism).

They are not really the elite, of course. They are more like self-
appointed elitists, people convinced of their own superiority over the
rest of us mere mortals.

> The difference is minor and one cult was from Europe while the other an
> American adaptation of the other....  They are both just the idea that
> the change to Socialism can be a peaceful "evolution" rather than a
> violent "Revolution"......
> Coincidentally we are in what looks like a *COUP* where we are being
> pushed into Socialism by the progressives that have a hidden agenda for
> what they are doing, all the while trying to deceive the public of the
> real goals.
> Were it that Progressives were up front about their goals, I would have
> little to worry about since most people aren't so stupid as to sign on
> with the Socialist Kooks and their utopian quest..... but the fact that
> there's a goal that's being shielded by obfuscation and lies makes the
> Progressives more dangerous than the Communists that pronounce their
> ideological goals and will use a gun to exact those goals.

The goals to me are essentially the same for communists, Communists (I
firmly believe that Obama is at heart a Marxist), and progressives.
They therefore can all work together seamlessly. To me it scarcely
makes a difference which of the many socialist labels they give to

> The communist deserves a certain amount of respect as someone with
> Character.....  but the Fabians/Progressives we face now will befriend
> you and lull you into a passive state of mind, then sink their knife

> deep in your back as you sleep.- Hide quoted text -

I agree that those who openly label themselves Communists are more
honest about their goals. But, based on the fact that the actual
CPUSA readily supports Democrats, esp. this administration, the true
card-carrying Communists know very well that the only meaningful
difference between them and Democrats is the theoretical means of
achieving the SAME goals.


23.09.2010, 13:51:5123.09.10

Well, I'm not sure it can be *defined* this way. I agree that the
definition has been muddied. I will also agree that your
*distillation* incorporates a great deal of truth. It is amazing that
people who believe in radical egalitarianism paradoxically believe
that only certain people are smart enough to dictate to the rest of
the herd.

> Communism: production through compulsion

Again, I would say that your distillation contains a great deal of

> Totalitarianism: compulsion in all things

Same comment as above.

> Note that there is no mention of ownership, who or what controls,
> majority/minority, etc.  All of those are canards and irrelevant to the
> core -- and that core is compulsion.
> I've challenged many to posit alternative definitions or to refute mine.
>   The responses (few have actually be substantive) have been defective,

> or upon closer examination (i.e. decomposition) justify my definitions.- Hide quoted text -


23.09.2010, 13:53:2423.09.10

More likely a man good at diplomatic compromise.

23.09.2010, 14:14:2123.09.10
Dave Daubenmire And to the Republic

Jefferson was not a socialist.

Toyota needs to fill about fifteen hundred positions (employment) at the
new Toyota factory at Blue Springs,Mississippi,,, if y'all know anybody
interested in a job there? Starting out pay rate is about $15.00 per

I needs to git my electric blower up on my rooftop, to blow that loose
stuff off of thar.I don'ts wants to slip and fall off of thar while I am
scraping dat der loose paint.Of course the ground would catch me.I am
going to rig up a board to stand on up thar so I will be standing with
my feets level, or mostly level.I have an old thick rubber truck mud
flap, I will cut a couple of strips of that mud flap and tack them on
the bottom edges of that board.I know how to rig thingys up.


23.09.2010, 14:20:3123.09.10
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I was looking for old treatments of this topic. It is not the first
time I have been involved in a discussion of socialism and its
definition. I found this old thread, not the best discussion from the
past, but which contains some discussion of the topic. If anyone
thinks it worth the time to read it, some of my opinions from 2001 are
to be found in messages 10 and 15. Hope the link works.,+communists,+Marxists,+liberals+author:lifsabsurd

Beam Me Up Scotty

23.09.2010, 15:01:3123.09.10

Interesting, you come to a lot of the same conclusions I have found and
we had never crossed paths.

Peter Franks

23.09.2010, 16:59:4723.09.10

No, because he didn't advocate either (or neither) through compulsion.

Note: compulsion is the key element, not property.

Peter Franks

23.09.2010, 17:00:3723.09.10

Yes; thank you for your response.

23.09.2010, 16:54:2723.09.10
1938 Stablemates movie on TCM channel.Wallace Beery, Mickey
Rooney.Arthur Hohl.An alcoholic veterinarian helps a jockey whose future
is riding in a race.

They did some odd jobs around that widow woman's farm.Wallace Beery
said, The widow could stand some repairing, but I wouldn't want to
suggest it though.

There never was anybody like Wallace Beery before.

Joe from Kokomo

23.09.2010, 19:44:2123.09.10
On 9/23/2010 12:13 PM, Beam Me Up Scotty wrote:

> Coincidentally we are in what looks like a *COUP* where we are being
> pushed into Socialism by the progressives that have a hidden agenda for
> what they are doing, all the while trying to deceive the public of the
> real goals.

Maybe you could enlighten us to the "hidden agenda" and their "real goals".

As to trying to push us into socialism, are "they" stupid...or just blind?

Blind to the fact that socialism failed miserably in Russia and North
Korea and that China is almost more Capitalist than we are. Heck, even
Fidel Castro just said a few weeks ago that their system "doesn't work
for them [Cubans] any more". Why would anyone even want socialism with a
track record like that?

Or is "socialism" your code word for "New World Order", one world
government or world domination by a select few???

Beam Me Up Scotty

23.09.2010, 20:13:0323.09.10
On 9/23/2010 7:44 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
> On 9/23/2010 12:13 PM, Beam Me Up Scotty wrote:
>> Coincidentally we are in what looks like a *COUP* where we are being
>> pushed into Socialism by the progressives that have a hidden agenda for
>> what they are doing, all the while trying to deceive the public of the
>> real goals.
> Maybe you could enlighten us to the "hidden agenda" and their "real goals".

Ask Obama.

> As to trying to push us into socialism, are "they" stupid...or just blind?


> Blind to the fact that socialism failed miserably in Russia and North
> Korea and that China is almost more Capitalist than we are. Heck, even
> Fidel Castro just said a few weeks ago that their system "doesn't work
> for them [Cubans] any more". Why would anyone even want socialism with a
> track record like that?

Asking someone like Obama to give-up their ideology is like asking the
Ayatollah to become a JEW.

Beam Me Up Scotty

23.09.2010, 21:25:4923.09.10

Happiness is a wider scope since you can pursue property if it makes you
happy. Or you can pursue poverty if your name is Obama. But we each
have the right as an individual and NOT as a Nation.


23.09.2010, 22:26:0423.09.10
In article <>, Then-Destroy- says...

> On 9/23/2010 7:44 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
> > On 9/23/2010 12:13 PM, Beam Me Up Scotty wrote:
> >
> >> Coincidentally we are in what looks like a *COUP* where we are being
> >> pushed into Socialism by the progressives that have a hidden agenda for
> >> what they are doing, all the while trying to deceive the public of the
> >> real goals.
> >
> > Maybe you could enlighten us to the "hidden agenda" and their "real goals".
> Ask Obama.

He's probably as mystified as the rest of us who are wondering what
you're going on about.

> > As to trying to push us into socialism, are "they" stupid...or just blind?
> YES!
> > Blind to the fact that socialism failed miserably in Russia and North
> > Korea and that China is almost more Capitalist than we are. Heck, even
> > Fidel Castro just said a few weeks ago that their system "doesn't work
> > for them [Cubans] any more". Why would anyone even want socialism with a
> > track record like that?
> Asking someone like Obama to give-up their ideology is like asking the
> Ayatollah to become a JEW.

In other words, you're just parroting stuff you've read off hard right
websites. Kind of like the Obama being born in Kenya nonsense.

BDK, non-jew leader of the non-existant paid jew shills!

robert bowman

23.09.2010, 22:47:2823.09.10
Beam Me Up Scotty wrote:

> The communist deserves a certain amount of respect as someone with
> Character.....  but the Fabians/Progressives we face now will befriend
> you and lull you into a passive state of mind, then sink their knife
> deep in your back as you sleep.

At least the Fabians had George Bernard Shaw to entertain you while they
tinkered with their version of heaven on earth. The modern progressive is a
boring piece of work.

23.09.2010, 23:02:4823.09.10
Only three more months untill Crimmus.Do your Crimmus shopping early.

It wuz de nite befo Crimmus all over de hood.All de people were sleeping
and they were sleepin good,,,,,,


24.09.2010, 00:30:0324.09.10
On Sep 23, 6:12 am, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:

> Lifsabsurd wrote:
> > Well, yes.  And no.  For me the term 'socialism' is used as a broad,
> > encompassing, generic term that includes communism, Communism,
> > Marxism, many so-called 'third ways' (fascism, Nazism, democratic
> > socialism, liberalism, progressivism), Fabianism, and many more such
> > similar ideologies.  I understand that some define socialism
> > differently, for example, as an historical step towards Marxism, and
> > therefore distinct from it, but one needs a word to group together
> > under one label all these closely related movements, because they have
> > so much in common.  What else would one use generically?
> > Collectivists?  Radical egalitarians?  Vermin?  It seems to me that
> > since so many related ideologies call themselves socialists we should
> > not reject the more general definition of socialism.

- A combat unit is organized in a socialist manner,
- with everyone watching everyone else's back.

'Special Dave' - You Are An Army Of One ! ;;-}} ~ RHF
-imho- National Defense Is {Necessary} Socialism :
By The People : For The People : Of The People
-TFIF- Universal National Service is the Only Way
a Democratic Republic should People it's Military.

-and- National Defense Military Organizations
are by nature 'socialistic' -wrt- Uniform Treatment
of Ranks. { All For One : One For All }


24.09.2010, 00:45:3824.09.10
OWLES = One World Liberal Elite* Socialists
* Elitist Polictical Cadre devoted to placing
themselves In-Control of Your Life.
Masters of a World 'under' Their Domination.
Beware the OWLES -cause- They Are 'Elitist'
The OWLES = One World Liberal Elitists Socialists
* The Problem with the OWLES is not that they are One Worlders.
* The Problem with the OWLES is not that they are Liberals.
* The Problem with the OWLES is not that they are Socialists.
* The Problem With The OWLES 'is' That They Are ELITISTS [.]
- - WHOOO !
- - - Beware of the OWLES = One World Liberal Elite Socialist.
The OWLES and their 'Double Truths' of Lies and Propaganda:
Because after all, only they the All Knowing OWLES
are morally right and politically correct; and the rest of
us are dumb ignorant stupid 'brown shirted', 'white robe
wearing' de-generated sub-humans. Who must be Lead
by the OWLES, because after all they 'The OWLES' are
Morally Right and Politically Correct, and alas we 'the
un-washed' need their Over-Lord-ship.


24.09.2010, 01:03:1024.09.10
On Sep 23, 2:14 pm, wrote:
> Dave Daubenmire And to the Republic
> Jefferson was not a socialist.
> Toyota needs to fill about fifteen hundred positions (employment) at the
> new Toyota factory at Blue Springs,Mississippi,,, if y'all know anybody
> interested in a job there? Starting out pay rate is about $15.00 per
> hour.

> I needs to git my electric blower up on my rooftop, to blow that loose
> stuff off of thar.I don'ts wants to slip and fall off of thar while I am
> scraping dat der loose paint.Of course the ground would catch me.I am
> going to rig up a board to stand on up thar so I will be standing with
> my feets level, or mostly level.I have an old thick rubber truck mud
> flap, I will cut a couple of strips of that mud flap and tack them on
> the bottom edges of that board.I know how to rig thingys up.
> cuhulin

Get a safety rope,tie it to the chimney. Secure the other end to
yourself (to a belt). Doesn't take much to fall off the roof. And
medical bills are getting out of hand ,lately.

m II

24.09.2010, 01:09:0824.09.10
an wrote:

> Toyota needs to fill about fifteen hundred positions (employment) at the
> new Toyota factory at Blue Springs,Mississippi

Is literacy a prerequisite?


24.09.2010, 01:14:5024.09.10

Do not forget Pol Pot, the insane leader of Cambodia . Anything else
just pales in comparison with his social order ...

24.09.2010, 07:57:0724.09.10
My house doesn't have a chimney.I will tie a rope around a 2'' by 4''
inside my attic and throw the other end out the attic vent.Actually,
three ropes.One of the ropes, I will tie to my ladder.Another rope, I
will hook it to my rigged up walk board.The third rope, I will tie
around my waist and also use it for a hand hold when I go up and down my
ladder.I don't believe in falling off of my roof.

Joe from Kokomo

24.09.2010, 08:02:1124.09.10

>> On 9/23/2010 12:13 PM, Beam Me Up Scotty wrote:
>>> Coincidentally we are in what looks like a *COUP* where we are being
>>> pushed into Socialism by the progressives that have a hidden agenda for
>>> what they are doing, all the while trying to deceive the public of the
>>> real goals.

On 9/23/2010 7:44 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:

>> Maybe you could enlighten us to the "hidden agenda" and their "real goals".

On 9/23/2010 8:13 PM, Beam Me Up Scotty wrote:

> Ask Obama.

To the best of my knowledge, Obama doesn't post here.

Anyway, it was YOUR statement, so I asked YOU to explain it.

24.09.2010, 08:41:4824.09.10
Literacy? We don't have a Queen and a Beaver on our pocket change around


24.09.2010, 10:09:1224.09.10
an wrote:
> Dave Daubenmire And to the Republic
> Jefferson was not a socialist.
> Toyota needs to fill about fifteen hundred positions (employment) at the
> new Toyota factory at Blue Springs,Mississippi,,, if y'all know anybody
> interested in a job there? Starting out pay rate is about $15.00 per
> hour.

That's $2 an hour less than an Echostar installer here.


24.09.2010, 10:15:3624.09.10

Fuck Crimmus

The height of hypocrisy. Celebrate someone who owned nothing with an
orgy of materialism. [sigh]


24.09.2010, 09:15:1324.09.10
On Sep 23, 10:14 pm, wrote:
> On Sep 23, 7:44 pm, Joe from Kokomo <> wrote:
> > On 9/23/2010 12:13 PM, Beam Me Up Scotty wrote:
> > > Coincidentally we are in what looks like a *COUP* where we are being
> > > pushed into Socialism by the progressives that have a hidden agenda for
> > > what they are doing, all the while trying to deceive the public of the
> > > real goals.
> > Maybe you could enlighten us to the "hidden agenda" and their "real goals".
> > As to trying to push us into socialism, are "they" stupid...or just blind?
> > Blind to the fact that socialism failed miserably in Russia and North
> > Korea and  that China is almost more Capitalist than we are. Heck, even
> > Fidel Castro just said a few weeks ago that their system "doesn't work
> > for them [Cubans] any more". Why would anyone even want socialism with a
> > track record like that?
> > Or is "socialism" your code word for "New World Order", one world
> > government or world domination by a select few???
- Do not forget Pol Pot, the insane leader of Cambodia .

See there you go calling Pol Pot "Insane"
-cause- Pol Pot Was NOT "Insane" [.]

Agrarian Socialism & Communism

Pol Pot was then {dead now} a 'Committed' Communist
Political Leader {Cadre} : That Believed By Any Means
Necessary -to- Achieve The Goal of Communist Control of
the People and Rule of 'The Party' ELITE Over the People.

- Anything  else just pales in comparison with his social order ...

NO ! - The Bright Red Stars of Stalin and Mao both
achieved more Communism Enslavement and Mass
Murders on a larger scale over a lot longer period . . .
Bio Offers Sinister View of Chairman Mao
Mao's "Great Leap Forward" Killed 45 Million
in Four Years
Mao’s “Great Leap” or “Great Famine”
Prez Obama's Policies Linked to : Mao, Marx,
Sanger and Darwin
Obama-U-Nism© There Is No Deception
Praise Be The Obama ! - my prez-a-duntz ~ RHF
All Hail to Our Lord and Savior Prez Obama !
-for- all those unbelievers : the truth will set you free


24.09.2010, 10:17:5024.09.10

You're channeling Abe Simpson.

24.09.2010, 09:16:3824.09.10
$2 an hour less? How much does it cost to live in California?

Those funny sound bytes on the Paul Gallo radio talk show, I don't know
where they get them.

Those people dragging big old fat butts and big old fat bellies.Why
don't they put a fifty dollar tax on fried quail? What do skinny people
have to do with fried quail? Put it on there anyway, they might fat!


24.09.2010, 09:29:2524.09.10
On Sep 24, 7:15 am, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:

> wrote:
> > Only three more months untill Crimmus.Do your Crimmus shopping early.
> > It wuz de nite befo Crimmus all over de hood.All de people were sleeping
> > and they were sleepin good,,,,,,
> >
- - Crimmus

To me it is still Christ's Mass - Amen ~ RHF

- Fuck Crimmus

'Special Dave' are you trying to tell us that you
like/enjoy Sex at Christmas ?

- The height of hypocrisy.
- Celebrate someone who owned nothing
- with an orgy of materialism. [sigh]

'Special Dave' how others choose to miss-celebrate
Christmas does not have to define how you yourself
in your heart Celebrate Your Christmas


24.09.2010, 09:44:1324.09.10
On Sep 23, 7:06 am, Kevin Alfred Strom <>
> On 9/23/2010 9:25 AM, Bob Dobbs wrote:
> > Lifsabsurd wrote:
> [...]

> >> Well, yes.  And no.  For me the term 'socialism' is used as a broad,
> >> encompassing, generic term that includes communism, Communism,
> >> Marxism, many so-called 'third ways' (fascism, Nazism, democratic
> >> socialism, liberalism, progressivism), Fabianism, and many more such
> >> similar ideologies.  I understand that some define socialism
> >> differently, for example, as an historical step towards Marxism, and
> >> therefore distinct from it, but one needs a word to group together
> >> under one label all these closely related movements, because they have
> >> so much in common.  What else would one use generically?
> >> Collectivists?  Radical egalitarians?  Vermin?  It seems to me that
> >> since so many related ideologies call themselves socialists we should
> >> not reject the more general definition of socialism.
> > It seems that the selfish greedy capitalist hoarders need a simplistic term for
> > those more egalitarian earthlings whom espouse ideology antithetical to their
> > agenda, regardless of any intricacies it contains.
> I'm a generous and giving person.
> I don't mind communing with people I want to commune with, like
> maybe Taylor Swift. But I'm picky. I don't like it when someone else
> picks the ones I _must_ share with. That's tyranny.
> Voluntary socialism is all right. No one should stop you from
> setting up a commune and making it socialist as all get out. And, I
> think, no one _is_ stopping you. From Oneida to the intentional
> communities that even now dot the Ozarks and the Appalachians, it's
> an American tradition.

The Oneida Community

The Amana Colonies

The Shakers

The Harmony Society

-wrt- Utopian {Communal} Societies

> But some people, styling themselves "socialist" or some other
> label-of-the-moment, want to get their hands on the property of
> people who never agreed to share it, in order to get votes or
> satisfy their longing to bring low their betters, all with the
> threat of policemen and courts and jail if you refuse to "comply." I
> don't approve.
> And it's often the super-rich (Ford Foundation, Soros, Zionist media
> billionaires, et cetera) who are behind these forcible-socialism
> schemes -- they craft them, so they know they'll be exempt. And they
> do have an agenda: to rule you. Hell, to _own_ you. So naturally
> they'd like to confiscate the wealth of their up-and-coming
> competitors and throw a few bread-crumbs to the underclass to buy
> their votes. Be honest: Isn't that how it really works?
> Far better to end the creation of money out of thin air by the
> banking system (the oligarch's main means of theft), and make
> limited liability artificial persons ("corporations") illegal. It
> would also help tremendously to 1) have an intelligence and
> knowledge test for voting, and 2) to reverse the current disastrous
> dysgenic trend in birthrates, so that those with the best genes have
> more children than those with the worst. Neither socialism nor
> capitalism nor any "ism" works well with a Third World gene pool.
> With all good wishes,
> Kevin Alfred Strom.
> --

Beam Me Up Scotty

24.09.2010, 09:48:5624.09.10
On 9/24/2010 8:02 AM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
>>> On 9/23/2010 12:13 PM, Beam Me Up Scotty wrote:
>>>> Coincidentally we are in what looks like a *COUP* where we are being
>>>> pushed into Socialism by the progressives that have a hidden agenda for
>>>> what they are doing, all the while trying to deceive the public of the
>>>> real goals.
> On 9/23/2010 7:44 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
>>> Maybe you could enlighten us to the "hidden agenda" and their "real
>>> goals".

didn't you quote "hidden agenda" why do you suppose that I know what
their agenda is. Do I need to tell you it's NOT to return America to
it's place as the greatest Nation on the planet?

Do I look like Nostradamus?

I'm NOT even a Socialist.

I do know what their policies will NOT do.....


24.09.2010, 09:50:4524.09.10
On Sep 23, 9:44 am, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:

> Kevin Alfred Strom wrote:
> > I don't mind communing with people I want to commune with, like maybe
> > Taylor Swift. But I'm picky. I don't like it when someone else picks the
> > ones I _must_ share with. That's tyranny.

- Taylor Swift is a bitch and a racist.

'Special Dave' ?Bitch? & ?Racist?

D'Oh! - The Guy did a Snatch and Grab and then
there was a Flash and you blame her . . .


24.09.2010, 10:04:0624.09.10
On Sep 23, 10:09 pm, m II <c...@in.the.hat> wrote:
- - wrote:
- - Toyota needs to fill about fifteen hundred positions
- - (employment) at the new Toyota factory at Blue
- - Springs,Mississippi

- Is literacy a prerequisite?
- mike

Mike [M II] - NO -cause- They are not applying
for Canadian Citizenship . . . to go and Murder
Thousands of Baby 'Harp' Seals in Canada . . .

Mike [M II] maybe you should go and Educated
the many "Literate" Canadians To Save a Baby
"Harp"* Seal
from your fellow Murderous Canadian Butchers
* Harp as in Innocent Baby Snow Angels :o)
The Voice of Canada* -proclaims- Get Ready for
Our Great National Annual Murderous Blood Bath
of Baby Seal Killings
* That's our Mike [M II] who has Nothing to Say
Good or Bad about Canada -but- Plenty of Bad
Things to Say About the USA and a Real Bad
Attitude About Americans.
Mike [M II] just may be as a Canadian you should
stick to All-Things-Canada; and leave the present
day realities of the USA to the Americans :o( ~ RHF
Once again Mike [M II]
Here are are a few Canadian websites so that you
can get in-touch with your Inner-Canadian :o)
* eCanada Now .Com
* The Canadian Sentinel
* The "Conspiracy Cafe" -host- George Freund
- The Voice of Canada - The Voice of Canada -
- eCanada - eCanada - eCanada - eCanada -
- Sentinel - Sentinel - Sentinel - Sentinel - Sentinel -
- Conspiracy - Conspiracy - Conspiracy - Conspiracy -
- Cafe - Cafe - Cafe - Cafe - Cafe - Cafe - Cafe - Cafe -
= Mike [M II] = Mike [M II] = Mike [M II] = Mike [M II] =
- The Voice of Canada - The Voice of Canada -

Stephen Young

24.09.2010, 15:24:0124.09.10
On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 16:03:16 -0700, Chas. Chan wrote:

> It’s refreshing that finally the Progressive/Liberal label is being
> recognized for what it is. It’s not Socialism, either. Really. Even the
> Marxism label falls short. (There is no Engelsism, is there?)
> A Communist by any other name is still a Communist, whether of the Big
> “C” (card-carrying type) or small “c” (fellow traveler).
> In 1848 the Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels co-authored Communist
> Manifesto was completed and published at the request of London’s
> Communist League.
> If you don’t want to read the whole Manifesto, read the 10 Planks.
> Educate yourself.


you're IQ is that of a faux news viewer
try forming your own opinion instead of posting others who have don't own
asian stock


24.09.2010, 16:50:2924.09.10
On Sep 24, 12:24 pm, Stephen Young <>

> On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 16:03:16 -0700, Chas. Chan wrote:
> > It’s refreshing that finally the Progressive/Liberal label is being
> > recognized for what it is. It’s not Socialism, either. Really. Even the
> > Marxism label falls short. (There is no Engelsism, is there?)
> > A Communist by any other name is still a Communist, whether of the Big
> > “C” (card-carrying type) or small “c” (fellow traveler).
> > In 1848 the Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels co-authored Communist
> > Manifesto was completed and published at the request of London’s
> > Communist League.
> > If you don’t want to read the whole Manifesto, read the 10 Planks.
> > Educate yourself.
> >
> socialists-theyre-red-blooded-communists/

Stephen Young -wrote-
- you're IQ is that of a faux news viewer

Stephen Young - Speaking of "IQs" just what do
these words you wrote say about your own "IQ" . . .

Stephen Young -wrote-
- try forming your own opinion instead of posting
- others who have don't own asian stock

it goes to creditability your honor ~ RHF


24.09.2010, 17:02:1024.09.10
On Sep 24, 6:16 am, wrote:
- $2 an hour less?
- How much does it cost to live in California?

Nothing -if- you do NOT have a Job :
Un-employment is around 12.4%
and still growing month-to-month . . .

California's Unemployment Third-Highest in the Nation

The Obama Regimes Economists Claim that :
The US Recession's Over? -wtf- Tell That To California !
The California Central Valley Area has a much
higher Un-Employment at 17.6%
No Jobs and High Unemployment ObamaNomics©
Plus Obama-Tax-Slavery©
Prez Obama is a Spend-It-All-ist © and Tax-It-All-ist ©
-Result- Obama-Tax-Slavery©
We Are On The Road To Obama-Tax-Slavery©
The Chains of Obama Taxes and More Obama Taxes
and High Obama Taxes -that's- Obama-Tax-Slavery !©
-aka- Obama-U-Nism© There Is No Deception
Prez Obama is a Spend-It-All-ist© and Tax-It-All-ist©
-aka- 'Great-Leader' together these are Obama-Nomics©
which Results in Obama-Tax-Slavery© for All.
prez obama fixing to drive the usa to
'go broke fast' on the road to socialism ~ RHF


24.09.2010, 17:16:5324.09.10
On Sep 24, 2:02 pm, RHF <> wrote:
> On Sep 24, 6:16 am, wrote:
> - $2 an hour less?
> - How much does it cost to live in California?
> Nothing -if- you do NOT have a Job :
> Un-employment is around 12.4%
> and still growing month-to-month . . .
> California's Unemployment Third-Highest in the Nation

> The Obama Regimes Economists Claim that :
> The US Recession's Over? -wtf- Tell That To California !

> The California Central Valley Area has a much
> higher Un-Employment at 17.6%
>  .
> No Jobs and High Unemployment ObamaNomics©
> Plus Obama-Tax-Slavery©

>  .
> Prez Obama is a Spend-It-All-ist © and Tax-It-All-ist ©
> -Result- Obama-Tax-Slavery©
>  .
> We Are On The Road To Obama-Tax-Slavery©
> The Chains of Obama Taxes and More Obama Taxes
> and High Obama Taxes -that's- Obama-Tax-Slavery !©
> -aka- Obama-U-Nism© There Is No Deception

> Prez Obama is a Spend-It-All-ist© and Tax-It-All-ist©
> -aka- 'Great-Leader' together these are Obama-Nomics©
> which Results in Obama-Tax-Slavery© for All.
>  .
> prez obama fixing to drive the usa to
> 'go broke fast' on the road to socialism ~ RHF
>  .

All of this is window dressing and demagoguery.

As long as worker productivity stays high and gets higher, and
population gets larger, the problem won't be improved by either - or
any - party. No candidate, either Dem or Rep, has a solution to this
problem. Neither Capitalism nor Socialism, nor anything in between,
will solve the problem. The only way to fix this issue is to drop the
pop, and I guarantee you, no politician (save for a few who are
routinely marginalized) has the guts to say this.

~ Bruce


24.09.2010, 19:01:0424.09.10
- All of this is window dressing and demagoguery.
- As long as worker productivity stays high and gets higher, and
- population gets larger, the problem won't be improved by either - or
- any - party.  No candidate, either Dem or Rep, has a solution to
- problem.  Neither Capitalism nor Socialism, nor anything in between,
- will solve the problem.  The only way to fix this issue is to drop
- pop, and I guarantee you, no politician (save for a few who are
- routinely marginalized) has the guts to say this.
- ~ Bruce
"Q" Prez Obama Is The US Recession Really Over ?
-wtf- Tell That To The Millions of California Unemployed !

Prez Obama -is- The Prez-A-Duntz
and as always The Prez-A-Duntz Gets The Blame
-or- the credit . . . mostly the blame . . .

-wrt- 'window dressing' :
The Man in the Window -is- Prez Obama
-wrt- 'demagoguery'
The Prez-A-Duntz {Demi-God} -is- Prez Obama

-see-rrs- Blame Prez Bush !

-see-google- Blame Prez Bush ! {2M Results}

-see-google- Blame Prez Obama ! {13M Results}
A Reminder to All : The Year is 2009 now 2010
and It's Been Obama Bashing Time for 2-Years
and Lets Blame Obama He's "The Prez-A-Duntz ~ RHF


25.09.2010, 01:56:2725.09.10
On Sep 24, 4:01 pm, RHF <> wrote:
> On Sep 24, 2:16 pm, bpnjensen <> wrote:
> > On Sep 24, 2:02 pm, RHF <> wrote:
> > > On Sep 24, 6:16 am, wrote:
> > > - $2 an hour less?
> > > - How much does it cost to live in California?
> > > Nothing -if- you do NOT have a Job :
> > > Un-employment is around 12.4%
> > > and still growing month-to-month . . .
> > > California's Unemployment Third-Highest
> > > in the Nation
> -wtf- Tell That To The Millions of California Unemployed !

>  .
> BpnJ,
> Prez Obama -is- The Prez-A-Duntz
> and as always The Prez-A-Duntz Gets The Blame
> -or- the credit . . . mostly the blame . . .

> -wrt- 'window dressing' :
> The Man in the Window -is- Prez Obama
>  .
> -wrt- 'demagoguery'
> The Prez-A-Duntz {Demi-God} -is- Prez Obama
> -see-rrs-  Blame Prez Bush !
> -see-google-  Blame Prez Bush ! {2M Results}
> -see-google-  Blame Prez Obama ! {13M Results}

>  .
> A Reminder to All : The Year is 2009 now 2010
> and It's Been Obama Bashing Time for 2-Years
> and Lets Blame Obama He's "The Prez-A-Duntz ~ RHF
>  .
>  .

Blah blah blah. Right, Change the subject and substitute more nonstop
bullshit. Classic. You know I'm right. Neither party is going to
able to fix the problem we have now.


25.09.2010, 08:49:0225.09.10
an wrote:
> $2 an hour less? How much does it cost to live in California?

Rent's high. Taxes can be. Wages are higher, too. I live in the Sierra
Pelonas foothills; not a lot to spend money on.


25.09.2010, 21:23:1525.09.10


To use your own words "I guarantee you, no
politician . . . has the guts to say this."

US Unemployment will remain at 10%~15%
from here on out; with 25%~ 33% for minorities;
no high-school; ex-con; drug user etc-etc-etc

The Choice Remains Putting People To Work;
or a permanent under-class on the public dole.

Say "YES" to an American CO2 Enrichment Tax
{Re-Greening American & Investing in the USA}
- o r -

"Q" Prez Obama Is The US Recession Really
Over ? -wtf- Tell That To The Millions of California
Unemployed !

may be it is already too late and
we have become europe ? ~ RHF

25.09.2010, 22:03:0425.09.10
Do YOU believe the recession is over?


26.09.2010, 01:12:4526.09.10
> Unemployed !

> may be it is already too late and
> we have become europe ? ~ RHF
>  .
>  .

At least in Europe they can get decent health care.

26.09.2010, 01:30:4726.09.10
> At least in Europe they can get decent health care.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

...and it took a very lo-o-ong time for some european countries to
establish proper healthcare systems for for their citizens. Once upon
the time the sick needy ones simply died out due to same factors.

26.09.2010, 10:31:0726.09.10
You ought to hear what that married Irish woman wayyyyyyyyy over yonder
across the big pond in Bognor Regis,England says about Brit health
care.You would know better about health care in Europe.Brit health care
nearly killed her dad.

Why do a lot of Canadians come to America for health care? Can you
answer me that?

26.09.2010, 23:26:5926.09.10

Maybe they got money up the rectum?


27.09.2010, 04:17:4327.09.10
On Sep 26, 8:26 pm, wrote:
> On Sep 26, 10:31 am, wrote:
> > You ought to hear what that married Irish woman wayyyyyyyyy over yonder
> > across the big pond in Bognor Regis,England says about Brit health
> > care.You would know better about health care in Europe.Brit health care
> > nearly killed her dad.

- - Why do a lot of Canadians come to America
- - for health care?
- - Can you answer me that?
- - cuhulin

- Maybe they got money up the rectum?

That's Interesting Medical Diagnosis . . .

Treatment a Wallet-ect-o-my ! ;;-}} ~ RHF

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