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Look who wants to quintuple funding for government media

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N∅ ∅baMa∅

Dec 30, 2010, 7:24:04 PM12/30/10
State adviser, Marxist also want more FCC control of airwaves

“Net neutrality” rules must be implemented while the government should
quintuple federal funding for public and community broadcasting,
argued Ben Scott, the State Department’s recently appointed policy
adviser for innovation.

Scott was writing last year in a radical magazine in an article co-
authored by Robert W. McChesney (left), an avowed Marxist activist who
has called for the dismantlement, “brick-by-brick,” of the U.S.
capitalist system, with America being rebuilt as a socialist society.

McChesney is the founder of the George Soros-funded Free Press, which
petitions for more government control of the Internet and news media.

Scott and McChesney also recommended the U.S. impose ownership limits
on local radio, TV, and cable channels while pushing for more control
of the media by the FCC.

The duo were writing in the January/February 2009 edition of Tikkun
Magazine, run by avowed Marxist Michael Lerner.

Lerner has been accused of using the magazine to justify Palestinian
terror and has written articles in which he suggested the 9/11 attacks
were a response to U.S. policies.

“Whatever issue tops your list of priorities, real progress will be
impossible unless we first change our media system,” wrote Scott and
McChesney. “Currently, access to communications and control over media
content are vested in the hands of corporate titans.”

The two recommended the following policy implementations:

* Restore the original mission of the Federal Communications
Commission as a guardian of the public interest. The FCC must become a
twenty-first-century agency focused on the digital media marketplace
of ideas and commerce, with a commitment to public engagement,
transparency, and accountability.

* Support ownership limits and public oversight to foster more
diverse, competitive, and local ownership of radio, TV, and cable

* At a minimum, quintuple the federal funding for public and community
broadcasting, to at least $3 billion annually-earmarking money for
children’s and public affairs programming. Funding should come from
fees paid by commercial licensees to the public airwaves.

* Ban all advertising on broadcast and cable TV programs where over 33
percent of the viewership is under the age of twelve. This is similar
to the rules in many European nations.

* Establish “Network Neutrality” rules that guarantee free speech and
a free market on the Internet by prohibiting discrimination,
manipulation, and interference by network owners like Comcast or AT&T.

* Restore competition to the market in high-speed internet access to
break the hold of the cable-telephone duopoly on the nation’s
“broadband” infrastructure.

* Transition all public subsidies for telephone networks to fund
infrastructure to bring the benefits of broadband to all Americans.

* Authorize the license of more noncommercial, low-power FM radio
stations in communities nationwide.

* Open antitrust investigations into vertically integrated media
companies that control production and distribution through anti-
competitive practices.

“Net neutrality” refers to government interference to propose a
principle for users’ access to networks participating in the Internet.

The principle states that if a given user pays for a certain level of
Internet access, and another user pays for the same level of access,
then the two users should be able to connect to each other at the
subscribed level of access.

Just last week, FCC Commissioners voted 3-2 to approve controversial
“net neutrality” rules, with the content of those rules, about 100
pages, still being rolled out.

This past May, Scott was named a policy adviser for innovation at the
State Department. He previously served as director of McChesney’s Free

Scott authored a book, “The Future of Media,” which was edited by
McChesney, who doubles as a professor at the University of Illinois
and is former editor of the Marxist journal Monthly Review.

In February 2009, McChesney wrote in a column, “In the end, there is
no real answer but to remove brick-by-brick the capitalist system
itself, rebuilding the entire society on socialist principles.”

The board of Free Press has included a slew of radicals, such as
Obama’s former “green jobs” czar Van Jones, who resigned after it was
exposed he founded a communist organization.

In May, WND reported Free Press published a study advocating the
development of a “world class” government-run media system in the

Now the group is pushing a new organization,, that
advocates the downfall of “big media” and the creation of new media to
“promote local ownership, amplify minority voices, support quality
journalism, and bring local artists, voices and viewpoints to the

Free Press has ties to other members of the Obama administration.

Obama’s “Internet czar,” Susan P. Crawford, spoke at a Free Press’s
May 14, 2009, “Changing Media” summit in Washington, D.C.

Crawford’s pet project, OneWebNow, lists as “participating
organizations” Free Press and the controversial Association of
Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN.

Crawford and Kevin Werbach, who co-directed the Obama transition
team’s Federal Communications Commission Review team, are advisory
board members at Public Knowledge, a George Soros-funded public
interest group.

A Public Knowledge advisory board member is Timothy Wu, who is also
chairman of the board for Free Press.

Like Public Knowledge, Free Press also has received funds from Soros’
Open Society Institute.

Wingnut GOP

Dec 30, 2010, 8:23:21 PM12/30/10

"NØ ØbaMaØ" <> wrote in message

State adviser, Marxist also want more FCC control of airwaves

Marxist GOP wants our money.

Sheldon Cooper

Dec 30, 2010, 8:32:51 PM12/30/10
On Dec 30, 4:24 pm, N∅ ∅baMa∅ <>

> State adviser, Marxist also want more FCC control of airwaves

Does it ever occurs to these yahoos that in two years we're going to
have another President, and she'll be able to control what gets on the


Dec 30, 2010, 10:14:52 PM12/30/10

Mrs. Sec'y Clinton isn't running until 2016.


Dec 30, 2010, 9:45:04 PM12/30/10
On Dec 30, 5:32 pm, Sheldon Cooper <> wrote:
> On Dec 30, 4:24 pm, N∅ ∅baMa∅ <>
> wrote:

- - State adviser, Marxist also want more FCC control of airwaves

That's Just More Ever Increasing Obama-Ganda© !
Lets All Start by Praising The Great and Super
Wonderful President Barack 'Hussein' Obama :
* Concentrate on your Obama-Think©
* Practice your Obama-Speak©
* Joyfully Sing "Living in Obama-Merica"© !
- Does it ever occurs to these yahoos that in two years
- we're going to have another President, and she'll be
- able to control what gets on the air?

Blessed Is 'Hillary-the-Greatest'© For Truly She Will Save
Us from the continuing... Obama-Nation© - Amen ~ RHF
In Retrospect : For The Good of The Country
Some/Many Republicans Wish Hillary Had Won !
Two Years After Obama's Election :
The Verdict on Prez Obama :
O.B.A.M.A. = One Big Absolute Mistake America !
Prez Obama's Major Fault is . . .
Barack H. Obama 'The Man' Is An ELITIST !
The Obama 'Strategy' for 2012 is to Dump good old
Joe Biden from the Ticket : It's Obama / CLINTON Now !
{Change Is Good}
Think Green America : Recycle Prez Obama in 2012 !
Make Prez Obama One-Term Then Out !
Independent' Voters Have Shifted :
* From 2-to-1 for Obama in 2008
* To 1-to-2 for Anybody but Obama in 2012
Wishing 'BHO' a Prosperous & Productive Long Life
After His One-Term Prez-A-Duntzcy !

Dec 30, 2010, 10:03:08 PM12/30/10
I just now caught Chainsaw Lawnmower oil drain Plug again.I was bringing
doggy back in the house.Chansaw Plug was pulling into his driveway over
there.I grabbed my Duck Call,,,,,,

Message has been deleted

Christopher Helms

Dec 31, 2010, 3:41:17 AM12/31/10

No president has ever been able to "control" what gets on the air.
Despite being a Fascist, Marxist, Maoist, Hitler worshipping supposed
"ultra leftist," the current one can't even prevent moneyed interests
from buying control of the public airwaves until the screaming,
fanatical, right wing voice is pretty much the only one anybody is
allowed to hear. Although he wanted to bomb Al Jazeera, the previous
president probably never felt much desire to control what got on the
air, since he got an uninterrupted eight year rim job from the
"liberal media" which allegedly hated him, but did an incredible job
of completely hiding it.

It is completely unacceptable to conservatives to have their
government telling them via something like The Fairness Doctrine that
they must allow dissenting voices on the public airwaves. It is not
only acceptable but desirable to conservatives to tell the public what
the public thinks by using money to smash dissenting voices to
smithereens like Wal Mart smashes local grocery store chains.

∅baMa∅ Tse Dung

Jan 1, 2011, 8:55:28 PM1/1/11
On Dec 31 2010, 2:41 am, Christopher Helms <>

Your idea of "fairness" and "justice" is to IMPOSE YOUR idea of
"fairness" and "justice" by way of Liberal fascist government control
instead of the populace choosing what they wish to watch or listen via
the free and unfettered marketplace.

They tried your idea in the USSR while it still exists in that model
Utopia of N.Korea and Communist China to mention a few.
Yeap! It works great when you are a Liberal Fascist dictator - Heil
Once the likes of you have control we will all be singing

Jan 1, 2011, 9:31:40 PM1/1/11
Keeping Up Apearances.Onslow says to Richard, What would you do if in
the middle of the night you felt a friendly arm around you?
Richard said, I would get straight up! I would know I am in the wrong


Jan 1, 2011, 6:18:06 PM1/1/11

> Your idea of "fairness" and "justice" is to IMPOSE YOUR idea of
> "fairness" and "justice" by way of Liberal fascist government control
> instead of the populace choosing what they wish to watch or listen via
> the free and unfettered marketplace.

Do what you want on cable or satellite. The PUBLIC AIRWAVES belong to
everyone and it is ANTI-AMERICAN to allow them to be dominated by one
point of view. To me, The Glenn Beck radio program is the equivalent of
someone letting their Great Dane dog take a big shit in the middle of
the sidewalk.

The Public Airwaves should serve everyone with accurate news, balanced
opinion, and culturally significant entertainment. Not a lowest common
denominator assault on the intellect of the People.


Jan 2, 2011, 11:25:40 AM1/2/11
On Jan 1, 3:18 pm, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> > Your idea of "fairness" and "justice" is to IMPOSE YOUR idea of
> > "fairness" and "justice" by way of Liberal fascist government control
> > instead of the populace choosing what they wish to watch or listen via
> > the free and unfettered marketplace.
> Do what you want on cable or satellite. The PUBLIC AIRWAVES belong to
> everyone and it is ANTI-AMERICAN to allow them to be dominated by one
> point of view. To me,

- The Glenn Beck radio program is the equivalent
- of someone letting their Great Dane dog take a
- big shit in the middle of the sidewalk.

Your Honor Clearly This Statement Goes To BIAS*

* Please Note Your Honor That This Witness
-aka- 'Specail-Dave' has often been heard to
say "Facts Have A Liberal Bias"

Your Honor : Please Instruct The Jury To Disregard
This Testimony As Both Unscientific and Prejudicial [.]

> The Public Airwaves should serve everyone with accurate news, balanced
> opinion, and culturally significant entertainment.

- Not a lowest common denominator assault on the
- intellect of the People.

The Right of The People : To Listen To :
What They Want To Listen To :

The Freedom-of-Speech : The Right To Be Heard !
The Freedom-to-Listen : The Right To Hear !

...and... 'Special-Dave' will be the grand arbitrator
of all that is just, good, fair, and balance . . .

CPB & NPR has 24/7 Liberal /S/L/A/N/T/E/D/ News
Programming on over 2964 "Public" FM Radio Stations

While Glenn Beck is on only about 500 Commercial
AM Radio Stations -but- That is too much for you
Liberals and you must attack Glenn Beck and try
to Silence Glenn Beck and All Non-Liberal Voices

That Means That Liberals Control and Propagandize on
Six Times as Many Radio Stations as Conservatives
-hey- That Ain't Fair 'Special-Dave'
-hey- That Ain't Balanced 'Special-Dave'
-hey- That Ain't Equal-Time 'Special-Dave'

Maybe It Is NPR That Should Be Required To Carry
12 Hours Of Conservative Talk Radio Per Day : In The
Name Of Equal Time And THE PUBLIC INTEREST !

Common-Sense-R-Us : Bring Fairness and Balance
{Conservative-Equal-Air-Time} To NPR (CPB)
In The 'Public Interest'

The-Liberal-Elite-R-Us :
The Constant Attack By Liberals Against FOX News
and Trying To Put FOX News Off-the-Air
Naturally-Liberal-Biased-R-Us :
Why The Liberal {Elitist} Media Can Not Be Fair
and Balanced {The Progressive 'Agenda' Gets In
The Way}
-by- RHF©
Whole-Brains-R-Us Study Confirms :
That Liberal-Biased News Makes You Stupid
-by- RHF©
The Liberal Media Alliance :
A Liberal Bias Coupled With Progressive Bigotry
Reality-R-Us-Sucks :
Why MSNBC Can Not Be Fair and Balanced . . .
Progressive Bigotry : ABC & CBS & NBC & PBS & CNN . . .
The Facts Must Be Presented With A Liberal Bias !
PIPA Study : Honest? & Accurate? & Un-Biased?
-or-a- Liberal Hit-Piece Directed at FOX News
and Attacking Republicans & Conservatives


Jan 2, 2011, 11:41:43 AM1/2/11

> 'Special-Dave',
> CPB& NPR has 24/7 Liberal /S/L/A/N/T/E/D/ News

> Programming on over 2964 "Public" FM Radio Stations

What if over half the NCE stations are actually right-leaning religious

All radio stations should educate as well as entertain. There needs to
be some credible mass media for this country to survive. Once upon a
time radio had that credibility, because it was held to high standards
by the license renewal process. The people were well served or we
entertain competing applications for the frequency. Ownership was
limited to 12 stations per company, ensuring the public got a good
spread of philosophy from broadcasters. Now radio sucks.

Jan 2, 2011, 12:14:34 PM1/2/11
GOP agenda Major impact may be on 2012 election

NPR Is Biased.I Quit listening to NPR back in the 1970's.

Jan 2, 2011, 12:35:18 PM1/2/11
Show proof National Public Radio is Biased

They, (''They'') NPR are a bunch of Red (Commie Red) Diaper Doper

I Plagiarized that from Roger Fredinburg.


Jan 1, 2011, 9:13:37 PM1/1/11

You don't say...

John Smith

Jan 2, 2011, 1:19:45 PM1/2/11
On 1/2/2011 8:25 AM, RHF wrote:

> ...

> While Glenn Beck is on only about 500 Commercial
> AM Radio Stations -but- That is too much for you
> Liberals and you must attack Glenn Beck and try
> to Silence Glenn Beck and All Non-Liberal Voices

> ...

Glenn Beck, much like Rush Limbaugh, are complete morons. I listen to
them at least 2-3 times a week. I enjoy their comedy and "toe the
government line" and "support republicans" mentality, it is satire and
comedy for me. I don't see any real dangers in their moronic displays ...

They appear as two raving lunatics, their faces painted, their chests
exposed, drunk on corporate support/monies, and making a mint off of
"root for the republican football team line" and having weak minded
people believe the imbecilic display ...

Like it or not, the morons who believe them are in our society -- better
to know the enemy than to be ignorant, to the point of danger, of ones
enemies ...

Just appreciate them for the lame, "three-stooges type of comedy", and
go on to support real logic, reason and sanity ...



Jan 2, 2011, 1:24:23 PM1/2/11

John Smith wrote:

Oh yeah! The Liberal/Democrat/Marxist/Socialists are just full of real logic,
reason and sanity...!

That's the best laugh I've had so far this year, moron!

Now pull your head outta your encrusted ass.

Jan 2, 2011, 1:36:44 PM1/2/11
I saw this at, Media Is The Hub Of Falsehood.

Ministry Of Propaganda.
Russian, and also nowadays, in America.Lamestream/Mainstream Media.It
all depends on what is is.

Hub(s), you know what a spider hub is? I have worked on them before.
cuhulin, the spider hub

Jan 2, 2011, 1:47:09 PM1/2/11
The Engines of Our Inequity

...... for inumerable inequitys have compassed me about,,,,,,,,,


Jan 1, 2011, 11:03:09 PM1/1/11
in Tick Canyon. Nothing sticking so far, but if it snows here it usually
means the city is cut off from the rest of the world (except S. on the 5
or North on the 1 oh 1, i.e. right along the coast where it never gets
cold enough to rain.)


Jan 1, 2011, 11:04:44 PM1/1/11
On 01/03/2011 02:24 AM, dxAce wrote:

> Oh yeah! The Liberal/Democrat/Marxist/Socialists are just full of real logic,
> reason and sanity...!
> That's the best laugh I've had so far this year, moron!
> Now pull your head outta your encrusted ass.

Quick Ace, name 3 current Progressive Talkers you listen to.

Jan 2, 2011, 3:19:29 PM1/2/11
Joel Skousen: Geopolitics. War & the NWO.Parts 1 through 12.

Dr.No, on BBC America channel.That was a Beretta they took away from
Sekert Aigint 007.

Joe from Kokomo

Jan 2, 2011, 3:27:13 PM1/2/11
On 1/2/2011 1:19 PM, John Smith wrote:

> Glenn Beck, much like Rush Limbaugh, are complete morons. I listen to
> them at least 2-3 times a week. I enjoy their comedy and "toe the
> government line" and "support republicans" mentality, it is satire and
> comedy for me. I don't see any real dangers in their moronic displays ...

Might the danger be those that take these two guys as the Gospel Truth...?

John Smith

Jan 2, 2011, 3:32:04 PM1/2/11
On 1/2/2011 12:27 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:

> ...
> Might the danger be those that take these two guys as the Gospel Truth...?

Why would anyone waste any time with, or consider such imbeciles a
danger ... I mean you can walk down any street, enter any building and
find 'em. They are like the psychos in mental institutions or the downs
syndrome people, they take up space, but you don't pay attention to them ...


Brenda Ann

Jan 2, 2011, 4:22:06 PM1/2/11

"John Smith" wrote in message



I believe this last election sort of put the lie to that...

Message has been deleted

John Smith

Jan 2, 2011, 5:11:01 PM1/2/11
On 1/2/2011 1:22 PM, Brenda Ann wrote:

>> ...

> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I believe this last election sort of put the lie to that...

Brenda Ann:

I believe the people, here in the USA, are just beginning to wake up.

When Ron Paul was leader of the "Tea Party Movement", it was real. Now
palin has stuck her okie butt in the works, and all sorts of other
republicans are attempting to usurp and divert the power of this
movement ... I think many are still ignorant to this. I think many are
still ignorant to how deep and how many public servants are involved in
the corruption, crime and treason ... indeed, to a lot of public
servants it just looks to them like they are "just trying to keep my
job, pay rate and benefits", to American citizens, the only legal

Perhaps by next election, some real gains will have been made and a
GREAT AWAKENING occurring ... we will keep an eye on things, I can
assure you ... :-)

And, there is the problem of politics and government servants having
been reduced to nothing more than a "football game", you pick your side,
you root your team ... but the game doesn't change, the same goals and
paths are followed by both teams ... the republicrats and democans ...
the evil puppet masters behind the curtain is where the axe needs to
fall ...



Jan 2, 2011, 1:19:03 AM1/2/11
On 01/03/2011 04:19 AM, wrote:
> Joel Skousen: Geopolitics. War& the NWO.Parts 1 through 12.

> Dr.No, on BBC America channel.That was a Beretta they took away from
> Sekert Aigint 007.
> cuhulin

He was supposed to carry a Walther PPK, but it was against his fashion


Jan 2, 2011, 1:20:17 AM1/2/11
On 01/03/2011 04:32 AM, John Smith wrote:
> On 1/2/2011 12:27 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
>> ...
>> Might the danger be those that take these two guys as the Gospel
>> Truth...?
> Why would anyone waste any time with, or consider such imbeciles a
> danger ...

They are calling for trouble in the streets. You don't want that.


Jan 2, 2011, 1:22:04 AM1/2/11
On 01/03/2011 05:22 AM, Brenda Ann wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I believe this last election sort of put the lie to that...

The last election proved we need to impeach John Roberts.


Jan 2, 2011, 1:24:08 AM1/2/11
On 01/03/2011 05:34 AM, wrote:
> Can't
> Don't NEED to listen to any talk----which is why Conservaloons make
> babbling such an emportant part of their lives.

I know what Limbaugh or Hannity is going to say before they say it. I
like Mark Levin. I never miss Bill Wattenburg on KGO. Beck's TV show is
great if you're baked.


Jan 2, 2011, 1:25:34 AM1/2/11
Rep. Ron Paul has no need for the carnival called the TEA party. He is
way more reasonable than most of them. Now his idiot son the eye doctor...


Jan 2, 2011, 5:34:14 PM1/2/11
On Jan 2, 8:41 am, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> > 'Special-Dave',
> > CPB&  NPR has 24/7 Liberal /S/L/A/N/T/E/D/ News
> > Programming on over 2964 "Public" FM Radio Stations
> >

Common-Sense-R-Us : Bring Fairness and Balance
{Conservative-Equal-Air-Time} To NPR (CPB)
-all-in-the-name-of- 'Public Interest' ! ! !
-versus- The Constant Attack By Liberals
Against AM Talk Radio and Trying To Talk
Conservative Voice Off-the-Air
-aka- Censorship by Liberal-Fascist
-wrt- Liberals Using Fascist {One-Party} Tactics

> What if over half the NCE stations are actually right-leaning religious
> stations?

'Special-Dave' as long as they Played
"Onward Christian Soldiers" at the Top of each Hour !

just say not to the fascist single 'liberal' voice of cpb/npr :
free and open public air-waves-for-all voices - amen ~ RHF
- All radio stations should educate as well as entertain.

Christian News, Information and Education !
+plus+ Christian Music and Entertainment !
- There needs to be some credible mass media
- for this country to survive.

2900+ NCE Public Educacational NPR {CPB} Radio Stations
all with one Single-Minded {fascist} Liberal Voice ! ! !
- Once upon a time radio had that credibility,
- because it was held to high standards by the
- license renewal process. The people were well
- served or we entertain competing applications
- for the frequency.

Some/Many would say that things have improved
for the better today.
- Ownership was limited to 12 stations per company,
- ensuring the public got a good spread of philosophy
- from broadcasters.

Special-Dave' -just-as-long-as-

The Right of The People : To Listen To :
What They Want To Listen To :

'Special-Dave' -just-as-long-as-

The Freedom-of-Speech : The Right To Be Heard !
The Freedom-to-Listen : The Right To Hear !

Now radio sucks.

'Special-Dave' -may-be- It is You Who Is
Listening With Sucky-Ears ? ! ?

-ps- go watch some tv 'special-dave'

Common-Sense-R-Us : Bring Fairness and Balance
{Conservative-Equal-Air-Time} To NPR (CPB)

-all-in-the-name-of- 'Public Interest' ! ! !

Maybe It Is NPR That Should Be Required To Carry
12 Hours Of Conservative Talk Radio Per Day : In The
Name Of Equal Time And THE PUBLIC INTEREST !


John Smith

Jan 2, 2011, 5:34:43 PM1/2/11
On 1/1/2011 10:20 PM, dave wrote:

> ...
> They are calling for trouble in the streets. You don't want that.

It is all about guns/ammo, gold, God, silver, storable food and water
supplies, medicine and a safe refuge for you, your family, your friends
... the sales on all these is sky high ... you won't see that in main
stream media ... but, they are getting the police state ready ... that
shows you they are paying attention and they are AFRAID!

Wake up, America IS getting prepared ... don't find yourself wanting.



Jan 2, 2011, 5:37:13 PM1/2/11
On Jan 1, 6:13 pm, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:

> On 01/03/2011 01:14 AM, wrote:
> >
> > GOP agenda Major impact may be on 2012 election
> > NPR Is Biased.I Quit listening to NPR back in the 1970's.
> > cuhulin
> You don't say...

Yes I Do Say 'Special-Dave'

Common-Sense-R-Us : Bring Fairness and Balance
{Conservative-Equal-Air-Time} To NPR (CPB)
-all-in-the-name-of- 'Public Interest' ! ! !


Maybe It Is NPR That Should Be Required To Carry
12 Hours Of Conservative Talk Radio Per Day : In The
Name Of Equal Time And THE PUBLIC INTEREST !


Jan 2, 2011, 5:38:10 PM1/2/11


Common-Sense-R-Us : Bring Fairness and Balance
{Conservative-Equal-Air-Time} To NPR (CPB)

Maybe It Is NPR That Should Be Required To Carry
12 Hours Of Conservative Talk Radio Per Day : In The
Name Of Equal Time And THE PUBLIC INTEREST !


Jan 2, 2011, 5:56:49 PM1/2/11
On Jan 1, 8:04 pm, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> On 01/03/2011 02:24 AM, dxAce wrote:
> > Oh yeah! The Liberal/Democrat/Marxist/Socialists are just full of real logic,
> > reason and sanity...!
> > That's the best laugh I've had so far this year, moron!
> > Now pull your head outta your encrusted ass.
- Quick Ace, name 3 current Progressive Talkers you listen to.

Rush & Sean & Glenn & Savage & Laura &
Alex & Joyce & & & . . .

-cause- Top 100 Radio Host* List
is Dominated By Conservatives
* That American's Want {Need} To Hear
and Listen To Each and Every Day :o)


The Right of The People : To Listen To :

What They Want [Need] To Listen To :


-by The FCC -aka- The Federal US Government
Say no,,, No... NO!!! To Government Censorship !

-why- Freedom-of-Choice Americans 'Choose'
AM Talk Radio With 'Conservative Voices'
* America's Top 25 AM Talk Radio Hosts are...


The Freedom-of-Speech : The Right To Be Heard !
The Freedom-to-Listen : The Right To Hear !


-by The FCC -aka- The Federal US Government
Say no,,, No... NO!!! To Government Censorship !


Jan 2, 2011, 6:02:21 PM1/2/11
On Jan 1, 10:24 pm, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> On 01/03/2011 05:34 AM, wrote:

> > On Sun, 02 Jan 2011 12:04:44 +0800, dave<d...@dave.dave>  wrote:
> >> On 01/03/2011 02:24 AM, dxAce wrote:
> >>> Oh yeah! The Liberal/Democrat/Marxist/Socialists are just full of real logic,
> >>> reason and sanity...!
> >>> That's the best laugh I've had so far this year, moron!
> >>> Now pull your head outta your encrusted ass.
> >> Quick Ace, name 3 current Progressive Talkers you listen to.
> > Can't
> > Don't NEED to listen to any talk----which is why Conservaloons make
> > babbling such an emportant part of their lives.
> I know what Limbaugh or Hannity is going to say before they say it. I
> like Mark Levin. I never miss Bill Wattenburg on KGO. Beck's TV show is
> great if you're baked.

Speaking of 'being' "Baked" Special-Dave :
How is your Medical-Marijuana Treatment
doing today . . .

Common-Sense-R-Us : Bring Fairness and Balance
{Conservative-Equal-Air-Time} To NPR (CPB)
-all-in-the-name-of- 'Public Interest' ! ! !
Maybe It Is NPR That Should Be Required To Carry
12 Hours Of Conservative Talk Radio Per Day : In The
Name Of Equal Time And THE PUBLIC INTEREST !

The Right of The People : To Listen To :
What They Want [Need] To Listen To :


Jan 2, 2011, 7:45:36 PM1/2/11
On 01/02/2011 02:37 PM, RHF wrote:
coohoo von larry wrote

>>> NPR Is Biased.I Quit listening to NPR back in the 1970's.
>>> cuhulin
>> You don't say...

> .

> Maybe It Is NPR That Should Be Required To Carry
> 12 Hours Of Conservative Talk Radio Per Day : In The
> Name Of Equal Time And THE PUBLIC INTEREST !

Sure, as long as WLS plays Thom Hartmann right after Oxycontin Man.

Joe from Kokomo

Jan 2, 2011, 8:39:12 PM1/2/11

> On 1/2/2011 12:27 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
>> ...
>> Might the danger be those that take these two guys as the Gospel
>> Truth...?

On 1/2/2011 3:32 PM, John Smith wrote:

> Why would anyone waste any time with, or consider such imbeciles a
> danger ... I mean you can walk down any street, enter any building and
> find 'em. They are like the psychos in mental institutions or the downs
> syndrome people, they take up space, but you don't pay attention to them
> ...
> Regards,
> JS

Well, should be obvious to you.

If there is enough of them, they can do stupid stuff -- like vote in
Palin or Bush...twice.


Jan 2, 2011, 11:28:15 PM1/2/11

sure,,, Sure... SURE ! ! ! 'Special-Dave',

When Six (6) NPR Radio Stations start Airing
One Hour of 'Rush' : Then WLS will Air One
Hour of Thom Hartmann.
-don't-hold-your-breath-to-hear-'rush'-on npr-

Just keeping everything fair and balanced with
their being Six (6) times as many NPR FM
Radio Stations as AM Talk Radio Stations.

liberal propaganda rules . . .
the npr fm radio band ~ RHF


Jan 2, 2011, 11:36:29 PM1/2/11
On Jan 2, 1:22 pm, "Brenda Ann" <>

BAD : Like It -or- Not...

The Voice of the People -is- The Voice of the People !

Our Elected 'Representatives' Are Elected To
Listen To 'The Voice of the People' and Do
The Will of 'The Voice of the People'. ~ RHF

Common-Sense-R-Us : Bring Fairness and Balance
{Conservative-Equal-Air-Time} To NPR (CPB)
-all-in-the-name-of- 'Public Interest' ! ! !

Maybe It Is NPR That Should Be Required To Carry
12 Hours Of Conservative Talk Radio Per Day : In The
Name Of Equal Time And THE PUBLIC INTEREST !

Jan 2, 2011, 11:45:13 PM1/2/11
On Jan 2, 12:14 pm, wrote:
> GOP agenda Major impact may be on 2012 election
> NPR Is Biased.I Quit listening to NPR back in the 1970's.
> cuhulin

That's when they started coming out from the closet.

Jan 2, 2011, 11:55:21 PM1/2/11
>  .- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

NPR FM doesn't have as good coverage as any AM clear channels.
Therefore the need for multiple broadcasts at the low end of FM.


Jan 3, 2011, 7:14:18 AM1/3/11

I can hear KQED-FM 88.5 mHz up here in the
Sierra Foothills better than KGO-AM 810 kHz
or KCBS-AM 740 kHz and KSFO-AM 560 kHz
is difficult to listen to over-the-air
+plus+ all the Capital Public Radio Stations too
* KXJZ 90.9 Sacramento
* KUOP 91.3 Stockton
* KXPR 88.9 Sacramento
* KXSR 91.7 Groveland/Sonora {5km away}

"IF" {Big 'If'} National Public Radio [NPR] Truly Serves
'The Public Interest' : Then Shouldn't NPR Also Serve
The 'Conservative' Radio Listening Too by having real
honest 'Conservative' Radio Programming with an
actually 'Conservative' Voice That Speaks To the
Other Half of the American Public who helps to Pay
For National Public Radio [NPR]

-cause- Presently National Public Radio [NPR] Is 100%
Liberal \S\L\A\N\T\E\D\ [ "\" Slanted To The Left ] News
and Information -which- Forces Conservative Thinkers
To Migrate To AM Talk Radio As Their Only Alternative :
Since National Public Radio [NPR] Is Purely Liberal
Propaganda : Of Liberals & For Liberals & By Liberals

National Public Radio [NPR] Message To Hardworking
Tax Paying Average American Conservatives -is-
* 1st We Don't Do Conservative [.]
{"Me Too" Moderate Parrots Are OK :-}
* Conservatism Is Not Relevant
{You Don't Count : Liberals Rule !}
* We Don't Want You Listening To Us
{Unless You Want To Become A Liberal}
* Go Listen To AM Talk Radio
{NPR Is For Liberals Only !}
+ NPR Hates AM Talk Radio
-cause- It's So Conservative !
-and- Is An Alternative 'Choice' To NPR
-translation- Everyone Should Be Required To
Only Listen To NPR and Become a Liberal [.]
Once Again : Common-Sense-R-Us :

Bring Fairness and Balance
{Conservative-Equal-Air-Time} To NPR (CPB)

In The 'Public Interest'

Maybe It Is NPR That Should Be Required To Carry
12 Hours Of Conservative Talk Radio Per Day : In The
Name Of Equal Time And THE PUBLIC INTEREST !


Jan 3, 2011, 7:21:22 AM1/3/11
- - NPR FM doesn't have as good coverage as any AM clear channels.
- - Therefore the need for multiple broadcasts at the low end of FM.

- I can hear KQED-FM 88.5 mHz up here in the
- Sierra Foothills better than KGO-AM 810 kHz
- or KCBS-AM 740 kHz and KSFO-AM 560 kHz
- is difficult to listen to over-the-air
- +plus+ all the Capital Public Radio Stations too
- * KXJZ 90.9 Sacramento
- * KUOP 91.3 Stockton
- * KXPR 88.9 Sacramento
- * KXSR 91.7 Groveland/Sonora {5km away}
- "IF" {Big 'If'} National Public Radio [NPR] Truly Serves
- 'The Public Interest' : Then Shouldn't NPR Also Serve
- The 'Conservative' Radio Listening Too by having real
- honest 'Conservative' Radio Programming with an
- actually  'Conservative' Voice That Speaks To the
- Other Half of the American Public who helps to Pay
- For National Public Radio [NPR]
- -cause- Presently National Public Radio [NPR] Is 100%
- Liberal \S\L\A\N\T\E\D\ [ "\" Slanted To The Left ] News
- and Information -which- Forces Conservative Thinkers
- To Migrate To AM Talk Radio As Their Only Alternative :
- Since National Public Radio [NPR] Is Purely Liberal
- Propaganda : Of Liberals & For Liberals & By Liberals
- National Public Radio [NPR] Message To Hardworking
- Tax Paying Average American Conservatives -is-
- * 1st We Don't Do Conservative [.]
- {"Me Too" Moderate Parrots Are OK :-}

- * Conservatism Is Not Relevant

- {You Don't Count : Liberals Rule !}
- * We Don't Want You Listening To Us
- {Unless You Want To Become A Liberal}
- * Go Listen To AM Talk Radio
- {NPR Is For Liberals Only !}
- + NPR Hates AM Talk Radio
- -cause- It's So Conservative !
- -and- Is An Alternative 'Choice' To NPR
- -translation- Everyone Should Be Required To
- Only Listen To NPR and Become a Liberal [.]
-  .
- Once Again : Common-Sense-R-Us :
- Bring Fairness and Balance
- {Conservative-Equal-Air-Time} To NPR (CPB)
- In The 'Public Interest'
- -all-in-the-name-of- 'Public Interest' ! ! !
-  .
- Maybe It Is NPR That Should Be Required To Carry
- 12 Hours Of Conservative Talk Radio Per Day : In The
- Name Of Equal Time And THE PUBLIC INTEREST !
-  .
- 'Special-Dave',
- The Right of The People : To Listen To :
- What They Want [Need] To Listen To :
- -by The FCC -aka- The Federal US Government
- Say no,,, No... NO!!! To Government Censorship !
-  .
-  .
The-Truth-Is : National Public Radio [NPR]

Is Purely Liberal Propaganda :
Of Liberals & For Liberals & By Liberals


Jan 2, 2011, 4:46:46 PM1/2/11
On 01/03/2011 12:28 PM, RHF wrote:

> Just keeping everything fair and balanced with
> their being Six (6) times as many NPR FM
> Radio Stations as AM Talk Radio Stations.

There are 273 NPR stations in the USA. EIB alone has twice as many
affiliates, dumbass.


Jan 2, 2011, 4:52:01 PM1/2/11
On 01/03/2011 12:36 PM, RHF wrote:
> On Jan 2, 1:22 pm, "Brenda Ann"<>


>> I believe this last election sort of put the lie to that...
> BAD : Like It -or- Not...
> The Voice of the People -is- The Voice of the People !
> Our Elected 'Representatives' Are Elected To
> Listen To 'The Voice of the People' and Do
> The Will of 'The Voice of the People'. ~ RHF
> -it's-called-a-republic-
> .

No they are not. They present their platform, the voters vote. From that
point forward the representative does what the representative feels is
right, polls be damned. We can't vote continuously on every issue
through opinion polls and expect to govern. That is anarchy (the bad
kind). We are not a school of fish.

Jan 3, 2011, 10:41:47 AM1/3/11
Food Emergency

Food and water and shelter and clothing are Far More Important than
anything else.


Jan 2, 2011, 8:00:32 PM1/2/11

He also has a history of steroid use and crying in public. Him and the
Boner should get along real well.

Message has been deleted


Jan 3, 2011, 12:30:07 PM1/3/11

"dave" <da...@dave.dave> wrote in message

> He also has a history of steroid use and crying in public. Him and the
> Boner should get along real well.

"But in August 1980, a prosecutor dismissed the case for lack of evidence"

Jan 3, 2011, 1:04:16 PM1/3/11
Experts: Gas could climb to $3.75 a gallon.Autos section at

This morning, Paul Gallo said gas is $2.78 per gallon in
Super Talk Mississippi
cuhulin, the Super Talker

Message has been deleted

D. Peter Maus

Jan 3, 2011, 1:37:56 PM1/3/11
On 1/3/11 12:36 , China Blue Ribbon wrote:

> When someone claims the most corrupt adminstration, they don't get the benefit
> of the doubt.

Thank God you're not an officer of the Court.

Beam Me Up Scotty

Jan 3, 2011, 1:38:34 PM1/3/11
On 1/2/2011 11:25 AM, RHF wrote:
> On Jan 1, 3:18 pm, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
>>> Your idea of "fairness" and "justice" is to IMPOSE YOUR idea of
>>> "fairness" and "justice" by way of Liberal fascist government control
>>> instead of the populace choosing what they wish to watch or listen via
>>> the free and unfettered marketplace.
>> Do what you want on cable or satellite. The PUBLIC AIRWAVES belong to
>> everyone and it is ANTI-AMERICAN to allow them to be dominated by one
>> point of view. To me,

Where in the constitution is there something that says "equal press"
or "equal speech" when you find that just post it here and I will agree
with you. Until then, you are pissing up a rope.

You and I have "free speech" and if you want to use it on any media, all
it takes is money. If you want free speech that costs zero then get soap
box and stand in the town square. The Air waves don't belong to this
Nation any more than Germany owns the airwaves, does the government also
own all the limited light waves?

Can the Government force you to turn off your lights, or force you to
share your light with someone that has no light?

Message has been deleted

D. Peter Maus

Jan 3, 2011, 1:54:50 PM1/3/11
On 1/3/11 12:38 , Beam Me Up Scotty wrote:

{preceding points stipulated}

> Can the Government force you to turn off your lights, or force you to
> share your light with someone that has no light?

Well, it's interesting you bring that up. The answer, is "yes."

Is it Constitutional, no. But they can do it.


In Palm Beach, there are local ordinances with fines and other
penalties attached requiring ocean front property owners to turn
their lights off, and block indoor light from reaching outside the
building, to prevent turtle hatchlings from being attracted to away
from the sea to their deaths on land.

In the area where I live, ordinances, with fines and other
penalties attached, mandate that lights falling outside the property
line, security lights, coachlights, even your auto's headlights
while the vehicle is on the property, must be turned off.

On the other hand, in the event of a power failure, a local
community has an HOA that requires by covenant, with fines attached,
that homeowners, renters, or guests who are generator equipped must
share a minimum of 30% of their total continuous generating capacity
with homeowners, renters or guests, who are not generator equipped,
whether the owner of the generator can meet his/her own needs while
sharing, or not.

Your point about the Constitutional guarantee of Free Speech, and
the nature of Free Speech, is well made.

But, governments, local and otherwise, have few limits should
they desire to escape them.


Jan 3, 2011, 2:03:14 PM1/3/11
You beat me to that one, D. Peter Maus.I was going to say, The fed govt
can do any damn thing they please, and they are getting away with it

Mostly so, anyway.

The Russian Ten Planks.

Jan 3, 2011, 2:20:52 PM1/3/11
You said it is snowing? Oh, dooooooo tellllll.
(she don't know anything) He looked outside, snowing EVERYWHERE!

Currently, 51 degrees inside my flowerbox on doggy's front porch, and

It's such a beautiful day todayyyyy,,,, look at the SUNSHINE,,,,,,,

Say cuzz, where is Devilfinder's (the search engine company) home base,
physical location? Only mildly wondering.

We got Close Encounters of the Third Kind crankin up right now on the
EDRA channel.

Jan 3, 2011, 2:39:30 PM1/3/11
What Ayn Rand said.
There has never been a philosophy Ayn Rand

Will Rogers Quotes


Jan 2, 2011, 10:51:16 PM1/2/11

There is no God. If there was we'd be nuclear glass.

Where is Issa's brother? Is he being held incommunicado like Dan
Quayle's pot connection?


Jan 3, 2011, 2:55:28 PM1/3/11

"dave" <da...@dave.dave> wrote in message

He's probably in jail.....for stealing cars....


Jan 2, 2011, 10:57:43 PM1/2/11
On 01/04/2011 02:38 AM, Beam Me Up Scotty wrote:

> You and I have "free speech" and if you want to use it on any media, all
> it takes is money. If you want free speech that costs zero then get soap
> box and stand in the town square. The Air waves don't belong to this
> Nation any more than Germany owns the airwaves, does the government also
> own all the limited light waves?

You said you can have all the free speech you can afford; that's nuts.
AM and FM radio are the soap box and the town square of today. The 14th
Amendment of the Constitution guarantees equal access to that town
square. The oligarchs must control all thought to prevail. You are
helping them.

There is no scarcity of light. The radio spectrum is part of the
commons, same as the air and the sidewalks downtown.


Jan 2, 2011, 11:00:15 PM1/2/11
On 01/04/2011 02:54 AM, D. Peter Maus wrote:

> In the area where I live, ordinances, with fines and other penalties
> attached, mandate that lights falling outside the property line,
> security lights, coachlights, even your auto's headlights while the
> vehicle is on the property, must be turned off.

Sounds very uptight. I guess block party keggers don't happen a lot
where you live.


Jan 2, 2011, 11:02:55 PM1/2/11

You're a moron too. You bite the hand that feeds you and wallow in
self-induced stupidity. The Federal Government totally subsidizes your
hick Haley Barbour backwater corporate welfare third-world anachronism
of a state.

Jan 3, 2011, 3:15:28 PM1/3/11
Dan Quayle didn't know how to spell Potato.

I spell it Potato, always have.

Jan 3, 2011, 4:42:24 PM1/3/11
Damaged Gulf Stream Affects Jet Stream

Gulf Stream is BROKEN!

Message has been deleted

D Peter Maus

Jan 3, 2011, 5:46:34 PM1/3/11
On 1/3/11 16:26 , wrote:

> On Mon, 03 Jan 2011 11:57:43 +0800, dave<da...@dave.dave> wrote:
>> There is no scarcity of light. The radio spectrum is part of the
>> commons, same as the air and the sidewalks downtown.
> "WE' own that spectrum, and WE have determined that using OUR
> "spectrum" for promotion of lies, distortion, slander and political
> ignorance MUST be regulated.

If those are your criteria, then no political speech of any kind
would be permitted.

Here's the razor: The Constitutional guarantee of free speech is
specifically intended to protect speech which is not popular and/or is
critical of the leaders or political entities in or out of power.

This speech is guaranteed protection precisely BECAUSE it's not
popular, and/or critical of the political entities in or out of power.
Popular speech and/or supportive speech of those in power needs no
protection. Because it's popular. Because it's supportive of Power. And
the founding fathers, having escaped from a land where any speech on a
whim could be made a criminal offense, specifically sought to protect
the freedom by each citizen to speak his/her mind without fear of
retribution in both public or private venues.

To silence speech, for any political reason, is contrary to this
Constitutional guarantee.

Even if it's "promotion of lies, distortion, slander and political


Jan 3, 2011, 6:22:23 PM1/3/11
On 01/03/2011 02:26 PM, wrote:
> On Mon, 03 Jan 2011 11:57:43 +0800, dave<da...@dave.dave> wrote:
>> There is no scarcity of light. The radio spectrum is part of the
>> commons, same as the air and the sidewalks downtown.
> "WE' own that spectrum, and WE have determined that using OUR
> "spectrum" for promotion of lies, distortion, slander and political
> ignorance MUST be regulated.

I call that "self defense"!

Beam Me Up Scotty

Jan 3, 2011, 6:29:34 PM1/3/11

I call it infringing on my right to listen to what ever I want, now will
you also demand that an auditorium filled with people allow equal
heckling when one side heckles more than the other....?


Jan 3, 2011, 6:37:34 PM1/3/11
On Jan 2, 1:46 pm, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:

- - On 01/03/2011 12:28 PM, RHF wrote:
- - Just keeping everything fair and balanced with
- - their being Six (6) times as many NPR FM
- - Radio Stations as AM Talk Radio Stations.

- There are 273 NPR stations in the USA.
- EIB alone has twice as many affiliates, dumbass.
- http://www.cephas-library.moc/nwo_religious_braodcasting.html

'Special-Dave' There Are "NO" National Public Radio
[NPR] Stations in the USA. NPR Owns "NO" Radio
Stations : The 'Local' Public Radio Stations that
'choose' to Affiliate with NPR and Broadcast NPR
Programming {Pure 100% Liberal Propaganda} are
in the Many Many Hundreds {Thousands?}.

'Special-Dave' : Keep Pumping Out the Liberal Lies.

The FCC Numbers Don't Lie : There are Six (6) Times
as many NPR 'Affiliated' FM Public Radio Stations
as AM Talk Radio Stations.
The-Truth-Is : National Public Radio [NPR]
Is Purely Liberal Propaganda :
Of Liberals & For Liberals & By Liberals
Once Again : Common-Sense-R-Us :
Bring Fairness and Balance
{Conservative-Equal-Air-Time} To NPR (CPB)
In The 'Public Interest'
-all-in-the-name-of- 'Public Interest' ! ! !
Maybe It Is NPR That Should Be Required To Carry
12 Hours Of Conservative Talk Radio Per Day : In The
Name Of Equal Time And THE PUBLIC INTEREST !
The Right of The People : To Listen To :
What They Want [Need] To Listen To :
-by The FCC -aka- The Federal US Government
Say no,,, No... NO!!! To Government Censorship !

Jan 3, 2011, 6:38:13 PM1/3/11
The Origin of Dogs Biogenetic Engineering New Dawn Magazine

Building Codes?

Jan 3, 2011, 6:51:02 PM1/3/11

Somebody in the newsgroup posted that one.

Beam Me Up Scotty

Jan 3, 2011, 7:25:22 PM1/3/11
On 1/3/2011 5:26 PM, wrote:
> On Mon, 03 Jan 2011 11:57:43 +0800, dave <da...@dave.dave> wrote:
>> There is no scarcity of light.

Sure there is, I have light in my yard and the neighbors and if I place
a light that shines on them that they don't want then those waves must
be regulated by the FCC and we also have light waves that transmit
digital information in their light pulse, so we could transmit
information and receive information over the light directed at the
neighbor and the neighbors lights or others lights could interfere with
light transmission of information on or across my property.

The FCC will need to regulate the lights on your property. And they
will also need to regulate content of information transmitted so that it
is all equal and NOT one sided.


Jan 3, 2011, 7:32:53 PM1/3/11

"Beam Me Up Scotty" <> wrote in


There really is *no* issue that you can't reduce to the least common stupid.

Beam Me Up Scotty

Jan 3, 2011, 7:45:18 PM1/3/11
On 1/2/2011 10:57 PM, dave wrote:
> On 01/04/2011 02:38 AM, Beam Me Up Scotty wrote:
>> You and I have "free speech" and if you want to use it on any media, all
>> it takes is money. If you want free speech that costs zero then get soap
>> box and stand in the town square. The Air waves don't belong to this
>> Nation any more than Germany owns the airwaves, does the government also
>> own all the limited light waves?
> You said you can have all the free speech you can afford; that's nuts.
> AM and FM radio are the soap box and the town square of today.

NO the soap box is still the soap box of today and Radio is a commercial
enterprise discovered and invented by private persons.
Government didn't have a clue radio waves were even useful.

> The 14th
> Amendment of the Constitution guarantees equal access to that town
> square. The oligarchs must control all thought to prevail. You are
> helping them.

That isn't a town square and the 14 says equal under the law.... there
is no power given to congress to make any law and therefore no 14th
amendment applied to radio waves.

> There is no scarcity of light. The radio spectrum is part of the
> commons, same as the air and the sidewalks downtown.

Light spectrum is scarce, if I use infrared on my property for one thing
then it could easily interfere with security or infrared cameras and
sensors elsewhere. lasers will transmit infrared for a long ways and
some lasers can burn and do damage to eyes and other things like CCDs.

Beam Me Up Scotty

Jan 3, 2011, 7:53:05 PM1/3/11

Are you saying the FCC has no power over an internet that runs totally
on lights and fiber optics?

Ceiling lights in Minn. send coded Internet data
By CHRIS WILLIAMS, Associated Press Chris Williams, Associated Press 2
hrs 9 mins ago

ST. CLOUD, Minn. � Flickering ceiling lights are usually a nuisance, but
in city offices in St. Cloud, they will actually be a pathway to the

The lights will transmit data to specially equipped computers on desks
below by flickering faster than the eye can see. Ultimately, the
technique could ease wireless congestion by opening up new expressways
for short-range communications.

The first few light fixtures built by LVX System, a local startup, will
be installed Wednesday in six municipal buildings in this city of 66,000
in the snowy farm fields of central Minnesota.

The LVX system puts clusters of its light-emitting diodes, or LEDs, in a
standard-sized light fixture. The LEDs transmit coded messages � as a
series of 1s and 0s in computer speak � to special modems attached to

A light on the modem talks back to the fixture overhead, where there is
sensor to receive the return signal and transmit the data over the
Internet. Those computers on the desks aren't connected to the Internet,
except through these light signals, much as Wi-Fi allows people to
connect wirelessly.

LVX takes its name from the Latin word for light, but the underlying
concept is older than Rome; the ancient Greeks signaled each other over
long distances using flashes of sunlight off mirrors and polished
shields. The Navy uses a Morse-coded version with lamps.

The first generation of the LVX system will transmit data at speeds of
about 3 megabits per second, roughly as fast as a residential DSL line.

Mohsen Kavehrad, a Penn State electrical engineering professor who has
been working with optical network technology for about 10 years, said
the approach could be a vital complement to the existing wireless system.

He said the radio spectrum usually used for short-range transmissions,
such as Wi-Fi, is getting increasingly crowded, which can lead to slower

"Light can be the way out of this mess," said Kavehrad, who is not
involved in the LVX project.

But there are significant hurdles. For one, smart phones and computers
already work on Wi-Fi networks that are much faster than the LVX system.

Technology analyst Craig Mathias of the Farpoint Group said the problems
with wireless congestion will ease as Wi-Fi evolves, leaving LVX's light
system to niche applications such as indoor advertising displays and
energy management.

LVX Chief Executive Officer John Pederson said a second-generation
system that will roll out in about a year will permit speeds on par with
commercial Wi-Fi networks. It will also permit lights that can be
programmed to change intensity and color.

For the city, the data networking capability is secondary. The main
reason it paid a $10,000 installation fee for LVX is to save money on
electricity down the line, thanks to the energy-efficient LEDs. Pederson
said one of his LED fixtures uses about 36 watts of power to provide the
same illumination that 100 watts provides with a standard fluorescent

Besides installation costs, customers such as St. Cloud will pay LVX a
monthly fee that's less than their current lighting expenses. LVX plans
to make money because the LED fixtures are more durable and efficient
than standard lighting. At least initially, the data transmission system
is essentially a bonus for customers.

Pederson said the next generation of the system should get even more
efficient as fixtures become "smart" so the lights would dim when bright
sunlight is coming through a window or when a conference room or hallway
is empty.

Because the lights can also change color, Pederson said they could be
combined with personal locators or tiny video cameras to help guide
people through large buildings. The lights could show a trail of green
lights to an emergency exit, for instance.

While Kavehrad and Mathias credited LVX for being the first company in
the United States to bring the technology to market, Kavehrad said it
trails researchers and consumer electronics companies in Japan and Korea
in developing products for visible-light networks.

Pederson's previous company, 911 EP, built high-powered LED roof lights
for squad cars and other emergency vehicles. He said he sold the company
in 2002. He said the visible-light network grew out his interest in LEDs
that goes to the mid-1990s.

The Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, which pays for 24-hour
lighting and replacing fluorescent bulbs on high ceilings, is
considering an LVX system, said Jeffrey W. Hamiel, executive director of
the Metropolitan Airports Commission.

The system might include mounting cameras on the light fixtures to
bolster the airport security system, but the real attraction is the
savings on electricity and maintenance.

"Anything we can do to save costs is worth consideration," he said.

Michael Williams, the city administrator in St. Cloud, said the city had
been considering LVX for some time.

"It's pretty wild stuff," he said. "They have been talking about it with
us for couple of years, and frankly it took a while for it to sink in."


Jan 3, 2011, 7:58:50 PM1/3/11

"Beam Me Up Scotty" <> wrote in

> On 1/3/2011 7:32 PM, Clave wrote:
>> "Beam Me Up Scotty" <> wrote
>> in
>> message
>>> On 1/3/2011 5:26 PM, wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 03 Jan 2011 11:57:43 +0800, dave <da...@dave.dave> wrote:
>>>>> There is no scarcity of light.
>>> Sure there is, I have light in my yard and the neighbors and if I place
>>> a light that shines on them that they don't want then those waves must
>>> be regulated by the FCC and we also have light waves that transmit
>>> digital information in their light pulse, so we could transmit
>>> information and receive information over the light directed at the
>>> neighbor and the neighbors lights or others lights could interfere with
>>> light transmission of information on or across my property.
>>> The FCC will need to regulate the lights on your property. And they
>>> will also need to regulate content of information transmitted so that it
>>> is all equal and NOT one sided.
>> Wow.
>> There really is *no* issue that you can't reduce to the least common
>> stupid.
> Are you saying the FCC has no power over an internet that runs totally
> on lights and fiber optics?

Are you saying that fiber optics deployed in your yard will shine annoyingly
on your neighbors?


Beam Me Up Scotty

Jan 3, 2011, 8:16:10 PM1/3/11

Ceiling lights in Minn. send coded Internet data


Jan 3, 2011, 8:20:31 PM1/3/11

"Beam Me Up Scotty" <> wrote in
> ST. CLOUD, Minn. – Flickering ceiling lights are usually a nuisance, but

> in city offices in St. Cloud, they will actually be a pathway to the
> Internet.
> The lights will transmit data to specially equipped computers on desks
> below by flickering faster than the eye can see.

Guess you missed the "faster than the eye can see" and "indoor" parts.



Jan 3, 2011, 4:25:42 AM1/3/11
On 01/04/2011 06:46 AM, D Peter Maus wrote:

> To silence speech, for any political reason, is contrary to this
> Constitutional guarantee.
> Even if it's "promotion of lies, distortion, slander and political
> ignorance."

The people have a right to know when they're hearing lies. No right is


Jan 3, 2011, 4:29:11 AM1/3/11

There is no shortage of right wing reactionary opinion on the radio.
There are entire states without progressive radio. How does this serve
the people? Is everyone in Texas a Republican?

The public airwaves belong to all the people, not just Clear Channel and
Citadel's friends.

Beam Me Up Scotty

Jan 3, 2011, 8:30:35 PM1/3/11

Good signature you have....

Maybe it will interfere by bleeding over into the neighbors network or
lights at 3:00AM out back bothering someone, or maybe I'm communicating
with evil right wing Republicans over light waves and saying things you
don't like....

What if the lights start to pulse racist things about Obama and the FCC
isn't there to decrypt it and can't fine me for NOT giving equal time to
some Socialist that would be pretending he isn't a racist and has
something of value to respond with?


Jan 3, 2011, 4:35:25 AM1/3/11
On 01/04/2011 07:37 AM, RHF wrote:

> - There are 273 NPR stations in the USA.
> - EIB alone has twice as many affiliates, dumbass.
> -
> - http://www.cephas-library.moc/nwo_religious_braodcasting.html


> The FCC Numbers Don't Lie : There are Six (6) Times
> as many NPR 'Affiliated' FM Public Radio Stations
> as AM Talk Radio Stations.
> .

Show me where this is written. Most NCE licenses are for religious
broadcasters and their network of satellite fed "translators". They far
outnumber NPR stations.


Jan 3, 2011, 8:47:23 PM1/3/11

"Beam Me Up Scotty" <> wrote in
> Maybe it will interfere by bleeding over into the neighbors network or
> lights at 3:00AM out back bothering someone, or maybe I'm communicating
> with evil right wing Republicans over light waves and saying things you
> don't like....

You should make loud beeping noises when you back up that hard, tardboi.

Free clue: you haven't the *slightest* fucking idea what you're talking

Beam Me Up Scotty

Jan 3, 2011, 8:54:49 PM1/3/11
On 1/3/2011 4:29 AM, dave wrote:
> On 01/04/2011 07:29 AM, Beam Me Up Scotty wrote:
>> On 1/3/2011 6:22 PM, dave wrote:
>>> On 01/03/2011 02:26 PM, wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 03 Jan 2011 11:57:43 +0800, dave<da...@dave.dave> wrote:
>>>>> There is no scarcity of light. The radio spectrum is part of the
>>>>> commons, same as the air and the sidewalks downtown.
>>>> "WE' own that spectrum, and WE have determined that using OUR
>>>> "spectrum" for promotion of lies, distortion, slander and political
>>>> ignorance MUST be regulated.
>>> I call that "self defense"!
>> I call it infringing on my right to listen to what ever I want, now will
>> you also demand that an auditorium filled with people allow equal
>> heckling when one side heckles more than the other....?
> There is no shortage of right wing reactionary opinion on the radio.
> There are entire states without progressive radio.

There are PLENTY of States without Fascist Radio so will you need a
Fascist, Progressive, Communist, Oligarchy..... point of view in every
market or do you just need to force the Progressive views to be
broadcast at the listeners expense? Since commercials are listener
financed and so are the Radio stations and so is the content, where do
you get the power to force listeners to pay for what "you" want them to

Do we need a "Gay Black bald Progressive" Station since they have none
in most markets?

You can't leave them out, that wouldn't be "equal"

Beam Me Up Scotty

Jan 3, 2011, 8:58:26 PM1/3/11

Where is that "right to know when they're hearing lies"?

It must have been deleted from my copy of the constitution, please post it.

Why didn't Obama have a subtitles for all his speeches explaining that
these were just politician's lies.

Jan 3, 2011, 9:19:01 PM1/3/11

I decided to open the round can of DeBeukelaer Creme de Pirouline
Chocolate Hazelnut Artisan Rolled Wafers one of my sisters gave me for
Christmas.DeBeukelaer Corp.Madison,Mississippi 39110
601-856-7454 or visit our website at
Pirouline is the only national brand of rolled wafers actually made in

Yeah, it says so right there on the can.


Jan 3, 2011, 5:55:04 AM1/3/11
On 01/04/2011 09:58 AM, Beam Me Up Scotty wrote:

> Where is that "right to know when they're hearing lies"?
> It must have been deleted from my copy of the constitution, please post it.
> Why didn't Obama have a subtitles for all his speeches explaining that
> these were just politician's lies.

Are you saying we have no rights except those in the Constitution?
That's not what the Constitution says.

Our form of government can't work without healthy public discussion of
the issues of the day, free from the distortion of moneyed interests
buying favor. That is why media monopolies offend people who care about
our form of government. People should be exposed to opposing viewpoints,
regardless of the bubble they are comfortable in. We are a society, not
a collection of individuals. Ayn Rand is dead.

Jan 3, 2011, 10:27:44 PM1/3/11
On Jan 3, 1:37 pm, "D. Peter Maus" <> wrote:
> On 1/3/11 12:36 , China Blue Ribbon wrote:
> > When someone claims the most corrupt adminstration, they don't get the benefit
> > of the doubt.
>    Thank God you're not an officer of the Court.


John Smith

Jan 3, 2011, 10:34:56 PM1/3/11
On 1/2/2011 5:00 PM, dave wrote:
> He also has a history of steroid use and crying in public. Him and the
> Boner should get along real well.

What a total Bull Shit post ... he was charged and never prosecuted,
charges dropped ... what crap ...

So, you don't like Issa and are desperate for chit to throw at him, huh?


Just goes to show you, some morons don't read the links before posting
chit ... or responding to BS posts ...


Jan 3, 2011, 11:14:25 PM1/3/11
Watchin 10:00 PM WLBT 3 tee vee news.Governor Haley Barbour is expected
to announce tomorrow Stion Corporation to locate in Hattiesburg.Could
mean 1,000 new jobs.Stion Corporation, manufacturers Solar Panels.Stion
Corporation is home based in California.
More Jobs is a Martha Stewart Good thing.I am fixin to look up Stion
Stion Corporation

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

John Smith

Jan 3, 2011, 11:48:50 PM1/3/11
On 1/3/2011 8:33 PM, wrote:

> ...
> There is NO "absolute right" to anything

"As Hamilton stated, under the American philosophy and system of
constitutionally limited government, "the people surrender nothing;"
instead, they merely delegate to government--to public servants as
public trustees--limited powers and therefore, he added, "they have no
need of particular reservations" (in a Bill of Rights). This is the
basic reason why the Framing Convention omitted from the Constitution
anything in the nature of a separate Bill of Rights, as being unnecessary."


The above goes into a lot more detail, the whole page(s) should be read.

Preamble to the Declaration of Independence:
"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people
to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another,
and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal
station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a
decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should
declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
2.1 We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable
rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."


Indeed we DO possess inalienable rights ... and you are a fool ... what
rock to do such moronic idiots and imbeciles, such as yourself, crawl
out from under?


D. Peter Maus

Jan 4, 2011, 12:09:36 AM1/4/11
On 1/3/11 22:33 , wrote:
> On Mon, 03 Jan 2011 16:46:34 -0600, D Peter Maus<>
> wrote:

>> On 1/3/11 16:26 , wrote:
>>> On Mon, 03 Jan 2011 11:57:43 +0800, dave<da...@dave.dave> wrote:
>>>> There is no scarcity of light. The radio spectrum is part of the
>>>> commons, same as the air and the sidewalks downtown.
>>> "WE' own that spectrum, and WE have determined that using OUR
>>> "spectrum" for promotion of lies, distortion, slander and political
>>> ignorance MUST be regulated.
>> If those are your criteria, then no political speech of any kind
>> would be permitted.
> "we" do that by a rule of law

> There is NO "absolute right" to anything

Again, if those are your criteria, then no political speech of
any kind would be permitted.

Kind of self defeating.

Beam Me Up Scotty

Jan 4, 2011, 1:06:04 AM1/4/11
On 1/3/2011 11:34 PM, wrote:

> On Mon, 03 Jan 2011 19:25:22 -0500, Beam Me Up Scotty
> <> wrote:
>> On 1/3/2011 5:26 PM, wrote:
>>> On Mon, 03 Jan 2011 11:57:43 +0800, dave <da...@dave.dave> wrote:
>>>> There is no scarcity of light.
>> Sure there is, I have light in my yard
> A red light, no doubt

There are poor kids with no light in their back yards, should you pass a
law to make it equal....?

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