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Sep 30, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/30/95


USENET offers enormous opportunity for the Aryan resistance to disseminate
our message to the unaware and the ignorant. It is the only relatively uncen-
sored (so far) mass medium which we have available. The State cannot yet stop
us from "advertising" our ideas and organizations on USENET, but I can assure
you, this will not always be the case. NOW is the time to grasp the WEAPON
which is the INTERNET, and wield it skillfully and wisely while you may still
do so freely.

* Crucial to our USENET campaign is that our message is disseminated beyond
"our" groups: alt.politics.nationalism.white, alt.politics.white-power, alt.
revolution.counter, alt.skinheads, and to a certain extend, alt.revisionism.

We MUST move out beyond our present domain, and take up positions on "main-
stream" groups.

* East USENET "cyber guerilla" must obtain a listing of all Net News groups
that are avaiable on their system, and search through the list for groups
suitable for our posts.

Find groups that require "tailored" messages: rec. groups concerning food
would be suitable for our "kosher tax" message; alt., soc., and talk. groups
concerning politics and American society would be suitable for our message
about the Jewish-controlled media.

Find groups that are suitable for organizational and literature advertise-
ments: talk.politics.guns should have regular posts explaining how to order
suppressed books; should have regular posts of the
_American Dissident Voices_ schedule; groups should have regular
posts about Resistance Records.

* Create posts that are succinct and self-sustaining. By "self-sustaining," I
mean the post should be ideologically clear, with adequate information to as-
sist the curious to find the "proof" they seek. An example is in the "kosher
tax" issue: DON'T post something complaining about paying more so Jews can
keep kosher. Post something that directs the curious to their cupboard to
"prove" our contentions, with reasons why they should be concerned about the

* Remember: volume and regularity. Make sure at least one article that artic-
ulates well one or more of our ideas remains on "our" groups AT ALL TIMES,
even if it is only a short reply to the Enemy.

When a newbie sympathetic to us visits "our" groups, and discovers no posts
expressing views which should be characteristic of the group, he or she will
become discouraged, possibly never to return, and disheartened that White
resistance is apparently non-existent. PREVENT THIS!

Furthermore, when a newbie posts a message sympathetic to us, CONTACT THEM
IMMEDIATELY! Welcome them to the group, and offer them information about our
activities. If they are worthy of our comradeship, consider recommending
them for ANA subscribership. If we fail to contact newbies, they could also
become discouraged by this as well, assuming the White Net resistance doesn't
care about them and/or is incompetent. I built my personal mailing list of
over 80 dedicated activists largely through this means. As the Net grows,
more and more people sympathetic to our Cause will journey onto it, and we
need to greet them.

* Except on "our" groups, avoid the Race issue. Side-step it as much as possi-
ble. We don't have the time to defend our stance on this issue against the
comments of hundreds of fools, liars, and degenerates who, spouting the Jew-
ish line, will slaughter our message with half-truths, slander, and the ever-
used sophistry.

If a newbie or a lurker who seems sincere inquires about racial science, deal
with them ONLY via e-mail. Offer them information as your knowledge permits,
referring them to scientific works if you are not widely-read enough to sus-
tain a decent discussion with them about it.

* Avoid engaging in non-productive debates with enemy activists. It is often
difficult to distinguish between the Enemy's dedicated lackeys, and the mis-
guided who are merely parroting what the Jewsmedia has taught them. The for-
mer are to be ignored, though it is understandably difficult to endure their
cheap insults. The latter should be dealt with in a polite, sincere way.
Few are "converted" solely by reason, but one who is open to new ideas and
the facts can be guided in the right direction by reasonable, respectful ar-

Sophistry, the art of using false logic to make ridiculous ideas appear to be
thoroughly sound, is our opponents' number one weapon. DENY THEM THEIR WEA-
PON! Deny them full use of their bag of dirty tricks by controlling the de-
bate that ensues from our posts. Simple minded (not to imply unintelligent)
lurkers will be discouraged if they are confused by sophistic gibberish --
which is of course why the Enemy uses that tactic. In some cases, you may
want to "regulate" how widely your posts are distributed; when appropriate,
manually cancel your posts to prevent unnecessary debate.

* Remember: our overall USENET strategy must be to repeat powerful themes OVER
AND OVER AND OVER. We cannot compete with the Jewsmedia, of course, as our
propaganda dissemination is but a very small fraction of the everywhere per-
vasive leftist propaganda. However, our ideas possess an energy that truth
alone contains. Our ideas, when matched one to one with the chimera of the
Jews, overwhelm theirs with ease, because OURS ARE IN SYNC WITH REALITY. One
well-written message containing our ideas has much greater "bang for the

* Remember: our target is either the lurkers who are in agreement with us but
do not know how to convert their feelings into action because of their ignor-
ance of the Movement's resources, or those lurkers who have a predisposition
towards our Cause but have never been exposed to an objective version of our
ideas because of Jewsmedia misrepresntation and/or inability to satisfy their
curiosity about us.

* IMPORTANT: While we should all admire his perseverance, NEVER, EVER, do "the
Gannon," and spam groups with messages totally unrelated to the group's
focus. You will fail in your efforts, as you will infuriate some and gener-
ate contempt in nearly all of the group's readers, who may read other groups
you would target. You could also lose as your access, as a flood of hate-
mail pours into your system administrator's mailbox.

Tailor your messages for each group. Our ideology has myriad facets, and the
well-informed activist can extract something to fit onto just about every

Don't use unnecessary "overkill" -- if a "grenade" will do the job, DON'T use
a "nuclear weapon." Of course, overkill can be a useful controversy gener-
ator and attention-getter, and occasionally there is a sound use for this
tactic, but, if you post a message so inapproriately provocative and/or pom-
pous, it will diminish your effectiveness.

* If you have the time and money to spend, monitor the Enemy's groups, such as
soc.culture.jewish, and other groups where his ideas have complete reign,
such as soc.culture.german. Watch for material that would be of use to us,
such as news of enemy mailing lists or FTP and WWW sites. Relay such infor-
mation to your comrades, possibly via the ANA. Much can be freely learned
from the Enemy through this manner.

* WARNING: Be aware that EVERYTHING you post will be seen by the Enemy. All of
your posts may be catalogued and archived for future use by the Enemy, either
by self-appointed "Net police" like the notorious Ken Mcvay, or by lurkers
from the so-called "Anti-Defamation League."

DO NOT EVER post a message that advocates or supports an illegal act or ac-
tivity. Be assured that any message you post that even hints of direct ac-
tion will be archived! If you explicitly advocate illegality, such an ex-
pression will surely be used against you, possibly immediately, by the Secret
Police. The First Amendment still guarantees a wide variety of political ex-
pression, and explicit advocacy of unlawful behavior is NOT necessary. If
your understandable anger builds to a point where you must say SOMETHING, ex-
press your feelings by quoting the fourth clause of the _Declaration of Inde-
pendence_ and the ninth article of the _Bill of Rights_.

* If possible, coordinate your activities with your comrades. It would be ex-
pecially helpful if a "combat information center," to borrow a Navy concept,
were to be established under a reliable, competent organizer. This person
would not "issue orders," but would take note of who's doing what and where
they're doing it. The "CIC" could make recommendations for which activities
and which "fronts" needed attention.

* Remember: SUSTAINED, electronic "guerilla warfare," "hit and run" style,
using short, "self-contained" posts is a major component of our struggle.
Put your Net access to good use, today and EVERY day!

Copyright 1995 by the author, Milton John Kleim, Jr. All rights reserved.

Permission is extended to all Aryan activists to distribute this work to other
Aryan activists via e-mail or hard copy, provided it is not altered,
abridged, or annotated.

Under no circumstances is this work to be posted or otherwise distributed pub-
licly without explicit permission from the author.

James F. Mayer

Sep 30, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/30/95
In <> writes:
> USENET offers enormous opportunity for the Aryan resistance to
>disseminate our message to the unaware and the ignorant.

Massive SNIP!
Suck eggs, Richard Cranium

William Katcher

Sep 30, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/30/95
In article Nazi-Boy Milton Klein, AKA <> spewed:

> USENET offers enormous opportunity for the Aryan resistance to disseminate
>our message to the unaware and the ignorant.

Yes, that's the only type of people who will be willing to listen to

>* Create posts that are succinct and self-sustaining. By "self-sustaining," I
> mean the post should be ideologically clear, with adequate information to as-
> sist the curious to find the "proof" they seek. An example is in the "kosher
> tax" issue: DON'T post something complaining about paying more so Jews can
> keep kosher. Post something that directs the curious to their cupboard to
> "prove" our contentions, with reasons why they should be concerned about the
> issue.

In other words you have no intention of ever posting this "proof".
You are obviously hoping that the "unaware and ignorant" readers
that you mention above will look at your bullshit references and
assume it to be correct, without further pursuing the issue.

>* Remember: volume and regularity.

This is called spamming FYI. It is a typical action of net.kooks.

>* Except on "our" groups, avoid the Race issue. Side-step it as much as possi-
> ble. We don't have the time to defend our stance on this issue against the
> comments of hundreds of fools, liars, and degenerates who, spouting the Jew-
> ish line, will slaughter our message with half-truths, slander, and the ever-
> used sophistry.

That's good advice to side-step the race issue. You'd never be able
to hold up a rational argument about your beliefs.

> If a newbie or a lurker who seems sincere inquires about racial science, deal
> with them ONLY via e-mail.

Again, good advice. You surely don't want to have your "racial
science" debunked in a public forum.

> Offer them information as your knowledge permits,
> referring them to scientific works if you are not widely-read enough to sus-
> tain a decent discussion with them about it.

Translation: I don't know what the hell I'm talking about, but
here's some bullshit cites that my neo-Nazi master says proves I'm

>* Avoid engaging in non-productive debates with enemy activists.

Non-productive debate==debate that you are losing.

> Few are "converted" solely by reason

Have you gotten the hint yet that you are not reasonable?

> but one who is open to new ideas and
> the facts can be guided in the right direction by reasonable, respectful ar-
> gumentation.
> Sophistry, the art of using false logic to make ridiculous ideas appear to be
> thoroughly sound, is our opponents' number one weapon. DENY THEM THEIR WEA-
> PON! Deny them full use of their bag of dirty tricks by controlling the de-
> bate that ensues from our posts.

You mean like side-stepping the issue, as you described above?

> Simple minded (not to imply unintelligent)
> lurkers will be discouraged if they are confused by sophistic gibberish --
> which is of course why the Enemy uses that tactic. In some cases, you may
> want to "regulate" how widely your posts are distributed; when appropriate,
> manually cancel your posts to prevent unnecessary debate.

Ha ha ha ha! THAT'S why I haven't been receiving Nazi-Evelyne's
posts! She gives a brief troll and then cancels her post to
limit the responses. Cute!

>* Remember: our overall USENET strategy must be to repeat powerful themes OVER

Spamming, you mean. I guess this post is a warning that the SNR
of Usenet will be going down even further.

> We cannot compete with the Jewsmedia, of course, as our
> propaganda dissemination

That's a good word for it.

>* IMPORTANT: While we should all admire his perseverance, NEVER, EVER, do "the
> Gannon," and spam groups with messages totally unrelated to the group's
> focus.

Ha ha ha! At least you idiots learn from your mistakes (though
it takes a looong time).

> You will fail in your efforts, as you will infuriate some and gener-
> ate contempt in nearly all of the group's readers, who may read other groups
> you would target. You could also lose as your access, as a flood of hate-
> mail pours into your system administrator's mailbox.

You could also make yourself look like an ass--nevermind, you're already
doing that.

> Tailor your messages for each group. Our ideology has myriad facets, and the
> well-informed activist can extract something to fit onto just about every
> group.

Just like Sedar Argic (or whatever his name was).

>* WARNING: Be aware that EVERYTHING you post will be seen by the Enemy. All of
> your posts may be catalogued and archived for future use by the Enemy, either
> by self-appointed "Net police" like the notorious Ken Mcvay,

Notorious? Good! The truth is pissing them off Ken--keep up
the good work!

> or by lurkers
> from the so-called "Anti-Defamation League."

No, that IS what they call themselves.

>Permission is extended to all Aryan activists to distribute this work to other
> Aryan activists via e-mail or hard copy, provided it is not altered,
> abridged, or annotated.
>Under no circumstances is this work to be posted or otherwise distributed pub-
> licly without explicit permission from the author.

You spam this drivel and then tell it can't be distributed publicly?

Thanks for the great laugh! All this entertainment for free!


Steve Brinich

Sep 30, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/30/95
> * Crucial to our USENET campaign is that our message is disseminated beyond
>"our" groups: alt.politics.nationalism.white, alt.politics.white-power, alt.
>revolution.counter, alt.skinheads, and to a certain extend, alt.revisionism.
> We MUST move out beyond our present domain, and take up positions on "main-
>stream" groups.

Spam spam spam spam Spam spam spam spam....

Steve Brinich | Term limits aren't enough. | PGP 89B992BB | We need jail. | E67F7B2F64FD
GEnie: S.BRINICH | -- P. J. O'Rourke | F2EA14374C3E

Joel Rubin

Oct 1, 1995, 3:00:00 AM10/1/95
In article <>, says...

> USENET offers enormous opportunity for the Aryan resistance to
>our message to the unaware and the ignorant. It is the only relatively
>sored (so far) mass medium which we have available. The State cannot
yet stop
>us from "advertising" our ideas and organizations on USENET, but I can
>you, this will not always be the case. NOW is the time to grasp the
>which is the INTERNET, and wield it skillfully and wisely while you may
>do so freely.
In other words, the big lie is not dead.

(Ain't it too bad that Compuserve just dropped its
per-received-Internet-email charge?)

Bill Funk

Oct 1, 1995, 3:00:00 AM10/1/95
to ALL wrote:
> USENET offers enormous opportunity for the Aryan resistance to disseminate
>our message to the unaware and the ignorant. It is the only relatively uncen-
>sored (so far) mass medium which we have available. The State cannot yet stop
>us from "advertising" our ideas and organizations on USENET, but I can assure
>you, this will not always be the case. NOW is the time to grasp the WEAPON
>which is the INTERNET, and wield it skillfully and wisely while you may still
>do so freely.
>Copyright 1995 by the author, Milton John Kleim, Jr. All rights reserved.
>Permission is extended to all Aryan activists to distribute this work to other
> Aryan activists via e-mail or hard copy, provided it is not altered,
> abridged, or annotated.
>Under no circumstances is this work to be posted or otherwise distributed pub-
> licly without explicit permission from the author.

Hmmmm.... Seems like the cat's out of the bag, Milt. Somebody screwed up.
probably a Jew did it. yeah, that's it. I *hate* it when that happens!

Bill Funk

Bill Funk

Oct 1, 1995, 3:00:00 AM10/1/95
to all wrote:
> USENET offers enormous opportunity for the Aryan resistance to disseminate
>our message to the unaware and the ignorant. It is the only relatively uncen-
>sored (so far) mass medium which we have available. The State cannot yet stop
>us from "advertising" our ideas and organizations on USENET, but I can assure
>you, this will not always be the case. NOW is the time to grasp the WEAPON
>which is the INTERNET, and wield it skillfully and wisely while you may still
>do so freely.
>Copyright 1995 by the author, Milton John Kleim, Jr. All rights reserved.
>Permission is extended to all Aryan activists to distribute this work to other
> Aryan activists via e-mail or hard copy, provided it is not altered,
> abridged, or annotated.
>Under no circumstances is this work to be posted or otherwise distributed pub-
> licly without explicit permission from the author.

Hmmmm.... Seems like the cat's out of the bag, Milt. Somebody screwed up.

Bill Funk

Oct 1, 1995, 3:00:00 AM10/1/95
to wrote:
> USENET offers enormous opportunity for the Aryan resistance to disseminate
>our message to the unaware and the ignorant. It is the only relatively uncen-
>sored (so far) mass medium which we have available. The State cannot yet stop
>us from "advertising" our ideas and organizations on USENET, but I can assure
>you, this will not always be the case. NOW is the time to grasp the WEAPON
>which is the INTERNET, and wield it skillfully and wisely while you may still
>do so freely.
>Copyright 1995 by the author, Milton John Kleim, Jr. All rights reserved.
>Permission is extended to all Aryan activists to distribute this work to other
> Aryan activists via e-mail or hard copy, provided it is not altered,
> abridged, or annotated.
>Under no circumstances is this work to be posted or otherwise distributed pub-
> licly without explicit permission from the author.

Hmmmm.... Seems like the cat's out of the bag, Milt. Somebody screwed up. (steve Brinich)

Oct 3, 1995, 3:00:00 AM10/3/95
Path: holonet!!agate!!news1.digex.
From: (Steve Brinich)
Newsgroups: talk.politics.guns,
Lines: 88
References: <>
Xref: holonet! talk.politics.guns:133039

(c) copyright 1994 by someone else.

I took exception to your recent _X_ post in this newsgroup

___ email

It was (check all that apply):

_X_ lame.
_X_ stupid.
_X_ much longer than any worthwhile thought of which you may be capable.

Your attention is drawn to the fact that:

_X_ what you posted/said has been done before.
(Mark only if above checked)
___ Not only that, it was also done better the last time.
_X_ your post/letter was a pathetic imitation of every other form
of this type
_X_ your post/letter was obviously off-topic for this newsgroup/mailing
___ your post contained commercial advertising.
___ your post/letter contained numerous spelling errors.
___ your post/letter contained multiple grammatical errors.
___ your post/letter was an obvious forgery.
(Mark only if above checked)
___ It was done clumsily.
___ your system has a stupid name.
___ you quoted a posting and added no new text.
___ you quoted a posting and only added ____ lines of text.
___ you quoted a posting and only added the line "Me, too!!!"
___ you predicted the "Imminent Death of the Net[tm]".
___ you asked for replies via email because you "don't read this echo".
___ you flamed someone who has been around far longer than you.
___ you flamed someone who is far more intelligent and witty than you.
___ And considering who you flamed, that's sad.
___ your lines are 80 columns wide or wider.
_X_ your .sig is longer than four lines.
___ your .sig is ridiculous because (check all that apply):
(Mark only if above checked)
___ you listed ____ snail mail address(es).
___ you listed ____ phone numbers for people to use in prank calls.
___ you included a stupid disclaimer.
(Mark only if above also)
___ your pathetic attempt at being witty in the disclaimer failed.
(Mark only if above also)
___ Miserably.
___ you included:
(Mark all that apply)
___ a stupid self-quote.
___ a stupid quote from a net.nobody.
___ lame ASCII graphic(s) (Choose all that apply):
___ USS Enterprise
___ Australia
___ The Amiga logo
___ Company logo
(Mark only if above also)
___ and you stated that you don't speak for your employer.
___ Bicycle
___ Bart Simpson


_X_ You have greatly misunderstood the purpose of debate
_X_ You have greatly misunderstood the purpose of echomail.
_X_ You are a loser.
_X_ You must have spent your entire life in a box to be this clueless.
_X_ This has (probably) been pointed out to you before.
_X_ It is recommended that you:
(Mark all that apply)
_X_ stick to local BBSing and come back when you've grown up.
_X_ find a volcano and throw yourself in.
_X_ get a gun and shoot yourself.
_X_ stop reading mail and get a life.
_X_ stop sending email and get a life.
_X_ consume excrement.
_X_ consume excrement and thus expire.

Thank you for your sterling illustration of the wonders of inbreeding. (steve Brinich)

Oct 3, 1995, 3:00:00 AM10/3/95

John Neuman

Oct 3, 1995, 3:00:00 AM10/3/95

Your propaganda has now been selectively ignored by my software...

John Neuman

* 1st 2.00 #8354 * "1stReader is so good it's taxable!"

| Mercury Opus BBS - St. Petersburg, Florida, USA - +1-813-321-0734 |
| (Please do not send any attached or uuencoded files to this address.) |

Uncle Bob

Oct 4, 1995, 3:00:00 AM10/4/95
Apparently, enough of us sent back the offending post to the author that
it was returned with a "full mailbox" message. Keep up the good work!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Ken Ailsworth

Oct 5, 1995, 3:00:00 AM10/5/95
In article <>, (Steve- (steve Brinich)) writes:
> (c) copyright 1994 by someone else.
> I took exception to your recent _X_ post in this newsgroup
> ___ email
> It was (check all that apply):

X Posted twice.

Flame not lest ye be flamed :>.



My sig is too large for you to see

Chris Morton

Oct 5, 1995, 3:00:00 AM10/5/95
In <44l029$> Bill Funk <> wrote:

> wrote:
>> USENET offers enormous opportunity for the Aryan resistance to
>>our message to the unaware and the ignorant. It is the only relatively
>>sored (so far) mass medium which we have available. The State cannot yet
>>us from "advertising" our ideas and organizations on USENET, but I can
>>you, this will not always be the case. NOW is the time to grasp the WEAPON
>>which is the INTERNET, and wield it skillfully and wisely while you may
>>do so freely.


>>Copyright 1995 by the author, Milton John Kleim, Jr. All rights reserved.

>>Permission is extended to all Aryan activists to distribute this work to
>> Aryan activists via e-mail or hard copy, provided it is not altered,
>> abridged, or annotated.
>>Under no circumstances is this work to be posted or otherwise distributed
>> licly without explicit permission from the author.

>Hmmmm.... Seems like the cat's out of the bag, Milt. Somebody screwed up.
>probably a Jew did it. yeah, that's it. I *hate* it when that happens!

Well, if you consider the "Frank Colin (Cohn)" fiasco in Chicago, it could be
a Jew AT THE TOP who "screwed up". :)

Gee, I wonder if Uncle Miltie could pass the SS induction screening
process...? :)


Ask Chris Wolf <> why he said:
* "Yeah! Get a rope! And while we're at it, let's lynch some niggers, *
* and jews, and spics." - Chris Wolf <> *

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