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The OIDAR Wavelength

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Dan O'Day

1996年3月26日 03:00:001996/3/26

Tony Harding <> wrote:

>About 20 years ago I obtained 12 programs of The ODIAR Wavelength.

It was a program which paported to come from sometime in the
future, when the music of the 1970's was called the vynal era.
This let them play what was then current music as if they were
oldies. They also had some great Si-Fi bits between tracks.

Does anyone know what happened to Cy Holiday who did the Verbal input
to the program, or anyone who was part of the program?<

I thought I was only one who ever heard of OIDAR. (By the way, that is the correct spelling; it is "RADIO" in reverse.)

I ran it as a PD in 1973, and I have all the episodes in a box somewhere. (Maybe there only were 12? Can't recall.)

It was a good idea, wonderfully executed.

I'll call around to see whatever happened to Cy Holiday (I'm in Los Angeles, where OIDAR was produced). As I recall, the producer of OIDAR also worked on a syndicated program for Charlie Tuna. I met him once, but it was SO long ago....Jeff something?

Anyway, perhaps Tuna can give me some info, too.

I'll let you know what I find out.

Dan O'Day
Dan O'Day's
European PD GRAD SCHOOL, London, July 5-6, 1996

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