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DOS attack and threats

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Don Wiss

Dec 13, 2005, 7:54:04 PM12/13/05
So my pictures are rubbing
someone the wrong way. Yesterday my web site had a Denial Of Service
attack. There were 497 simultaneous connections. So not to bring down the
other customers on that server, my host cut the site off. Not knowing
initially why my site was dead, I switched my host to a back up site last

Then today I got several threatening calls. First they called my home and
left a message calling me a no good mother fucker and things like that.
Then on my answering machine I have my work number. So he called me there.
He had a thick Jewish accent. He said he had my home address, my parents
names and address and he was going to post them all over the web. He was
blaming me for putting them out-of-business and that they had already shut
down. Presumably he is upset with this story, where I only get a mention:

While he didn't identify himself, he did say he was part of the Orthodox
Jewish community in Brooklyn. He then called back about 10 minutes later.
He told me to watch my back. And that if I didn't leave the country I would
be killed.

I tried to file a police report here in Brooklyn on my way home. I was told
that since I received the call at work that I would have to file in that
jurisdiction. Then I found the message at home, so I'm waiting for an
officer to stop by and file a report on that.

Generally the Orthodox Jews don't like attention. But these could be
Russian, and maybe a little less insular.

Don <> (e-mail link at home page bottom).


Dec 13, 2005, 8:26:29 PM12/13/05

"Don Wiss" <> wrote in message


Oy Vey! - enough, already!


Dec 13, 2005, 8:32:02 PM12/13/05
Don Wiss wrote:
> While he didn't identify himself, he did say he was part of the Orthodox
> Jewish community in Brooklyn. He then called back about 10 minutes later.
> He told me to watch my back. And that if I didn't leave the country I would
> be killed.
> Generally the Orthodox Jews don't like attention. But these could be
> Russian, and maybe a little less insular.

Interesting point. How many of the Brooklyn cam-scams are actually
engineered by the Russian mafia?

Although I don't know that you'd choose the word "interesting" right
now. Good luck - we're ALL with you here.


Dec 13, 2005, 8:42:58 PM12/13/05
On Tue, 13 Dec 2005 19:54:04 -0500, Don Wiss <>

Not the kind to mess with, depending on their affiliation with the
Russian Mafia. However, the website says:

For those of you who tried to contact us in the past few days, we
would like to apologize for any inconvenience that you may have
incurred. Our website was down for maintenance and we are back up and
fully operational. If you have placed an order with us please be
assured that it will be shipped in a timely manner. Happy Holidays.

Don Wiss

Dec 13, 2005, 9:50:02 PM12/13/05
On Tue, 13 Dec 2005 20:42:58 -0500, Rich <> wrote:


I think the story told on this blog page
explains why I am being harassed. My site had information that helped this
bloggist. And I was conveniently local.

When that fellow started his priceritephoto postings it was picked up by and my site was mentioned. By far my biggest bandwidth day.

Lorem Ipsum

Dec 13, 2005, 10:07:18 PM12/13/05
>While he didn't identify himself, he did say he was part of the Orthodox
>Jewish community in Brooklyn.

That almost guarantees that the man is not Jewish. Red Herring. Bad juju on
the sucker that pulls crap like that.


Dec 13, 2005, 10:32:54 PM12/13/05

"Lorem Ipsum" <> wrote in message

Herring?! - surely you mean gefilte fish?...

Ron Hunter

Dec 14, 2005, 4:58:39 AM12/14/05

Generally, and Orthodox Jew wouldn't take any such terroristic action in
any case. What you have is an angry person who wants to hide behind a
religion as justification for his actions. Such people are dangerous.
Watch your back.


Dec 14, 2005, 7:00:00 AM12/14/05

"sisal" <> wrote in message

Start taking some notes.


Dec 14, 2005, 9:21:05 AM12/14/05
Don Wiss wrote:
> So my pictures are rubbing
> someone the wrong way. Yesterday my web site had a Denial Of Service

You must be doing something right to piss off someone so much. I run
into this kind teenager shit from time to time - they're all bark, no bite.

email reply - I am not a 'ten'


Dec 14, 2005, 9:56:25 AM12/14/05

Jer wrote:
> You must be doing something right to piss off someone so much. I run
> into this kind teenager shit from time to time - they're all bark, no bite.

They shouldn't even be bark. They don't have any right to threaten

I think it's time the citizens did something...they threaten people and
use illegal business tactics. Now they have changed the name of their
business so they can keep on doing what they've been doing (see this

Make the authorities some links you could use to spread
the word...write a letter or an email! I am.

New York BBB:

File a complaint with BBB:

Write a letter to NY BBB:

BBB of Metropolitan New York
257 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10010 -7384


Dec 14, 2005, 11:39:31 AM12/14/05
db6299 wrote:
> Jer wrote:
>>You must be doing something right to piss off someone so much. I run
>>into this kind teenager shit from time to time - they're all bark, no bite.
> They shouldn't even be bark. They don't have any right to threaten
> people.
> I think it's time the citizens did something...they threaten people and
> use illegal business tactics. Now they have changed the name of their
> business so they can keep on doing what they've been doing (see this
> link:
> Make the authorities some links you could use to spread
> the word...write a letter or an email! I am.

I just put it on my blog, which guarantees that up to 30 more people
will see it. (Or as few as 3, with 27 search engine crawlers.)

Dec 14, 2005, 12:17:06 PM12/14/05

If you want to maximize the number of people able to see your images
and minimize the effects of hacking or DOS attacks you might consider
looking into either mirror sites, or just releasing your pages under a
GNU General Public Licence ( so
that other sites could run them under certain conditions (like a link
back to you).

If you want control of exactly what gets posted, mirror sites would be
best of course.

Obviously your own safety comes first, so that should be your primary

Good luck and thanks for your work.


Dec 14, 2005, 2:18:05 PM12/14/05
This is awesome! You are doing some outstanding work. Keep it up.

Have you considered getting up with the attorney general's office? This
seems like something right up Spitzer's alley and they'd probably do a
great job of busting up these idiots.

Steve Wolfe

Dec 14, 2005, 2:36:56 PM12/14/05
> someone the wrong way. Yesterday my web site had a Denial Of Service
> attack. There were 497 simultaneous connections. So not to bring down the
> other customers on that server, my host cut the site off. Not knowing
> initially why my site was dead, I switched my host to a back up site last
> night.
> Then today I got several threatening calls.

So, do like everyone else, set up a site under an account with falsified
registrant data, and find a better web host.

; )


Iraxl Enb

Dec 14, 2005, 3:28:09 PM12/14/05
might i suggest the name of "Eduardo Lopez"??

-- irax

Bart van der Wolf

Dec 14, 2005, 8:28:49 PM12/14/05

"Don Wiss" <> wrote in message
> So my pictures are
> rubbing someone the wrong way. Yesterday my web site had a
> Denial Of Service attack.

Get your ISP involved, it's also in their (bandwidth) interest to
solve it and they (and their counterparts in New York) could be
instrumental in identifying the sender.


> Then on my answering machine I have my work number. So he
> called me there. He had a thick Jewish accent. He said he had
> my home address, my parents names and address and he was
> going to post them all over the web.

In general, barking dogs don't bite. I know, it's easy to say from a
distance, and one wonders what will happen when the barking stops.
Nevertheless, even their 'threats' indicate they're reluctant to take
further action. Anyway, such intimidation attempts have quite the
opposite effect on me. The best defence is frontal attack, but be
smart about it.


> While he didn't identify himself, he did say he was part of the
> Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn. He then called back
> about 10 minutes later. He told me to watch my back. And that
> if I didn't leave the country I would be killed.

Silly claim, it gets even more unlikely he'll do what he claims.


> Then I found the message at home, so I'm waiting for an officer
> to stop by and file a report on that.

> Generally the Orthodox Jews don't like attention.

Exactly, try and contact their representatives. They won't like the
negative attention. Involve them to 'sort' the issue.

> But these could be Russian, and maybe a little less insular.

Still (rather than speculate), get into a constructive contact with
the orthodox Jewish society, and explain that there is a person trying
to discredit them (because you don't believe they'd condone such a
potentially image damaging action). And since you seem to have it on
the answering machine, send them a copy/transcript.

Also 'play' the police contacts to their fullest. Explain that you
could help their public image if they solve the situation, since you
have internet presence/exposure.

You might even want to involve the FBI if you have enough supporting
evidence, since the New York --> California (I assume) connection
might get their attention. Contacting them will force "a" reaction,
not necessarily the one you hope for (resolution of the issue), but
they'll not be able to just dismiss it (make sure you record the call
and tell them in all honesty, which at least in my jurisdiction makes
it more than just legal proof).

Again, the attack is the best defence, but be clever about it. Don't
provoke reactions of the person who threatens with doom and damnation,
unless instructed by the authorities.


Father Kodak

Dec 15, 2005, 8:13:19 PM12/15/05
On Tue, 13 Dec 2005 21:07:18 -0600, "Lorem Ipsum" <>

And, not everyone who is Jewish is Orthodox, or even "affiliated" with
one of the other Jewish religious movements (Reform,
Reconstructionist, Conservative). [Please no flames about this list!]

I seem to recall in one of the many postings about PriceRitePhoto that
the owner is someone named "Lopez." Hardly a Jewish name, and if
Jewish, not of Russian extraction..

Father Kodak

Dec 15, 2005, 8:17:57 PM12/15/05
On Tue, 13 Dec 2005 19:54:04 -0500, Don Wiss <>

>So my pictures are rubbing

>someone the wrong way. Yesterday my web site had a Denial Of Service
>attack. There were 497 simultaneous connections. So not to bring down the
>other customers on that server, my host cut the site off. Not knowing
>initially why my site was dead, I switched my host to a back up site last
>Then today I got several threatening calls. First they called my home and
>left a message calling me a no good mother fucker and things like that.
>Then on my answering machine I have my work number. So he called me there.
>He had a thick Jewish accent. He said he had my home address, my parents
>names and address and he was going to post them all over the web. He was

standard mob stuff, except for the part about posting them all over
the web. But, hey, I may be out of date with how the Five Families
operate these days.

I wouldn't totally ignore those warnings, by the way. If the guy
behind the phone call is tied in with a gang that does drugs, they can
get pretty nasty.

>blaming me for putting them out-of-business and that they had already shut
>down. Presumably he is upset with this story, where I only get a mention:
>While he didn't identify himself, he did say he was part of the Orthodox
>Jewish community in Brooklyn. He then called back about 10 minutes later.

Have you considered contacting someone at say the Lubavitch on Eastern

>He told me to watch my back. And that if I didn't leave the country I would
>be killed.
>I tried to file a police report here in Brooklyn on my way home. I was told
>that since I received the call at work that I would have to file in that
>jurisdiction. Then I found the message at home, so I'm waiting for an
>officer to stop by and file a report on that.
>Generally the Orthodox Jews don't like attention. But these could be
>Russian, and maybe a little less insular.

Even the Orthodox have their bad apples.

Father Kodak

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