Ann, Twzl, Sligo and Roy
" But I forget you are from New York, right. Not an area of Menses candidates."
Carole Ernst, talking about me...
Twzl, Sligo and Roy Happy Together wrote in message
Did anyone else think that those puppies looked an AWFUL LOT like Mi-Ki's?
BTW, did you read their theory on Hybrid vigor? They say that they never
breed 2nd generation hybrids because they come out looking different than
the first generation...geesh...
See, Freddie, that's the difference between an established breed and a
mutt...the 2nd generation in an established breed looks like the first
generation, ie.. they have type. Breed 2 mutts together and you get a 2nd
generation of animals that do not look like the parents, ie... they have
CCCPUPS wrote in message <>...
>>Oy veh...Charlotte? Don't look, ok?
>>Ann, Twzl, Sligo and Roy
>I looked. Did you notice that the location was MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN???
>Charlotte Creeley<BR>
> Oy veh...Charlotte? Don't look, ok?
i looked... and honestly had the wierdness feeling in my stomach. i swear,
the truth here, i was this [thumb & index finger pressed tightly together]
close to throwing-up.
haven't had _that_ reaction before. Feelings of disgust, sure. But this
was an actual physical thing.
what sickos.
If I wanted the scammers and spammers to have my address it would be HERE.
Twzl, Sligo and Roy Happy Together <> wrote in article
> Oy veh...Charlotte? Don't look, ok?
> Ann, Twzl, Sligo and Roy
> --
I looked. Did you notice that the location was MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN??? DONNA
>Ann, Twzl, Sligo and Roy
>" But I forget you are from New York, right. Not an area of Menses candidates."
>Carole Ernst, talking about me...
NOw see we all owe Frauddie and Eisenbarf a big apology
so I guess they got the jump on us all!
Gonna go breed my Great Dane to a cocker right now-
want that "no-shed" feature"whilst keeping the "burliness " of the
cocker,and the Dane will keep those big piles coming in my yard.
( hey well what WOULD I do all day if I didn't have to run the
>i looked... and honestly had the wierdness feeling in my stomach. i swear,
>the truth here, i was this [thumb & index finger pressed tightly together]
>close to throwing-up.
>haven't had _that_ reaction before. Feelings of disgust, sure. But this
>was an actual physical thing.
>what sickos.
These guys give a whole new meaning to scum of the earth.
Got this feeling too...:/
But I almost cried when I saw the "puggles"...:(
Oh my god ,why are they doing this???
They are...ohhh...Can't talk anymore...
Crys :(
Music and love are the two wings of soul...
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Actually, I thought the little "puggles" were kinda cute!
(not that I condone selling "mutts" as though they were the newest
Isn't there some kinda law forbidding this?
Sad to think that the common guy on the street could be tricked into
this scam....
(There oughta be a law)
Nola J
( ) Oooo.
------------------------\ (----( )----
\_) ) /
> > what sickos.
> Got this feeling too...:/
> But I almost cried when I saw the "puggles"...:(
> Oh my god ,why are they doing this???
> They are...ohhh...Can't talk anymore...
> Crys :(
I'm crying at how incredibly stupid you are. Take a look at
those puggles.
Then take a look at a Pug. Guess which one looks better and
which one will be healthier and live longer and will
actually be able to breath without sounding like it's on an
iron lung?
Don't answer that, dummies.
The Magnificent DGS
> Isn't there some kinda law forbidding this?
> Sad to think that the common guy on the street could be tricked into
> this scam....
What's the Scam? They're telling you which breeds they are
mixing. They are showing you pictures of the puppies. And
all you morons, I'm quite certain are doing alot more for
their sales than you could have ever imagined. They are
probably going to have a run on puppies thanks to all the
publicity. Nice job, Ann. I'm sure the site is in your
> (There oughta be a law)
Against morons, yes.
The Magnificent DGS
Interesting that this puppy-pimp distribution center is in the same
state that Anal Eisenberg and Freddie Ritz-Cracker are located
in...wonder if there's
a connection...
Lisa Ldouz@earthlinkdotnet
(replace "dot" to email)
> wrote:
>> > what sickos.
>> Got this feeling too...:/
>> But I almost cried when I saw the "puggles"...:(
>> Oh my god ,why are they doing this???
>> They are...ohhh...Can't talk anymore...
>> Crys :(
>I'm crying at how incredibly stupid you are. Take a look at
>those puggles.
>Then take a look at a Pug. Guess which one looks better and
>which one will be healthier and live longer and will
>actually be able to breath without sounding like it's on an
>iron lung?
>Don't answer that, dummies.
>The Magnificent DGS
so.. you're FOR puppy mills? These mutts just didn't happen to be born
ya know.. these dumbasses bred them so they can create some stupid new
craze and are just further perpetuating the evil puppy mills. Guess
what.. I have a 2 dogs. One Labrador Shepard and a Border Retriever..
both of which I saved and both of which were NOT bred because their
names sound funky. I saw that Puggles and yeah it does look cute and
it probably IS healthier than a pug... but that doesn't justify the
reason this evil greedy sick asshole had for trying to sell these at
petshops and the internet.
Nola <> wrote in article <>...
> wrote:
> >
> > In article <>,
> > ti...@world.corner.mine (tibbi) wrote:
> > > In article <773g82$>, (Twzl,
> > > and Roy Happy Together) wrote:
> > >
> > > > Oy veh...Charlotte? Don't look, ok?
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > i looked... and honestly had the wierdness feeling in my stomach. i
> > > the truth here, i was this [thumb & index finger pressed tightly
> > > close to throwing-up.
> > >
> > > haven't had _that_ reaction before. Feelings of disgust, sure. But
> > > was an actual physical thing.
> > >
> > > what sickos.
> >
> > Got this feeling too...:/
> > But I almost cried when I saw the "puggles"...:(
> > Oh my god ,why are they doing this???
> > They are...ohhh...Can't talk anymore...
> > Crys :(
> > Music and love are the two wings of soul...
> Actually, I thought the little "puggles" were kinda cute!
> (not that I condone selling "mutts" as though they were the newest
> craze!)
> Isn't there some kinda law forbidding this?
> Sad to think that the common guy on the street could be tricked into
> this scam....
> (There oughta be a law)
bob <> wrote in article <>...
> On Fri, 08 Jan 1999 18:22:22 -0500, Dog Game SuperStar
> <> wrote:
> > wrote:
> >
> >> > what sickos.
> >>
> >> Got this feeling too...:/
> >> But I almost cried when I saw the "puggles"...:(
> >> Oh my god ,why are they doing this???
> >> They are...ohhh...Can't talk anymore...
> >> Crys :(
> >
> >
:I thought that lots of these puppies were adorable, and I have no
:doubt that if I wanted another dog and saw one of these at the
:POUND I would be very tempted to take it home.
There you go. Want a great mixed breed? Forty bazillion
are waiting for you at shelters!
So'kay Ann; there is still a person on talk.polictics.animals
that thinks it's okay to breed more *Twisty Cats*.
and there are people in china that eat dogs and cats.
"deformities"? What? They are "mutts". Cute little puppies! I can
see nothing really medically wrong with them. (can you tell that from a
jpeg?) Please dont blame the dogs, they just want to be loved. The
breeders should be tarred and feathered for actually trying to SELL them
over the internet as pure-bred "mix-breeds".
(and, lets NOT post the URL again.. dont want to add to any publicity,
Nola J
Trying to explain anything to you on this subject is like
trying to explain the theory of relativity to Imelda Marcos
when she's at Saks Fifth Avenue in the Shoe Department. Run
along now dummy.
Dog Game SuperStar <> wrote in article
snip stupidity of the first rank
You snipped my response, yet reposted your incredibly dense
fear mongering babblefest of stupidity? Allow me to pound
my head against the wall...
Now, let me repost, intact, your utter blabbering yet again,
instead of snipping it out (your favorite tactic) when
anyone makes a fool of you.
Nancy E.Holmes or R. Nelson Ruffin wrote:
> Actually there is no way to know if the 'puggles' will be healthy BUT there
> is a good strong likelihood that they will not be - why? - because the
> quality of the parents and the neonatal care counts in the healthiness of
> the pups - I sincerely doubt that healthy sound dogs were the parents of
> ANY of the pups on those pages. I also seriously doubt that anyone can
> predict which characteristics will be inherited by each pup. I certainly
> could see serious structural defects in the pictures as presented and that
> was a simple exam of a picture - you have to wonder what a vet not in the
> pay of this retailer for mills will find.
> Lets see a puggle - extremely short soft palate on a longer muzzle - eating
> and drinking issues, luxating patellae on a heavy dog - serious surgery and
> recovery times plus arthritis, heart defects - shortening of life on a
> larger dog with a tendency to gain weight, allergies - ye gawds allergies!,
> housebreaking issues - combine the beagle's known issues in that area with
> that to a pug's stubbornness - shelters here we come!
> Nancy
Trying to explain anything to you on this subject is like
trying to explain the theory of relativity to Imelda Marcos
when she's at Saks Fifth Avenue in the Shoe Department. Run
along now dummy.
> Dog Game SuperStar <> wrote in article
There, that's better
Dog Game SuperStar <> wrote in article
> Nancy E.Holmes or R. Nelson Ruffin wrote:
I see you know even less that anyone ever presumed silly child.
snip repetitive stupidity
> So'kay Ann; there is still a person on talk.polictics.animals
> that thinks it's okay to breed more *Twisty Cats*.
> Terri
Yeah, what is this "twisty" kitty. I haven't heard of it.
I do know that I have noticed none other than
Beauowolf defending it. Very odd that a person
can defend playing with natures genetics in such
a manner.
Anway Happy New Year. I wrote you last week
and never heard back from you so I am wondering
if you received my e-mail.
I may be much closer to my GSD. Do you really think
that Brandy will be a good source? I really wish I knew
someone in Texas so I could be closer and cut down
on the shipping expense. Not to mention I truly
hate the idea of shipping a young animal. Something
about that seems so tramatic to me.
I hope all is well with you.
Take care,
> Yeah, what is this "twisty" kitty. I haven't heard of it.
It appears to be a cat with radial hypoplasia.
Elizabeth B. Naime * Email may be forwarded and/or posted *
CUR 70 / FUR 212 * * Standard Disclaimers Apply*
Nan, hon, Michael reposted YOUR post. That is what was repetitive, and I
have to agree with you, it certainly was "repetitive STUPIDITY" LOLOLOLOL
Now SNIP away, oh Scissor Queen.
> I do know that I have noticed none other than
> Beauowolf defending it. Very odd that a person
> can defend playing with natures genetics in such
> a manner.
He admitted he was playing Devil's Advocate.
I suspected as much.
> Anway Happy New Year. I wrote you last week
> and never heard back from you so I am wondering
> if you received my e-mail.
I did. Thank you! My ISP has chosen the past week
and this one to add more phone lines, so my email
service is sporadic at best. I hope to be able
to reply to you soon.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
I have no problems logging onto newsguy, but my mailhost
is royally screwed up right now.
I have so many emails I owe!
> I may be much closer to my GSD. Do you really think
> that Brandy will be a good source?
Exceptional, but that's for me. Her dogs are real working
dogs. One of the only few_ people I know of who really train some
of their GSD's to actually *herd*.
Now, that doesn't mean Brandy is/isn't for *you*. I've had a
highly driven GSD before, so I know what to expect, but that
doesn't mean her dogs are for the first time GSD owner.
Not that it makes YOU bad, just maybe it would be a bad match
at this time in your life.
You'd have to talk to her and go through her screening process,
etc.. to see if you and one of her gorgeous dogs would make
a good match for you.
I really wish I knew
> someone in Texas so I could be closer and cut down
> on the shipping expense. Not to mention I truly
> hate the idea of shipping a young animal. Something
> about that seems so tramatic to me.
I would ask Brandy for a good breeder recommendation in Texas, plus,
maybe some folks here that you trust_, can put you in touch
with a reputable GSD breeder in your area?
> I hope all is well with you.
It is; although I'm a bit bummed about Fritz the Wonderdog's
passing on.
That was also a beautiful GSD. Only 2.5 yrs.old!
Poor Robert and poor Fritz.
Try to email you when I can get back on to do so!
Trish <> wrote in article <77i7si$liv$>...
>anything to please trashy so - snip
The SENILITY prayer
God grant me the SENILITY to forget the people I never liked
anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to
tell the difference.
Hi Terri,
Thanks for the response. The public posting
was actually a mistake. I hit post message,
instead of mail message.
I would never name anyones names in
a public forum. Just isn't something
I would want to do!
So Ooppps! At any rate thanks for
the nice response. Write to me
when you can.
Again Happy New Year!<VBG>
> It is; although I'm a bit bummed about Fritz the Wonderdog's
> passing on.
> That was also a beautiful GSD. Only 2.5 yrs.old!
> Poor Robert and poor Fritz.
> Terri
> Try to email you when I can get back on to do so!
I didn't hear about this. I am so sorry to
hear about your loss. I know how rough
it is as I lost my 6 year old chow baby
in November to erhlichia. Very sad.