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name that tune

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Jan 26, 1994, 6:04:10 PM1/26/94
Can anyone help me with this? I heard a kinda industrial/techno tune in
Rough Trade London a few months ago and I really wish I'd asked what it
was. It was very heavy, with a lyric that consisted of a somewhat
Thirwellesque FUCKING HOSTILE! (or maybe Fairly Hostile). THANX


Jan 27, 1994, 12:19:46 AM1/27/94

Hahaha. Pantera sings that song. Their a heavy metal band. (yah know, the
people with hair down to their butts, and all drive those shitty rusted
cameros and firebirds up and down the streets trying to race each other,
and then the butt ugly hesher girls all flock after them. IE. Scum of the
earth.) ANYWAYS. You mentioned "techno" in it, maybe someone did a remix
of it or something. I wouldnt go near it with a 30' pole, but then
again its YOUR taste in music, not mine. :-)

Death to hairballs!

Edward C Teffeau

Jan 27, 1994, 8:43:13 AM1/27/94

It was either the original "Fucking Hostile" by Pantera or the remix which
I believe is by Justin Broadrick of Godflesh(maybe Thirwell, I don't remember)


Ben Adam Rosenberg

Jan 27, 1994, 1:13:28 PM1/27/94
From article <>, by (Edward C Teffeau):
Neither, actually. There's a hardcore techno mix going around, that has only
the "fucking hostile" sample from Pantera, no other relation to the song..
mixed by Mr. Bill, i think, but i'm probably wrong... real popular on the
rave circuit, tho..

Edward Knutson

Jan 27, 1994, 1:57:57 PM1/27/94
In article <>,

Ben Adam Rosenberg <> wrote:
>Neither, actually. There's a hardcore techno mix going around, that has only
>the "fucking hostile" sample from Pantera, no other relation to the song..
>mixed by Mr. Bill, i think, but i'm probably wrong... real popular on the
>rave circuit, tho..

actually, there was a release of the fucking hostile single that was remixed
by (believe it or not) jim thirlwell, and justin broadrick, too, i think.
i don't remember feeling terribly impressed----it was typical of the kinds
of remixes being done at the time....basically, you screw up the intro, and
let the rest of the song go untouched.... but it was a long time ago.

imagine me being wrong.


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