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i got some rhymes about nethak

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nethak rappar

Mar 26, 2009, 7:18:06 PM3/26/09
in the dungens of doom i cant peep my homies
orks are kilin me and my ponies
rubed up on a magic lamp
got a wish now im a champ
wished for a dagger now im gona throw it
im not a rappar im a mothafukin poet


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Mar 31, 2009, 3:42:22 PM3/31/09

You are now about to witness the strength of Wis:18.

Yo, listen up, 'cuz I got somethin' to relate
My dreams have been dark, and troubled of late
Combat, prospectin', stealin', crusadin'
Ev'ry night, my mind they are invadin'
I gotta go questin', I'll do it for Set
I gotta go down and get tha amulet
And though not long from now it may be my tomb
I'm descendin' tha steps into tha Dungeons of Doom

[Chorus: Kingdom of Yendor, Kingdom of Yendor]

I step down tha stairs and trip over my pet
I walk into a rust trap and get very wet
I hide behind my cat, I'm none too brave
It can be kinda useful, havin' a feline slave
Prot run is pretty tough if you don't have reflection
Yet I make my way to minetown and buy some protection
I find myself a gnome lord and I run him thru
And I smile to myself---I'm now X L two

Make my way thru tha dungeon, as if by plan
Explore tha mines and solve Sokoban
Convert some altars, steal from some shops
Make a rapid escape, evade tha kops
I'm makin' such progress, that I'd almost forgotten
About twenty levels down, I hit tha bottom
I cross tha water, doin' tha magical SCUBA
And do battle with yo moma---tha one called Medusa


I come to tha castle, but I ain't afraid
I got pimped-out armor and an artifact blade
Tha only thing that bothers me, tha only thing to faze
Was when I saw a minotaur, wanderin' thru tha maze
I look at tha drawbridge but I'll have to circumvent
I came all tha way down and forget my instrument
I levitate around tha side, avoidin' all tha fish
Make my way to tha corner, and grab myself a wish

I finished tha quest, and I got tha silva bell
It's time for me to go, straight down to hell
I cut thru tha valley like it's butter to a knife
I meet tha demon princes and I takes away their life
I destroy Vlad's face and wander tha mazes for hours
Once I mark tha square I head straight for tha tower
Hackin' around down here has been a lotta fun
But now I gotta go; time for tha ascension run


[Instrumental interlude, overlaid with semi-improvised MCing and


Check it now, I'm back from tha pit
Gone thru Astral, without takin' no hit
Extracted tha amulet like it ain't no t'ing
Power of tha Gods? Or just bling-bling?
Whichever it is, I don't give a fuck
I recovered it now, I avenged Marduk
From tha minute that I stepped into tha final portal
I knew that I'd be joinin' tha ranks of tha immortal


Now I'm a veteran, I've got smooth technique
I win this damn game more than thrice a week
So what's buggin' me? What's makin' me queasy?
Then it hits me---this game is too fuckin' easy
While all you suckers fail, I'll still be alive
'Cuz I got a dope-ass streak of plus twenty-five
What could bring me down? What could make me die?
Just one t'ing - a mother-floatin' eye.


ragman le bon

Mar 31, 2009, 7:14:43 PM3/31/09
On Mar 31, 4:42 pm, wrote:

> You are now about to witness the strength of Wis:18... . . . .
. . .
. ...

> What could bring me down? What could make me die?
> Just one t'ing - a mother-floatin' eye.
> Word.



Apr 9, 2009, 5:14:06 AM4/9/09
> You are now about to witness the strength of Wis:18.

*Bows to the power of Wis:18*

Have you considered sending it to MC Frontalot and have him perform

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