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Cal Expo Tree Update

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Roger D Sorkin

Jul 5, 1990, 5:06:44 PM7/5/90

Allright, I was a bozo. I forgot to send my address to a lot of you
branches. Hree it is:
Freddy Flybogger
303 E University Pkwy
Baltimore, Md

I've been having some trouble mailing some of you, that's why it's posted here.
Also: to Kent Stewart: please send me your new address, I don't know if the
blanks will arrive at my house in time for me to get copies to your old one.

Okey dokey artichokey.Flybogger

"Wild eggplants couldn't drag me away.
Wild, wild eggplants, gonna eat you some day."

Roger D Sorkin

Jul 5, 1990, 5:42:11 PM7/5/90
I've been trying to mail a bunch of you branches, but something is'batty in the works here, so everything keeps bouncing. This meassage is for the following
dave bentzen
ken kaufman
mike tripicco
randy jackson
pat robinson
john oleynick
doug gehringer'
tim dalton'
You haven't heard from me but I'm assuming you've seen your sections of the
tree. If not, please get in touch with me immediately, people are waiting to
hear from you.

This message is that you shoulkd get in touch with your leaves, and that
I'm waiting on my blanks to arrive. When they do, I'll mail your first'gen
copies out. My address, to send the tapes I want in return to is:

Freddy Flybogger
303 E University Pkwy
Baltimore, Md 21218

When whatever problem I have is fixed up, I'll send each of you a note
saying what tapes I'd like off oyour lists.
Sorry for the problems.
How now, brown cow(s).Flybogger

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