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Previously unreported show -- Ithaca, NY, November 6, 1965

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May 4, 2005, 6:09:21 PM5/4/05
November 6, 1965
Cornell University, Barton Hall
No recording known. No setlist reported.

>From the Cornell Daily Sun, November 8, 1965
Charlie Nash

"Bob Dylan In Concert (It's What's Happenin')"

Bob Dylan is what's happenin', baby. FOLK ROCK: the animals, the
turtles, the byrds, barry mcguire, the spokesman, donovan, the lovin'
spoonful, johnny rivers, we five, sonny & cher, time, newsweek, etc.
Dylan remains disinterested -- except for the bread.
. . . and all these young chicks in painted wheatjeans jerking to
the Eve of Destruction. But there's where it's at. It's nothing new
for Dylan -- a return to high school . . . and he IS having fun.
Dylan in concert -- completely divorced from the audience, while a
student in the row before studies him with binoculars: what does he
look like; how does he walk; buddy, are you for real?
It must take a great deal of discipline to sit there coldly and
watch him perform. His harp make us want to dance. Sharp, shrill,
searing, soaring -- like Coltrane. But there's always someonethere to
bring you down (the audience).
While the great beautiful sound rolls over you, wrapping you in
its folds. So strong you can touch it. LEVON & the HAWKS: strong
stacccato [sic] bass; organ and piano blurring into one complete whole;
whrill harp and guitar rising above. WOW.
"We want Dylan!"
"O.K., you can have him!" That Dylan died with the release of
"Another SIde." THIS one is more HONEST, more NATURAL, more PERSONAL.
Songs of love and other absurdities. A NEW KIND OF PROTEST. And a new
rock sound -- full bodied, very big, and very masculine.


I don't know whether the standard report of a Buffalo, NY concert for
this date is in error as to the date or to the venue. The November 6
Ithaca report, however, looks rock solid to me, as I've turned up an
announcement as well as this review.

Jesse Jones

May 4, 2005, 6:51:42 PM5/4/05
Hey, thanks for digging out that information!

Karl Erik Andersen

May 5, 2005, 1:24:09 PM5/5/05
I received this from Tom Fischer today. The file he mentions is a
newspaper ad, see

Karl Erik,

I don't have time right now to sign up on Google groups to reply to the
gentleman who reported the Ithaca show. At the end of his posting he
wondered about the apparent conflict with the Buffalo show that is out
in much of the Dylan world. Attached is an from the Nov 3 1965 edition
of the Buffalo News and it has the Buffalo show as Nov 20th, 1965.

Weren't all those dates originally from the public record of the legal
procedings between Dylan and Grossman when they split?

As those of us in bands know, sometimes the show the promoter books is
not the one you end up playing.

See attached file. Keep up the good work.

Tom Fischer

Karl Erik Andersen

Bob Stacy

May 5, 2005, 8:06:56 PM5/5/05
"Karl Erik Andersen" wrote in message:

> I received this from Tom Fischer today. The file he mentions is a
> newspaper ad, see
> Karl Erik,
> I don't have time right now to sign up on Google groups to reply to the
> gentleman who reported the Ithaca show. At the end of his posting he
> wondered about the apparent conflict with the Buffalo show that is out
> in much of the Dylan world. Attached is an from the Nov 3 1965 edition
> of the Buffalo News and it has the Buffalo show as Nov 20th, 1965.

Which means the show previously thought to have taken place on Nov 20, 1965,
in Rochester, NY, either was rescheduled (to what date?) or never occurred.
I've never seen a venue listed for the supposed Rochester show so maybe that
one was questionable all along. Thanks to all for the new information.

-Bob Stacy

Oct 28, 2013, 10:59:57 AM10/28/13
On Wednesday, May 4, 2005 6:09:21 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> November 6, 1965Cornell University, Barton Hall No recording known. No setlist reported.>From the Cornell Daily Sun, November 8, 1965Charlie Nash"Bob Dylan In Concert (It's What's Happenin')"Bob Dylan is what's happenin', baby. FOLK ROCK: the animals, the turtles, the byrds, barry mcguire, the spokesman, donovan, the lovin' spoonful, johnny rivers, we five, sonny & cher, time, newsweek, etc. Dylan remains disinterested -- except for the bread. . . . and all these young chicks in painted wheatjeans jerking to the Eve of Destruction. But there's where it's at. It's nothing new for Dylan -- a return to high school . . . and he IS having fun. Dylan in concert -- completely divorced from the audience, while a student in the row before studies him with binoculars: what does he look like; how does he walk; buddy, are you for real? It must take a great deal of discipline to sit there coldly and watch him perform. His harp make us want to dance. Sharp, shrill, searing, soaring -- like Coltrane. But there's always someonethere to bring you down (the audience). While the great beautiful sound rolls over you, wrapping you in its folds. So strong you can touch it. LEVON & the HAWKS: strong stacccato [sic] bass; organ and piano blurring into one complete whole; whrill harp and guitar rising above. WOW."We want Dylan!" "O.K., you can have him!" That Dylan died with the release of "Another SIde." THIS one is more HONEST, more NATURAL, more PERSONAL. Songs of love and other absurdities. A NEW KIND OF PROTEST. And a new rock sound -- full bodied, very big, and very masculine.-------------------------------------------------------------------I don't know whether the standard report of a Buffalo, NY concert for this date is in error as to the date or to the venue. The November 6 Ithaca report, however, looks rock solid to me, as I've turned up an announcement as well as this review.

I attended this sold-out 11/6/65 concert on the campus of Cornell University. Dylan opened with Desolation Row. He sat alone on a high stool next to a table with water.
He played about a dozen acoustic numbers without saying a word excpt for saying,
"be right back" just before leaving for intermission. Upon his return he was
energized and accompanied by an electric band.A few patrons jeered and got up as if to leave..but very few. Opened with, what does it matter..he'd left the land of folk music to show another side of Bob Dylan..the joke was on you.
music and a generation

Oct 28, 2013, 7:52:53 PM10/28/13
to wrote:

>I attended this sold-out 11/6/65 concert on the campus of Cornell University. [snip]

Many thanks for your recollection.

Jan 3, 2014, 12:12:40 PM1/3/14
On Wednesday, May 4, 2005 6:09:21 PM UTC-4, wrote:
I too was there-- it was the big Fall Weekend concert of my freshman year at Cornell. I've always wondered why it's never been listed in the standard reference sources. As noted, he said almost nothing. It was the usual 2-part show he did on that tour-- I mainly recall the energy of the second set, and the mystery of Dylan sitting at the piano for "Ballad of a Thin Man," which I'd never heard before.

Glad to see it finally listed--

May 24, 2015, 12:12:42 AM5/24/15
I posted this on on Apr 24 which is where other people are starting to find it. And i just put up another lost Dylan show at Cornell on Mar 20, 1965. It had been erroneously listed as Mar 20, 1963 for all these years. Articles in 1965 Cornell newspapers including a review in the Mar 22 issue confirm this. You can go to and find this easily by entering something like dylan ithaca in the window at the top of the page. You don't have to be a member to view the info that I put in...ciao for now..Bendobrin.
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