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Everyone BUT Paul is Dead (Part2) (Long)

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1994年8月31日 01:04:341994/8/31
This is the second half of an article providing the evidence that
all the Beatles except Paul died and were replaced by look-alikes.

1967: In "Strawberry Fields," John#2 says "I buried Paul." At first,
this may suggest that Paul had joined the other three Bealtes in dying.
However, earlier John#2 sings "Nothing is real," which shows that his
latter comment is not a 'real' clue, but rather a red herring to throw
the unwary off of the real trail.
On the _Sgt. Pepper_ album, the Beatles introduce Billy
Shears to replace Ringo#2 (that is the original Ringo's replacement)
who is the real victim of the November 1966 car crash that figures so
prominently in the "Paul Is Dead" theory. How anyone ever thought that
Billy Shears was Paul's replacement is hard to fathom. After all, the
next song following the "Let me introduce to you the one and only
Billy Shears" bit is sung by 'Ringo'. And 'Ringo' would provide
further confirmation in 1973's "I'm the Greatest" when he admits "My
name is Billy Shears/It has been for so many years." In the face of this
evidence, the thought that Billy Shears could be Paul's replacement seems
faintly ridiculous.
Furthermore, it's well known that "A Day in the Life" describes
the famed November 1966 car crash. However, everyone seems to have
overlooked an obvious clue as to the victim of the car crash planted
within "A Day in the Life": the ringing alarm clock!! Why would the
Beatles include something that was 'ring'-ing unless it was to show that
the song is about 'Ring'-o?!?
A similar identity-clue hidden within a death-clue appears on
the front cover of the _Magical Mystery Tour_ album. When the album
is held upside down, the word 'Beatles' spells out the phone number of
a London mortuary. However, the word 'Bealtes' is spelled out in
stars--as in Ringo STARR! If the Beatles had really meant to indicate
where Paul's body had been (as the "Paul is dead" theory insists), why
would they use the one common symbol that was also a band memeber's last
name? Obviously, this couldn't be a mere coincidence.

Also, one more clue from _Sgt. Pepper_ needs to be discussed. On
the front cover, someone holds a hand over Paul's head. This clearly
mimics the actions of a priest in blessing the living--and Paul could
certainly consider himself as blessed, as he was the only Beatle fate
had spared.

The front cover of the _Magical Mystery Tour_ album features
one other clue. The titles of "Magical Mystery Tour", "The Fool on
the Hill" and "Your Mother Should Know" are arranged as follows:
...On The...
Going counter-clockwise from the 'M', the capital letters spell out 'MOST'
which is meant to indicate that MOST of the Beatles had died and been
replaced. (After all, the odds of the capitals in a bunch of song titles
coincidentally spelling out such a word must be millions to one).
Also, on the inside cover of _MMT_, reference is made to "four
or five magicians"--an allusion to the four replacements, plus Paul who
serves as 5th magician--the 'magic' being the ability to keep the
Beatles going despite the secret deaths of three members.

As for songs: John#2 sings "I Am the Walrus." Walruses are
death symbols to Scandinavians. (Or maybe that was Eskimos. Or perhaps
Falkland Islanders. I can't quite remember.)
And in 'Hello, Goodbye", Paul sings "I don't know why you say
goodbye, I say hello," a reference to the original Beatles (and one
replacement) dying (Saying "Goodbye") and Paul surviving to say
"hello" to their replacements.

In "Glass Onion," John#2 sings "Here's another clue for
you all/The walrus was Paul." However, in this song, as in "Strawberry
Fields," John#2 also sings "Nothing is real," thus tipping off the alert
listener to the fact that this 'clue' is a mere red herring.
In "I'm So Tired," John#2 sings about cigarettes ("coffin
Furthermore, at the end of "I'm So Tired," John#2 says several
nonsense syllables which, when played backwards, become
"Paul, I'm dead." However, due to the poor sound quality, many insist
mistakenly that it's "Paul is dead." (Much like the people who
mistakenly insist on claiming that the words at the end of
"Strawberry Fields" are 'cranberry sauce')
In "Yer Blues," John#2 sings "If I ain't dead already" in
ironic reference to John (that is the real John) indeed being dead

On the cover of _Abbey Road_, a VW has the license plate
"281F," which can, of course be read, as '28IF' and denotes that
John (born in Oct, 1940) would have been 28 when _Abbey Road_ was
released (Sept. 1969) IF he had lived. Also, the use of the
"281F" plate is really a clever clue-within-a-clue, since the
substitution of '1' for 'I' must have been inspired by the fact
that _Abbey Road_ was released only *1* month before John's
birthday. Possibly the poignancy of that juxtaposition was
what inspired the decision to mention John's age (had he lived)
on the cover rather than George's or Ringo's (presumably the
decision to not refer to all their ages was motivated by the
difficulty in parking three cars so one could read all their
license plates).
John#2's song "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" is
abruptly cut off, clearly as a metaphor for the real John's
life being abruptly cut short back in 1965.
In "Come Together," the line "come together, over me"
refers to a burial (where, of course, the mourners 'come together'
over the grave). Later in this song, the line "one and one and
one is three" indicates that three original Beatles were
buried. Why isn't it "1+1+1+1 is four"? Because...
The "I'd like to be under the sea" lines in
"Octopus's Garden" indicate that Ringo#2 (that is, the
replacement who was replaced by Billy Shears) was
buried at sea. Thus, there was no gravesite for others to
'Come Together' over. Therefre, its "1+1+1 is three." QED.

Of course, all of this is still only the
preliminary work. I don't own a version of _Magical
Mystery Tour_ with the original booklet in it, I
don't have the resources necessary to listen to every
single song backwards, etc. I beseach the dedicated
investigators that must be out there among the RMB'ers
to help unearth more important clues.

Chris "Yes, it's finally over" Fishel

Phil Miller

1994年8月31日 11:05:291994/8/31
Wow .............. I havn't had this much fun since TWIN PEAKS!

You get four "l's" out of a possible five on the philllometer. ;-)


David Matarasso

1994年8月31日 15:56:491994/8/31
CHE STUD (ct...@kelvin.seas.Virginia.EDU) wrote:
> This is the second half of an article providing the evidence that
> all the Beatles except Paul died and were replaced by look-alikes.

Brilliant. Brilliant. Unsurpassed. Surpasses PID Part 1.
I laughed, I cried. Not the Beatles, but an incredible simulation.

P.S.: Was anyone around in the early 70s when those cryptic
"Looking for Beatles look-alikes/sound-alikes" ads were popping
up in the Village Voice (NYC)? Everyone *thought* it was for
the forthcoming Beatlemania Broadway show (cf. Give My Regards
to Broadstreet). Now, I'm not so sure ...

Dave Haber

1994年8月31日 14:54:261994/8/31
CHE STUD (ct...@kelvin.seas.Virginia.EDU) wrote:
: Furthermore, at the end of "I'm So Tired," John#2 says several

: nonsense syllables which, when played backwards, become
: "Paul, I'm dead." However, due to the poor sound quality, many insist
: mistakenly that it's "Paul is dead." (Much like the people who
: mistakenly insist on claiming that the words at the end of
: "Strawberry Fields" are 'cranberry sauce')

Actually, most Paul Is Dead subscribers believe the I'm So Tired
gibberish is John Saying "Paul is a dead man. Miss him! Miss him! Miss
him!" but if you listen very closely, you can clearly hear
"Paul isn't dead, man. We miss him! Miss him! Miss him!" and is John,
speaking for himself and the other two dead Beatles, from the beyond,
missing their freind Paul who is still alive on earth.


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| "Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see..." |


1994年8月31日 18:48:091994/8/31
In article <CvDvF...@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>,
ct...@kelvin.seas.Virginia.EDU (CHE STUD) writes:

>This is the second half of an article providing the evidence that
>all the Beatles except Paul died and were replaced by look-alikes.

>(article deleted)

This plot was used in a Batman comic book in the 1970's, in which Batman
tried to unravel the "Paul Is Dead" mystery and came to the surprise
conclusion that he (Paul) was the living one; the other three were the
dead ones. Actually, the story used a thinly disguised version of the
Beatles, not the Fabs themselves.

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