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The easiest 0.4 seconds I ever shaved (with pics)

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Tim Kreitz

2005. gada 2. okt. 14:38:4402.10.05
The past week, from beginning to end, consisted of one unexpected
change after another. Firstly, our CD release party -- which was
scheduled to happen Saturday night at Riley's in Midland -- was
cancelled due to a contractual obligation that would not allow the club
to cancel the band they were going to bump for us. That effectively
means that we will most likely be having the party at Hot Shots in
Midland on October 14 or 15. No big deal, really, because it freed up
another Saturday night for racing.

Which brings me to the next unexpected change. I got a call from The
Knee Draggers on Tuesday, telling me that the Renthal sprockets I
ordered were on a one month back order. So in order to get chainwheels
by the weekend, I had them drop-ship me a Vortex set. Too bad for
Renthal, because the Vortexes are just as high in quality, and were
cheaper. By 3 p.m. yesterday, I was regeared.

Wow, what a difference. I went up two teeth on the rear sprocket and
down one tooth on the crankshaft, which shaved 0.4 seconds off my
average pass. I'm 3 hundredths away from being in the 7.40s and sped up
about 4 miles per hour.

I raced GSXR750s all night and only lost once when I got loose on a

Oh, and here's one for Ari Rankum, who chastised me for previously not
wearing my full racing leathers. It was hotter than a biznatch, Ari,
but I got all power-rangered-up just for you:

The grearing is perfect. Now begins the search for more horsepower. If
anyone has a set of flat slide carbs off of a 7RR for sale, send me an


Tim Kreitz
2003 ZX7R
2000 ZX6R
DoD #2184

Ari Rankum

2005. gada 2. okt. 15:38:1902.10.05

Cool beans. Hey, of course I was just kidding.

Based on the reaction times you posted last week, I figure you may have
found one of your niches. Those times are pretty damn low. I know for
a fact that I don't have a single fast twitch neuron in my body, so drag
racing will never be my bag. Seems like things may be genetically
different for you, though.

Sorry to hear about the CD release party. You've got good stuff in
those samples on your website.

Ziņojums ir izdzēsts

Tim Kreitz

2005. gada 2. okt. 20:12:5102.10.05
Ari Rankum wrote:
> Cool beans. Hey, of course I was just kidding.

Oh, I know you were. But honestly, I figured that wearing full leathers
was a good idea considering the unfamiliar gearing.

> Based on the reaction times you posted last week, I figure you may have
> found one of your niches.

I've done some quarter-mile stuff in the past, but got away from it
when I became interested in roadracing. I've found that I like
eighth-mile racing much better than the 1320-ft. tracks because it
separates the men from the boys. Here I am on a dinosaur of a 750, yet
I'm putting the whoop-ass on the newer bikes because they don't have an
extra 660 feet to reel me in on the top end. Fun stuff.

> Those times are pretty damn low. I know for
> a fact that I don't have a single fast twitch neuron in my body, so drag
> racing will never be my bag. Seems like things may be genetically
> different for you, though.

I've actually surprised myself over the last few weekends. I don't
remember my reaction times ever being so fast and consistent. Perhaps
it's because I tank up on one or two triple espressos before I head to
the track. :)

This was my best reaction time of the night, a .001 (it's an IHRA
tree). Also note that my competitor for this race, Josh Gibbs, had a
faster bike and ET, but lost because my reaction and 60-ft. times
crushed his:

This was my best ET, a 7.53. On this time slip, note that my
competitor, Kyle Mayfield, has a reaction time and a 60-ft. time, but
nothing thereafter. He lost control of his bike on the launch and ate
the pavement. Don't worry, he and his bike were largely okay:

My reaction times stayed pretty consistent. Note that this RT is
exactly what I got on the previous slip:

> Sorry to hear about the CD release party. You've got good stuff in
> those samples on your website.

Thanks! Like I said, first compliment rule applies, so your disk is
free. With reagrd to the party, I honestly like the main room at Hot
Shots better than at Riley's. We can fit more people in the club and
the stage is bigger. It's actually going to work out for the best.

Tim Kreitz

2005. gada 2. okt. 20:27:4402.10.05

Humma Kavula wrote:
> On 2 Oct 2005 11:38:44 -0700, Tim Kreitz let slip this dark secret:
> >
> What's that with the fingers? Some kind of satanic sign?

That is the Mano Cornuto. It is an ancient Christian symbol for good
luck and protection from evil:

"When confronted with unfortunate events...a person wanting to avoid
that fate could resort to the corna to ward off bad luck."

In modern times, it as come more to represent a "no fear" or "let's
rock" attitude. Don't worry, I'm no Satanist. Just make sure you don't
let your minister misguide you as to the true origin of this and other


2005. gada 3. okt. 01:00:4203.10.05

I dunno. My ex-pastor also told me that rock music was a bad
influence. "KISS" is "Kids In Service to Satan". "AC/DC" is
"AntiChrist/Devil's Children." And what can be said about
Pat Boone? Pure evil, incarnate.

-- Michael

2005. gada 3. okt. 10:32:2803.10.05
>>>And what can be said about Pat Boone? Pure evil, incarnate<<<

Hmmm. I'll have to poke through Dad's Pat Boone LP collection and try
playing them backwards just to see what happens.. <grin>

Tim Kreitz

2005. gada 3. okt. 12:02:3503.10.05
sqidbait wrote:
> My ex-pastor also told me that rock music was a bad
> influence. "KISS" is "Kids In Service to Satan". "AC/DC" is
> "AntiChrist/Devil's Children." And what can be said about
> Pat Boone? Pure evil, incarnate.
> -- Michael

Heh-heh. The Baptists seem to be coming around, though:


2005. gada 3. okt. 21:41:4003.10.05

No need to do that. Just get a copy of Pat's metal album:

I'm afraid to listen to this. I figure if anything
will warp me for life, this will be it.

He actually did a cover of Dio's Holy Diver. The mind
boggles. I guess Pat never looked at the album art.

-- Michael


2005. gada 14. okt. 13:24:3314.10.05

> This was my best reaction time of the night, a .001 (it's an IHRA
> tree). Also note that my competitor for this race, Josh Gibbs, had a
> faster bike and ET, but lost because my reaction and 60-ft. times
> crushed his:

well tim what happend to you when you lined up to me...LOL..

Tim Kreitz

2005. gada 14. okt. 14:36:5914.10.05

Heh-heh. You know what happened. I didn't hook up for 200 feet. Didn't
it make you feel soooo lucky to be the only one who beat me all night?

I'm just glad you weren't on the 1000, otherwise it would've been an
even uglier loss! :-)

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