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Raise your Sporty bars almost for free!

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Aug 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/23/99
Just thought I'd share a money-saving tip for pre-1999 Sporty owners.

I wanted to raise my handlebars by a couple of inches. When I found
out that extended risers cost $80 or so, I figured out a much cheaper
way to do it. I removed the 1/2 inch UNF bolts that hold the existing
dogbones in place. Strolled along to my local nut'n bolt dealer, and
got two more that were two inches longer than the originals. Next, I
sauntered accross the road to the local scrap-metal dealer to see if I
could find a couple of 2-inch-long spacers. What I found was a short
length of strong galvanised steel pipe, whose bore was just big enough
for the bolts. I cut two two-inch lenths, and used these as spacers to
go between the existing dogbones and the top of the tree. Onserted the
two new bolts, and hey-presto!
The existing wires, cables and brake lines are all long enough to
accommodate this modification. The result is a MUCh more comfortable
riding position (IMO). If you do this mod to your bike, make sure the
spacers you use are good and strong, to avoid problems. You might want
to spray the spacers with black Hammerite paint or similar, to prevent
rust and make it blend in with the rest of the bike.



Aug 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/23/99

Bulldog <> wrote in message

> Just thought I'd share a money-saving tip for pre-1999 Sporty owners.
> I wanted to raise my handlebars by a couple of inches. When I found
> out that extended risers cost $80 or so, I figured out a much cheaper
> way to do it.


. You might want
> to spray the spacers with black Hammerite paint or similar, to prevent
> rust and make it blend in with the rest of the bike.
> Bulldog

Here's another good trick. You can get some Mexican Chrome instead of the
black paint, it's real close on the same shelf at the store, sort of next to
the silver paint section!


Aug 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/24/99

Kickstart wrote:

Hey!! Go over a few isles and get a first aid kit also. I sure would risk my ass
and bike on a $2.00 mod. Check out the J&P catalog. I got my risers for about

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