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What do motor "sizes" mean?

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Nov 13, 2007, 3:25:43 PM11/13/07
I get my motors from old machinery or the surplus bins.

I see designations such as "540" for normal RC motors. To what do these
sizes refer?


Nov 13, 2007, 6:48:39 PM11/13/07
length of the can, 540 is 54mm long, 380 is 38mm long or I could be
completely wrong but it seems to work out like that


Nov 15, 2007, 4:37:47 AM11/15/07
NO, it refers to diameter. Look at a 280, a 380, and a 540. Three different
diameters. Any 280, etc. can have a longer can or shorter can. Thus longer
or shorter magnets. Longer magnets give you more torque.

"BCRandy" <> wrote in message
>I believe that Kevin is right - the can length (a 380 motor having a 38mm
>length) was how motors were compared. There are so many variables in motor
>performance, however, that it is not a very good means of comparison. Kv
>(RPM per volt) and watts of power output make better comparisons. Put this
>in the FWIW department, but using info from Tower Hobbies (brushless to
>glow comparisons) and watts, I ended up with the attached table. It's not
>perfect, but a place to start. Hope it helps.
> Randy
> "Kevin" <> wrote in message
> news:bkm_i.39516$


Nov 15, 2007, 7:32:33 AM11/15/07
Jim wrote:
> NO, it refers to diameter. Look at a 280, a 380, and a 540. Three different
> diameters. Any 280, etc. can have a longer can or shorter can. Thus longer
> or shorter magnets. Longer magnets give you more torque.
I think you are wrong this backs me up
from the web

It is the length of the motor casing in mm multiplied by 10, i.e. the
case of a 600 motor is approximately 60.0mm long not including the drive
shaft but including the length of any protruding bearings. Some 500
motors have external brush gear and the length of this is not included
either. So the actual motor size is just as big as a 600 and this is
also the case with some of the 400 size motors - all very confusing!
Because of their popularity, the Graupner Speed motor size has become
the de-facto standard for electric flight brushed motors.


Nov 16, 2007, 8:40:32 PM11/16/07
Whatever you say. I am in the business. I manufacture motors. No accounting
for what the Germans say. Go to a hobby shop and ask to see a 280, 380, 540
motor.You will see what I mean.

"Kevin" <> wrote in message



Nov 16, 2007, 10:26:49 PM11/16/07
I dont particually care if you are in the business, in the model world
you are talking bollox
I have a 280 in my hand and guess what ??? its not 28mm dia and I also
have a 540 and guess what its not 54mm dia
all Tamiya type electric cars run on 540 sized motors and none are 54mm

from the web American site
a 600 motor
Can Diameter: 1.44" (36.6mm)
Can Length: 2.25" (57mm)

from the web English site

Sun 385 Motor
Diameter: 28mm

Vision400 STD.
380 sized Mabuchi motor
Dimensions :D28.0mm,

Sun 555 Motor
Diameter: 37mm

I could go on and on, post me a model site that states a 540 motor or
any other model size motor where the number refers to the diameter, as
this is a model newsgroup, I don't think any one in the model hobby
world would refer a 540 motor being 54mm diameter and I have an Italian
electric glider for a 600 motor and the motor cannot be any more than
40mm in diameter or it wont fit in
so that's an English American and Italian company that back me up
I rest my case my lord


Nov 18, 2007, 4:36:22 AM11/18/07

I'm going to take a shot in the dark but I think that motor size that
they are labeling the motor by is based on Pulses.

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Nov 18, 2007, 9:44:08 AM11/18/07
marauder4t4 wrote:
> Guys,
> I'm going to take a shot in the dark but I think that motor size that
> they are labeling the motor by is based on Pulses.
pulses on a DC direct current motor? what pulses
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