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jugling and footbag?

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Jeffrey C. Ely

не прочитано,
7 дек. 1992 г., 16:27:4107.12.1992
This is not in the FAQ (I checked). Has anyone succesfully combined juggling
and footbag?

Jeff Ely | "He said the Sun's not yellow...
Department of Economics | It's Chicken!"
UC Berkeley

Allen Knutson

не прочитано,
7 дек. 1992 г., 19:03:5707.12.1992
je...@econBerkeley.EDU (Jeffrey C. Ely) writes:

>This is not in the FAQ (I checked). Has anyone succesfully combined juggling
>and footbag?

My past passing partner Dave Morton could do 3 indefinitely between left
hand and right foot, and occasionally 2 on one foot. (For those who care,
this is barefoot, and he's right handed&footed.) Allen K.

Gregory Cohen

не прочитано,
8 дек. 1992 г., 08:56:5708.12.1992

Yes, I juggled bean bags, and was dropping one to my feet for hacky-sack moves.
People who watched seemed un impressed. I guess they've seen hacky-sack before
as done by 10 year olds, and it, unlike jugling was old hat
-GReg Cohen

Greg Ostravich

не прочитано,
8 дек. 1992 г., 12:36:4808.12.1992
Our juggling club shares a spot with the local footbag club in Golden and
some folks were passing bean bags and a footbag at the same time.
Greg Ostravich -
Member of The Colorado Throwing Up Society: A Denver area juggling club
Throw up 'till you drop! Hurl 'till you hurl!
Juggle 'till you puke! Come throw up with us!
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