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Cornell's Big Red Juggle Fest HLGCB

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Jeff Peden

Oct 26, 2008, 12:16:59 PM10/26/08
After a long summer of no festivals I was thrilled to be on the road to
Cornell this past weekend.

- riding the Segway that John Satriano brought.
- The Billings Brothers! who were as involved as ever in the fest even
though they weren't involved with the Fest. Nice Poster John.
- The juggling workshop with Marco Paoletti and his comments around the
table Friday night. It's incredible to learn from people who have so
thoroughly immersed themselves in juggling.
- Having a very understanding and competent stage crew to work with for
sound and lights.
- Bringing Rachel to the Festival!
- Taking a new juggler (Zach) to his first regional festival.
- seeing friends again

Actually winning the raffle item I wanted only to find out that it had
been given away by mistake to someone else...

-pass with Rachel -check!
successfully did 23 passes with 7 clubs in singles
-learn new three ball tricks - check
thanks to Greg Phillips for the impromptu claymotion workshop
-learn a new diabolo trick -check!(Hilby)
Combat - maybe next year.
Contribute to a smooth running evening show - check.

Has to be Hilby. His fluid hat moves and diabolo in the gym were a treat
to watch, and his renegade bit with bowling ball is awesome.

-Not enough juggling time. While the renegade show is nice I miss the old
days of the Cornell fest playing combat in the gym from 10 until 12 on
Saturday night.

-cleaning up flour

All in all it was a great time, and I'm sure if I had been able to stay
for Sundays activities I would have gotten plenty of juggling and combat.

Already looking forward to next year ...

----== posted via ==----


Oct 26, 2008, 5:12:57 PM10/26/08
- Playing ring bounce endurance against Dave (not sure the audience shared
the 'high' status of it...)
- Being part of Joe's act
- "this is my nipple"
- bagels for breakfast/lunch/dinner/food!
- Dave's super awesome ring-jacket-club-backcross-best-trick-trick.

- Losing ring bounce endurance 10-0! Rematch next fest, first to 100?
- Making it 5 seconds into my routine before a drop
- Cutting, and melting my trousers to, my knees. Although the super
awesome knee-slide was well worth it.

- Don't suck on stage (lots of drops, but i got so many good comments that
i can't warrant considering it sucky).

- Dave!
- Joe-sephine
- Marco of course.

- Stage fright (I think i need to show more nipple)
- My world's biggest fan!

- Low attendance
- Joe's costume!

Thanks for my first Big Red, first fest since I've been on the continent,
and generally for an awesome time. Well done everyone involved in all of

See you at Turbo 418!


Oct 26, 2008, 8:10:20 PM10/26/08
highs - Norbi was there! I was so surprised! Maybe a little early, but I
was still surprised. The drive was surprisingly short. Me and Josh
figured out how to tell whether something is a planet or not, we're both
geniuses. Bagels, lots of bagels. I'm much better at 6 balls than I used
to be, and I haven't practiced it at all. Beating Norbi 10-0 on ring
bounce endurance! Isn't he like, one of those guys who juggles rings a
lot? Renegade (except for the acts)

Lows - part of the show. Driving in Ithaca sucks, especially when you
have no idea where you are or where you're going, and there's
construction, and a terrible navigator trying to read a terrible map with
no labels on anything.

goal - go to cornell, check.

crush - NORBI! The coolest hottest guy ever with the sexiest accent. Also
Brett Issac even though they weren't there and I've never met either of

Bane - Annoying people who are annoying and annoy me in very annoying ways.

Surprise - Norbi. The gym opened at 8 on friday? who knew? they should
have put that on the website or something.


Oct 27, 2008, 1:55:00 PM10/27/08

-The Adult Circus; those guys are so clever!

-The very high level of skill in the best trick comp/game this time.
There were so many people hitting awesome tricks, such as Joe Shower's
whirlwind with 3 volleyballs, and of course, Brandon's back flip under a
bxx with clubs.

-Nailing 744 Mills Mess in the best trick comp/game! :)

-Winning 5b endurance.

--Running 3b Mills' Mess blind for a fair amount of time in the blind
juggling game/comp!

-Riding the Segway (thanks to Tristin for teaching me how to ride that

-A couple tricks from Marco's routine.

-Marco's workshop.

-Matt Hall's workshop. I'm in love with factory variations now! :)


-Lower attendance/less jugglers than the last two years.

-The hour-long drive from the fest to our hotel.

-Lack of sleep.

-Me and my entire family being sick for the entire fest.

-No program for the show.

-A couple off color jokes from the Adult Circus' routine.

-Dropping while playing Sky Says. I was doing great, and for some reason
simply missed a ball while switching to factory. Arrrg!


-Nail 744 mm in the best trick (check!).

-Play tons of combat (partial check; we played combat Fri. Sat. and Sun.,
but never got a whole lot of players).

-Learn new stuff (mega check! Thanks to Juggling Sensei especially).

-Win one of the games (check).


Rachel Peden! for being an awesome combat fanatic. Several times when I
was having trouble organizing games of combat, Rachel would come to my aid
and manage to recruit enough players to get a game going.


-The weird noises Marco's DJ used for music during the second half of the

-The parts of Marco's routine that involved wallowing in powdery stuff on
the floor.


-Cutting my lip on Brandon's airflite during combat but still managing to
take him out! Not the best attack technique, but at least it worked! :D


Oct 27, 2008, 3:11:12 PM10/27/08
My turn.

- Marco's presence, on stage, in the gym, outside the gym, in the
workshop, everywhere... inspiring.
- Matt on Sunday after the convention was over. Front yard siteswap
session (shoulda taped it!!!), interesting stories about the good life,
fantastic kendama lesson.
- Seeing all my friends again (Norbi, Dave, NYC, Cornell, Rochester etc)
and making new ones (I'm lookin at you, Josh), which was totally needed.
- Chillin with Norbi backstage before we went on.
- My routine went well... video will be posted when available.
- Walking around with a large group of guys yelling at large groups of
college girls (NOT groups of large girls) and getting no response from the
lot of them.
- Many of the events at renegade
- Won 5 club and 7 ball endurance

- Being interrupted from enjoying the convention by "more pressing matters"
- Gym attendance not being as high
- Not taping the frontyard session

- Learn something from Marco; check. Learn something? I learned
- Impress Dave with something new; fail, miserably. That was to be
expected, though.
- Win a game; check. Check. Not Sky says, which made me only slightly

- Can I say Norbi? There's no easier way to have fun with juggling than
having him around.
- That cute girl I was talking to backstage before I went on. I cast out
the bait, she took it, hook, line and sinker.

ON!!! This freaking vulture comes in and swoops down on her after I turn
my back for a SECOND after having just warmed her up to hang out with
jugglers she's never met and dressed in odd attire. Norbi, you're
- Certian aspects of the organization, including not knowing if I was
performing or not until the day of the fest.

- John Satriano rolling up in a segway.
- Lack of attendees

I'm gonna hit the sack now. I'm beat.
~Joe "The Yellow Dart" Showers


Oct 28, 2008, 3:08:40 PM10/28/08
Joe's routine. It was hillarious. I knew he was going to use that song.
I didn't know how far he was going to take it that far.
Having a full car come up with me this year instead of an empty one last
Ray's contortion tricks during the Renegade. The gangully rise to the
Hanging out with Brandon and Nate and "qualifying" 5 clubs in the corner
of their eye. I wish I could count.

Wondering when all the attendees were going to show up and didn't.
Getting overlooked for a workshop spot with Joe. not cool.
Leaving early from Marco's workshop when things started getting good.

Qualify 5 clubs (maybe check?)
Pass a lot with Christine (semicheck) Next time I'll pass more.

The cute cats at Nate and Kate's. They were extra cuddlely and rambunkous

The said cute cats waking us up every morning.
The Segways going entirely too fast through the gym and worrying about
everyone's safety as a result.
Not enough workshops.
Where was everyone?

Joe's routine.
Brandon joining the circus. (Awesome man!)
It wasn't daylight savings!
The stage for the show was nice no aweful lighting (nice change). The
stage was pretty hard to see with other people in the audience though.
The seating was set on a flat floor. This made Marco's routine especially
hard to enjoy because he was on the floor much of the time.

All in all its hard to follow the Billings Brothers as far as organizers
go. Next year the festival will have less hiccups I'm sure.

Thanks for a great festival,

Adam Van Houten

Oct 28, 2008, 3:28:32 PM10/28/08
- The drive up.
- Seeing Ithaca, it's Gorges up there... (sorry, I saw that on a shirt
next to the Bagel Place)
- The bagel place.
- Seeing friends and making new ones.
- Parts of the public and renegade show.
- Staying with Nate and Kate (thanks for the crash space).
- The parts of Marco's workshops that gave me ideas.

- The amount of people that showed up.
- OTHER parts of the public and renegade show.
- Forgetting to buy random props.

- Passing - Check (6, 7, and 8 clubs wooo!)
- Qualifying 4 clubs - Check (Singles Asynch and Synch)
- Learning a thing or two - Check (Passing maneuvers, some diabolo)
- Having fun - Check

- That cute girl who juggled the volley balls in the public show.
- Brandon's acrobatical and finessful juggling skills.

- Hmm.... Getting hit on the finger tips by quickly rotating clubs while
- Trying to figure out why if there are Finger Tips and Tippy Toes there
aren't Toe Tips and Tippy Fingers. *shrug*

- Finding out that cute chick in the public show was a guy! (j/k Joe,
awesome performance!)

Until Next Time
- Adam


Oct 28, 2008, 4:14:28 PM10/28/08
Adam Van Houten wrote:
> Crush(es):
> - That cute girl who juggled the volley balls in the public show.

Ya dude, that girl was cute.

> Surprise(s):
> - Finding out that cute chick in the public show was a guy! (j/k Joe,
> awesome performance!)

I mean, from the back. And after five beers.

~Joe "Pretty in Pink" Showers


Oct 29, 2008, 12:46:00 AM10/29/08

-Marco's and Matt Hall's workshops
-Getting the twist-up to two high on the second try.
-Hilby's renegade performance
-Deciding on a whim to do a poi performance in the renegade

-Having to leave the gym
-Trying to remember how to get around Ithica
-The attendance.

-Learn new passing patterns: not quite, but I've been making up for it
since I got back (thank god for the Mad Jugglers' pattern book)
-Hold my own in combat: It's getting better.

-Brandon and Marco for inspiring me to work on more presentation in three

-Not enough time to juggle

-Getting the twist up mount on the second try
-the attendance.

Hope to see some of you at the Pitt fest.


Nov 5, 2008, 12:47:02 AM11/5/08
MasterKatra42 wrote:
> Adam Van Houten wrote:
> >
> > Crush(es):
> > - That cute girl who juggled the volley balls in the public show.
> >
> Ya dude, that girl was cute.
> >
> > Surprise(s):
> > - Finding out that cute chick in the public show was a guy! (j/k Joe,
> > awesome performance!)
> >
> I mean, from the back. And after five beers.
> ~Joe "Pretty in Pink" Showers

Pics! I didn't ask permission from the owner, only recognized that
they're on the internet, and therefore are fair game.


Adam Van Houten

Nov 5, 2008, 10:26:31 AM11/5/08
MasterKatra42 wrote:
Pics! I didn't ask permission from the owner, only recognized that
they're on the internet, and therefore are fair game.


Ahh, pictures!
.. Wonder if she's single? She's a pretty good juggler.
*slaps himself*

Sorry about that, too much work makes Adam... um... *shrug*.


Nov 5, 2008, 3:40:32 PM11/5/08
Jeff Peden wrote:
> After a long summer of no festivals I was thrilled to be on the road to
> Cornell this past weekend.

me too


the ceiling
getting to meet and chat and juggle with marco y matt
being able to devote so much time to juggling
barely landing a best trick trick
bagels are delicious
trading box tricks with matt hall
the floor is squishy there
the workshops
hilby is a funny man
hanging out with all my friends
marco's performance was incredible
i won a dvd!
and a shirt!
i brought pomegranets
comments/questions on my 3b juggling
the strong jugglers are doing good things


the lights
i got droppy in the renegade which discouraged me from staying up there
and doing more 3b sequences
gym closed so early sunday!
my neck hurt
i can't do a 3 up front or back tuck in less than 100 tries, i need to
learn to throw things high
attendance was low, bummer
attendance was low in combat, also a bummer
i need some new bean bags
the segway, rather the young children racing around the gym on it...i
wanted to smoke one with a ring...and nearly did...twice...and once with a
race based humor at the renegade is pretty weak,


play combat check
do a best trick i haven't done before checkish-

dave, i'm not sure if you noticed, but i did throw a club behind my back

juggle with marco check

qualify 7 clubs no check
3 connected db9751's no check
7 up 720 with rings no check
qualify 9 and 10 balls no check
flash 12 balls no check
do a whirlwind with all 720's in back x's no check
play with 3 balls check
pirrouette on the segway no check
win some quarters so close, yet so far


people that have time to juggle, a lot
an ice skater i saw walking into the rink
matt hall for his wonderful box swaps
hilby can throw a bowling ball on his plunger on his chin


segway children
my neck
i was hungry
leaving early
lack of food very close by

thanks to everybody that came and helped out and organized and performed
and juggled


Nov 9, 2008, 11:34:51 PM11/9/08
High: Hot apple cider, mini muffins, Nate's cats

Low: Having to write two papers for school while there so not being able
to really do anything in the gym,
not getting to eat at A&W

Crush: That one guy who I sat with during Renegade. James?

Bane: The low turnout. I hear Cornell fest is usually much better.

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