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Four ball videos

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Elisabeth Märk

May 5, 2008, 4:45:41 PM5/5/08
I`ve seen quite a lot of really good and impressing four ball videos which
I found on rec. juggling.

Whar are the best four ball juggling videos or four ball parts in juggling
videos that you know?

All suggestions are welcome!

Best wishes and sunny spring greetings from Austria


----== posted via ==----


May 6, 2008, 12:04:31 AM5/6/08
Elisabeth Märk wrote:
> I`ve seen quite a lot of really good and impressing four ball videos which
> I found on rec. juggling.
> Whar are the best four ball juggling videos or four ball parts in juggling
> videos that you know?
> All suggestions are welcome!
> Best wishes and sunny spring greetings from Austria
> Elisabeth

How about the 4 ball section in Wes' Peden 2 Sweden 2 video. Some
interesting stuff going on there.

And we can't forgot Falco's videos! Some incredible 4 ball stuff going on



May 7, 2008, 9:00:11 AM5/7/08
Elisabeth Märk wrote:
> I`ve seen quite a lot of really good and impressing four ball videos which
> I found on rec. juggling.
> Whar are the best four ball juggling videos or four ball parts in juggling
> videos that you know?
> All suggestions are welcome!
> Best wishes and sunny spring greetings from Austria
> Elisabeth

Greetings from the neighbourhood :-) I`m just back into it, what are you
working on with 4? What do you want to see?



Elisabeth Märk

May 7, 2008, 9:34:31 AM5/7/08
Dreamjuggler wrote:
> Elisabeth Märk wrote:
> >
> > I`ve seen quite a lot of really good and impressing four ball videos which
> > I found on rec. juggling.
> >
> > Whar are the best four ball juggling videos or four ball parts in juggling
> > videos that you know?
> >
> > All suggestions are welcome!
> >
> > Best wishes and sunny spring greetings from Austria
> >
> > Elisabeth
> >
> Greetings from the neighbourhood :-) I`m just back into it, what are you
> working on with 4? What do you want to see?
Hallo Reto!

Nice to read from you again!

I`d like to see anything with four balls, but my favourite trick is still
the reverse fountain with overlapping balls although two balls always stay
in the same hand; I´d really love to see that juggled "almost perfectly".

Sunny spring greetings to Switzerland and, of course, everywhere else



May 7, 2008, 11:48:17 AM5/7/08
Elisabeth Märk wrote:
> I`ve seen quite a lot of really good and impressing four ball videos which
> I found on rec. juggling.
> Whar are the best four ball juggling videos or four ball parts in juggling
> videos that you know?
> All suggestions are welcome!
> Best wishes and sunny spring greetings from Austria
> Elisabeth

Ori Roth's 4 balls routine from IJC15:


May 7, 2008, 12:56:07 PM5/7/08
Elisabeth Märk wrote:

> Hallo Reto!
> Nice to read from you again!

Hello :-)..yes I`m back but this time I`ll try to enjoy more whatever I
do. Do you mean a reverse fountain or a cross armed fountain pattern?


sig. travelling to Strasbourg this weekend ;-)


May 7, 2008, 1:01:33 PM5/7/08
Not the best tricks but still something, IMHO: (2004) (2004)

If you find someone that wants to film something for you at Strasbourg I
would give it a go (offer limited to Elisabeth, smile).

Keep on juggling


Elisabeth Märk

May 7, 2008, 4:26:59 PM5/7/08
Dreamjuggler wrote:
> Not the best tricks but still something, IMHO:
> (2004)
> (2004)
> If you find someone that wants to film something for you at Strasbourg I
> would give it a go (offer limited to Elisabeth, smile).
> Keep on juggling
> DJ
> Dear Reto!

Thank you very much; cool videos, indeed.

Can you juggle the four ball trick that I described before (reverse
fountain with overlapping balls) or do you know a video with this trick?

Best wishes and good night



May 8, 2008, 6:28:30 AM5/8/08

> Can you juggle the four ball trick that I described before (reverse
> fountain with overlapping balls) or do you know a video with this trick?

Hello Elisabeth!

First off, four is my favourite number and when ever I see you start a
thread I always know that it is likely to kick up some interesting videos
for me.

The trick you mention above, well, I work on it, can't say I love it as
much as you seem to which brings me to your question. It seems that every
time you post you ask about this move, and I was wondering, do you work on
it yourself, because I would assume since you have been asking about it
for over a year now you must have it down. Could you film it and let
everyone know exactly what you mean.
I myself have no videos of my juggling, but I am working on one and when
its ready it will contain some of my four ball moves, which my not be
original but at least I made them up for myself.
Incidentally, do you work much on four balls with three ball moves
underneath? I am currently working on a move I like to call jack in the
box, 1 high and extended box with penguin catches underneath, fast and
messy so far but one day.


Elisabeth Märk

May 8, 2008, 1:39:11 PM5/8/08
brotherhuw wrote:

> Hi Huw!

To your question: Of course I`m working on that mentioned trick and I
practice a lot with four balls.

I`ve never made a video and I don`t know anybody who is going to film me.
But I`m looking forward to your coming video and, of course, especially to
the four ball moves.

Best wishes from Austria


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