Whar are the best four ball juggling videos or four ball parts in juggling
videos that you know?
All suggestions are welcome!
Best wishes and sunny spring greetings from Austria
----== posted via www.jugglingdb.com ==----
How about the 4 ball section in Wes' Peden 2 Sweden 2 video. Some
interesting stuff going on there.
And we can't forgot Falco's videos! Some incredible 4 ball stuff going on
Greetings from the neighbourhood :-) I`m just back into it, what are you
working on with 4? What do you want to see?
Nice to read from you again!
I`d like to see anything with four balls, but my favourite trick is still
the reverse fountain with overlapping balls although two balls always stay
in the same hand; I´d really love to see that juggled "almost perfectly".
Sunny spring greetings to Switzerland and, of course, everywhere else
Ori Roth's 4 balls routine from IJC15:
> Hallo Reto!
> Nice to read from you again!
Hello :-)..yes I`m back but this time I`ll try to enjoy more whatever I
do. Do you mean a reverse fountain or a cross armed fountain pattern?
sig. travelling to Strasbourg this weekend ;-)
http://www.retothejuggler.ch/videos/4b1.mpg (2004)
http://www.retothejuggler.ch/videos/4b2.mpg (2004)
If you find someone that wants to film something for you at Strasbourg I
would give it a go (offer limited to Elisabeth, smile).
Keep on juggling
Thank you very much; cool videos, indeed.
Can you juggle the four ball trick that I described before (reverse
fountain with overlapping balls) or do you know a video with this trick?
Best wishes and good night
> Can you juggle the four ball trick that I described before (reverse
> fountain with overlapping balls) or do you know a video with this trick?
Hello Elisabeth!
First off, four is my favourite number and when ever I see you start a
thread I always know that it is likely to kick up some interesting videos
for me.
The trick you mention above, well, I work on it, can't say I love it as
much as you seem to which brings me to your question. It seems that every
time you post you ask about this move, and I was wondering, do you work on
it yourself, because I would assume since you have been asking about it
for over a year now you must have it down. Could you film it and let
everyone know exactly what you mean.
I myself have no videos of my juggling, but I am working on one and when
its ready it will contain some of my four ball moves, which my not be
original but at least I made them up for myself.
Incidentally, do you work much on four balls with three ball moves
underneath? I am currently working on a move I like to call jack in the
box, 1 high and extended box with penguin catches underneath, fast and
messy so far but one day.
> Hi Huw!
To your question: Of course I`m working on that mentioned trick and I
practice a lot with four balls.
I`ve never made a video and I don`t know anybody who is going to film me.
But I`m looking forward to your coming video and, of course, especially to
the four ball moves.
Best wishes from Austria