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Humboldt Juggling Festival 2009 HLGCB

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Matt Hall

no leída,
23 mar 2009, 12:59:45 a.m.23/3/09
I just got back from what has got to be the best Humboldt Festival
that I have ever attended. I can't comment on where it stands out of
the full nine years, but it was my third, and it was a winner. Let's
get the party started, shall we?

High(s): Fun times at Renegade on Friday night--getting a standing
ovation for the diabolo routine was a pleasant change after blowing it
big time at MONDO. It's been a while. MC'ing a truly great public
show last night--not a lot of weak sauce there--in fact, virtually
none with some monster acts included (more later). Finally getting to
hang with young Mr. Karas in a proper way. Loads of sharing going on,
and it was fun-tastic!
Winning the 3-person wheelbarrow race with Chris and Dave from Silver
Creek. Go Raiders!!!

Low(s): Pretty much nothing, so I'll be nit-picky and say losing to
Michael in 3 ball Simon Says on a basic trick I should know and still
being sick throughout the whole weekend.

Goal(s): As always, give good value. Be a good MC. Get the bounce
routine back out in the public eye after a six year hiatus--it was
fun--and only one little drop in the abbreviated version I did as MC.
Learn some new tricks. Teach some good workshops. Life is good.

Crush(es): Several here. The whole Johnston family, but in
particular Jeremiah for his juggling prowess as demonstrated onstage
and for being an incredible festival organizer. Somebody give this
guy the next IJA..., or maybe him and Thom Wall from St. Louis
together. Nice.
Michael Karas. Rocked the freakin' stage like a pro and really tore
it up in the gym with workshops and games.
Poetic Motion Machine--these guys are an IJA Teams Gold waiting to
happen. You heard it here first. Jeremiah, Sloth, Eli--get thyselves
to IJA this summer or I will beat you down.
My minions, Elizabeth and Bridget. I had a blast ladies.
Curt Carlyle. I'll go grocery shopping with you anytime. Looking
forward to the role-reversal at PNJC next week!

Bane(s): My own illness and weakness. Slightly damp and squishy
shoes. =)

Surprise(s): Eli's super-sweet bachelor crash pad, given solely to me
for the weekend!!! Eli, you, my friend, are living large. =) Thanks
again brother.

I'll probably think of more later, but I wanted to get the thread

Kevin Axtell

no leída,
24 mar 2009, 11:55:43 a.m.24/3/09
HJF 09


Fri night renegade!! Great show - Chuggling - Holly's premier - jer's
psyco balarina - matt's diabolo routine - all GREAT!
Circus house parties fri and sat night.
Relentless Anti Spin jokes with Micheal Karas
The Public Show - top notch
The EXCELLENT lineup of workshops

> Low(s):
Working 4 days straight on the Club Motion DVD only to have the
replication company tell me it wasn't going to work ....AAAAHHH!!!

> Goal(s): Try out some comedy at Renegade -check
show some zany 4 club motion at the public show - check
win at least one game - (balance endurance - check)
Premier the Club Motion DVD - so close, so friggin close

> Crush(es): Quite a few but hands down Code Red Circus conspiracy and their
public show act! anti arms!!....
> Bane(s): Kyle beating me in 5 ball endurance -
> Surprise(s): Code red - Vulcan crew fire show - and the excellent spinning
represetation at the festival
Great fest - all in all my favorite humboldt yet - (been to 8)

West Coast!!

----== posted via ==----

Matt Hall

no leída,
24 mar 2009, 12:43:03 p.m.24/3/09
On Mar 24, 8:55 am, (Kevin
Axtell) wrote:

> > Bane(s):  Kyle beating me in 5 ball endurance -

My new bane: losing to both Kyle and Kevin in 5 ball endurance.
Especially after Kevin talked smack and then dropped 1.5 seconds after
I did, giving Kyle the win....grrrrr.....

Matt Hall

no leída,
24 mar 2009, 12:46:02 p.m.24/3/09
On Mar 24, 8:55 am, (Kevin
Axtell) wrote:
> HJF 09
> High(s)
> Fri night renegade!! Great show - Chuggling - Holly's premier - jer's

My new high that I just remembered: Winning the five different fruits
endurance at Renegade against Michael and Eli. My honor is


PS Kevin, Bryan confessed. He should be disqualified from Chuggling
because he was under 21. You got the victory!!!


no leída,
24 mar 2009, 7:33:57 p.m.24/3/09
It was my first time at the fest and it was AWESOME!

High(s): It was really cool to be invited by the Johnston Bros to perform
in the Public Show. My performance at the public show was my best yet in
my opinion, I was more interactive with the crowd and ROCKED 4 diabolos at
the end. Getting to meet some cool new people and also starting to learn
contact juggling.

Low(s): The 6 hour drive up there from San Jose, and the fact that I had
to leave early on Sunday. Missing friday night and the renegade show...

Goal(s): Get better at contact juggling, learn some of the multiplex
siteswapping taught in Hall's workshop. One day get UCSC's juggling club
as rocking as Humboldt's and hold fests like they do :).

Crush(es): Kyle was rocking the contact and numbers juggling. Johnston
bros and everyone else who organized the fest for being awesome in doing
so. Karas, Curt, Hall, and others for being so good at juggling and
inspiring me to get better at club/toss juggling.

Bane(s): Having to leave early from the fest for the long ride back home.
The rain and not being able to juggle in the woods... yes Santa Cruz has
turned me into a hippie :D

Surprise(s): Being asked to perform in the public show, and getting about
2/3 of the audience to stand up after my act.


no leída,
24 mar 2009, 8:10:14 p.m.24/3/09
After digesting the 2009 Humboldt juggling festival experience here is my

High(s): This festival had way to many highs to recount all of them.
Seeing the Perpetual Motion Machine guys rock another festival (drop less
stage show). Seeing Micheal Karas perform on the main stage and have a
full sized lamp post on stage with him. Getting to soaked up a lot of
information from a lot of inspiring kids. Getting some late night
doughnuts in downtown.

Low(s): Stepping in puke on a 4 am walk with Brian from circus
conspiracy. Getting a little sick and stiff after the public show. Having
to leave before games and not staying to take the club balance win away
from Kevin.

> Goal(s):
Goal 1. 3 diabolo low! I would like to think Chris for taking the time
to help me out in the gym.
Goal 2.Present great workshops the likes of Micheal K and Matt H.
> Crush(es): The whole Humboldt crew, the whole Oak-town crew and The great
vendor(Sparkle City Magic shop).
> Bane(s): Not staying for a week. Not capturing on video all of our 3 story
diabolo tricks when we nailed them on the first try.
> Surprise(s): The circus house keeps going and going and going.. Driving
circus conspiracy to Eugene and fitting all of our stuff in the car.
Performers turning down extra cash and telling the organizers they would
rather see more food for the jugglers. The juggling community rocks no
surprise there!

See ya in Corvallis,

Curt Carlyle

Raggedy Annie

no leída,
24 mar 2009, 8:28:08 p.m.24/3/09
HUMBOLDT 2009! What a festival!

Highs: Well, if i HAVE to narrow it down... lets start with the
Renegade show. As current Co-Head Clown of Humboldt Circus, and games
coordinator for the festival, it was a great honor to get up on stage
and host the 5 fruit endurance and the Chuggling challenge. These
games were a collaborative effort of myself, Sloth ( Jesse J. ) and
StevenWeven. Way to go to all who participated and extra kudos to the
winners! Also it was awesome to debut the 4 girl club passing routine
us Humboldt Ladies have been working on. We received a lot of
compliments and encouragement and i cannot even describe how awesome
that made me, and all of us feel. (drops schmops) see you in 2010 IJA!
I was so proud to see our boys ( PMM, Pepper Jaque) do so well on
stage, and with such good reactions and feed back from the audience,
way to rock it guys!!!! Also it was a pleasure to do the sound tech
for the public show, and i got some awesome new music out of the deal.
(T-Pain is one of my new all time favorites ;) Hosting the games on
Sunday was a blast! What fun being on a mic is! There was awesome
participation and maximum endurance and skill. To see 70 clubs held by
one person... wow, way to go Jordan. And Im glad at least one kick up
went into the box.

Lows: One of my 95mm renegades went missing during the games, and was
not recovered. Thats kinda sad. (Its white with gold star mylar...
seen it... anyone?)

Goals: I wanted to learn more club passing patterns and 3 ball tricks,
as well as improve on 5 ball. I learned orbital passing, 7 club snake
feed, solidified 10 club feed and improved on 8 club passing. Thanks
to Dr. Eli for teaching orbitals. Thanks to Matt Hall for zeroing in
on my ball juggling with me ( unexpectedly out of no where, so cool!)
and being a very positive teacher, and your ball workshops were
awesome! Michael Karas' columns workshop was very enlightening, and
the experimental passing workshop was a lot of fun, and challenging. I
also wanted to try spinning stuff, which i havnt tried much yet, and i
learned some basic club swinging from circus conspiracy, and of
course, ANTI SPIN! Ha!

Crushes: Michael Karas. You rocked my juggling festival world.
Seriously, getting to know you, learning from you, and watching you
perform in the public show was so inspirational, and something i will
always cherish. I love your style and quirky personality, you always
made me smile ( i only wish i hadn't been so shy...) i still have a
long ways to go, thank you so much for the input and all of the
positivity you brought to Humboldt!!!!!! I hope to see you again soon.
Circus Conspiracy: Brian, Matt, and Ember. It was such a pleasure
having you guys stay at my humble abode. You are all so fun and
talented. Your performances in the public show were top notch! Way to
be a the only Lady in the show Ember!!!! I cant wait to see you all
again soon, maybe crash at your pad sometime, and laugh and learn more
from you amazing people you! Brie, whom i unfortunately did not juggle
with this time around, but im so glad you came! Curt Carlyle, because
your white boy jokes still make me laugh. And Kevin & Brandy because
you guys just plain rock.

Banes: Anyone find my missing club yet? And my hilariously busted
bathroom towel rack....

Suprises: Brian, the chuggling champ, your not 21!? The challenge
stands, I will win at chuggling next time. And the spoon taped to your
chest> extra delightful!

And of course, I cannot thank all of my wonderful friends up here in
the Humboldt Circus enough!!!! This years public show was my 2 year
anniversary of first being inspired to learn how to juggle, and our
Circus show in a few weeks will mark me at 2 years of knowing how to
juggle. I would not be here, and i would not be as skilled and happy
without having met all of you wonderful, wonderful people, you know
who you are, THANK YOU EVERYBODY! Juggle Love!

<3 Raggedy Annie


no leída,
24 mar 2009, 10:33:57 p.m.24/3/09
This was my first Humboldt Juggling Festival, and I had a blast. Looking
forward to next year's festival.

High(s): Where do I begin...well first of all, being back in Arcata,
California was great. Winning the 3-person wheelbarrow race with
Hall-Sensei and Chris. Winning the raffle for 5 brand new juggling
beanbags as well as a festival t-shirt. Seeing the entire public show
because every performance was awesome. Meeting Michael Karas. Seeing
Hall-Sensei, Curt Carlyle, Kevin Axtell, Kyle Johnson, and Poetic Motion.
Hitting the 3 cigar box sequence of: 1 box pirouette to 2 box pirouette to
3 box pirouette to 3 box cross-arm pirouette in 2 tries, while a person
was watching me. Sitting on workshops throughout the festival.

Low(s): Missing the Cigar Box workshop Friday night because the person I
went with had college finals the same day. Leaving early on Sunday
because I had school the next day.

Goal(s): Improve my toss juggling and cigar box juggling. Go to more
juggling festivals. Teach a workshop of my own. Help the Humboldt
Juggling Society when I transfer to their school in the fall.

Crush(es): Everyone that helped organize the festival, especially
Jeremiah. Watching Michael Karas juggle throughout the festival. Seeing
how much Kyle has improved since meeting him at the Berkeley Juggling
Festival 2 years ago. Also, every other juggler I saw there.

Bane(s): Being sore from going to the gym on Friday. It really affected
my juggling because I couldn't hold out my arms straight. Dropping in 3
ball Simon Says because of my arms.

Surprise(s): None that I can think of.

Matt Hall

no leída,
25 mar 2009, 1:14:42 a.m.25/3/09
On Mar 24, 7:33 pm, (chaosdragon) wrote:

> High(s):

> Hitting the 3 cigar box sequence of: 1 box pirouette to 2 box pirouette to
> 3 box pirouette to 3 box cross-arm pirouette in 2 tries, while a person

You hit that?!? Gnarly. I'll have to try that in Corvallis this
weekend, just for chuckles...

You da man,


Michael Karas

no leída,
25 mar 2009, 4:04:31 a.m.25/3/09

Well I just got back and boy are my arms tired!! But seriously, I had no
idea when I got asked to perform at this fest HOW MUCH FUN it would be! I
got to meet so many new and incredible people in the last six days, I can
barely keep track of them. To think that six days ago, the words "Vulcan"
and "anti-spin" meant nothing to me...

Humboldt is a super fun convention that focuses on bringing together
innovators in both toss juggling and spinning disciplines. It is
workshop-intensive with quality shows and a roster of people that are
there to juggle 20 hours a day.

Anyway, on to my HLGCB+S


--Finding out how NICE, COOL, and TALENTED Jeremiah Johnston is.
Probably very few people on this board know who he is but don't worry -
you will.

--Getting to hang out with Matt Hall more than ever before at any other
convention. Now there's a guy who understands and loves juggling. (Your
"OLD AND BUSTED" t-shirt is in the mail LOL)

--Having lots of people attend my workshops and seemingly get something
out of them.

--Bringing some T-pain ridiculousness to Arcata in the public show.

--Winning the Judy Finelli award. (Thanks to everyone who voted for

--Seeing the Pacific Ocean for the first time


--I expected the weather to be warmer than it was..

--I wasn't expecting SOO many heckles during my Renegade piece.

--My ring piece not going as smooth as hoped in the public show.


--Be an ACTIVE participant (big check)

--Meet tons of new people (big check)

--Rock out in the public show (big check)

--Do a 5 club leprecaun kick-up (failed)

--Learn ANTI-Spin (check)

--See the Pacific Ocean (check)

--Teach meaningful workshops (check)


Make no mistake about it, there were quite a few beautiful AND talented
(at the same time) female jugglers rocking out at Humboldt the whole
weekend. My crushes would have to be:

Lo - thanks for the nice note (Judy Finelli), the ring passing, and the
good conversation. We're ON A BOAT!!!

Raggedy Annie - super nice, great smile, good hugger.

Na - best eyes of the convention.


Bathrooms were also SOO far away from the juggling locations.

Club Gathering took way too long.


Winning combat?? I suck at combat.

All in all, I had a blast at Humboldt and would love to go back next year
for the big 10th Anniversary Blowout Event! Jeremiah and friends pulled
out all the stops and sacrificed their own fun sometimes to make sure we
all had a great time. Much love and good luck with the upcoming circus

~Michael Kara(t)s

Matt Hall

no leída,
25 mar 2009, 11:04:51 a.m.25/3/09
On Mar 25, 1:04 am, (Michael Karas) wrote:

>   --Getting to hang out with Matt Hall more than ever before at any other
> convention.  Now there's a guy who understands and loves juggling.  (Your
> "OLD AND BUSTED" t-shirt is in the mail LOL)

Yeah, make it an XL. I'm getting fatter also....

> All in all, I had a blast at Humboldt and would love to go back next year
> for the big 10th Anniversary Blowout Event!  Jeremiah and friends pulled
> out all the stops and sacrificed their own fun sometimes to make sure we
> all had a great time.  Much love and good luck with the upcoming circus
> show!!

True dat. I saw the Johnston Boys and Steven working their bullox off
much of the time, even when I knew they wanted to be in a workshop or
something. Much respect! As for next year's 10th Anniversary Event--
HUGE. Everyone needs to be there for that one. I'll be there for way or another.


Raggedy Annie

no leída,
25 mar 2009, 2:04:45 p.m.25/3/09

> >" All in all, I had a blast at Humboldt and would love to go back next year
> > for the big 10th Anniversary Blowout Event!  Jeremiah and friends pulled
> > out all the stops and sacrificed their own fun sometimes to make sure we
> > all had a great time.  Much love and good luck with the upcoming circus
> > show!!"
> "True dat.  I saw the Johnston Boys and Steven working their bullox off
> much of the time, even when I knew they wanted to be in a workshop or
> something.  Much respect!  As for next year's 10th Anniversary Event--
> HUGE.  Everyone needs to be there for that one.  I'll be there for
> way or another.
> matt"

This juggling thing is so amazing. We had a HLGCBS decompression
session last night about the festival, and one of the biggest Highs
that everyone had was how much of an awesome community of jugglers we
had here for our festival. Its surreal how many amazing, friendly,
talented jugglers and spinners alike from so many different walks of
life travel so far to come to our festival. To feel like I have family
here in Cali, and all over the country because of juggling is such a
blessing. We have made a lot of notes on what went best and what could
be improved upon for organizing next years 10th Anniversary Festival,
and I know its going to be the best Juggling Festival ever! My other
personal bane was not being as organized for the games as i could have
been, not having noodles for unicycle jousting, towels for don't drop
the soap, and for not knowing exactly how to narrow the game
contestants down a little sooner for games like club collect. Thanks
to everyone for the support and feedback. More Humboldt Circus shows
on youtube soon, stay tuned!!!

Kyle Johnson

no leída,
26 mar 2009, 5:07:44 a.m.26/3/09
Ive been juggling for a few years now and i love to go to as many
festivals as i can. Humboldt this year was great, well put together,
and there was food, so i didnt have to leave the comfort of the so congrats on a great fest! Being from an area with a pretty
small juggling community which ive only just started to meet, im very
happy to meet more jugglers, especially those with high skill levels
in their particular prop(s), and new ideas.

High(s):watching the circus conspiacy show with the clubswinging arms,
and the frontier psychiatry song. that was brilliant, so awesome.
winning the 5 ball endurance, finishing with a 3 up 360. it suprised
me. the last like three festivals i screwed up within the first like
30 secs, very frustrating. getting a nice free last minute floor to
sleep on. thank you james. meeting up with and getting to see so many
great jugglers, matt hall, david pham(even though i didnt seem to see
him with boxes the whole time i was there), chris garcia, greg
maldonado, kevin axtell, micheal karas, and on and on...

Low(s): Leaving. : ( also having saoked shoes and socks because of
juggling? <-- 360s burned a whole in my right shoe.
lugging around too many props, i need to consolidate i dont need to

9 2.25 inch beanbags
6 russian balls
12 2.75 inch beanbags
5 clubs
countless amount of stage balls at least 7-8
2 diabolos
12-13 3 inch acrylics
2 hackysacks
there is other stuff im forgetting i know it

thats when it borders on addiction when you forget your basic human
needs like a toothbrush(which i did) but can not forget like 30-40
pounds of props.

Goal(s): Getting through the mountains without falling off of them,
and in one piece. success
Being a better juggler. in progress
meet more jugglers, very important. success
have awesome time. success

Crush(es): circus conspiracy as i said before so cool, matt hall
always has great stuff, chris garcia 4 diabs damn, Kevin axtell and
the johnston brothers all that club motion business is gunna be big.
the vulcan crew which comes up with tons of new stuff

Bane(s): not listening to simon and dropping in like less than a
minute. having to leave the gym and sleep.

Surprise(s): winning the 5 ball endurance then landing the 3 up
kevin getting my 9 ball ax8 flash on video. improving a lot with my
contact juggling leg rolls after a long time with no practice of it.


no leída,
27 mar 2009, 3:31:39 a.m.27/3/09

About the boxes, you just weren't around when I busted those bad boys out.
And when I did...oh boy did you miss some stuff. Probably because I did
most of my cigar boxing early Saturday morning.

David Pham


no leída,
27 mar 2009, 5:05:56 p.m.27/3/09
Holy crap! Just had the most fun in the whole universe. This woulda
come sooner, but I rode back to Oakland with a new Vulcaner and left
my laptop power cord there. >.< Currently sitting at a public
terminal at OSU waiting for the PNW Juggling Festival to start...

Humboldt was but my second juggling festival, and definitely my first
of such a rockin' caliber. Agreements with Annie that I now feel like
I've found yet another circus family on the good ol' Left Coast.

HIGHS: Getting adopted by Kevin Axtell, who promptly cracked my head
open and filled it full of new juggling tricks. Networking with
experienced juggle-festers. Michael Karas getting jiggy wit it.
Getting drafted to teach a contact juggling workshop about five
minutes after Greg's ended. Informally setting up a sponsorship with
Sparkling City during the public show intermission. And the Saturday
night party!

LOWS: Having to skip games to run to the coffee shop and work on press
liaison stuff online. Coming down with lung crud by the end of the

GOALS: Internalize as much as possible before making it up to the fest
in Corvallis. Use new juggle-fest experience to throw a killer one in
Bellingham this summer. Don't chicken out when invited into the next
renegade show!

CRUSHES: Zan takes the cake - there's a crush both personal and
professional. And I've gotta say I'd do a lot more snuggling and
talking about comics with Lo if given more time!

BANE: Germs. linear time, and a nagging injury from a couple weeks ago
that kept me from juggling quite as hard as I'd have liked.

SURPRISE: Riding back to Oakland with a Vulcaner with whom I helped co-
found the Bellingham Circus Guild. Small world!

I'll see a bunch of you in a few hours. To the rest, well, I'll see
you next year!



no leída,
30 mar 2009, 5:32:52 p.m.30/3/09
On Mar 24, 5:10 pm, (vanillatown)
> After digesting the 2009Humboldtjugglingfestivalexperience here is my
> High(s):  Thisfestivalhad way to many highs to recount all of them.
> Seeing the Perpetual Motion Machine guys rock anotherfestival(drop less

> stage show). Seeing Micheal Karas perform on the main stage and have a
> full sized lamp post on stage with him. Getting to soaked up a lot of
> information from a lot of inspiring kids. Getting some late night
> doughnuts in downtown.
> Low(s):  Stepping in puke on a 4 am walk with Brian from circus
> conspiracy.  Getting a little sick and stiff after the public show. Having
> to leave before games and not staying to take the club balance win away
> from Kevin.
> > Goal(s):
>   Goal 1. 3 diabolo low! I would like to think Chris for taking the time
> to help me out in the gym.
>   Goal 2.Present great workshops the likes of Micheal K and Matt H.
> > Crush(es): The wholeHumboldtcrew, the whole Oak-town crew and The great

> vendor(Sparkle City Magic shop).
> > Bane(s):  Not staying for a week.  Not capturing on video all of our 3 story
> diabolo tricks when we nailed them on the first try.
> > Surprise(s): The circus house keeps going and going and going.. Driving
> circus conspiracy to Eugene and fitting all of our stuff in the car.
> Performers turning down extra cash and telling the organizers they would
> rather see more food for the jugglers. Thejugglingcommunity rocks no

> surprise there!
> See ya in Corvallis,
> Curt Carlyle
> --
> ----== posted

It's Poetic Motion Machine. That's ok curt we still love you! :^)


no leída,
30 mar 2009, 7:21:44 p.m.30/3/09
Wow! What an AWESOME fest it was! As head organizer, there are so
many things to say, so let's get to it!
-Just about everything! Overall fest turned out fantastic! I was
worried the small room we had for thurs and friday wouldn't be big
enough come friday evening, but it turned out to be perfect! (after
issues with HSU's insurance policies, we skipped out on the parade to
the Baptist Church's gym which would've been a pain in the @$$ to
coordinate, re-set up and would've been a punch in the juggling
societies wallet) The mirrors in the small room turned out to be a
great compensation for the lower ceilings. Moving to the gym for sat
and sun was a big relief and gave us plenty of space.
-Our festival guests and workshops were fantastic! Thank you all so
much for coming! We had more workshops than we knew what to do with,
at times tripling up! From spinning workshops with the vulcan, zan
and bliss to factory variations, boxes and clubs with matt, rings
karas, diabolo with curt, Club Motion by me, sloth and kevin, we had
HUGE variation of workshops. I believe it helps make a juggling
festival really worth attending (especially if you're as far from
everyone as we are in Humboldt!!) Way to go Liz for the organization
of the workshops.
-The Renegade Show was EXCELLENT! Thank you Steven for making it
happen! Having a separate room for it was awesome. The show was a
great blend of kooky, sexy, heckling adult entertainment but still
pleasant and encouraging enough that my "little" sister could hop up
and bust out her diabolo routine! Way to go Holly! Tons of awesome
pieces in that show, I certainly had fun. ;^) The games and
blacklights were a great addition too!
-The public show was fantastic and had a nice balance of audience
participation and full blown artistic juggling flow. Some of my
were of course our flawless passing routine and getting to watch
Karas's act in full. The fire show was an awesome addition to the
show as well. Thanks vulcan, instruments of now and bliss
-Our lighting designer, Dan Stockwell was also fantastic and got a
of compliments from the performers. Way to go Shea for organizing a
public show that seemed to go very smoothly! We also had a much
better turnout than last year.
- Our vendor, Sparkling City Magic and Juggling was a delight to have
around with a huge variety of equipment! Jay and his family were
sociable, friendly and eager to be a part of the festival! It was
their first time hitting the road! They are also going to sponsor
big Humboldt Juggling Festival banner for next year and donated loads
of awesome equipment to the raffle! Thanks for coming, we'll make
sure to have them back next year.
-A quick mention of our awesome festival and T-shirt design, a
throwback to Da Vinci's vitruvian man. Nice job Jesse (Sloth) (my
-Sunday games went well too, thanks for hosting Annie! I got some
good photos of games posted on Facebook group Humboldt Juggling
-The Raffle this year was EPIC and raised a lot of $$ for next year.
Thank you to our donors and participants!
-A very high note was the community of attendees. Everyone seemed
very sociable, willing to share skills and hang out together. The
late night decompression parties at the circus house on friday and
saturday were an awesome way to get to know everyone on a social
and connect in a way other than with props flying past everyone's
head. I feel like I made a lot of new friends!
-the loads of experience points i got from throwing a juggling
festival and the praise from everyone for so many different things!
-A flawless public show routine that can double as an IJA entry video
-I'm sure there's other stuff but that'll do for highs
Lows: Only a few small lows
-Volunteer organization got a little haphazard at the front desk
switching rooms on saturday morning and not having the volunteer
coordinator around until later. We all better understand what the
of volunteer coordinator entails. Andrew did make sure to have
someone there when we needed them during hours tho.
-In future years, we will have setup and strike better planned and
organized. Some of us did a lot of running around doing menial tasks
that could have been easily delegated with more foresight. Such as
cleanup after the renegade show.
-We dropped several times during our Club Motion piece in the public
show, mostly because down to the last minute, we were scrambling to
get the act together.
-Didn't sell T-shirts as well as we would've liked. I've gotten a
of requests for girls shirts. We'll look into that next time. Ended
up giving a lot away as raffle prizes and game prizes. We'll
just get less shirts next time.
-Personally I was so busy making sure everything went smooth that I
didn't get to juggle as much as I'd like and only got to attend two
workshops, missing Karas's ring workshop and all of the spinning
workshops! On the other hand I taught several myself which all went
well! To make up for it, i just went to PNWJC and stayed up until 4
am every night juggling! :^)
-Waking up to open the gym at 9 sucked after staying up till 3 or 4
the circus house. Maybe next year we'll start at 10.
-I didn't do well at all in the games. but it was fun taking pics
-Having a diverse group of object manipulators and workshops CHECK
-Higher attendance at the Public Show CHECK (still could've been
better but it blew last year out of the water)
-Debuting Club Motion dvd via workshops, public show and available
dvd 3/4 CHECK (workshops were a hit but the dvd didn't work out
we had a lot of drops in the show)
-Get to better know the juggling/spinning community on a personal
level CHECK
-Juggle my brains out HALF CHECK but after PNWJC CHECK
-Host a great renegade show CHECK
-Host a diverse jaw dropping public show CHECK!
-Code Red was a delight to have around. Very innovative and
-Vulcan crew is so humble and inspiring
-Matt is always a pleasure to have around and is an inspiration as a
teacher ( I plan on doing a lot of classes in the future)
-Michael Karas was great to have around, really friendly sociable guy
and so fun swapping trap and scissor moves with you!
-The Humboldt Ladies and another mind blowing passing piece in
renegade! You all have so much character and creativity with your
talents! I can't wait to see the polished product! IJA 2010!
Getting sick right after the fest
Not being able to attend more workshops at our own fest
The flawless Poetic Motion Machine piece and praise for the fest!
Seeing Kyle beat Matt and Kevin in the 5 ball endurance
Thank you everyone for coming it wouldn't have been the same without
you all!
Peace, Love and Respect


no leída,
30 mar 2009, 9:19:08 p.m.30/3/09
Kyle Johnson wrote:
> 6 russian balls

What do you with those? :P


Kyle Johnson

no leída,
31 mar 2009, 12:36:01 p.m.31/3/09
On Mar 30, 6:19 pm, (Emman)



no leída,
31 mar 2009, 6:06:06 p.m.31/3/09

You started juggling russians? Or you only admire them?

Kyle Johnson

no leída,
1 abr 2009, 2:30:04 p.m.1/4/09
On Mar 31, 3:06 pm, (Emman)

> Kyle Johnson wrote:
> > On Mar 30, 6:19 pm, (Emman)
> > wrote:
> > > Kyle Johnson wrote:
> > > > 6 russian balls
> > > What do you with those? :P
> > > Emman
> > > --
> > > ----== posted
> > uh?
> You started juggling russians? Or you only admire them?
> Emman
> --
> ----== posted Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

i bought them at the ija. remember. i used them for a while after the
ija but i really dont use them much anymore. i just got 11 new
sportcos in december that are average size compared to the 2.25 i used
to use

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