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Eising IH Iwan

Mar 30, 1990, 8:18:27 AM3/30/90
Here is again an amazing joke from the ultimate Mr JipJip.
It contents offensive language.
Use the rot13 decoder.


Bapr va n xvatqbzr sne, sne njnl sebz urer, Ubyynaq, gurer jnf
guvf gerr, n gerr jvgu ovt fgebat oenapurf unatvat ba gurfr oenapurf
gurer jrer ovt yrnirf.

Fbzrjurer va gur gerr jnf n pragvcrqr penjyvat nebhaq ybbxvat
sbe gur hygvzngr yrnir naq nsgre n juvyr fur sbhaq vg.
Ba n oenapu bar zrgre uvture guna gura gur oenapu ba jvpu gur
pragvcrqr fng gurer jnf guvf avpr yvggyr oveq jnvgvat sbe uvf hygvzngr
sbbq, n pragvcrqr. Naq juvyr ybbxvat nebhaq ur fcbggrq gur pragvcrqr.
N oenapu uvture gurer fng guvf phgr yvggyr chfflpng, uhatel
'pnhfr ur ( be fur ) qvqa'g unq rabhtu Jvfxnf naq ur ( be fur ) jnf
ybbxvat sbe uvf hygvzngr sbbq naq ur fcbggrq gur yvggyr oveq.

"Qnza, gung'f fbzr avpr yrnir naq vg fzryyf yvxr n qvpx zna.
V shpxva' yvxr n fzryy yvxr gung, Lrnu zna V jnaan tvir zl uhfonaq
gur terngrfg oybjwbo ur'f rire unq. Bbbbu V guvax V'z pbzvat ba gur
fzryy, qnza vf guvf rebgvp. Jryy shpx gur bguref V'z tbaan eho vg bire
zl nyy jrggrq shpx-ubyr naq rng vg."
Lrnu gur pragvcrqr jnf fbzr birefrkrq ovgpu.

"Qnza", fnvq gur yvggyr oveq gb vgfrys,"gung'f fbzr onq nff
shpx pragvcrqr. Zna V'yq yvxr gb rng gung qnza ornfg gb trg fbzr
cebgrvar, fb V pna shpx zl ovgpu g'avtug sbe n uhaqerq gvzrf. Ohg V'ir
tbg gb or qnza shpxva cngvrag 'pnhfr jura gung penml zbgureshpxre
uhznaf pnyy pragvcrqr unf rngra gung svar yrnir juvpu V whfg hfrq gb
pyrna zl onq nff qvpx, V pna shpx zl jvsr sbe n gubhfnaq gvzrf naq
fgvyy unir gur raretl gb shpx gung ovgpu bs n arvtuobe'f jvsr."
Lrnu guvf oveql vfa'g gur avpr yvggyr oveq jr gubhtug vg jnf.

"Qnza", gunhtug gur chfflpng,"gung'f fbzr shpxl oveql, V'yq yvxr
gb rng gur shpxvat oveq, ohg V'ir gb or fuvggl cngvrag 'pnhfr jura V
jnvg 'gvyy gur fuvg oveq unf rngra gung phgr avpr nff ovgpu pnyyrq n
pragvcrqr V trg ernyyl shpxva' zhpu bs zl zbfg shpxva' fuvg uhzna pnyy
sbbq naq n ivgnzvar-p(ragvcrqr) ner qnza tbbq sbe n shpx-jnagvat fuvg
urnq yvxr zr."
Lrnu guvf chfflpng unq fbzr ebhtu gunhtugf.

Juvyr gur pragvcrqr jnf rngvat gur yrnir ze jvaq pnzr bire sbe
n ivfvg naq jvgu uvf onq oerngu, 'pnhfrq ol cbyhgvba ur oyrj gur chffl
evtug vagb gur jngrecbby, whfg haqre gur gerr.

Jryy, jung vf gur zbeny bs guvf fgbel?
Gur ybatre gur sbercynl gur jrggre gur chffl.......

Ze WvcWvc.......................

Brian Westphal

Mar 30, 1990, 12:42:00 PM3/30/90
Can you say english boys and girls? This may have been funny had it
required a bit less translation from WTF to english. Do you think you
might have checked this a little before you posted it? We already have
enough wasted bandwidth on the net.

Lou Montgomery

Mar 30, 1990, 5:27:49 PM3/30/90

WOE!!!!! Brian!!! I thought it was less than Pulitzer quality too.
But, for your fellow Engineering types, please warn us before you shoot
that big flame thrower. Damned near "scorched mah reticulatory nerves."

Foghorn Leghorn



Apr 2, 1990, 10:50:55 PM4/2/90
In article <>, (Eising IH Iwan) writes:
> Here is again an amazing joke from the ultimate Mr JipJip.
> It contents offensive language.

And a lot of shitty grammar.

> Use the rot13 decoder.

Was more intelligible without.

> Enjoy...................

> ---------------

> Once in a kingdome far, far away from here, Holland, there was
> this tree, a tree with big strong branches hanging on these branches
> there were big leaves.

Okay, that's enough of the original text. Anyway, it sort of reminded
me of another animal story.

Once in a kingdome far, far away from here, Seattle ...

No, make that Iowa.

There was this large field of corn.

Alongside the field of corn there was a fast-flowing creek.

On the other side of the creek, there was a hungry rooster.

The rooster was hungry, but not hungry enough to try to fly across the creek.

Behind the rooster, hiding in the bushes, was a hungry cat.

While the rooster stood at the edge of the creek, gazing at the corn, the
cat quietly stalked the bird, waiting for the right moment to pounce.

Unfortunately, the cat stepped on a small twig, cracking it, and alarming
the heretofore preoccuppied rooster.

With a sudden rush of adrenelan, the rooster jumpped and flapped his wings
like there was no tomorrow.

The cat, not wishing to miss the opportunity leapt out, reaching for the
clumsily flying bird.

But alas, the cat missed completely and fell into the creek.

The rooster however, was more fortunate, and managed to fly the width of the
stream to the field of corn, where he was able to eat to his heart's content.

The Moral of this being ...

Where there is a wet pussy, there is often a happy cock.

Goodnight Kids.


Don E. Davis

Apr 3, 1990, 9:13:53 PM4/3/90

One of the funniest manifestations on the net is people correcting English
with still worse English. I have never seen a correction which
didn't contain some flaw of its own.



Apr 5, 1990, 4:32:57 PM4/5/90
Agreed. I recall a grammer flame that included a line that said,

"The previous sentence no verb"

John Fereira or

Simon Gladman

Apr 11, 1990, 10:19:57 AM4/11/90

wot our you peepole like? you'll so bleedin klever or this is wot
you wood like us, the rest of us, to fink - cos you karnt even
spell "floor". ha ha ha. i've got yer ther and that is the bleedin
trooth and i bet yer wood not eevon dreem ov tryeing too flame
this cos my english teecher saw it and she sed it was oll korrect.

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