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Yogi Berra quotes wanted

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08.07.1991, 12:42:2308.07.91

I would greatly appreciate it if anybody out there
could email me a list of Yogi Berra quotes. Thanks.


Drew Shearsmith

09.07.1991, 15:09:5509.07.91
Yeh-he-heeeey Boo-boo

Thats the only one I know :-)

So how can there be a solution, with a system of minority rule,
And laws that provide and discriminate according to colour,
It's suicidal and senseless
But you turn to me with a tear in your and say "Sea never dry"

taken from 'Sea Never Dry' on 'New Maps of Hell' by God's Little Monkeys

Chris Best

11.07.1991, 09:53:3111.07.91
| I would greatly appreciate it if anybody out there
| could email me a list of Yogi Berra quotes. Thanks.


Hey, hey, hey, Boo Boo - there's a pic-a-nic basket!


11.07.1991, 14:46:2011.07.91

Maybe some old Renolds Wrap commercials. :-)


Mark A Johnston

12.07.1991, 10:31:3812.07.91

> I would greatly appreciate it if anybody out there
> could email me a list of Yogi Berra quotes. Thanks.

Dedicated to those of you who submitted Yogi BEAR quotes, here are
some Yogi BERRA quotes:

(from memory, may not be verbatim)

Nobody ever eats at that restaurant anymore. It's always
too crowded.

What time is it? You mean right NOW?

(and the all-time classic...)

Ninety percent of baseball is half mental.

For those of you not familiar with our national pasttime, Yogi
Berra was a baseball player and a coach with the NY Yankees,
amongst other teams. How anybody could not be familiar with an
AMERICAN sport, is beyond me. (Uh oh. I can hear 'em warming up
those flamethrowers overseas.)

Along the lines of flames: I pity the poor souls whose worthless
lives leave them with nothing better to do than to engage in flame
wars on the Net. So go ahead and flame me... I know how to use the
'n' key, and I won't waste any time reading your meritricious bilge.


Ed Krol

12.07.1991, 11:29:0312.07.91

Wasn't yogi also responsible for:

The game ain't over til it's over

as well.

Fred Gulden

12.07.1991, 13:31:5912.07.91

"It's like deju vu all over again" -- Yogi Berra
( |_ _ _ _| * <-- Map of the United States with my state,
/' / '(-'(_| county, and city flags detailed.
"""""""""""""" Resolution may vary depending on
your monitor.

Fred Gulden

12.07.1991, 13:36:0912.07.91

"It's like deja vu all over again" -- Yogi Berra

Marty Kent

12.07.1991, 14:53:5412.07.91

"You can observe a lot sometimes just by watching"

Brad D. Clark

12.07.1991, 18:05:3612.07.91

"Right-handers go over there, left-handers go over there, the rest of
you, come with me."

The Yog on opening day of Spring training, talking to pitchers.

Sean McAfee

13.07.1991, 15:26:5313.07.91
In article <0094B4A9...@GOMEZ.PHYS.VIRGINIA.EDU> writes:
> I would greatly appreciate it if anybody out there
>could email me a list of Yogi Berra quotes. Thanks.

From _Star-Spangled Comics_ #130, which I picked up in the quarter bin about
a week ago, from sometime in 1952:

YOGI: [slides into home]
YOGI: Good thing I had a double helping of Wheaties!

REPORTER: Great game, Yogi! Can we get a picture?
YOGI: [grinning broadly and retrieving a box of Wheaties from his locker]
Okay, but get Wheaties in it too!

Both of these quotes were from an advertisement for Wheaties, in case you
didn't notice. Y'know, advertisements in comic books (especially from the
Golden Age) are possessed of a brand of humor completely unto themselves.

Julia Wilkinson

14.07.1991, 15:58:5214.07.91
Here are all the Yogi Berra quotes I know of:

If the people don't want to come out to the park, nobody's gonna stop

There are some people who, if they don't already know, you can't tell

A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore.

Even Napoleon had his Watergate.

I want to thank all the people who made this night necessary.

Half the lies they tell me aren't true.

If you can't imitate him, don't copy him.

On why it's so tough to play left field in Yankee Stadium: "Because
it gets late early."

Ordering sweaters: "That's the kind I want. I want one in Navy Blue
and one in Navy brown."

On receiving a check made out to "Bearer": "How could you spell
my name like that?"

After being asked by a waitress if he wanted his pizza cut into four
slices or eight: "Better make it four. I don't think I can eat eight

Why don't you pair 'em up in threes?

"99% of this game is half mental."

And the already-mentioned:

You can observe a lot just by watching.

It ain't over 'til it's over.

No wonder nobody comes here -- it's too crowded.

Yogi's son Dale, asked to compare himself with his father: "Our similarities
are different."

"I see your father still communicates with his home planet."

Ken Jenkins

22.07.1991, 10:48:0022.07.91

"If people don't want to go out to the ball park there's nothing you
can do to stop them"

Greg Martin

22.07.1991, 16:08:2722.07.91
In article <78...@bgsuvax.UUCP> edw...@bgsuvax.UUCP (Ken Jenkins) writes:
>"If people don't want to go out to the ball park there's nothing you
>can do to stop them"
I believe Yogi Berra was also quoted as saying:

"You can observe a lot by watching."

* Greg Martin The opinions expressed above are mine *
* "I sing the hypotenuse, sweeping and only mine. *
* square of the other sides" - T'Vau, How Much For Just the Planet *

Wayne Geiser

23.07.1991, 17:20:1023.07.91
"Bill Dickey is learning me his experience."

- Yogi Berra in his rookie season.
"So I'm ugly. So what? I never saw anyone hit with his face."

- Yogi Berra.
REPORTER: "How did you like school when you were growing up, Yogi?"
YOGI BERRA: "Closed."
KEN BOSWELL: "I'm in a rut. I can't break myself of this habit. I
keep swinging up at the ball."
YOGI BERRA: "Well, swing down."
RUBE WALKER: "Hey, Yogi, what time is it?"
YOGI BERRA: "You mean now?"
"I think Little League is wonderful. It keeps the kids out of the

- Yogi Berra.

"A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore."

- Yogi Berra.
"Yeah, what paper you write for, Ernie?"

- Yogi Berra after being introduced to Ernest Hemingway.
"If the people don't want to come out to the park, nobody's going to
stop 'em."

- Yogi Berra.
"Nobody goes there any more. It's too crowded."

- Yogi Berra
"I'm a lucky guy, and I'm happy to be with the Yankees. And I want to
thank everyone for making this night necessary."

- Yogi Berra at a dinner in his honor.
"In baseball, you don't know nothing."

- Yogi Berra.
"The game's not over until it's over."

- Yogi Berra.
INTERVIEWER: "I understand you had an audience with the Pope."
YOGI BERRA: "No, but I saw him."
INTERVIEWER: "Did you get to talk to him?"
YOGI BERRA: "I sure did. We had a nice little chat."
INTERVIEWER: "What did he say?"
YOGI BERRA: "Ya know, he must read the papers a lot, because he said,
'Hello, Yogi.'"
INTERVIEWER: "And what did you say?"
YOGI BERRA: "I said, 'Hello, Pope.'"
MARY LINDSAY: "You look nice and cool Yogi."
YOGI BERRA: "You don't look so hot yourself."
REPORTER: "What would you do if you found a million dollars?"
YOGI BERRA: "If the guy was poor, I would give it back."
"Okay, who's in it?"

- Yogi Berra (when asked if he wanted to see a dirty movie).
"Baseball is 90 percent mental; the other half is physical."

- Yogi Berra.
GEORGE BUSH: "Yogi, Texas is very, very important."
YOGI BERRA: "I know, Texas has a lot of electrical votes."
WAITRESS: "Do you want your pizza cut into four or eight slices?"
YOGI BERRA: "Four, I don't think I can eat eight."
"Is he living?
Is he living now?"

- Yogi Berra (playing 20 questions).
JOE PAGE: "[I] had been hunting with Enos Slaughter, and Enos had
been jumping in and out of the bushes so much looking for
quail that he got a cyst on his back."
YOGI BERRA: "What kind of bird is a cyst?"
"Even the music was nice."

- Yogi Berra (speaking of the opera "Tosca").
LARRY BERRA: "The man is here for the Venetian blinds."
YOGI BERRA: "Look in my pants pocket and give him five bucks."
"I usually take a two-hour nap from one to four."

- Yogi Berra.
"He is a big clog in their machine."

- Yogi Berra.
"Why buy good luggage? You only use it when you travel."

- Yogi Berra.
"It gets late early out there."

- Yogi Berra.
WOMAN: "Is Yoo-Hoo hyphenated?"
YOGI BERRA: "No, ma'am, its not even carbonated."
* Wayne Geiser Voice: (508) 977-9500 x253 *
* PictureTel Corporation Internet: *
* One Corporation Way CIS: 70313, 3615 *
* Peabody, MA 01960 *
"More than any time in history mankind faces a crossroads. One path
leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total
extinction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly."

- Woody Allen.

Leads Network News

23.07.1991, 21:36:2623.07.91
One day Yogi came home after a game, and asked his wife "Well, how was
your day?". And she said "Oh, I went to see Dr. Zhivago today". And
Yogi said "Oh, honey, what's wrong?".
Bob Marshall ^ \\
Lockheed Missiles & Space Co. |L| \\ Marshall's Theorem :
Sunnyvale, CA |M| \\ "2 + 2 approximately equals 5 for
(408)756-5737 |S| \\ large values of 2" |C| \\
/ \ \\
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